Tomin in The Alien World



0Shangguan Yuan's words were true as well. With his Soul Martial Arts, it would be the same no matter what he did. If he really needed it, he could snatch the horse of the Huan Cavalry.    


However, as the Chief General of a country, being able to give her horse to an ordinary soldier on the battlefield was not something that everyone could do. As for Shangguan Yuan, in his heart, he had no status or status, even if it was the soldiers below, he would still treat them as his brothers.    


The young soldier still wanted to refuse, but Shangguan Yuan grabbed him by his armor and threw him onto the horse's back. Then he raised his hand and slapped the horse on the butt. The warhorse screamed in pain and ran forward.    


Shangguan Yuan looked around for a moment, then turned around. At this time, the Huan Cavalry Soldiers had arrived again, he stood at his original spot, and said to the dozen Feng Soldier s on his left and right, "Escape quickly!"    


"General, this lowly one will stay behind to accompany you ?"    


"Obstructing!" Shangguan Yuan looked at the cavalrymen in front of him and replied simply. At the same time, he extended his three blades and two blades.    


The dozen or so Feng Soldier looked at each other, hesitated for a while, and in the end, still retreated together.    


In the blink of an eye, the Huan Cavalry charged forward, Shangguan Yuan could already hear their panting.    


"Kill ?"    


A spear pointed down from above, thrusting straight towards Shangguan Yuanyu's face. The latter tilted her head slightly, easily dodging the spear, following that, the extended Spiritual Knife was sent flying from the bottom to the top. "Puchi!" This strike landed squarely on the neck of the warhorse, and its huge head bounced off into the air. The rider on the horse threw himself forward along with the corpse of the horse.    


Shangguan Yuan didn't even dodge as he raised his fist and punched out viciously. Ka-cha! * His fist landed squarely on the head of the rider that was pouncing towards him. Under the force of his fist, the head of the rider shattered, and fresh blood and brain matter splashed onto the spirit armor on his body. After that, more cavalrymen rushed forward. Shangguan Yuan made way with his sabre and released a cross slash. More than twenty cavalrymen were minced into meat along with their horses.    


Before he could even catch his breath, the horsemen on both sides had already arrived. Shangguan Yuan swept his sword out to the left, slashing two riders, but the rider on the right had already thrusted his spear straight into the back of the rider's waist, Shangguan Yuan twisted his body, so that before the other side could retract his spear, he moved like lightning, grabbing the pike one by one and pushing it back towards Shangguan Yuan. The other side cried out in shock and fell head first onto the ground, falling right in front of Shangguan Yuan's feet, the latter without even thinking, lifting his leg and kicking on the lower part of his body, sliding on the ground like a rubber ball, until he crashed into the legs of the two war horses, causing him to lose his balance.    


This was just the beginning. When fighting with fewer enemies, Shangguan Yuan's entire body was filled with deadly weapons. His cultivation was deep, his spirit armor was hard, even a normal punch or kick would be enough to break the bones of his enemies.    


While he was retreating, his legs were not faster than the four hooves of the warhorse. Before long, a large number of cavalry surrounded Shangguan Yuan, while the cavaliers circled around Shangguan Yuan continuously. From time to time, they would ride a horse and launch a fatal attack on him.    


Before he could break through the encirclement, there was suddenly a wave of chaos behind the enemy lines. It turned out that the Feng Soldier s who had retreated earlier had returned again, and with the sudden attack from behind, they cut down more than a dozen of their mounts.    


"General, quickly break out from here!"    


Shangguan Yuan let his brothers who couldn't see his side fight back, but when he heard their shouts, he frowned secretly. Didn't he let them escape first? Why did he come back? Wasn't he courting death? While complaining in his heart, Shangguan Yuan suddenly increased his strength, slashing and stabbing with his three blades and two blades, launching seven to eight moves in one go.    


The saber did not miss. Every strike he made would always cause the opponent to let out a blood-curdling screech. The originally airtight encirclement immediately revealed a gap under Shangguan Yuan's continuous attacks. He jumped out and gathered with his brothers. Looking at the dozen brothers covered in blood, he questioned, "Why did you guys come back?"    


"The General wants us to run first. Isn't this taunting me? Since we have joined the army and have long put our lives on the line, how can we possibly flee on the battlefield? "    


Shangguan Yuan wanted to continue speaking, but the cavalry leader charged forward again. Taking a deep breath, he gave a loud bellow and released the [Confusion]. His mental disorder could only be described as terrifying. The Spirit Blade s that filled the sky covered the sky and blotted out the sun, and if one were to be within them, they would only feel the sky darken and the earth darken.    


After the Tempest of Spirit, at least a hundred riders and horses were killed on the spot. The number of injured were innumerable. The instantaneous burst of destructive power was so great that the other ten or so Feng Soldier s were all dumbstruck. After a while, people reacted. A soldier stepped forward and grabbed Shangguan Yuan's arm, screaming, "General, leave quickly, don't fight anymore!"    


They did not know how to use the Spiritual Force, but they knew that releasing this type of killing technique would consume the most spiritual energy. Shangguan Yuan might be powerful, but there would be a time when he would be exhausted. How many nails could he crush if his body was covered with iron?    


Shangguan Yuan was pushed aside by dozens of Feng Army, and they all took up a stance, wanting to block the enemy's cavalry.    


Looking at these brothers who were already exhausted and riddled with scars, Shangguan Yuan sighed in his heart. The warriors of Feng Army were all almost all made out of the same mold. They were all tough and unyielding, even if it meant using their own flesh and blood to fight against the enemy's might, they would at least create a chance for their comrades to survive.    


At the same time, who knew how many rounds of Charge Huan Army they had already launched, the sea of cavalry soldiers let out deafening roars as they galloped, more than a dozen of them charged forward instead of retreating, roaring at each other as they welcomed the enemy cavalry. Shangguan Yuan clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and rushed forward.    


He could not save all his brothers. At least, he could let them see that he was fighting alongside them before he died, and that was the greatest respect he could show to his brothers who were looking at death with contempt.    


The dozen or so people were instantly submerged within the sea of cavalry. However, the sounds of battle in the crowd did not stop and grew increasingly intense.    


After an unknown period of time, the sounds of fighting and tearing gradually shifted outwards from the center of the crowd. All of a sudden, a crescent-shaped Spirit Wave shot out from the crowd. Following that, the surrounding few cavalrymen also froze, and then, their waists and body broke apart in unison. The wounds were so smooth that it seemed like a laser had just cut through their bodies.    


At the same time as the corpse landed on the ground, a rider rushed out from the crowd. The rider on the horse was a red blood man, the original color of his armor was long gone, his entire body was covered with blood, and even the whites of his eyes had turned scarlet. This person was none other than Shangguan Yuan, who had broken free from the encirclement of enemies.    


Although there were many enemies, cavalry mixed with infantry, Shangguan Yuan was able to come and go as he pleased.    


Shangguan Yuan had completely tied down tens of thousands of Huan Army with his own strength, preventing his Huan Army from using all of its power to chase down the Feng Army. As he fought, he retreated. When his warhorse died, he took away the enemy's warhorse. When he had killed to the end, he could not remember how many enemy soldiers he had killed.    


He himself did not know how many Huan Army he had killed, but there were statistics on Cao Hou's side. Out of the original ten thousand cavalrymen, only four thousand were still able to fight, while the remaining six thousand were all injured and no longer able to participate in the battle.    


Cao Hou had left a deep impression on Shangguan Yuan's bravery in this massacre. He felt that the other party was not someone that a human being could contend with, and was terrifyingly powerful.    


He recalled the cavalry in front of him, no longer allowing the precious cavalry to die for nothing, but instead turning to infantry and pursuing the enemy.    


Monks couldn't run away anyway, as long as they could catch up with Feng Army's main force, they would still be the victors.    


As the knights from the Huan Army retreated to pursue and kill, Shangguan Yuan's pressure lessened. He could now easily deal with the enemy foot soldiers on horseback.    


Actually, Shangguan Yuan had also reached the end of his strength from the intense battle. Not only did he use up a lot of energy, even the Spiritual Qi in his body was almost depleted. If the Huan Army riders did not retreat, even Shangguan Yuan did not know how many more rounds he could withstand his opponent's charge.    


Fortunately, this difficult tug of war had been temporarily relieved by the retreat of the Huan Army, giving Shangguan Yuan a rare chance to catch his breath.    


He sat on the horse, breathing deeply as he ran, as if all the oxygen in his body had evaporated. The wheezing sound was like a bellows being pulled.    


Without the pressure from the cavalry, Shangguan Yuan let them rest for a while, fight for a while, and run again. Just like that, they walked and stopped, running more than twenty miles.    


At this point, he was already not far from the Death Valley. Dawn had just broken, and the sky was already turning white.    


This Death Valley was considered to be very hidden. It wasn't that the foot of the earth was remote and hard to find, but the Valley Opening was especially spacious. If one were to look at it from the outside, no one would be able to see that there was a road of death inside.    


Four thousand over Feng Army ran into the Death Valley first. Since Shangguan Yuan hadn't arrived yet, no one followed the ropes in the valley to escape immediately. They gathered at the Valley Opening to wait for him.    


Very soon, Shangguan Yuan arrived as well. With the dim light in the sky and the fire from the torches, people could only see a bloody figure. How could they still tell who he was?    


One Captain took a few steps forward and asked, "The people who are coming are ?" Chief General? "    


"It's me!" Shangguan Yuan replied weakly.    


The crowd could not recognize his appearance, but they could recognize his voice and they all heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing his reply. Looking up at the empty space behind Shangguan Yuanyu, not a single brother of his could be seen. Everyone's hearts were filled with sorrow as they all lowered their heads. There was no need to ask, all of the five hundred brothers with Chief General had definitely died on the battlefield.    


"Why haven't you entered the valley yet? "Hurry up and enter, the enemy main force will be arriving soon!" Shangguan Yuan said with a deep voice.    


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