Tomin in The Alien World



0The arrows shot out from the top of the city wall did not pose much of a threat to him. When he was almost to the bottom of the city, Tang Yin jumped off his horse and rushed forward on foot.    


Never did they ever know that a person could be fast, the Peng Army at the top of the city walls were all so shocked that their faces changed, and they anxiously threw items such as tree scrolls, stone slabs, Pyretic Oil at Tang Yin who was below the city.    




They all landed on the ground only to see Tang Yin, who was initially at the bottom of the city, suddenly appearing at the top of the city walls. His entire body was covered in black armor, like a death god crawling out of hell, and the scythe in his hand had a burning black flame attached to it.    


As the scythe was swung out, the Peng Soldier in front of him was cut apart, blood splattering everywhere. Corpses scattered on the ground, and a white mist rose from the ground.    


"Ah?" Seeing Tang Yin suddenly rush to the top of the city walls, all of the surrounding Peng Soldier cried out in alarm, all of them picked up their halberds and rushed forward, aiming at Tang Yin's body, poking and piercing. This kind of attack did not pose any threat to Tang Yin, he could not even retreat, and stood on the ground as if he was rooted to the ground. Only, his body swayed left and right, swaying unsteadily.    


Without waiting for the Peng Soldier to retract its halberd to attack again, the sickle in Tang Yin's hand fiercely struck out. Tang Yin's sickle slashed to the left, and his right foot hooked onto the ground, raising up half the tip of the halberd. Holding the halberd in his hand, he swung the tip of the halberd flying out, right at the chest of one of the Captains who was shouting orders in succession, Pu!! The thousand-man commander's shout came to an abrupt stop as his body was directly penetrated by the long halberd. He retreated two steps before collapsing to the ground.    


"Tang Yin, your father will fight it out with you!" Following the loud roar, the Peng Army Guardian General rushed over with his spear, arriving in front of Tang Yin. Without saying a word, he pierced three times in a row. He was fast, but Tang Yin was even faster, his body was like a spinning top, he went from General of Peng Country's side to General of Peng Country's back, the scythe in his hand also cut across General of Peng Country's waist.    


The General of Peng Country did not dodge, furthermore, Tang Yin's attack was too fast, and he did not give him the chance to dodge. Even if Tang Yin could cut him into two with one slash, his Cross Blade Technique could still mince Tang Yin into pieces.    


If it were anyone else, perhaps they would have been unable to dodge such a desperate attack. However, Tang Yin was a dark attributed cultivator who grasped the strangest skill of the Spirit Martial Arts, Shadow Drift. With a "pu" sound, Tang Yin's body turned into a black mist. The [Instant Blast Cross Cut] only destroyed the black mist he emitted, but Tang Yin's real body had already flashed out of the attack range.    


Spirit Cultivator of Dark was truly strange! That General of Peng Country clenched her teeth and once again rushed towards Tang Yin.    


But this time, Tang Yin did not give him the chance to release his technique, and the latter welcomed it with her blade, sweeping it across General of Peng Country's neck. The General of Peng Country instinctively lowered her head, and avoided Tang Yin's blade, but she only noticed what was up ahead, and did not realise that she was also attacked by Tang Yin.    


Pow! Tang Yin's sweep kick struck the General of Peng Country's ankle. The latter screamed in pain and fell to the ground uncontrollably. Before his body even landed on the ground, Tang Yin had already retracted his leg and kicked forward. This kick was as fast as lightning. General of Peng Country didn't even have the time to react when her chest was hit by Tang Yin's foot.    


Tang Yin's heavy kick was unimaginably powerful, the General of Peng Country's body that was still floating in the air was like a cannonball as it flew out.    


Splash, splash?    


Amidst a continuous stream of chaotic noises, the General of Peng Country knocked over a dozen Peng Soldier and in the end, heavily crashed onto the arrowheads. Her inertia was so strong that even the arrowheads trembled a few times. General of Peng Country's body bounced back and fell to the ground, she laid on her stomach and still wanted to support her body and continue fighting, but suddenly she felt that her internal organs were overturning the sky and the earth, blood was flowing out all over the place, her throat was sweet, wow! General of Peng Country spat out a mouthful of blood, and her body which had been propped up a little bit more fell back down again.    


Tang Yin did not give him time to breathe. Holding the black scythe in his hand, he rushed in front of General of Peng Country, and at the same time, waved the scythe left and right, killing all the surrounding Peng Soldier. Arriving in front of General of Peng Country, he extended his arm and grabbed onto General of Peng Country's neck.    


"If you want to die, I will grant you your wish!" As he spoke, a black flame suddenly ignited on the palm of Tang Yin's hand. The flame burned from the General of Peng Country's neck all the way to his entire body. Under the Fire of Darkness's incineration, the spirit armor on General of Peng Country's body turned into nothing, and following that, the Black Fire burned his body.    


"Ah ?" The General of Peng Country only let out a short scream before its head drooped down. It died a tragic death under the Fire of Darkness's Soul Combustion. Plop! Tang Yin waved his hand and threw the corpse away, then turned and looked at the Peng Soldier around him and shouted, "Anyone else who isn't afraid of death, come at me!" Whoosh?    


Under Tang Yin's eyes that flickered with a green light, the surrounding Peng Soldier were all frightened out of their wits, and they simultaneously retreated. Just as Tang Yin was delayed at the top of the city walls, the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army had already rushed up to the top of the city walls.    


In order to lighten the burden on their bodies, most of the Pingyuan Army soldiers had already taken off their armor, their bodies bare, their faces fierce, mouths holding onto steel blades, coldly looking at them, just like barbarians and fierce beasts, Peng Soldier soldiers did not dare to continue fighting, and like the tides of the ocean, they retreated back into the city. They wanted to run, but Pingyuan Army refused to budge. Following that, they tried to kill them, cutting Peng Soldier to the point where they were crying for their parents.    


Zhangyu s were the first to panic, followed by North City s and Eastern City s that broke through the defense of the city, so the most intense battle was actually South City s.    


The main force of the Peng Army were all gathered here, and Zhong Tian, Xiao Shang and Zhan Wushuang were all there as well. There were a lot of troops, and their defense was complete as well.    


At this time, the role of the general was brought out. Shangguan Yuan saw that his side had been unable to attack for a long time, so he was anxious and angry. He roared without a care and climbed up the city wall. One after another, the Peng Army soldiers aimed their rocks at Shangguan Yuan, and used all their strength to smash him. Shangguan Yuan let one hand hold the sabre as he made the call, the other hand holding the ladder, and continued climbing rapidly.    


Seeing that the rolling wood and stepping stones were useless, and his Peng Army used Pyretic Oil, this thing could not be blocked with a blade, and its killing power was extremely strong, even with Shangguan Yuan's high cultivation, his spirit armor could not withstand the Pyretic Oil's burning heat. With no other choice, he jumped down the ladder, but he did not land on the ground. Instead, his whole body stuck to the wall like a gecko, the spirit armor on his hand was like a knife, deeply inserting itself into the wall.    


Before Shangguan Yuan was forced back to the ground, the General of Peng Country on top of the city wall roared loudly and commanded the surrounding Peng Army to continue smashing the rolling logs and stepping on the rocks, leaking out the Pyretic Oil. No matter what, she had to get Shangguan Yuan back.    


Under the command of the General of Peng Country, the rolling wood, striking stones, and Pyretic Oil of the Peng Army came crashing down from above Shangguan Yuan's head in an unending stream. At this time, Shangguan Yuan no longer had the space to climb up, so he could only shift sideways to the left and right to dodge. But in the end, his body was still glued to the Pyretic Oil s from time to time.    


Seeing that, one of the Pingyuan Army Regiment leaders below the city walls immediately realized that he had to assist Shangguan Yuan in attacking the city walls. Only when Shangguan Yuan moved forward, could they disrupt the enemy's defensive line and open up a gap for their side. As he thought about this, the regiment commander turned around and shouted, "Get me some marksmen!" Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army had trained in archery for a long time and knew how to shoot. However, with a different person's aptitude, the level of their archery would naturally be different as well. Following the voice of the regiment commander, over a hundred Pingyuan Army soldiers swarmed over, eagerly looking at him, waiting for his command.    


The regimental commander pointed to the top of the city and said, "Shoot!" "If anyone tries to throw their head at a tree or a stone, shoot them all!" "Yes!" More than a hundred soldiers put down their steel swords, took down their bows and arrows, and aimed at the top of the city. Just then, two Peng Soldier s carrying a huge pot of Pyretic Oil arrived at the edge of the city wall. After looking down to confirm Shangguan Yuan's position, they raised the pot of Pyretic Oil high, preparing to pour the Pyretic Oil down.    


But before the two of them could pour the Pyretic Oil out, the hundred over archers who were already standing below the city wall released arrows, and with a series of whooshing sounds, over a hundred Eagle Feather Arrow s flew out from below the city walls and landed on the city walls. The two Peng Soldier s did not even manage to see what had happened, and had their chest, armpits, arms, and other areas pierced by arrows.    


The two of them screamed out at the same time and fell onto their backs. The Pyretic Oil that was lifted did not land on Shangguan Yuan, but it did not waste any of it, falling onto the two of them. The boiling hot Pyretic Oil s fell on the soldiers. The green smoke rose so high that the two of them did not even have the time to cry out. Instantly, they were blasted by the Pyretic Oil, their stomachs ruptured, their internal organs spewing out, filling the air with a burnt smell.    


"Ah?" Seeing two soldiers miserably killed by the arrows, General of Peng Country cried out and stuck his head out to look around. General of Peng Country's reaction was fast enough, the first thing she did was to pull back his head, but she was still a bit slow, and got shot in the left eye by an arrow.    


"Aiya!" General of Peng Country jumped up high in pain, covering her face with one hand as she retreated continuously. The other Peng Soldier warriors did not dare to show their heads, and blindly threw the Rolling Lumber And Stone down. In this way, Shangguan Yuan was no threat to him. The latter forced himself to climb up a few times before roaring towards the sky. He used all his strength to jump up high from outside the city and onto the arrowhead on the city wall.    


"Ah?" Seeing that there was an enemy general on the arrow stack, Peng Soldier was somewhat unable to react. They stood on the spot, their tongues tied, as they inhaled deeply.    


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