Tomin in The Alien World



0Zhan Wushuang's orders were quickly transmitted to Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan's side of the South City. After the three of them received the orders, they did not delay at all and immediately opened the gates of the South City, leading the twenty thousand elite soldiers who were already prepared, and quietly went out of the southern gate of the Zhangyu, rushing straight for the main camp of the Tianyuan Army.    


Most of them came from the county army early, so they had rich experience and were experts in battle techniques. Although they were no different from ordinary regular soldiers, they were still much stronger than those strong men that had been pieced together at the last moment.    


Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan took the lead and rushed to the front, there was still some distance to the Tianyuan Army Camp, so the three of them could see that there was Feng Army in the tower beside the Barracks Gate.    


They saw Feng Army on the lookout, and Feng Army also saw them. The two Feng Soldier s saw a large group of enemy soldiers suddenly rushing towards them, and turned pale in fright, and was about to warn the camp when Jiang Fan already nocked his bow, aimed at the tower, and shot two arrows in a row.    


These two golden arrows were the Nether Soul Arrow and the locking Soul Arrow. After they left the bowstrings, they were truly like two golden streaks of lightning, drawing two streaks of golden light in the night sky. In the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the two Feng Army sentries.    


At such a long distance, the accuracy and power of Jiang Fan's arrows could still stun people. The two arrows seemed to have eyes, accurately nailing them into the throats of two sentries, and even piercing through their necks, causing the tip of the golden arrow to pop out from the back of their necks.    


Without letting out any sound, the two Feng Army Guards collapsed onto the ground.    


Zhan Wudi and Hao Zhao who were beside Jiang Fan secretly nodded their heads. Although Jiang Fan was someone who they looked down upon, they had to admit that his archery skills had reached a superb level.    


After eliminating the guards of the Feng Army, Zhan Wudi's group charged forward brazenly, the twenty thousand people were like a surging flood that directly rushed to the front of the Tianyuan Army camp. There were a few guards here, only until the other party rushed to their front did they realise that there was an ambush. Seeing the sea of people rushing towards them, a few Feng Soldier s were so scared that they did not even dare block them, running back into the camp screaming.    


They did run, but they did not even have the time to close the Barracks Gate's gate, which allowed Zhan Wudi's group to smoothly rush into the Tianyuan Army's camp without any obstructions.    


Recently, Zhan Wudi looked around. Although he could hear the Feng Soldier's screams, the entire camp was completely empty, without even the Feng Army to welcome battle.    


After he finished reading, Zhan Wudi couldn't help but laugh out loud. The Tianyuan Army had indeed fallen into his big brother's plans, the entire army's main force had moved to the northern camp, and currently, South Camp was just an empty camp. If he didn't kill it, wouldn't it be a waste of the current perfect opportunity?    


He turned his head and shouted, "Brothers, follow me inside, we will kill Tang Yin tonight and burn down the enemy's camp!" "Kill?" They followed Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan and the rest of the Profound Sky Continent and rushed to the center of the Tianyuan Army camp, straight towards the main commander's Central Army Tent.    


The only thing was that there were no guards at the entrance, and only rows of torches were standing there. The atmosphere was mysterious and strange, but Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan and the rest who were currently in high spirits did not care about it at all as they urged their horses to rush over.    


When they arrived at the entrance of the Central Army Tent, they restrained their warhorses and looked into the tent. They saw that it was empty, and there was a person seated behind the handsome table.    


This person was dressed in silver armor and had no helmet on his head. Looking at his face, his black face was shiny, and his thick eyebrows were strong and fierce. Beside him stood a weird shaped large blade.    


"Everyone, you have come very late. This general has been waiting here for a long time!" As he spoke, the black-faced general suddenly opened his eyes, and two bolts of lightning shot out from his eyes. As he spoke, he slowly stood up, and at the same time, he picked up the silver helmet on the table.    


The confidence and arrogance that seeped out from his bones naturally made people feel a sense of oppression that was hard to describe. Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan, any one of them was a top ranked martial general, and to face all three of them at the same time, other than Shangguan Yuan, there was no other person who was so calm.    


"Shangguan Yuan, step aside!" After clearly seeing the black-faced general inside the Central Army Tent, Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, and Jiang Fan subconsciously cried out at the same time. They never would have dreamed that they didn't see Tang Yin within the enemy's Central Army Tent, but instead saw the most troublesome, Shangguan Yuanyang.    


"Haha?" He laughed out loud, walked out of the tent, and said slowly, "My lord has already expected that you would ambush our base camp, so he sent us to wait here for you. Since you have all come, please don't leave, and stay in our base camp!" While speaking, Shangguan Yuan had already walked out of the Central Army Tent tent, his body was surrounded by spirit mist, which spread out. In the next moment, his silver helmet and armour were covered by a layer of pure white jade spirit armor, and the trident on his blade also completed its spirit transformation, turning him into a terrifying Spiritual Knife.    


When Shangguan Yuan had completed the Spirit Armored Materialization and the Spirit Materialization of Weapon, the sounds of the Central Army Tent from behind sounded out, following that, countless Feng Army surged out from the darkness, corners, and living quarters, igniting numerous torches that illuminated the dark night as bright as day. Looking at them, there were many Feng Army s, with no ends to see, and surging heads, one could clearly tell the number, and all the soldiers held Longbow s in their hands, nocked and nocked, with their arrows aimed straight at Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan and the twenty thousand Peng Army s under their command.    


Oh no, they had fallen into the enemy's trap! Just then, Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan realised that something was wrong, but before they could react, Shangguan Yuan had already waved his blade forward and shouted: "Release the arrows!" "Shoot, shoot, shoot!" The regiment commanders and thousand-man commanders within the Feng Army repeated Shangguan Yuan's orders. In that moment, tens of thousands of arrows were released, and they shot towards Zhan Wudi's group from all directions.    


Because it was a sneak attack, twenty thousand Peng Army s were all light weapons and did not carry any shields. Facing the arrow formation of the Feng Army and the powerful shot at such a short distance, the consequences could be imagined.    


Following the arrival of the arrow formations, the Peng Army camp immediately erupted into an uproar. In that instant, the number of soldiers that were hit by the formations became incalculable, and the soldiers of the Peng Army camp started falling down in batches, many of them already shot like hedgehogs, their entire bodies filled with Eagle Feather Arrow s, unable to even fall down.    


Even Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan were not spared, it was a good thing that they had the spirit armor protecting their bodies, but they were not so lucky on the war horses, after getting hit by the arrow, they roared and flipped over.    


"Retreat!" "Retreat!" At this time, Zhan Wudi had already lost all will to fight, and he turned his head to shout at Generals And Soldiers of Self Army. It was obvious that the enemy had prepared in advance, not only had they set up an ambush, they had also set up their own arrow formations, and Shangguan Yuan had even personally prepared to block it, this battle was simply impossible to fight. As long as they could retreat safely, they would have to thank the heavens.    


Peng Army had been easy lately, but it was too difficult to get out.    


The sharpness of the Feng Army arrow formation was not inferior to the famous Ning Jun's arrow formation at all. The arrow formation was unceasing, wave after wave, as if it was endless, and under the Feng Army arrow formation, it was as if his body was in hell. No matter if it was the Spirit Cultivator or the ordinary soldiers, they could only helplessly hope in their hearts that this would all end quickly.    


The Feng Army's arrow formation would not stop. To Peng Army, the end of the arrow formation represented the end of their lives.    


Arrows rained down like rain, occasionally dropping on the head and back of Peng Army. The Peng Soldier created by the arrows almost covered the entire open space in front of Central Army Tent.    


Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, and Jiang Fan passed through their own camp with much difficulty. They took the lead and ran all the way to the back of the formation, before repeatedly shouting to the commanders to follow them and retreat out of the camp.    


What a pity that these twenty thousand Peng Army s, were all being chased by the Feng Army s. Retreating one line, dying the other, when Zhan Wudi and the rest finally reached the vicinity of the Barracks Gate, they raised their heads and looked forward, their minds buzzing at the same time.    


The battle formations of the soldiers were orderly, independent and connected to each other. When the two sides spread out, they sealed up the entire Barracks Gate, making it so that not even a drop of water could leak out. Not to mention a human, even a fly would not be able to fly out.    


At the front of the battle formation stood two General of Feng Country s, the one on the left was in her thirties, handsome, armor-piercing, cloaked, valiant, and extraordinary looking, the one on the right was only in her twenties, no armor, only wearing a brocade robe, with a jade crown on her head, looking at the other's face, there was no hair on his face, sharp eyebrows, straight nose, strong facial features, handsome face, and a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, her appearance gave off a very friendly feeling, however, her handsome and pleasing looks could not conceal the evil aura that naturally emanated from his body.    


These two were none other than the commander of Tianyuan Army, Tang Yin, and the general of Pingyuan Army, Xiao Muqing.    


Seeing Zhan Wudi leading his men to retreat towards him, Tang Yin's smile grew wider and wider. He was still quite a distance away, so he shouted loudly, "General Zhan, it's been a while. How have you been?!" In this sneak attack on the Tianyuan Army Camp, Zhan Wudi's first target was Tang Yin, but until now, the one he didn't want to see the most was precisely Tang Yin.    


Seeing Tang Yin standing in front of him and shouting at him, Zhan Wudi's body suddenly trembled, although the enemy troops behind him were terrifying, but since Tang Yin was there, it meant that the enemy's main force was also there. There were at least 4 to 5 enemy's formation behind him, which meant that the enemy's forces were at least 4 to 50 thousand, and their own forces were at large, while the enemy's forces were at large, how could he possibly charge out?    


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