Tomin in The Alien World



0The mountain road was narrow, and Shangguan Yuan gave way to block the way. It was difficult for the cavalry soldiers to pass by him smoothly. Usually, the war horses would pass by, but the riders would be chopped off by his triple-edged two-bladed sabre.    


This was in line with the words' a horse cannot be ridden, but a horse cannot be ridden '.    


With Shangguan Yuan blocking their way, the pressure on the Feng Army behind the vehicles greatly decreased. Instead, they had nothing to do and could only stare with wide eyes as Shangguan Yuan let them hack crazily at the enemies in front of them.    


The tens of thousands of cavalrymen were all blocked by Shangguan Yuan alone. Although the narrow mountain road was one reason, his martial prowess was unimaginably high.    


Cao Hou and Li Jun had originally planned to use the attack power of the cavalry to break through the Feng Army, but after seeing that no one could compete with Shangguan Yuan, both of them felt a chill in their hearts. Cao Hou could not help but ask the people around him: "Who is the enemy general? How can he be so powerful? "    


He had never seen Shangguan Yuan, nor had anyone else. On the other hand, Li Jun suddenly sucked in a cold breath and said in shock: "This person used a triple-edged two-edged blade, and his cultivation is unfathomable. His skill is tyrannical, so he shouldn't be the number one expert in Feng Country giving up Shangguan Yuan, right?"    


When he said that, the surrounding people's faces changed, including Cao Hou's. Feng Country had always been a martial artist, and for one to obtain the title of the number one general in Feng Country, one could imagine how strong their opponent's martial power was.    


Cao Hou was shocked at first, but then he was delighted. Although Shangguan Yuan gave him a terrifying reputation, but wasn't this a good opportunity for him to show off? If he could chop off Shangguan Yuan's head, not only would he be able to make a name for himself, he would even be able to stand straight in front of the Chastity and Chastity Kingdoms with his entire Huan Country. He would also be respected by the other kingdoms.    


His eyes rolled around, and he immediately called for a messenger soldier, telling him to quickly return to his infantry unit and order his troops to march at full speed. He then ordered his cavalry to stop charging forward like a swarm of bees, and use this tactic that was similar to a battle of attrition to kill Shangguan Yuan. At the same time, he also prevented the enemy's Soul Martial Skill from unleashing the greatest amount of damage, and at most, he could only kill his own cavalry.    


The mountain road was narrow, and was unable to encircle Shangguan Yuan. Using a small team of cavalry to fight him would reduce the enemy's spirit energy, and would also be able to exhaust the enemy's strength to the maximum.    


Huan Army changed tactics, and no longer blindly charged forward. Instead, he changed to ten-horse squadron, and started a series of revolving battles.    


If the opponents charged at him like a swarm of bees, he could release a skill and kill a large number of enemies. However, with ten enemies, if he released another skill, it would be a waste of spiritual energy, and if he chopped down the enemies one by one, it would consume too much physical strength. In that moment, Shangguan Yuan couldn't think of a better way to deal with them, but he didn't have much time to think on the battlefield, so he could only bite the bullet and fight the enemies head-on.    


The ten Huan Cavalry soldiers were not even able to withstand a single blow from Shangguan Yuan. When he swung his sabre, even if his opponent used a weapon to block, how could an ordinary weapon block an extremely sharp Spirit Weapon? Three sharp and two sharp blades easily cut both the opponent and his weapon into two.    


However, the opposing side had too many people. After the death of a small squad, they immediately replaced another small squad, appearing as though they were endless, slashing and slaughtering to the bone.    


The battle continued, with more and more of the cavalry soldiers dying. Shangguan Yuan was also gradually gasping for breath, sweat beading from his forehead and temples.    


Just as he was in a dilemma, he suddenly heard a loud shout from behind him, "Get General Yuan to retreat!"    


He released three Spirit Wave s in a row and dismounted all the enemy riders in front of him. Without waiting for the next team of riders to rush over, he had already turned his horse around and ran back into his formation. After jumping over the vehicles, he said to the soldiers behind him: "Release the arrows to suppress the enemy troops!"    


All the Feng Soldier s hurriedly raised up the arrows that they had not released for a long time, and aimed at the direction of the enemy, shooting out chaotically. At this time, an Earth Web scout ran over to Shangguan Yuan and said urgently: "Chief General, according to the news just now, the large group of people from Huan Army are less than two miles away, their manpower is close to a hundred thousand!"    


Shangguan Yuan was stunned for a moment, then the corners of his mouth curled up as he let out a long sigh of relief. He had not violated his mission, and had finally drawn out the enemy's main force. He did not hesitate as he immediately passed down orders, pulling out all the torches he brought along with him and pulling them out. The last team was led by Sky Eye and Earth Web scouts, and they all moved towards the direction of Death Valley that was planned beforehand.    


Not all of Feng Army's troops retreated, Shangguan Yuan had left behind the five hundred Death Soldier s and personally led these five hundred people to resist the Huan Army, trying to delay the enemy as much as possible to create time for their own forces to retreat.    


When the Feng Army was withdrawn, Cao Hou and the others who were at the opposite side could see it too. They couldn't see the Feng Army clearly, so they might be able to see that the Feng Army's torch was moving backwards.    


As if someone stepped on his tail, Lee Hao shouted, "General Cao, the enemy forces have withdrawn!"    


Do you think I'm blind and blind? Cao Hou rolled his eyes at Li Jin and asked the deputy general beside him: "Why is the main force not here yet?"    


"General, our main force is less than two kilometers away from here. We're almost there!"    


"Yes!" Cao Hou nodded his head, waved his hand and said: "Pass down the order, all troops to rush, flatten the troops behind Feng Army Palace, no matter what, we have to catch up to the main forces of the enemy, and delay them!"    


"Yes!" "General!"    


Cao Hou changed his strategy once again, changing from attacking with his small team to attacking with his entire army.    


Countless of Shadow Cavalry came out one after another, urging their horses to charge straight forward.    


At this time, Shangguan Yuan stopped fighting and hid behind the carriage with the five hundred Feng Soldier. Borrowing the obstruction of the vehicles, he started fighting the incoming enemy.    


With a single charge, Huan Cavalry Soldiers passed through the scattered arrows released by Feng Army and arrived in front of the carriage.    


Shangguan Yuan raised his hand and slashed out. The Spirit Wave shot down from below, right into the horse's abdomen, and with a kacha sound, the war horse and its rider were all sliced in half by the Spirit Wave. Blood filled the air and splattered onto the heads of the Feng Soldier below.    


This was just the beginning. More and more Huan Cavalry soldiers rushed forward and jumped over the vehicles. No matter how powerful Shangguan Yuan was, even if he could chop down one or two riders, he could not cut down more than a thousand riders. Not long after, the Huan Cavalry broke through the carriage and began to engage Feng Army in close quarters combat.    


The cavalry advantage was too great for the infantry, Shangguan Yuan dared not fight too hard, and immediately ordered Feng Army below to retreat to the second row of vehicles.    


However, the battle had not even lasted for an incense's time, and the second row of vehicles had been broken through by the enemy cavalry, so Shangguan Yuan had no choice but to retreat.    


Gradually, Shangguan Yuan let them know that the enemy troops were not just limited to cavalry, and that a large number of infantry soldiers had begun to infiltrate in recently. He knew that it was likely the main force of the Huan Army had arrived.    


He did not dare to delay any longer. The infantry were much more nimble than the cavalry, they ignored the obstructions of the vehicles, and once the main force of Huan Army attacked, let alone the brothers below, it would be hard for him to charge out.    


He made a prompt decision, and sprinted towards the loop with the remaining two hundred over Feng Army.    


Shangguan Yuan let his men run away, leaving behind many vehicles on the ground. Cao Hou ordered his subordinates to chase after their enemies while at the same time making them receive all kinds of supplies abandoned by the Feng Army.    


There were too many vehicles left behind by Feng Army, there were more than a thousand of them, and none of them were empty. They were all equipped with either food or armor, weapons, tents and so on.    


nodded as he watched, his face revealing a pleased smile. It was true that a proud soldier would definitely lose, and in just this battle, their side had almost seized all of the army's supplies. Even if Main Force of Feng Army ran, they would have retreated back to Feng Country because of lack of rations and supplies, not to mention, the enemy's main forces might not even be able to escape!    


He had initially recommended to Xu Qing that he should leave fifty thousand soldiers to defend the entire army, but in the end, the army was completely wiped out. This time, he had proposed to take the initiative and fight against the enemy, but his Feng Army was not even able to withstand a single blow.    


The Feng Army was destroyed in one strike, and the news of their own side seizing countless resources of the Feng Army was quickly transmitted to Xu Qing as well. At the beginning, Xu Qing still found it a little hard to believe, but after he brought the fifty thousand plus Huan Army with him and saw the over a thousand cars that were abandoned by the Feng Army, his ice-cold face finally revealed a smile.    


This time, his Feng Army had finally lost. If his Feng Army hadn't been defeated, he would have been embarrassed to return to his country to see the King. Xu Qing was excited and excited at the same time. He ordered his subordinates to advance forward at full speed.    


This time, one hundred and fifty thousand people used all their strength to chase after the Feng Army.    


He did not dare to run too quickly to reunite with his retreating brothers. After all, they only had five thousand people on their side, and once the enemy approached, it was easy for him to see the flaw. He had to open up a distance so that the enemy could always see the tail of their own troops before they could successfully attract the enemy over.    


His strategy was not wrong, it was just that after suffering a little more than two hundred Feng Army s together with him, they were faced with the pursuit of enemy cavalry, many of them were caught up by the enemies while running, pierced in the vital points, and fell to the ground. They did not even have the chance to get up to continue fighting, and were instantly stomped into meat paste by the horsemen swarming towards them.    


Shangguan Yuan had his horse reined in from time to time, turning back to engage in a fierce battle with the pursuing cavalry. In this critical moment, he continuously used his Spiritual Martial Skills, killing and repelling the pursuing cavalrymen one after another.    


The more they ran, the fewer people Shangguan Yuan had around him. In the end, there were only about ten people left in the two hundred over Feng Army, and they were all tired and sweating, panting heavily.    


Taking advantage of the time it took to once again push back Huan Cavalry, Shangguan Yuan looked around at the people around him and asked, "Which one of you doesn't have brothers and sisters?"    


More than ten Feng Army s looked at each other, but no one replied.    


Shangguan Yuan asked again, "Who doesn't have a wife and children?"    



This time, an eighteen or nineteen year old Feng Soldier raised her hand shakily.    


Shangguan Yuan got off the horse and passed the reins of the war horse to him. He said, "You can leave first. The other brothers, stay here and resist the enemy!"    


The young soldier jumped in fright. He did not dare to pick up the reins and hurriedly said, "General, this lowly one ?" "How can I ride on your horse ?"    


"War horses are useless to me. You can ride as much as you want. Stop wasting time!" Shangguan Yuan forced the reins into his hands, then waved his arm, signaling him to run.    


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