Tomin in The Alien World



0"Feng King, you are ?" Jin Zhuo hastened her horse to Tang Yin's side and cupped her hands in greeting, then looked towards Tang Yin's side with a puzzled expression.    


Tang Yin laughed, then casually said: "Etiquette movements are too slow, this king will be returning first."    


"So that's how it is!" Jin Zhuo secretly grinned, the Feng King was truly unique, a great king, how could she only bring a dozen or so followers?    


He secretly laughed in his heart, but she did not dare show it on her face, and said: "Feng King has worked hard on the road, please enter the camp to rest!"    


Tang Yin waved his hand and said: "Thank you General Jin for your kind intentions. This king is in a hurry to return to my country so I left first, not to go to the Your Army's camp to be a guest."    


Jin Zhuo did not force him, and said: "Then, allow me to send you off!"    


He and Tang Yin rode side by side, and said while they walked: "Our troops have gradually retreated to the Divine Pool area, and I won't be able to stay here for more than a few days. The King ordered for me to station myself at the borders of the Divine Pool, and I believe that it will be difficult to avoid contacting the people of the Divine Pool. I wonder if Your Highness has any advice for me? "    


Tang Yin had a good impression of Jin Zhuo, so even if it was his opponent, he was still an admirable opponent. He pondered for a moment, and said: "Don't easily fight against the Disciple of Divine Pool, there is only one true enemy, and that is the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign. Once you camp at the border of Divine Pool, there is no need to worry about Divine Pool stealing camp, and you must guard against any assassins that the Divine Pool may send out. This is also the most likely method for Divine Pool to use to retreat. "    


Jin Zhuo listened attentively while saying that he was at the side nodding his head. After he finished speaking, Jin Zhuo carefully asked: "Your Highness, do you mean that GuangHan would send assassins to assassinate me?"    


"I am afraid that it is not only the General Jin, but all the generals in the army are in danger. Divine Pool have never used soldiers, and would not use soldiers either. In a situation where he is unable to fight against the large army, capturing the bandit leader first is the first choice. "    


Tang Yin looked at Jin Zhuo, and said with a smile: "Since you are going to Divine Pool, it is necessary to bring more strong guards."    


Jin Zhuo nodded his head repeatedly, thinking that it was reasonable, he cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for your reminder Your Highness, I will remember it well."    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "Don't worry, after a while, my Feng Army will also reach the border of Divine Pool. At that time, both your army and mine will join forces and the Divine Pool will not dare to act rashly."    


Jin Zhuo asked: "I wonder which legion Your Highness will send to the Divine Pool?"    


Tang Yin thought for a moment, then said, "This king plans to send Pingyuan Army."    


Jin Zhuo's eyes instantly lit up, and said with a beaming smile: "If that's the case, then I can rest easy." Pingyuan Army was the strongest trump card legion, and it wasn't too far off either. If these two legions were to exist, the pressure on Chuan Army would naturally be greatly reduced.    


They chatted as they walked. Unknowingly, Tang Yin and the others had already passed through the Chuan Camp. Reaching there, Jin Zhuo reined himself in, and cupped his hands towards Tang Yin: "Feng King, it is inconvenient for me to send you off further. Goodbye from your highness here."    


Tang Yin also stopped his war horse, smiled and nodded towards Jin Zhuo, then reminded him once again: "When entering the Divine Pool, General Jin, you have to be more careful, you cannot be careless. Although there are no soldiers or horses on the Divine Pool, there are crouching tigers and hidden dragons, and experts as numerous as the clouds."    


"I will remember your teachings!" Jin Zhuo immediately bowed respectfully.    


"Farewell!" Tang Yin gave him another deep look, and then rushed towards the Feng Country.    


Only after watching Tang Yin's group disappear into the wind realm did Jin Zhuo turn around and lead his entourage back to the Chuan Camp.    


As for Tang Yin and his group, after they entered the Feng Country, everyone simultaneously heaved a sigh of relief.    


Along the way, although there were no battles, they were still fraught with dangers, especially in the Dazhang. They had narrowly escaped a direct confrontation with the Hong Family Army and the local county army, but fortunately for them, they retreated quickly. If they were even slightly slower, they would have been trapped within the city.    


Tang Yin and the rest had not walked far before they met with the incoming Guankou City guards. Currently, only the new army remained garrisoned in Guankou City. The new army's commander, Liu Zhang, led Bai An and the other generals out of the city to welcome them.    


The Guankou City only rested for one day, and on the second day, Tang Yin set out again. Liu Zhang even specially picked out ten thousand of his elites from the new army to be responsible for escorting Tang Yin back to the capital.    


To make a long story short, Tang Yin and the others ate and slept in the open and hurried on their journey. Two months later, they finally returned to the Feng Du Zhenjiang.    


Tang Yin had left the capital the longest this time. First was to punish his Ann Country, then he went to the Chuan Du Zhaoyang.    


This time, his return was a bit better than before, and was welcomed by quite a few people of Zhenjiang.    


The majority of the citizens of Zhenjiang were non-humans, and they all had a strong sense of rejection towards Tang Yin and the Windman. This time, Tang Yin's Feng Army was successfully swallowed, causing the overall strength of the nation of Feng Country to be increased by a large amount, the Feng Country was also gaining a lot of benefits, the national treasury was plentiful, the imperial government took the opportunity to reduce the taxes and bounty for the citizens of the various places of Feng Country by one year. The policies of the citizens had changed the opinion of Tang Yin and even of the imperial government of Feng Country by a large margin, as they slowly accepted the reality of themselves becoming a person of the wind.    


The imperial palace led by Yin Zhun, as well as the Feng Country empires led by Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji all left the city to welcome Tang Yin. The imperial palace and the civil and military officials of the Imperial Court had a total of more than two hundred people in total.    


It could be seen that the common people of the Mo Country had already gradually accepted Tang Yin, and his attitude towards him was especially warm. After meeting him, he asked for advice and warmth, and even praised his "achievements", and even brought out a large hat that had been loyal to him for ages, to be placed on Tang Yin's head.    


Of course, Tang Yin knew what he was thinking right now. The Feng Country had already swallowed all four kingdoms, and had basically unified the entire northern and central regions of the empire. The only thing that could match Feng Country now was the southern Chuan Country.    


He scoffed at the Throne. If he wanted it, he didn't even need to wait until now. Yin Zhun had long since become a ghost under his blade. Towards his brother-in-law, Yin Zhun, the son of heaven, he was rather courteous and courteous.    


Only after he finished dealing with Yin Zhun, did Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji both walk over. The first thing they said when they met each other was to complain to Tang Yin.    


Qiu Zhen moved closer to Tang Yin, and said in a low voice: "The King going to the Chuan Country capital alone, is too rash.    


Although Shangguan Yuanji did not agree, he still nodded his head repeatedly.    


The smile on Tang Yin's face did not lessen at all. He first nodded towards the Minister of Feng Country s that were walking over, then also lowered her voice and comforted them, "Prime Minister Qiu is right. I was indeed a bit rash this time.    


Actually, he did not think that his actions were wrong. Of course, he did not think that Qiu Zhen's and Shangguan Yuanji's worries were wrong either.    


Seeing that he had admitted his wrongs so readily, Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji did not say anything else. The latter laughed lightly and changed the topic, asking: "Has the king's journey been smooth sailing?"    


"Of course, it's just that I'm a bit tired from travelling for so many days." Tang Yin, whose body was so robust, also revealed a tired expression. Travelling day and night for the past two months, had caused all the bones in his body to almost scatter.    


Shangguan Yuanji's face became serious, he anxiously turned and said: "Great King, quickly return to the palace to rest!"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded, pulling Qiu Zhen with one hand and Shangguan Yuanji with the other, allowing the two to ride on the same carriage as him.    


On the way back to the palace, Tang Yin inquired about the major events that occurred in the period he left the capital.    


During this year, the Profound Handle on all sides had proceeded smoothly. The troops that were originally assigned to all different places had been reclaimed, and only the Huan Country was not peaceful. Especially at the southern borders of the Huan Country, they still frequently suffered from attacks from the People of Zhen Country. Qiu Zhen intentionally made the Battle-tested Army camp there for a long time, but in truth he had done the same. A few months ago, he had already ordered the Battle-tested Army to be used in the local territory, to be self-sufficient.    


With regards to Qiu Zhen's decision, Tang Yin had no objections. While listening, he nodded and replied, "Very good, you should do so."    


Shangguan Yuanji's report was much more complicated, it was basically asking for help from the imperial government and so on.    


After returning to the palace, Qiu Zhen, Shangguan Yuanji and the rest of the Minister of Feng Country all left tactfully. Everyone could see that the King was exhausted, so even if there were urgent matters, they would have to wait until tomorrow's assembly to discuss them.    


Tang Yin was truly tired, he did not stop them, he only waited for Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji to leave, and told them the whole story, indicating that he and Xiao Xuan had reached an agreement, and the two of them had already decided to fight the Divine Pool together.    


After throwing down the bomb, Tang Yin waved for Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji to leave.    


Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji did not know how they managed to walk out of the palace. It was only when they stood outside the palace gates that the two regained their senses. Regarding the peace between the two countries, the two of them were already prepared in their hearts. They just did not expect that the Feng Country and Chuan Country would work together to deal with Divine Pool.    


For thousands of years, regardless of how the various duchies within the Empire fought, fought, killed, or annexed each other, the war had never spread to the Divine Pool. This time, the monarch of the Feng Country And Chuan Country had always been aiming his spear at the Divine Pool.    



"Prime Minister Qiu, I... Did you hear wrongly? " Shangguan Yuanji looked at Qiu Zhen eagerly.    


Qiu Zhen laughed bitterly and said, "I would rather hear it wrong ? It seems that something big is going to happen to my Feng Country! "    


Divine Pool, is that a place where I can use troops? Qiu Zhen, whose ambition was even greater than Tang Yin's, was currently unsure in his heart. He felt that using troops against Divine Pool was akin to igniting a fire and setting it on fire.    


"Yuanji, if you have nothing better to do today, come and sit in my residence!"    


"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Shangguan Yuanji agreed straightforwardly. If he wanted to talk about the use of soldiers in Divine Pool, he had to talk about it with Qiu Zhen.    


When Tang Yin returned to the palace, he immediately ordered people to prepare a few quiet courtyards for Huangfu Xiutai, Jin Xuan, Ren Xiao and the rest to settle down. Only then did he return to his own bedroom.    


Right now, the palace was extremely lively. Not only was Princess Yin Rou present, Wu Mei, Yuan Qianyi, Shauna and the other wives were also present.    


Seeing them, Tang Yin immediately revealed a smile, but very quickly, his heart was covered by a layer of shadow, could it be that the things that happened in King Chuan's palace also happened to him?    


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