Tomin in The Alien World



0In just one day's time, a tremendous change had occurred in the Imperial Town, from the capital of the Ann Country to the territory of the Feng Country.    


The hundred thousand garrison soldiers did not put up much of a resistance and all of them surrendered. Even though the palace guards had fought to the death, they were still completely annihilated by the Feng Army. King An's Yue Ze and her most beloved wife, Li Meier, had 'burned themselves to death' inside the palace, while the majority of Yue Ze's descendants were also captured by the Feng Army.    


Right now, not all of Ann Country had been taken over by the Feng Army, but the fall of Imperial Town and the suicide of the king, were basically proclaiming the destruction of Ann Country.    


On the second day of taking over the Imperial Town, Tang Yin gathered all the Ann Country officials who were at least third rank in the Imperial Town city into the palace. In the hall of the Ann Country, below were many ministers and generals of the Ann Country, and the person seated on the throne, was none other than Tang Yin.    


The four corners of the hall were densely packed with Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army s, and the people standing outside the door were also all General of Feng Army s.    


Tang Yin sat on the throne, with Ah San, Cheng Jin, Yin Lan and the others protecting him on his left and right. He looked down with a smile, and the smile on his face became even wider as he looked at the ashen-faced Ann Country Ministers. He said slowly: "Yue Ze has already committed suicide out of guilt, and the land of Ann Country will be taken back to the hands of the Son of Heaven. Milords, where are you going now?"    


None of the ministers of the Ann Country spoke a word, as they knew very well that Tang Yin's words were pleasing to the ear, saying that the Son of Heaven had taken back his territory, but in actuality, he had been shamelessly swallowed up by the Feng Country.    


"What is it? Are all of you unwilling to express your views? " Tang Yin laughed: "Since you don't want to say it out loud, then just use your feet to stand on it!"    


With that, he waved his left hand and said, "Those who are willing to submit to the Son of Heaven, stand on the left hand side of this king. Those who are unwilling to submit to the world, can stand on the right hand side of this king."    


The moment his words fell, the faces of the Ann Country Generals s who were originally standing to the left changed.    


At this time, Tang Yin spoke again, "However, this king has to remind everyone that they have to be cautious. Otherwise, if they were to be separated and considered light, it is unknown if they would be executed or if the entire clan would suffer!"    


These words caused all the Generals s who wanted to stand on the right side to shudder, and even retracted their legs that they had stepped on.    


The civil officials standing on the right side also shuddered in unison. Many of them had conflicting thoughts, wanting to stand on the left side but being unable to do so. Their emotions were complicated, and they were in a dilemma.    


Turning his head back to look at the ministers behind him, Right Prime Minister Wu Sizong stepped out, pointed at Tang Yin and said angrily: "Feng King disregards the sentiments of an ally, invading with armies, occupying our capital, killing our emperor, and now you force us to betray our country, you are truly shameless to the extreme!"    


Hearing Wu Sizong's cursing, Tang Yin did not react. On the left and right, Ah San, Cheng Jin and Yin Lan's expressions changed.    


Cheng Jin took a step forward, and bellowed: "Audacious!" As he spoke, he held the saber in his hand and his entire body was exuding a thick aura of spirit energy.    


Tang Yin waved his hand, stopping Cheng Jin who was about to pull out his blade. Then, he looked at Yin Lan and asked: "Who are you?"    


Yin Lan rushed forward, bent down, and whispered into his ear: "King, he is Right Prime Minister Wu Sizong!"    


"Oh!" Tang Yin didn't comment. Instead, he raised his head and looked at Wu Sizong.    


The Right Prime Minister was the head of the civil service. His attitude was very important to him, and since he was able to sit in the Right Prime Minister, he must be a person of virtue and prestige.    


After muttering to himself for a moment, Tang Yin smiled slightly, and said: "Wu Xiang's words are wrong, my Feng Army was ordered by the Son of Heaven to suppress the Emperor, although the two countries are allies, the Son of Heaven has decreed it, our country has no other choice."    


"Feng King's words can only deceive a three year old child. Who in the world doesn't know that the Son of Heaven is already being held hostage by your Feng Country? Isn't the Son of Heaven's orders the order of your Feng Country, the order of your Feng King?"    


Wu Sizong was now risking everything to confront Tang Yin head-on without fear. The surrounding Ann Country Ministers all broke out in a cold sweat for him.    


Tang Yin was not angered by that, he shrugged and laughed: "It seems like Wu Qi has misunderstood my Feng Country quite deeply, since that is the case, there is nothing to discuss now, we can only discuss this matter in the future."    


With that, he looked out of the hall and said, "Men, send Wu Xiang back to his residence ?"    


It was true that he did not want to touch Wu Sizong right now, but he wanted to leave this old man here to persuade him to his side. This would be beneficial to his control of the Feng Country in the future, but Wu Sizong evidently did not want to give Tang Yin the chance to convince him.    


Without waiting for Tang Yin to finish speaking, Wu Sizong angrily cut him off and shouted: "No need, I will not submit to your Feng Country right now, and I will not do anything else in the future. As long as I am still alive for a day, I will do my best to fight you with my Feng Country until the end."    


By saying this, it was equivalent to breaking all of Tang Yin's hopes of convincing him to stop, and also igniting the anger in his heart.    


He narrowed his eyes and looked straight at Wu Sicong, saying, "Wu Xiang has already lived for a long time, so of course, you can put your life on the line. But, shouldn't Wu Xiang think for his family? There's no need to invite them to be your funeral objects!"    


Hearing Tang Yin's threat, the old man stuck out his chest and spoke in a righteous tone, "As an emperor, everyone should live and die with their country! If the nation is destroyed, then the people will die! "    


What a stubborn old fellow! Tang Yin could see that it was already impossible to persuade Wu Sizong to surrender. Since that was the case, he no longer needed to be polite with him.    


He nodded repeatedly. Seeing the smile on his face, he almost clapped for Wu Sizong. However, his eyes were icy cold and his body exuded a strong killing intent.    


"Ha ha!" He smiled and said, "It is easy for the elderly to feel cold. Someone, set up a frying pan outside the hall and warm Wu Xiang's body!"    


"Yes sir!" As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Army's reply came from outside the hall, following that, Tang Yin's orders were passed down by the General of Feng Country outside.    


Not long after, several large iron pots were set up in the plaza outside the main hall. There was a pile of firewood underneath, and the iron pots were filled with oil.    


When the frying pan was set up, the oil inside was boiling. Two Guard of Feng Army s walked into the hall and stood behind Wu Sicong. The two of them were polite, and did not try to pull him along, and said in a deep voice: "Wu Xiang, come out!"    


Wu Sizong's eyes turned red, he glared at Tang Yin and shouted: "Thief Tang has kidnapped the Son of Heaven, it is brutal and immoral, even if people do not kill you, the heavens will still come to destroy you ?"    


He scolded with all his might, and Tang Yin also laughed. As he laughed, he waved to the two guards, and upon seeing that, the two of them did not delay any further, grabbed onto Wu Sizong's arms and quickly walked out.    


Some of them stood where they were, trembling, while some dared to be angry but did not dare to speak. Some others rushed forward as if they had gone mad, stopping the two guards who were dragging Wu Sizong out, and asked sternly: "What do you guys want to do?"    


"What is it? "Today, I will show you what it means to explode a living person!"    


Following the loud and clear voice, Qi Heng walked in from outside. With a wave of his arm, he pushed away all of the Ann Country ministers who were blocking his path, then he stood in front of them.    


"You can't do this to Wu Xiang!" These ministers were all Wu Sizong's trusted aides, how could they bear to see him suffer the hands of a man of the wind?    


Qi Heng laughed coldly and said, "If you guys also want to accompany him, I can grant you all that wish!" As he spoke, he tilted his head and shouted, "Men!"    


Following his words, more than ten Feng Soldier surged in from outside. Each of them held sharp blades in their hands, and stood in front of the various ministers.    


Seeing this, the ministers were so frightened that their bodies trembled and they couldn't help but take a few steps back.    


At this time, Tang Yin stood up, walked down the throne with a smile, and stood in the middle of the Ann Country Ministers. He said softly, "This king had already pointed out a path for him to live through, but if he did not choose, then this king has no other choice."    


While they were talking, Wu Sizong was pulled to the square by the Guard of Feng Army. The two of them had already lifted the old man high into the air and aimed at a frying pan.    


Plop! The old man was tossed into the frying pan alive. He only had time to scream before he fell silent.    


After about 10 seconds, a dull thud suddenly came from the frying pan. It turned out to be the stomach of Wu Sizong. His internal organs had all burst out and were quickly cooked by the explosion. A strong burnt smell pervaded the air.    


A dignified Right Prime Minister, had just been fried in a frying pan using a Feng Army just like that in front of a huge crowd. The feelings of all the Ann Country ministers present could be easily imagined.    


In the great hall, many ministers were filled with grief and indignation, but they were powerless as they sat on the ground, holding their heads and crying bitterly.    



The Left Prime Minister Gao Zhen looked at the officials around him, sighed at the sky, and said, "The country has fallen, the king has fallen. As she said that, her body suddenly bowed forward, and then she crashed head on towards Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin turned his body slightly, and let Gao Zhen go. A crisp sound came out from his eardrum, Gao Zhen did not hit Tang Yin's body, but rather, fiercely crashed into a pillar.    


The force he used was too powerful. This collision caused the old man's skull to crack and his brain to bleed out. Scarlet blood spread on the ground, forming a big puddle.    


"Huh?" Tang Yin turned to look at the corpse on the ground, rubbed his chin and muttered: "Another one that can't go on by himself."    


Saying that, he looked around at the ministers, smiled and asked: "Who else wants to collide with the pillars? "Now is the time. Otherwise, if we wait until the oil is boiled, the taste will not be good."    


"Thief Tang, I'll kill you!" One of the General of Ann Country s roared, she forcefully pulled off a piece of the armored leaf from her body, and slashed towards Tang Yin's neck.    


As he had already been devoured by the Feng Army, the spirit energy in his body was unable to condense, and his sword had also been taken away by the Feng Army. Now, he could only use a single armored leaf to injure Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin stood in his original position without even dodging, and when he was close to him, he suddenly kicked General of Ann Country's lower abdomen.    


Even though he was clad in armor, he could not withstand Tang Yin's heavy kick. His body fell to the ground horizontally and his body curled up into a ball as he painfully moaned on the ground.    


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