Tomin in The Alien World



0The two hundred thousand man army commanded by Li Cheng did not care about other things. They only had one goal, and that was Yan City of Feng Country. If he had stayed behind and guarded instead of leading his troops to evacuate the Cong City, it would have been a huge problem for the Main Force of Feng Army who were retreating towards the Cong City.    


Li Cheng led the troops to the Fang City. In the morning of the second day, with Tang Yin as the leader, they arrived at the Cong City.    


After entering the city, when the people saw the scene of the wolf pack up within the city, they were all frightened out of their wits and did not understand what was happening here.    


Very quickly, the veterans who had escaped the calamity and hidden in various parts of the city, upon hearing that their great army had arrived, all came out, and told everything that had happened at the Cong City to the generals of the Feng Army.    


After hearing everything, all of the General of Feng Country were a little confused. Zhen Jun had actually launched a sneak attack on the Cong City. Why was he advancing at a speed that was even faster than his own? Furthermore, since they had already taken over the Cong City, why did they not stay to guard and join forces with the main force of the Chuan Country And Zhen Country to attack them?    


There were too many questions to be answered. Tang Yin, on the other hand, was still able to keep his cool, and kept his cool. He asked the guard of Cong City, "How many people are in the enemy forces? Which direction did you run in? "    


A soldier replied, "The enemy army has around two hundred thousand soldiers. When leaving the city, they are heading towards the north!"    


So many people, heading towards the north ? Tang Yin thought agilely, after some thought, he finally understood what was going on. He looked at the generals and said confidently, "These two hundred thousand soldiers are not here to block our retreat, but to attack the capital."    


When these words were spoken, everyone inhaled deeply. No wonder the other party had only rested at Cong City for six hours before he hurriedly ran off. So it turns out that their target was Yan City.    


Qiu Zhen also felt that Tang Yin's analysis was reasonable, and anxiously said: "Great King, the capital's military might is empty, I am afraid it will be difficult to defend against the two hundred thousand Chastity Army!"    


What he said was the truth. In order to defend against the invasion of the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country, Tang Yin had taken away all of the battle-able troops, and the ones left in the capital city were basically the Feng Country army. In other words, the new recruits who had just entered the army didn't have any systematic training and didn't have any battle experience.    


With such a small amount of manpower and no combat power, wanting to defend against the two hundred thousand soldiers of the Chastity Army that were fighting so ferociously was something that could only be discussed overnight. As for the generals of the army, there were even less of them. The only one worth mentioning was Lei Zhen, who refused to take a step out of the Feng Country even if he died.    


Tang Yin frowned, he was silent, but his mind was working extremely quickly, trying to think of a way to deal with the situation in front of him. It would be impossible to rely on the capital to protect themselves, and it would be even more impossible for their own army to reinforce them. That way, they would attract all the main forces of Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country over and over again.    


Everyone looked at Tang Yin with their own thoughts, but they did not dare to easily speak out loud. Now that this matter was related to the life and death of the capital, as well as the life and death of Feng Country, they could only wait for Tang Yin to make a decision.    


After a long while, Tang Yin looked at Le Tian and Ai Jia, and said: "Immediately send a message to the various counties in the north, organize a local army. No matter what, we have to think of a way to stop the People of Zhen Country. "In addition, inform the cities to prepare their defenses, so as to keep the enemy out of the city!"    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Le Tian and Ai Jia agreed.    


After that, Tang Yin looked at Peng Haochu and said: "Haochu, you will lead Chifeng Army to chase after the enemy. If you can't, go ahead and attack them.    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Peng Haochu interjected and accepted the order.    


Qiu Zhen asked: "Great King, what about us?"    


Tang Yin did not immediately answer and instead asked the guards of Cong City: "How much food is left in the city?"    


The guards looked at each other, then lowered their heads and stammered, "No ?" "There's nothing left, the granary was taken away by the soldiers. The people in the city were robbed as well, and many people died ?"    


"These beasts!" All of the Feng Army's generals were so angry that their faces turned ashen, and their clenched fists made cracking sounds.    


Tang Yin was not surprised. If he was the general of the Chastity Army, what would the Subordinate do? He nodded his head and said: "There is no food for our Cong City. Our army won't be able to hold on for much longer, we still have to retreat!"    


"Great King, are we retreating towards the north?"    


"Retreat east!" Tang Yin said: "The city is empty, we can't lure the main force of Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country towards the city anymore."    


"Your Majesty, you mean ?"    


"Our troops are fighting against the enemy forces in Taian, Shangqing, and Gaoyang counties." Tang Yin said resolutely.    


"But ?" Qiu Zhen said with difficulty: "Our soldiers are too weak."    


Among them, there were still a hundred thousand of them who had no fighting strength and could only be used as cannon fodder. The only one who was truly confident that they could compete with the enemy, who had the power of one hundred thousand Directly Subordinate Army, on the other hand, Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country was more than six hundred thousand, and the difference in strength between the two sides was too great. Even if they were to fight in their own territory, forget about winning, even protecting themselves would not be possible.    


Of course, Tang Yin knew the difference in strength between the two armies, and knew how difficult the battle would be, but he had no other choice, so he could only do it.    


Others could reveal a worried expression, but as the Sovereign King, Tang Yin could not. No matter how unsure he was, he had to show a confident expression. If the soldiers lost their confidence when they were at a disadvantage, there would be no saving them.    


He smiled calmly, and said: "No matter how great the disadvantage is, it's not like we have never experienced it before. Back then, when Zhong Tian rebelled, he sent a million troops to surround and annihilate us, who had just risen. Things are much better now than they were then. At least the counties and counties are still under our control. "    


Qiu Zhen secretly sighed. The King had only said this, and not just that, Zhong Tian's army of a million was in fact just a motley lot. How could they be compared to someone with Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country? But he understood what Tang Yin meant, he was trying to cheer for the generals. Although he did not point it out, his brows were still tightly knitted.    


His support was very important to Tang Yin, so the latter patted Qiu Zhen's shoulder and laughed: "Qiu Zhen, I've said before that if you want to formulate a big plan and lead a big direction, it will depend on you. If you want to fight an enemy, you have to rely on me. I have faith in you, so you have to have confidence in me too! "    


Qiu Zhen was amused by his words. He shook his head and laughed bitterly: "Since the King has already made his decision, I will naturally defend the King's decision with my life!"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded, then looked at the generals and asked: "What do you think, generals?"    


The generals' spirits were roused as they all interfered and saluted. They all said in unison, "This general will be sending orders from the King!"    


After Feng Army arrived at the Cong City, he changed his strategy and gave up on retreating to the north. Instead, he headed towards the east instead.    


Ren Fang and Nie Ze were naturally closely pursuing their Main Force of Feng Army, their goals were very clear as well. Even if they wanted to completely annihilate their Main Force of Feng Army and capture and kill Tang Yin, if he did not die, their Feng Country would not truly perish either.    


They first had to pass through the Gaochuan County s to head to the eastern side. This was the place where Zhong Tian and the Zhan Clan were initially buried, but now that they had reached this place, everyone was filled with curiosity.    


In regards to Feng Army, the reason why he was here back then was to chase and kill the enemy, and now, he was being chased by the enemy instead.    


As for the people from Peace Faction, with Zuo Shuang leading the way, their emotions became even more complicated. Back then, and Zhan Wudi led the remnants of the Ning Army in a desperate battle with Feng Army, and unfortunately, they had all died. But now, their side had become a part of the Feng Army, and wanted to fight shoulder to shoulder with their former enemies to defend against Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country.    


The Gaochuan County s were mostly in the mountains, so it wasn't easy to travel, so the speed of the Feng Army s also started to slow down.    


On the way, Qiu Zhen said to Tang Yin: "Great King, Gaochuan County and mountains are everywhere, and forests are everywhere. How about our army fight with the enemy here?"    


Tang Yin had thought of the same thing, but he couldn't think of a suitable strategy either. The general of the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country, Ren Fang, was an extremely good at using troops, and had great foresight. In a direct confrontation of their own strength, it was impossible for them to set up a trap to lure the enemy in. He pondered for a long time, then asked: "Can our army borrow the risk of Pan River to have a water battle with the other party?"    


He clearly remembered that the last time he led an army to defeat Pan River was also very difficult.    


Before Qiu Zhen could say anything, Fan Shan, who was at the side, shook his head and anxiously said: "Your majesty, it is not appropriate! The Chastity Army was not good at water battles, but the Chuan Army was not. The Chuan Country lies in the southeast region. There are many rivers and rivers in the territory, and it also faces the sea.    


Fan Shan was only a counselor with the army at the moment, and he hadn't been in the army for long, so Tang Yin couldn't even call out his name, but they were still related. Fan Shan was a distant relative of Fan Min, one of Lady Tang Yin's, and could be considered Fan Min's relative. If not for that, with his experience, he would not have sat down at the post of an attache as soon as he joined the army. At the very most, he would have been a normal soldier.    


Although Fan Shan relied on his relationship to become an advisor to the army, he was truly talented. He was proficient in military strategies, had a nimble mind, and was good at scheming.    


Tang Yin did not understand Fan Shan, he had never seen this person before, and did not know that he was Fan Min's distant relative. After listening to Fan Shan's words, he sighed, it seemed that water battles were not a good idea.    


He muttered: "If that's the case, then our army can only give up our Gaochuan County."    



At this time, Zuo Shuang walked over to Tang Yin, interposed himself and bowed, and said: "Great King, I wish to make a trip to Zhangyu."    


Zhangyu were the prefectures of the Gaochuan County. If the Feng Army merely wanted to pass through the Gaochuan County, then it would not pass by them. Tang Yin did not understand, and asked: "Zuo Shuang, why are you going to the Zhangyu?"    


"This lowly general wishes to pay his respects to the two generals, Wushuang and Unparalleled!"    


As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of everyone present changed.    


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