Tomin in The Alien World



0Wu Yu knew that her Directly Subordinate Army was not comparable to the other four armies, and could be considered Tang Yin's closest army, so his position naturally was much higher than the other four armies. If Wu Ying could become a Deputy Commander of Directly Subordinate Army, it was equivalent to him becoming someone close to Tang Yin, and after getting along with him for a long time, it would be hard for him to not have feelings for him.    


Tang Yin did not expect Wu Yu to have so many ulterior motives, he muttered to himself for a moment, then turned to Gu Yue and asked: "Gu Yue, you are the commander of Directly Subordinate Army, what do you think about Wu Ying taking up the position of Deputy Commander?"    


Gu Yue looked towards Tang Yin, to see if he had hinted at his. If Tang Yin was against this, he would definitely signal her, but Tang Yin did not say anything unnecessary, Gu Yue just assumed that Tang Yin was tacitly agreeing to this matter, and asking for his opinion was taking a form. He anxiously bowed and cupped his hands: "Reporting to my king, this general thinks that Miss Wu Ying is extremely capable, and is also familiar with the military strategy, so he cannot be more suitable to be the Deputy Commander."    


Even Gu Yue had said that, so Tang Yin could no longer refuse. He smiled at Wu Yu, and said: "Since you are the recommended candidate, then it can't be wrong. Wu Ying will be the Deputy Commander for Directly Subordinate Army!"    


"Thank you, your majesty!" Wu Yu was beaming with joy, he pretended to kneel down and express his gratitude, but Tang Yin anxiously extended his hand to support him, and said: "Secretary of State is too polite."    


Wu Yu was only pretending, he did not really want to kneel to Tang Yin, but after being stopped, he immediately stood up, and then turned to look at Wu Ying, and waved her hand: Ying'er, why are you not coming over to thank the King?!    


Hearing that, Wu Ying immediately left her seat and walked over. As she was not wearing her military uniform today, Wu Ying used her blessings to greet Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin smiled at her and said: "Xiao Ying, from now on, you must get along well with General Gu Yue. Try your best to support and cooperate with him."    


"Yes!" "Great King!"    


Although Tang Yin was already Wu Ying's brother-in-law, she still did not dare to neglect Tang Yin's attitude and only replied respectfully.    


Gu Yue was actually very happy about this matter. With such a beautiful assistant, even if he didn't do anything, it would be pleasing to the eyes if it was placed in the army camp.    


After the feast ended, everyone left one after another. Tang Yin drank a lot of wine and felt a little tipsy. The female official was already waiting outside the hall. Just as Tang Yin came out, he walked up to him and asked: "Which wife does the King spend the night with?"    


Tang Yin was startled, then looked at the female officer in confusion. Where did he want to spend the night, did he need to report to her?    


The female official knew that Tang Yin did not understand the rules of the palace and quickly explained: "Where does the King want to spend the night, this servant has to inform you in advance so that you can prepare."    


"Oh!" Tang Yin replied slowly, then smiled at the female official and said: "You can go rest now, I will take care of it myself."    


The female official looked at Tang Yin strangely, but she did not dare disobey him, so she nodded and replied Tang Yin before leaving.    


Whom to spend the night? That was a problem. Tang Yin shook his head and laughed, he then turned to and Shangguan Yuanbiao who were beside him and asked: "Yuanwu, Yuanbiao, whose palace do you think I should go to tonight?"    


The Brother Shangguan did not dare to say too much, and the two of them said at the same time: "Wherever the King wants to go, I will go!"    


Heh! This was equivalent to not saying anything. Tang Yin shrugged, rolled his eyes and said: "Follow me to the Hua Ying Hall first."    


"Yes!" "Great King!" Brother Shangguan replied as he muttered to himself in his heart, seems like Wu Mei still holds the highest position in the heart of the King!    


Tang Yin, accompanied by the Brother Shangguan, proceeded towards the Hua Ying Hall to find Wu Mei. At this time, Wu Mei had already ordered the Maidservant beside him to take off all the heavy clothes on her body, and even washed the makeup off her face. When Tang Yin arrived, he was lying down on the bed and sleeping soundly.    


Seeing Wu Mei in such a state, Tang Yin could not hold back and laughed out loud. The surrounding Maidservant s all rushed forward and after greeting Tang Yin courteously, they all explained to her: "Great King, Madam is too tired." "That's right. Madam didn't sleep much last night ?"    


These Maidservant s were all members of the Dancing Palace and had followed Wu Mei into the palace. Now, all of them had changed into the attire of palace maids.    


Listening to the Maidservant's explanation, Tang Yin nodded in understanding. Walking to the side of the bed, he looked down to see the soundly asleep Wu Mei, and his face gradually revealed a gentle smile.    


Seeing that the Maidservant on the left and right were about to wake Wu Mei up, Tang Yin reached out to stop them. He picked up the blanket and covered Wu Mei with it, then said softly, "Let her have a good sleep!"    


Tang Yin being so considerate, all the little Maidservant s below nodded their heads in agreement. Tang Yin, who was sitting less in the hall, stood up and left.    


After which, he went to the Tai An Palace that Fan Min was at. What greatly surprised Tang Yin was that he did not see Fan Min after arriving at the Tai An Palace. He asked the palace maids below him about it and found out that Fan Min had already gone to the palace's treasure room and had not returned yet. The one who was most interested in the rare treasures in the palace was Fan Min. She was also happy to evaluate the value of the treasures and recorded them down one by one.    


It was truly easy to change one's nature! Tang Yin laughed bitterly in his heart. Fan Min had already become the king's wife, but this girl was still as good as dead.    


Before leaving, Tang Yin told the palace maid that he had already come when Fan Min returned. The palace maid agreed and carefully sent Tang Yin off.    


After being emptied at Wu Mei's place, Tang Yin could only go to Yuan Qianyi's Golden Peace Hall in the end.    


Arriving at the Jin Ning Hall, without waiting for them to enter, Tang Yin felt that it was exceptionally quiet, as if there was no one inside.    


Could it be that even Yuan Qianyi was not here?! Tang Yin shook his head and burst out laughing. With his hands behind his back, he leisurely walked into the courtyard. In the vast courtyard, he couldn't even see a shadow of a person. There was a world of difference between this place and the Hua Ying Palace and Tai An Palace, where people came and went.    


That's right! Tang Yin finally understood why the Golden Peace Hall was so dejected. It was just that there was a lack of human life, the three wives were probably divided up by the same number of maids. Why was it that he couldn't see a single one of them in the Golden Peace Hall? Tang Yin couldn't understand, so he walked through the courtyard to the front door of the Jin Ning Hall.    


It was only until now did he finally see two palace maids, who were also familiar with them. They were two of the four palace maids standing beside Yuan Qianyi.    


"Great King!"    


Seeing Tang Yin, the two palace maids were slightly surprised. The two girls seemed to be very surprised that Tang Yin was able to come to Jin Ning Hall tonight.    


Tang Yin nodded his head and asked: "Is Qian Yi in the hall?"    


"Yes!" The King invites you in! " The two palace maids regained their senses and accepted the favor of letting Tang Yin enter the palace hall.    


Outside the courtyard was calm, and the interior of the hall was not much better off. In the large hall, only two palace maids were packing their things.    


Tang Yin frowned, and asked: "Could it be that the female officials have not been assigned to the palace maids?"    


"No, no, no!" One of the palace maids shook her head and explained nervously, "There were many palace maids assigned by the female officials, but since Madam was so quiet and did not like being disturbed by the palace maids, the other palace maids were pushed away by Madam."    


"Oh!" "So that's how it is!" Tang Yin nodded and without further questions, he turned and entered the room.    


Just as he entered the main room, Tang Yin raised his head and saw Yuan Qianyi sitting beside the bed dressed in luxurious clothing. Her clothes were not changed, the makeup on her face was also not taken off, and even the beaded curtain on her phoenix crown was not lifted. What she had been like when she entered the palace in the morning, what she was like now, as if she had been sitting on the edge of the bed all day.    


Tang Yin walked over and asked in surprise, "Qianyi, you... Why didn't you change your clothes? "    


"Your concubine is waiting for your majesty!" Yuan Qianyi lowered her head and said gently.    


"You've been sitting like this all day?" Tang Yin asked in disbelief.    




"And if I don't come tonight?"    


"Then let us wait for the King's night."    


Her tone was neither hurried nor slow, it was as if everything was normal, but Tang Yin's heart was greatly moved, and even felt pity for his. He reached out his hand and slowly lifted the jade curtain that was in front of Yuan Qianyi's face. Looking at her beautiful appearance and his noble and elegant appearance, Tang Yin couldn't help but feel a sense of uneasiness.    


Her movements were gentle as she removed the phoenix coronet on Yuan Qianyi's head, trying her best to not hurt her hair. Her previously nimble fingers now seemed unusable, and after a while, he finally took off the phoenix coronet. At this time, Yuan Qianyi raised her head, and looked at Tang Yin without blinking her bright eyes.    



Yuan Qianyi was repeatedly kissed by him, and said in an intermittent voice, "My ? "This concubine's red lips still hasn't been washed away ?"    


Tang Yin's mouth twitched, and revealed an evil smile, and said: "I'll help you eat it!"    


Hearing that, Yuan Qianyi's jade face immediately flushed red, her eyes revealing a little girl's bashfulness. Tang Yin had never seen her like this before.    


He knew that Yuan Qianyi was very beautiful, but he never expected her to be so beautiful. Her figure was slender, and her skin was like mutton fat that could be broken by the wind, there wasn't even a bit of excess flesh on her body. In Tang Yin's opinion, even someone who had experienced years of training might not be able to have such a perfect figure.    


It was unbelievable that a lady who had been raised in the palace for so long could be maintained so well ? The doubt that had just emerged in Tang Yin's heart was quickly replaced.    


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