Tomin in The Alien World



0Zuo Shuang's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Wei Xuan, unable to say a word.    


Wei Xuan smiled indifferently and said, "General, I have no other intentions. I just feel that since the King values the General, the General should not disappoint the King."    


"Oh!" Brother Wei's words are reasonable. " Zuo Shuang nodded.    


Wei Xuan could only finish his words here. He would let the King know that he would be blamed if he continued to speak further, and he chatted with Zuo Shuang for a while longer in the big tent before leaving.    


After sending Wei Xuan off, Zuo Shuang heaved a sigh of relief, but he wasn't sure if he should follow the words of the Emperor.    


After some thought, he gathered all his trusted aides to discuss with them whether they should follow the Son of Heaven's orders to start a rebellion.    


When the few generals who were closest to Zuo Shuang were gathered, he took out the secret edict and passed it to them.    


After people saw it, they all gasped, looking at each other, and then at Zuo Shuang.    


"Fellow brothers, this secret edict is related to the life and death of the entire army. I have to be careful, and I don't dare to make personal decisions!" Zuo Shuang looked at the crowd, sighed, and asked: "I wonder what everyone's intentions are? Is the word of the Son of Heaven to be obeyed or not? "    


These generals came from the Ning people, and had known Zuo Shuang for a long time.    


One of the generals said, "General, although the Feng King has destroyed her Ning Country, he has not massacred the People of Ning Country, nor has she exalted Supreme Wind, who is humble, and has treated us equally. We have been exposed to the kindness of the Feng King, so how can we repay the kindness with enmity?"    


Just as his voice fell, another general stood up excitedly and said in a deep voice: "The reason why Tang Yin is using us so heavily is because he wants us to control the one hundred and fifty thousand Central Army s under our command and wants us to defend him against the alliance of the four nations. Since the Son of Heaven has orders, as his subjects, we cannot disobey!"    


"That's right!" We have already betrayed our Ning Country, we cannot betray the Son of Heaven anymore! "    


"Was the Son of Heaven right in all his decisions? He was the one who gave the order to suppress us at Ning Country back then, but now he's the one who wants to reverse our Ning Country.    




All the generals could say whatever they wanted to say. Some felt that since the wind had already blown out, they should be loyal to Tang Yin. Some felt that Tang Yin was just being hypocritical and should follow the orders of the Son of Heaven to rebel against him. There were also some that felt that it was better for Tang Yin and the Son of Heaven to maintain their current situation.    


The reason why Zuo Shuang called them over was to discuss a conclusion with them, but after hearing what they said, his heart became even more chaotic.    


Listening to the discussions among the crowd, he sat there bowing with his head lowered. His brows were deeply creased and his expression kept changing.    


Sensing that Zuo Shuang was unusually quiet, some generals shook their hands and said, "Everyone, stop fighting. Let us hear what general has to say first."    


These words worked, the chaotic Central Army Tent instantly became quiet, there was no sound at all, the people all stared wide-eyed, staring straight at Zuo Shuang.    


What was he planning? Zuo Shuang laughed bitterly to himself, if he had any plans, he would not look for them.    


He slowly raised his head, his gaze sweeping across everyone one by one. Then, he said faintly: "Brothers, please do not talk about whether we should rebel against the Feng King, and whether we should listen to the orders of the Son of Heaven. First, we should think about what we should do if we rebel and truly kill the Feng King.    


With just one sentence, it stunned everyone. That's right, he had killed Tang Yin, where would he go?    


When the two of them commanded the four hundred thousand strong army back then, they were trapped in Feng Country to death. Now, they only have one hundred and fifty thousand people, and the Feng Army had attracted a lot of people to come to kill them. Where are they going to escape to?    


Those Generals s who were originally still insisting on following the Son of Heaven's orders bit their lips and slowly lowered their heads. Generals who did not agree with the Son of Heaven's orders nodded their heads at the same time and said: "That's right, we are currently at the Feng Country in the west, Ba Pass in the south, Savage Country in the north, and a path of death in the east. Even if we succeed, we will still die, and at that time, will the Son of Heaven, who will not be able to protect himself, be able to?"    


Their words were precisely the worry in Zuo Shuang's heart. Right now, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that being a rebel under an edict was simply too risky, and was completely taking the lives of the army and soldiers as a joke.    


Zuo Shuang clenched his fists and steeled his heart. He picked up the imperial edict and after pondering for a moment, he suddenly stood up and walked in front of the candlestick, and placed the imperial edict on top of it.    


"General ?"    


When the generals saw this, all of them were shocked and all of them exclaimed at the same time.    


Zuo Shuang did not budge an inch and allowed Candle to ignite the edict. He then turned around and said to the crowd: "It's not that we're deliberately disobeying the emperor's orders, but we have no other choice. With a hundred and fifty thousand brothers following us into the Feng Country, we have the responsibility to bring the rest of you back safely. All of you brothers will treat today's matter as though it has never happened. You will also take it that you have never seen the Son of Heaven's secret edict, and will never bring it up again.    


Everyone looked at each other, bowed in unison, and replied, "Yes! General, this lowly general understands! "    


Due to various concerns, Zuo Shuang directly burned the Son of Heaven's secret edict, and did not follow the order. He also did not send Meng Luo any reply, and only treated everything as if it had never happened.    


He thought that other than a few close friends, no one knew what he was doing, but how could he have expected that every single move of his was within Tang Yin's grasp? It was also because he was too worried and did not take the judgement that he was lucky enough to escape calamity, and did not die under the Hidden Arrow Crew's assassination attempt.    


Furthermore, it was because of this matter that Zuo Shuang had unknowingly won over Tang Yin's great trust. Xijing Army was able to thrive and survive within the Feng Army, but this seemingly insignificant little interlude had played a crucial role.    


In the future, Tang Yin would treat the Ning people as equals, and take the Ning people as important positions on a large scale. The matter this time was also one of the factors that changed his mind, allowing him to create a person he could trust subconsciously, and also be extremely loyal to him.    


Of course, the reason why Zuo Shuang had not accepted the decree at this time, was not because of his loyalty to Tang Yin, but because of his responsibility and pity towards the entire army.    


No matter what, the matter of Wang Yi and Meng Luo instigating the had no end. The great change that was about to happen finally ended, and under the calm surface, it seemed as if nothing had really happened.    


Tang Yin did not probe deeper into this matter, and even if he did not question or question Zuo Shuang, nor did he question Wang Yi, but this did not mean that Tang Yin had forgotten about this matter. Right now, he had to fully handle the four nation's invasion by the alliance, and he did not have time to retaliate against the imperial government.    


Wang Yi, Meng Luo and Yin Zhun were all disappointed, but what happened next was the lingering fear that swept over, they could not help but guess if Zuo Shuang had already exposed this matter to Tang Yin, what methods did he use to take revenge on them if Tang Yin knew about it?    


In the following few days, the three of them did not have a good night's sleep. Even Yin Zhun would often wake up from his nightmares in the middle of the night.    


They were nervous, worried and terrified, but Tang Yin remained calm and acted as if nothing had happened. He had a calm attitude, as if he did not know everything, and slowly, Yin Zhun, Meng Luo, and Wang Yi all believed that although Zuo Shuang did not follow orders, he did not tell Tang Yin about what had happened.    


Tang Yin stayed at the Yan City for a few more days, then, he sent a message back with his Ba Pass that the armies of An and Huan had already entered the Mo Country one after the other. Looking at the route they took, neither the Ann Army nor the Huan Army headed towards the Ba Pass, but rather the both of them headed towards the Ning Country.    


In the written message, Xiao Muqing and Liang Qi requested that they should volunteer to take the initiative and fight, in order to defeat the An and Huan armies before they enter the Ning Country.    


After reading the message, Tang Yin carefully thought it over and understood Xiao Muqing and his intentions.    


Both An and Huan's armies had yet to use their Ba Pass. It was obvious that they knew that their side already had an army defending their Ba Pass, and both sides wanted to avoid its edge. Taking the Ning Country was the best choice.    


However, the detours of the two nations caused great trouble for the Feng Country. The Feng Army left in the eight counties of Ning Bei Ning only had the Heavenly Eagle Army of a hundred thousand people, and when the armies of the two countries passed by, who knew if they would suddenly attack the Liangzhou on a whim, because once a war broke out, it would be difficult to defend against it with the strength of the Heavenly Eagle Army. In addition to the rebellion of the two kingdoms, the situation would be in a precarious situation.    


The best way was to eliminate all of them before the two armies even enter the Ning Country, and retreat quickly like this. This was the main reason why Xiao Muqing and Liang Qi requested for a battle.    


Tang Yin thought that Xiao Muqing and Liang Qi's participation in the battle was reasonable, and when he replied, and the other three generals, Zhan Hu and Yang Mao, would go up to battle with Liang Qi, and Shangguan Yuan, Ye Tang and Gao Yu would fight with the rest.    


After returning to the book, Tang Yin dealt with the matter of the Yan City urgently. The next day, he prepared to set off south toward the Ba Pass.    


Since Feng King Tang Yin was going to personally go out to battle, he would naturally not leave without a sound. The citizens of Yan City, as well as the ministers of the Feng Country and imperial government all came out to send them off. This time, did not need to be scolded.    


Yin Zhun rarely passionately pulled Tang Yin by his side and walked outside of the city, asking him questions along the way. In addition, he repeatedly warned him that he would be cautious in everything, that he shouldn't be careless, and so on.    



Ten kilometers away from the city, Tang Yin stopped Yin Zhun and invited him to return to the city.    


Yin Zhun looked at Tang Yin reluctantly and waved his hands behind him. A maid walked over with a tray with a wine jug and two cups. Yin Zhun personally poured wine and picked up one cup himself. He passed the other cup to Tang Yin and said: "We wish My beloved deputy a smooth sailing and defeating this strong enemy, and return victorious!"    


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