Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin did not take the matter of the various Rangers gathering towards the Ann Country seriously, as his current focus was all on the offensive Imperial Town.    


The next day, Feng Army began to attack the city once again. However, because too many stones and crossbow arrows had been used up during the first day of the city siege, the long ranged attacks of the Trebuchet and Trebuchet had only lasted for less than half an hour before the Feng Army infantrymen began.    


The battle that followed was almost the same as the day before. One side was defending at death's door while the other side was attacking ferociously. Both sides had entered into an endless tug of war, and the number of casualties rose sharply.    


The battle went from morning to evening, but hundreds of thousands of Feng Army s were still unable to break through the defenses of the Imperial Town city.    


On the third day, Feng Army's strong offense arrived on time. Both sides' battles were still as intense and bloody as before, and the number of soldiers killed and wounded was beyond count.    


After three consecutive days of siege, the soldiers were utterly exhausted by the Feng Army and the Ann Army within the city was the same as well.    


Now that the battle had reached this stage, not only were both sides competing in terms of fighting strength, but both sides were also competing in terms of willpower. And that was exactly what Feng Army were good at.    


Ann Army was not fully aware of the casualties of Feng Army. However, the casualties of Ann Army itself exceeded fifty thousand, and the original two hundred thousand soldiers were no more than one hundred and fifty thousand. However, the battle had only lasted for three days.    


With regards to the upcoming city defense battles, almost all the soldiers of Ann Army could not see any hope, and the morale of the entire army became increasingly low.    


Just as Tang Yin had predicted, the Ann Army was not suitable for battle of attrition. Following the continuous pressure from the Feng Army and the continuous onslaught of attacks, the casualties of the Ann Army grew greater and greater. The morale of the Ann Army also became more and more chaotic, fear of battle, and resistance towards battle began to spread throughout the entire army.    


Right now, the Ann Army was still able to persevere in battle, completely relying on the desire to survive.    


The Ann Country court had always been proclaiming that the Feng Army was cruel and inhuman. If anyone were to let the Feng Army attack the city, not only would all the soldiers defending the city be killed, even the commoners would be slaughtered. Even the Imperial Town would be burnt to ashes by the people of the wind.    


However, Feng Army's following action instantly shattered the Ann Country's propaganda slogan. Feng Army had called over Bai Qing who had turned the tables on the battle, allowing him to explain to the city guards outside the city.    


According to the traditional saying of the Ann Country court, all the Generals And Soldiers of Self Army who had surrendered to the Feng Country had been killed by the Windman, and now that Bai Qing had appeared, the lies of the Ann Country court naturally broke on their own, causing the Ann Army which was already lacking in fighting spirit to completely lose the will to resist.    


Fighting down would only result in death, but surrendering would only allow him to live. This made it easier for An Ren, whose national and national views were very weak, to make a choice, and furthermore, in the hearts of the majority of Generals And Soldiers of Ann Army, for the sake of a monarch who had fainted like Yue Ze, it was not worth it for them to risk their lives.    


In the city siege battle that followed, there were obvious changes to Ann Army's resistance, the counterattack boss became weaker, and the weaker the Ann Army, the stronger the battle spirit was, and the fiercer the offense.    


It could be said that the more fiercely the Feng Army was fought, the weaker the resistance would be. In this way, the Feng Army would become even more ferocious and the Ann Army would become even weaker as well.    


In the fifth day of the siege, the defenses of the Imperial Town were finally on the verge of collapse. After a series of fierce attacks from the Feng Army s, the defenses to the east, south, west and north of the Imperial Town s were torn apart one after another.    


When a large number of Feng Army attacked the city walls and started a face-to-face battle with the defending troops, the defense of the Imperial Town had yet to completely fall, but the defending army's psychological defenses had already collapsed.    


Countless Generals And Soldiers of Ann Army gave up resisting, and threw away the weapons in their hands, surrendering to the Feng Army. The Feng Army that was at the top of the city gates killed their way into the city, opening the city gates to allow the Generals And Soldiers of Self Army outside to enter.    


The Feng Army outside the city surged into the city like a tide, and all of the Ann Army within the city either knelt down and surrendered or fled towards the center of the city. No one tried to stop or block the Feng Army.    


Following the increase in the number of Feng Army entering the city, the four cities of East, South, West, and North were already completely under the control of the Feng Army. Following that, the Feng Army began to enter the city in batches after batches.    


Who would have thought that the Ann Army, which had reached a total strength of two hundred thousand men and was bitterly enduring for five days, would actually be so weak at this moment. The entire army was like a pile of loose sand, not only could they not organize an effective counterattack, but everyone was running for their lives.    


When the news of the four cities losing had arrived one after another at the Ann Country Palace, the imperial hall that was filled with ministers had suddenly become completely silent. It was unknown who was the first to sob, but soon after, all the ministers lowered their heads and choked with sobs, their sobs becoming a continuous one.    


Yue Ze, who was seated on the throne, lightly sighed. He slowly stood up, waved his hand towards the crowd, and said: ", please return. At this time, everyone should stay at home, not in the palace."    


If he stayed in the palace, death would be the only thing that awaited him. If he stayed at home and begged for mercy to the Feng Army, perhaps he would have a chance at survival. In the past few days, more and more people had died. Yue Ze did not want to attract other ministers over to be his funeral objects.    


Hearing Yue Ze's words, all the ministers present cried even louder.    


Honestly speaking, in the eyes of the Ann Country Ministers, if not for the great King having done all those preposterous things for Li Meier during this period of time, the great King could be considered a Wise King, and even now, could also be considered a righteous Lord. Unfortunately, the Ann Country was currently facing the fate of a fallen nation.    


"This subject is willing to accompany the King to his death!" The ministers kneeled down and kowtowed as they spoke in unison.    


"Then... "Why would there be a need?" Yue Ze shook his head and smiled bitterly, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go, all of you leave. It's time to go back to your room to accompany Edger. "    


While they talked, Yue Ze, who appeared to be more than ten years old, staggered out of the great hall, and the palace maids on both sides hurried to support him.    


Watching Yue Ze's back as he left slowly, none of the ministers could stop their tears as they knelt on the ground, unwilling to get up for a long time.    


Very quickly, the Feng Army to enter the city reached the palace.    


Right now, the palace guards and some of the scattered soldiers who had escaped, had a total of less than thirty thousand. With just this little amount of strength, no matter how elite and courageous and warlike they were, how could they withstand the hundreds of thousands of Feng Army s that were as strong as wolves and tigers?    


After the Feng Army completely surrounded the palace, the horn to attack loudly sounded.    


He only saw that outside the palace, Feng Army had erected countless ladders, and the compressed Feng Army was like an ant as it frantically climbed up the palace walls.    


The palace guards resisted with all their might, how could there be too many people in the Feng Army, killing one, killing ten of them with no end in sight, as though there was no end to it.    


With just one charge of the Feng Army, the defensive line of the palace guards was torn apart. Following that, a large number of Feng Army surged into the palace walls of the Ann Country, and in an instant, the palace maids' cries, screams, and the sounds of fighting from both sides rose up everywhere.    


Qi Heng had rushed into the palace through the palace door. He held the Nine Revolving Soul Saber in his hand, rode his red maned horse, and led a group of Heavy Cavalry to rush straight into the palace. The guards at the back of the palace gates wanted to shoot arrows to kill them, but their arrow formations posed no threat to the Heavy Cavalry. As the cavalrymen charged forward, the formation of the palace guards was broken into pieces, and many of the guards did not die from the long spears of the Heavy Cavalry, but were trampled to death by the iron hooves of the war horses.    


After killing his way into the palace, Qi Heng did not even turn around to attack, instead, he led his subordinates, the Heavy Cavalry, and continued to rush into the palace.    


He rushed from the palace gates all the way to the main palace hall, not even dismounting from his horse. He immediately urged his horse to ride up the steps and rushed to the main entrance of the main palace hall.    


He peeked his head in and saw that it was a huge main hall filled with officials of Ann Country. Looking at their Official Robe s, they were either first grade, first grade or second grade, high ranking officials or second grade.    


He grinned and pointed the tip of his blade at the ministers and shouted, "Those who don't want to die, obediently bow down and bind yourself. Otherwise, hehe, don't blame me for being merciless!"    


Just as his voice fell, a Ann Country Minister suddenly roared, taking out his sword, he rushed out of the great hall shouting and charged straight at Qi Heng.    


This man was just a civil servant, how could Qi Heng possibly put him in his eyes? He calmly sat on the horse, waiting for the other party to rush up to him and stab him with his sword.    


With a clang, the sword in the official's hand flew out of his grasp, flying far away, the palm of the minister's hand also split open, blood dripping down, not giving his opponent the chance to beg for mercy, the Spiritual Knife in Qi Heng's hand rushed forward, and with a pfft sound, the official's chest was pierced through by the Spiritual Knife, he screamed, and fell on his back.    


"Who else wants to die? This marshal will clean up everything today, haha ?" Qi Heng flung away the bloodstains on the Spiritual Knife, then looked down at the many Ann Country Ministers in the hall, laughing loudly towards the sky.    


The ministers of the Ann Country hated them to the point that the roots of their teeth itched, but they also understood that rushing forward to stake their lives was equivalent to courting death, and death was meaningless.    


At this time, Heavy Cavalry and a large number of Feng Country Infantry soldiers also followed along, rushing into the great hall one after another.    


As for Yue Ze who was in his quarters, he was seated in the inner chamber with Li Meier, listening to the sounds of battle and screams coming from outside. Li Meier said in a low voice: "Feng Army ? It was as if they had already charged into the palace ? This, is all Meier's fault! "    


Yue Ze subconsciously held her tightly, interrupting her words, he shook his head and said: "Feng Ren is insatiable, brutal and aggressive, and our military is weak, so it is only a matter of time before we use our Feng Country against our soldiers, what does that have to do with Aiki?"    



She really wanted to tell Yue Ze the truth. Actually, she was a spy on Feng Country, but she was afraid that Yue Ze would hate her at the very last moment. She swallowed back the words that were about to leave her mouth.    


"Aiki, the person the wind wants to kill is me. Right now, if you disguise yourself as a palace maid, you might have a chance to escape ?"    


"No, chenqie won't go anywhere. chenqie has long said that even if I have to die, I will die together with my king!"    


As she said till here, she stopped, raised her head, and looked at Yue Ze with teary eyes, and muttered: "Meier has been under the control of others my entire life ? Meier couldn't decide her birth, but now ? I just want to decide where I'm going. "    


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