Tomin in The Alien World



0Jin Zhuo replied, "With General Wu Rui protecting the camp, there's no mistake!"    


Ren Fang nodded, and did not ask anymore, continuing to walk forward.    


In front of them, Nie Ze had already given the order for the entire army to attack. The Chuan Country And Zhen Country s formed two large formations, pushing forward from the left and right. Without any probing attacks, Nie Ze immediately used all of his main forces. With four hundred thousand Chuan Army and four hundred thousand Chastity Army soldiers pressing on the front.    


The enemy's forces were too great. They stood on top of the city and watched the battle from the outside. The two large square formations formed by countless small arrays were like two gigantic carpet that could be moved on both sides of the city. They covered the sky and covered the earth, with no borders and only the head of the formation could be seen.    


As they advanced, the orderly footsteps of the people seemed to resonate, and the sound of rumbling could be heard incessantly, causing the ground to tremble.    


The Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country was advancing in an orderly manner, and they were also preparing for battle.    


All the soldiers outside the city returned, and at the same time, closed the city gates. Then, the Feng Soldier took out hundreds of wooden stakes and pressed them against the two large bronze doors. The wind-borne soldiers on top of the city began to retreat to the outskirts of the city. On top of the city, the soldiers stood with their bows drawn and arrows nocked, pointing directly at the outside of the city.    


The Ning people didn't have much use for melee combat, but their archery skills were top-notch. It was most suitable for them to shoot their arrows out of the city. Right now, most of the people who swarmed up to the top of the city walls were Xijing Army, so Commander Zuo Shuang was constantly walking and patrolling the city walls, while shouting out to the surrounding soldiers, "Brothers, do not be afraid, although the enemy army is large, it is not enough to scare them, today we will let them have a taste of our might ?"    


"Prepare the arrows. When the enemy arrives, use the regiment as a unit to fire the arrows."    


"Shieldbearers, prepare your defenses and stand at the top of the city, blocking the enemy's barrage of arrows ?"    


Zuo Shuang was born a soldier at the basic level, so he understood the soldiers' mentality the most. He would not hide in a safe place to be the remote control commander, instead, he would stay with the soldiers and let the soldiers under him see that their commander was fighting alongside them. This way, it would minimize people's fear, and also increase their morale the most.    


Tang Yin and the rest were inside the City Gate Tower.    


In this place, there was no need to worry about being attacked by the enemy. Even if the enemy stood under the wall and released arrows, by the time the arrows reached the City Gate Tower, their power would have been greatly reduced and they would not be able to harm anyone.    


Tang Yin supported himself on the wall, and at the same time, observed the situation of the enemy troops outside, while occasionally lowering his head to check the arrangement of their defenses. He admired Zuo Shuang's commanding style, although a commander of a troop could not easily get into danger, he could not be afraid of death.    


Nan Ye stood beside Tang Yin, his forehead already breaking out in cold sweat, and said softly: "Great King, the enemy army seems to be starting a war." He was, after all, a newcomer and had never seen such a large scene before. If one were to say that he was not nervous, it would be impossible.    


Tang Yin tilted his head and looked at him, then laughed and asked: "Are you afraid?"    


Nan Ye's face turned serious, and said: "I am not afraid."    


Tang Yin laughed: "Facing so many enemies, I'm afraid it's normal, I wouldn't be scared!"    


With his words, Nan Ye's old face turned red, and he did not know what to say. Tang Yin turned his head and asked: "Le Tian, Ai Jia?"    


"This lowly general is here!" Le Tian and Ai Jia walked out from the crowd and interfered as they bowed.    


Tang Yin asked: "Have you sent out all of your messages to Muqing and Liang Qi?"    


"Yes, my lord."    


"Alright." Tang Yin had sent a letter to Pingyuan Army to let the two armies work together. He did not specify a time when the two armies must attack the enemy camp, he only wanted the two armies to act according to the circumstances.    


Xiao Muqing and Liang Qi were both generals who had gone through hundreds of battles. Their analysis of the situation on the battlefield was unique, they knew when to attack with all their might and when to harass the enemy from the shadows.    


When they were about two miles away from the Ba Pass, the advancement of the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country suddenly stopped, and then, people began to set up their heavy Trebuchet. This time, the Chuan Country attack was also going all out, mobilizing close to a thousand or so heavy Trebuchet. At the moment, there were five hundred in total, and as far as the eye could see, both rows of Trebuchet were very far apart.    


At the time they attacked Shang Jing, Nie Ze had seen the might of the heavy Trebuchet, and now he was full of confidence as he calmly gave the order. The second Chuan Country And Zhen Country Army would send out ten divisions each, and as the first division to attack the city, both armies would send out five divisions to attack the city while the other five would line up and shoot arrows.    


It was impossible for eight hundred thousand Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country s to all be thrown into the siege all of a sudden. The attacking troops were too numerous and would easily cause chaos, moreover, many people would not be able to resist in the front, which was a waste of manpower. The attacks of the batches could maximize the advantage of the troops. If the attacks of the first batch were weaker, the second batch could be replaced to keep the siege forces in peak condition and not give the enemy any breathing space.    


Under Nie Ze's orders, the battle array of two hundred thousand Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country cultivators separated from the main battle formation and charged towards the Ba Pass in front of them.    


The moment the attacking forces moved, Nie Ze immediately gave the order, causing the Trebuchet to shoot out and attack the defensive force of the Ba Pass.    


At the command of the chief commander, the entire army moved in unison. Under the shouts of the people, five hundred Trebuchet s shot out stone bullets at the same time.    


Five hundred stone balls were combined together, creating a deafening sound. The Chuan Army And Zhen Army Soldiers, who were advancing forward, subconsciously raised their heads, and looked at the concentrated stone balls flying past their heads. The people instinctively touched the top of their heads, afraid that a stone ball would suddenly fall and smash their own heads.    


Being so far away, the enemy's Trebuchet was actually able to hit their own fortress, which was far beyond the expectations of the Feng Army. Being completely caught off guard, when the Feng Soldier saw the stone balls flying in their direction like a hornet swarm, she was so scared that her face changed greatly.    


Zuo Shuang was the first to react and shouted, "Dodge the stone bullets, get off the city wall and hide ? ?"    


Before he could finish his sentence, the stone bullet hit the ground right in front of him.    


In just a split-second, rumbling sounds could be heard from both above and below the city walls.    


As long as they were struck by a stone bullet, half of the small sized barracks would be destroyed. If they were hit by another two or three stone bullets in succession, all of them would be destroyed, and most of the stone bullets would accurately smash onto the walls of the Ba Pass. When the stone bullets struck the walls, a loud * Bang * sound was heard, and sparks flew in all directions, the stone bullets deeply embedded themselves into the walls.    


Fortunately, the walls of the Ba Pass were sturdy enough so they could withstand heavy blows. Otherwise, under such a concentrated barrage of attacks, they would probably collapse in an instant.    


Due to the fact that the position of the Feng Army was too concentrated, as long as a stone bullet descended, Feng Soldier would definitely be smashed by it. And once they were smashed into pieces, they would either be crushed into meat pies or have their bones and tendons snapped.    


This was just the first salvo, followed by the second, the third ? Continuous attacks.    


A large number of Feng Army arrows had not been released, and the first thing that happened to cause the death toll was under the attack of the opponent's heavy Trebuchet, causing the entire city to be thrown into chaos, the people to flee in all directions. Many people were not paying attention, and were forced out of the city by their companions, looking at the Ba Pass from outside the city, the Feng Army on the city walls fell like dumplings, crackling and popping down from the city walls.    


Nie Ze held the bamboo tube in his hands, and watched the situation of the Ba Pass. Seeing that the Feng Army was in complete chaos as they all shot down, he couldn't help but burst out in laughter, and proudly said to the surrounding generals: "I think, tonight, our army can celebrate our victory within the Ba Pass City."    


Everyone was relaxed as they pointed towards the direction of the Ba Pass while whispering to each other. Some of the more talkative generals had already started to express their opinions, comparing their hands to each other as to how the most effective way of attacking would be.    


Right now, the two sides on the battlefield were one side of heaven and the other side of hell.    


The entire army did not know which direction to dodge to. The city had suffered an attack, and the city had suffered an attack as well. Countless soldiers had gathered at the base of the city walls, making it so that it was so crowded that people could barely move.    


Zuo Shuang stood on top of the city wall and did not go down. The surrounding Generals all shrank their necks and shouted repeatedly, "General, we should also go down and hide for a bit!"    


Without even looking to the left and right of them, Zuo Shuang gazed at the enemies rushing in front of him and coldly said: "If you guys are afraid, then go down by yourselves."    


That's what he said, but who dares to leave their post? Everyone was accompanying Zuo Shuang at the top of the city in fear. Every time a rock bullet flew over their head or smashed on the ground nearby, everyone's neck would subconsciously shrink down.    


Zuo Shuang ignored the stone balls that were whistling past him, his gaze never leaving the enemy's attacking formation. When the enemy troops were within three hundred meters of the city walls, he raised his fist and smashed down onto the arrowheads, then turned around and shouted to the generals: "The enemy forces have entered the range of attack, get all of our brothers up on the walls."    


"Yes!" "General!" Escaping was impossible, and all the generals were ready to throw caution to the wind, not to mention the entire army's commander, Zuo Shuang, was still standing on top of the city walls, what was there for them to be afraid of? People rushed to the other side of the city wall and shouted to the Xijing Army soldiers who were hiding below the city wall, "Get on the city wall! Prepare to fight!"    


Right now, the impact of the Allied Army of Chuan Country And Zhen Country stone projectiles had not stopped yet, but the large rocks were constantly falling on the city walls, and the Xijing Army soldiers had no choice but to brace themselves and run up the city walls. As soon as they came up, miserable cries could be heard everywhere, as soldiers were continuously being struck by the falling stones, the entire city walls, the countless of holes in the walls, and the corpses everywhere. Before Ying Bu used the City-breaking Crossbow s and Army-broking Crossbow s, more than half of them had already been smashed by the stone bullets.    


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