Tomin in The Alien World

C1938 Final volume

C1938 Final volume

0Final Volume 53    


Yin Zhun went to his room, while Tang Yin accompanied Yin Rou to the palace where she used to live.    


Along the way, Yin Rou had a lot of feelings for her. To her, every blade of grass in the palace was so familiar, and also so unfamiliar. It seemed like nothing had changed, but also like everything had changed.    


Her sleeping quarters were still the same as before, without any changes to the layout of the yard or the furnishings in the room. She walked to the bed and slowly sat down, gently stroking the quilt on top of it, as if she had just slept on it yesterday.    


She stayed silent for a long time, turned her head and asked Tang Yin: "Yin, can I stay here tonight?"    


Tang Yin was amused, and said gently: "This is your home to begin with, I'll stay as long as I want."    


"Will you stay with me?" Yin Rou looked at him with anticipation.    


Tang Yin hesitated slightly, now that he was a prince, he was also a prince consort. It didn't matter if he lived in the palace, it was just that he didn't like it.    


He pondered for a long time, seeing Yin Rou staring at him helplessly, unable to let her down, she smiled and nodded, then replied softly: Alright!    


Yin Rou happily stood up, walked to Tang Yin's side and snuggled in his arms.    


Tang Yin and Yin Rou had been warm in his room for a long time. Then, he suddenly thought of something and stood up: "Rou Er, I still have some things that I need to discuss with Qiu Zhen and the others. I'll come back later."    


Yin Rou understood that Qiu Zhen and the other ministers had just reached Shang Jing, so they had a lot of things to discuss. She did not force Tang Yin to stay, but instead said softly while sending him off: "Come back early tonight, do not make me wait too long."    


After hearing this, Tang Yin's heart was startled, and he almost retreated back into the room. He did not dare to stay any longer. He silently nodded his head, turned around, and quickly left.    


When he walked out of the palace,, Shangguan Yuanji, and the rest of the Feng Country were all waiting outside. When they saw Tang Yin coming out, they all went up and cupped their hands together, "Great King!"    


Tang Yin waved his hand at everyone and said: "We'll discuss this at the relay station."    


"Yes sir!" Everyone followed Tang Yin, some rode horses, some rode carriages, and all headed towards the relay stations.    


Tang Yin sat in the middle of the main hall of the relay station. On the left was a military official led by Qiu Zhen, while on the right was a civil servant led by Shangguan Yuanji.    


Tang Yin looked at the people around him, smiled and said: "It has been hard on you all to gather here at Shang Jing to be here from thousands of miles away."    


"Your Majesty, you're being too serious." Everyone bowed and clasped their hands together.    


Tang Yin was too lazy to say anymore pleasantries, he pulled himself together and said: "I plan to build a palace in Shang Jing, what do you think about this?"    


In front of everyone, he specially used 'This King' to call himself, which meant he was telling everyone that he had already decided and would not change anything.    


Everyone looked at each other, and Zhang Xin took the lead to say: "Shang Jing is under the feet of the Son of Heaven, it is bustling with noise and excitement, King Yu is building a palace in Shang Jing, that is reasonable."    


"What if this duke wants to move the palace in Zhenjiang and the imperial court to Shang Jing as well?" Tang Yin laughed and asked softly.    


"This ?" Zhang Xin's face changed, he immediately shut his mouth, and did not say anymore. Wasn't moving the imperial government to Shang Jing the same as moving the capital to Shang Jing the next day? With such a big matter to move to the capital, how could he dare to speak carelessly?    


Seeing Zhang Xin looking down without saying a word, Tang Yin then looked at the others and asked: What do you guys think?    


Qiu Zhen looked at Shangguan Yuanji at first, then frowned and said: "Does the King want to move the capital to Shang Jing?"    


"That's what I meant!" Tang Yin smiled slightly and said: "Qiu Zhen, what do you think?"    


"If my Feng Country were to set up its own country in the capital, wouldn't that mean that I would be overstepping my bounds?" Qiu Zhen frowned and said.    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "Yuanji also had such concerns, but later on, Yuanji gave me an idea, to eliminate Feng Country and return it to the Son of Heaven. I will lower myself to the position of Assistant Minister, so on the surface, it looks like we have no Feng Country, and we can also stay in Shang Jing openly, but in reality, we can still firmly control the Feng Country and the Son of Heaven.    


Hearing this, the expressions of the Minister of Civil And Military Affairs members present changed. This was insane. How could she go against herself?    


Qiu Zhen was the first to oppose the idea as he said in a serious tone: "My Feng Country is now a vast territory obtained through conquest, and the hearts of people are already unsteady. If we eliminate the title of Feng Country, the King would surrender herself to the position of Duke, and other than the Old Man, no one else would follow and obey the King's orders. This is the road to self-destruction, you absolutely cannot!" As he spoke, he looked deeply into Shangguan Yuanji's eyes. He did not understand why Shangguan Yuanji would give the King such a foolish idea.    


Tang Yin listened and nodded, as though he agreed with Qiu Zhen's words. Shangguan Yuanji smiled indifferently, and said: "Prime Minister Qiu is overthinking things, as long as the King can firmly control the imperial government, even if she returns the Feng Country to the Son of Heaven, the King will still be the uncrowned King of the Feng Country, and will still be able to command the world with the Son of Heaven's prestige. Moreover, her actions will be much more convenient and beneficial than her current identity as the Feng King."    


Qiu Zhen immediately said: "No matter what, the title of country should be banned, the king should change his own title, and should not be allowed to continue, the Feng Country has today, how many people used their lives to exchange for it, if the title of country should be banned, how can we face the heroic spirits of the past generations of the Feng Country?"    


"The Son of Heaven is in Shang Jing and we are in the Zhenjiang. We are separated by thousands of miles. If you want to stay in Shang Jing openly, the best way is to ban the country's title. "    


The two of them exchanged words, and the ministers present stared at Qiu Zhen, and then at Shangguan Yuanji, until their heads were spinning.    


Tang Yin waved his hand, intending to argue with the two of them, but he slowly said with a smile: "Yuanji has his reasons, Qiu Zhen also has his reasons, if we continue arguing, there will be no conclusion to it, so why don't we do this, in the future, we can stay in Shang Jing for a long period of time, but the imperial government will still set up its Zhenjiang, and in the future, our imperial palace will split into two, the Zhenjiang will become bright, the imperial capital will become dark, and the Zhenjiang will become illusory. What do you think?"    


The ministers present were all stunned, then looked at each other, not saying a word. After a long while, Qiu Zhen nodded first, and said: "This humble subject thinks, Your Majesty's opinion is feasible." In his view, no matter what he did, it was better than banning the country's title.    


Shangguan Yuanji thought about it carefully, and felt that Tang Yin's idea could be tried. He nodded his head and replied: "This humble subject has no objection."    


Seeing that Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji had expressed their agreement, the Minister of Civil And Military Affairs s below said in unison: "The King is wise!"    


Seeing that the ministers had agreed, Tang Yin nodded his head in satisfaction, and said: "Since everyone agrees, then this matter is settled. The Central Army stationed in the Zhenjiang will all go south, and be changed to permanent residence in Shang Jing. For the time being, Zhang Zhe will take charge of the overall situation! "    


"Yes!" "Great King!"    


The matter of moving to a city had been temporarily resolved. Tang Yin's mood became a lot more relaxed as he waved to everyone and said, "I believe everyone is tired. If there's nothing else to discuss, then go and rest first!"    


"We will take our leave!" Shangguan Yuanji, Qiu Zhen and the rest all stood up, bowed to Tang Yin, and then walked out.    


Qiu Zhen's foot had already left the hall, when he suddenly thought of something, he retracted his foot that was in the hall, and silently retreated into the hall. After waiting for the ministers had all left, he walked over to Tang Yin, cupped his hands, and said: "Great King!"    


Tang Yin chuckled as he looked at him, and asked: "Qiu Zhen, what's the matter?" After a moment, he laughed: "You aren't here to report Yuanji's condition to me, right? In fact, I can also understand Yuanji's intentions and opinions, "Mu Xuanyin said in a bland voice.    


Without waiting for Tang Yin to finish speaking, Qiu Zhen shook his head and said: "Great King, what this humble subject wants to say is not this matter."    


He and Shangguan Yuanji had been the first to support Tang Yin, so how could he not understand Shangguan Yuanji's personality? Towards Feng Country and loyalty to the King, Shangguan Yuanji was definitely not inferior to him.    


He frowned and said, "I did not know that the King had the intention to move to the capital, so I may have done something inappropriate in private."    


Tang Yin was confused, and asked: "What is it?"    


Qiu Zhen looked left and right, then walked around the table and directly went to Tang Yin's side and sat down, and said in a low voice: "This humble subject is worried that the Son of Heaven will be provoked by a 'scoundrel' in Shang Jing, and an unexpected change will occur. So on the journey to Shang Jing, this humble subject has ordered the hidden arrows, causing some of the unreliable officials in the Huang Clan to be shot off." At this point, he raised his hand and made a horizontal slicing gesture.    


Tang Yin took a deep breath and asked: "All of them?"    



"Only part of it."    


"How many?"    


There are twenty-six ministers, and nearly a thousand family members." Qiu Zhen said carefully. This was not a small matter, and it was a decision he had made without Tang Yin's consent. Now, he was regretting that his decision had been too hasty.    


Tang Yin muttered to himself for a moment and asked: "Have you succeeded with the Dark Arrow?"    


"I'm not sure yet, but it's been a month. I'm worried that the Dark Arrow has already made its move."    


"Immediately send word to the Hidden Arrow Crew that you have assigned, if you have not made a move then stop the operation. If you have already made a move then clean up this matter and do not leave any clues. If the matter is exposed, spread ?" Tang Yin did not finish his words.    


Qiu Zhen nodded his head and replied: "Yes, yes, yes. This humble subject will immediately send a message to the hidden arrow.    


Tang Yin smiled, patted Qiu Zhen's shoulders and said: "I'm not blaming you. "You're right. You're right. It's always better to be safe than sorry!"    


Qiu Zhen sighed, and said: "Since the King has spoken, this humble subject is relieved." Saying that, he remembered Shangguan Yuanji's suggestion, and said in a serious tone: "Great king, this humble subject feels that Yuanji's suggestion this time is extremely inappropriate, it is too risky, the title of Feng Country cannot be banned, and the great king is even more so unable to change his own title, the achievements that the Feng Country has today is not easy to achieve, if it is according to Yuanji's idea, then I am afraid that the Feng Country will turn into a pile of scattered sand that disintegrated into pieces."    


Tang Yin rolled his eyes and said slowly: "Someone is warning me. Yuanji is only loyal to me on the surface, but he is more loyal to the Son of Heaven. Qiu Zhen, what do you think?"    


Hearing that, Qiu Zhen's face changed, at the same time he took in a breath of cold air, he anxiously said: "This is my misconception, my King cannot misbelieve my words, Yuanji's personality is very clear, how could he betray the King, his Feng Country?"    


It was rare to see Qiu Zhen becoming anxious. Tang Yin laughed, and said: "I was just joking, there's no need to take it seriously. Alright, you can go back and rest.    


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