Tomin in The Alien World



0To Tang Yin, this seven stone bow was still light, but if he was more picky, it would seem that he was being too unreasonable. He received it with a smile and said, "Many thanks."    


Ah!" Prince Feng is too polite. " This royal bodyguard was much more polite than the children of the nobility. As he spoke, he took off the quiver and handed it over to Tang Yin.    


The quiver was filled with arrows made of steel. Even the tail feathers were made of fine steel. This arrow weighed about two to three pounds. If it was used as an ordinary bow, how could it possibly shoot out?    


After Tang Yin put away all the bows and arrows, he smiled and greeted the people around him, then took the lead to gallop towards the north. The noble children followed closely behind, shouting and whistling loudly from time to time.    


Tang Yin did not fight for the lead and still followed behind at a leisurely pace. Sure enough, not long after they ran north, they discovered a herd of deer. Looking around, there were at least a hundred of them.    


Xiao Xiang and the noble disciples were overjoyed as they galloped forward even faster. The sound of the horse's hooves soon alarmed the herd of deer as they fled towards the north. Xiao Xiang nocked his bow and nocked an arrow on his bow. Then, she shot an arrow at a small deer that was behind him.    


Riding a horse was not an ordinary ability, it required a long time and hard work on the horse before it could be mastered. Xiao Xiang's ability to ride and shoot was at most average, especially when the horse was sprinting, he would lose her aim.    


She fired three arrows at the fawn, but all three missed, and just as she was about to fire her fourth arrow, an arrow came from the side and hit the fawn squarely in the neck.    


With a "pu" sound, the little deer immediately fell to the ground and rolled forward for a long distance before stopping. Its four hooves twitched as it fell.    


A young man in his early twenties laughed out loud, galloped forward, and stopped his warhorse in front of the little deer. Then, he turned around and smiled at Xiao Xiang: "Princess, this lowly one can rush ahead!"    


Xiao Xiang was so angry that her teeth felt itchy, she did not even stop, and directly urged her horse forward, looking for her next target.    


Very quickly, the herd of deer ran into the forest. At this time, the herd of deer slowed down, and Xiao Xiang and the rest's speed decreased greatly due to Lin Mu blocking their path.    


While they were chasing the herd of deer, Xiao Xiang took the opportunity to carefully size up those noble disciples. Almost all of them had gained something, except for her, who had gained nothing. How could Xiao Xiang, who had a haughty personality and had always been an aggressive person, not be anxious?    


She sped up her horse, disregarding everything as she ran through the forest. The guards behind her were frightened to the point of losing their color. They all shouted, "Princess, slow down! Princess, slow down!"    


Speeding horses in the forest was very dangerous. First, there were many trees, and if one was not careful, they could run into a tree. Second, there were many grass, vines and rocks. At any time, a horse could trip over them. Whether he hit a tree or tripped over it, it would be life-threatening for a knight on horseback.    


Xiao Xiang also had a temper, she did not listen to the persuasion of the guards behind him and kept on galloping.    


After running for an unknown amount of time, she felt the number of people around her dwindling. She was getting closer and closer to the deer herd, and the corners of her mouth curled upwards.    


She still didn't have the intention of slowing down her horse. As she rode, she saw an adult sika deer that was a bit behind, so she nocked an arrow and lifted her hand to shoot an arrow.    


"Whiz!" The arrow pierced through the wind, emitting a sharp whistling sound. With a "peng" sound, the arrow struck that deer's buttocks, but it wasn't fatal.    


Xiao Xiang gritted her teeth in exasperation, and increased her pace on her horse, catching up to her quickly. She was in pursuit when the sound of galloping hooves came from behind her, getting closer and closer. Before long, one of the riders caught up with her, and when they were level, he reached out and grabbed her by the reins, slowing her and saying in a low voice: "Are you crazy? Do you want to break your neck!? "    


Xiao Xiang turned her head and saw that the one who had caught up was Tang Yin. She anxiously patted Tang Yin's hand who was holding onto her reins and said: "Let go, I've already shot that deer, it's going to escape!"    


Tang Yin followed her line of sight and looked forward. Sure enough, there was a sika deer with arrows hanging from its butt that was flying forward. He narrowed his eyes, showing no intention of letting go, and asked, "Is that sika deer more important, or is your life more important?"    


"The most important thing is to win!" Xiao Xiang answered bluntly. Seeing that she was unable to hold Tang Yin's hand, she turned to look at him and said: "Why are you pulling me, quickly go and chase me!"    


Tang Yin shook his head. Xiao Xiang was really competitive!    


He finally let go of her hands, and Xiao Xiang did not waste any time, she immediately rushed out again, but no matter how fast she was, she was not faster than the arrows that came from behind. With a swoosh, a streak of lightning flashed past her body, heading straight for the injured sika deer.    


The lightning bolt was unerring and similarly nailed onto the sika deer's buttocks. However, the force behind it was too great and directly sent the 200 pound sika deer flying, before ferociously nailing it onto an old tree.    


Xiao Xiang took in a cold breath and ran forward. Upon closer inspection, the arrow that struck the sika deer was a steel arrow, and not only did the steel arrow pierce through the body of the deer, it had even deeply embedded itself into the tree, causing the entire sika deer to hang from the tree.    


After looking at it for a while, she turned her head in disbelief and looked towards Tang Yin who was behind her. Only when Tang Yin slowly approached her did she stammer slightly and ask: "This arrow is ? You shot it? "    


"Is there a third person here?" Tang Yin glanced at Xiao Xiang.    


"I don't know. So your archery skills are this powerful as well." Xiao Xiang knew that his Spirit Force was very strong, but she was not very diligent in hunting, and thought that he was not good at riding. Unexpectedly, Tang Yin had hidden his strength, his riding ability was not inferior to any Spirit Shooter.    


To Tang Yin, archery was just a normal skill, it was nothing to brag about. He raised his head towards the sika deer nailed to the tree and said, "It's your prey. You can go back now."    


Xiao Xiang's eyes turned, she suddenly smiled at Tang Yin, and said excitedly: "I only managed to hunt a deer, how can that be possible! "Since your archery skills are so good, then I shall hunt a few more of them!"    


Tang Yin helplessly smiled, sat on the horse, looked around, then waved his hand at Xiao Xiang, saying: "Follow me!"    


His horse was not fast, but he was following it precisely. Through the tracks left by the hooves on the ground and the broken traces of grass and vines, he soon found another straggling sika deer. Xiao Xiang didn't even have a chance to see where the deer was before she had already placed the steel arrow on the horse and shot it out right after.    


"Pu!" Another arrow with incomparable accuracy shot a sika deer hiding in In Grass to the ground.    


It was only now that Xiao Xiang saw everything clearly. Her eyes were shining, and she was grinning from ear to ear as she hurried her horse over to pull out the steel arrow Tang Yin had shot out, and then she switched to his own arrow.    


She did not care about the process, she only wanted to win in the end.    


With Tang Yin helping her, in less than an hour, Xiao Xiang had already succeeded in 'killing' five deer. Tang Yin kept his bow and arrows, and said: "These deer should be enough for you to win, we should be able to return now, right?"    


Xiao Xiang nodded with satisfaction and marked the place beside the dead deer. Then, he mounted her horse and walked back together with Tang Yin. Not long after walking away, she looked at Tang Yin and let out a heavy sigh.    


"I'm afraid you won't come to help me the next time we hunt."    


Tang Yin smiled but did not speak. This time, he had come because he was patient, so of course he wouldn't do it again.    


"I heard that Zhenjiang's hunting ground is also very big. If I have the chance in the future, I can also go play in Zhenjiang!" Xiao Xiang's tone was not asking him.    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, declining to comment.    


As he looked forward, he heard rustling sounds coming from the forest ahead, as if a lot of people were rushing towards him.    


Xiao Xiang looked ahead, and indeed, there were shadows of people moving about within the forest. She curled her lips and muttered: "They found us pretty quickly!" With that, she stretched out her neck and waved her hand. "I'm here ?"    


Before she could finish speaking, Tang Yin, who was by her side, suddenly turned and jumped down from his horse.    


Xiao Xiang screamed out instinctively and at the same time, closed her eyes in shock. The horse's back wasn't high, but if its head fell on the ground, coupled with Tang Yin's pressure, it was more than enough to take half its life away from her.    


Plop! The two of them fell to the ground, but Xiao Xiang did not feel any pain. She opened her eyes and saw that Tang Yin had used one hand to support her fall, while the other hand held her up. Xiao Xiang was surprised and angry at the same time.    


She had only just said one word when a series of muffled sounds came from her side. She turned her head to look, and her face immediately changed drastically as she saw that her and Tang Yin's war horse was like a hedgehog, their bodies covered with long spirit spears.    


An assassin! Xiao Xiang finally reacted, the people in front of him were not her own guards at all, they were assassins who wanted him dead! She subconsciously grabbed onto Tang Yin's clothes tightly and screamed: "There's an assassin! An assassin wants to kill me! "What should we do?"    


"Shut up!" He had sensed the enemy's killing intent, but he did not know how many people were there. Xiao Xiang's ear-piercing screams were enough to attract all the assassins nearby.    



Xiao Xiang wanted to say more, but the second wave of spirit spears arrived.    


Tang Yin didn't have time to think, and retreated. The moment he retreated, he heard a series of muffled thuds. The spirit spears stabbed into the ground where the two of them were just standing. There were dozens of them.    


Such a familiar tactic! Tang Yin could immediately tell that these assassins' tactics were almost exactly the same as the group of assassins he had encountered in Ping County.    


Assassins were not people of Divine Pool, but people of People of Chuan Country! As Tang Yin's thoughts raced, he carried Xiao Xiang and retreated.    


He retreated quickly, but the speed of his opponent's spirit spear was not slow either. Very quickly, Tang Yin and Xiao Xiang's wings came flying towards them, with ear-piercing whistling sounds echoing in the air.    


Tang Yin had no choice but to change his direction and retreat into the depths of the forest. Just as he was retreating, he suddenly felt the ground beneath his feet go soft, and immediately, his entire body sank.    


There was a trap! Tang Yin was also shocked to the point that his entire body was drenched in cold sweat. His left hand held Xiao Xiang in a tight grip while his right hand emitted spirit energy to cover her spirit armor.    


Boom! * His claw had embedded five of his fingers deep into the soil, and Tang Yin was hanging on the wall of the trap. Lowering his head to look down, he saw that the bottom of the trap was densely packed with sharpened iron spikes. If a person fell in, they would immediately become a hornet's nest.    


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