Tomin in The Alien World



0If it was none of his business, Tang Yin did not want to meddle in this matter. However, he was unable to suppress his curiosity, and after thinking for a while, he quickly put on his clothes, picked up his shoes, and opened the window to get out of the room. He immediately activated Shadow Shift, and quickly chased after the black clothed man.    


Tang Yin's spirit energy was deep, and his Spirit Heaven Stage allowed him to continuously use Shadow Shift s for a short period of time. Not long after he gave chase, he could already see the silhouette of the black-clothed man lying on the roof of a house, looking left and right from time to time. Tang Yin stopped in his tracks, and followed suit as he laid on the roof. Squinting his green eyes, he stared at the other party, wanting to see what he was going to do.    


Very quickly, the black-clothed man did not discover anything abnormal. Using his four limbs to support his body, he crawled like a leopard to the edge of the roof, and then used the Shadow Shift to flash below the room. After about half a minute, the man in black scurried from under the room to the roof. However, he had a small blanket wrapped around his arm.    


With his sharp eyes, Tang Yin instantly saw that the blanket the black clothed man was carrying wrapped in a baby that had only been born a few months ago. It really was a thief that stole babies! Tang Yin's mouth twitched, but he felt it was strange, looking at the black clothed man's cultivation, he had to at least be at the Spirit Origin Stage level. With this kind of ability, where could he not support his family, why did he have to do this kind of thing?    


Just as he was wondering, he suddenly heard a sharp, urgent whistle from all around him. At the same time, the torches around him lit up, and four figures rushed out from beneath the house, surrounding the man. They occupied the four corners of the roof, and surrounded the man.    


These four people were clad in spirit armor and held long and narrow spirit swords in their hands. From the looks of their bodies, they should be three men and one woman. Tang Yin, who was hiding not too far away, blinked his eyes and laughed silently. So it turned out that the little town had been ambushed a long time ago, and from listening to the discussions of the townspeople, these four Spirit Cultivator s should have been sent here from the county.    


Tang Yin carried the thought of watching a good show and continued to quietly watch. Just then, one of the four Spirit Cultivator s took a step forward. He pointed his spirit sword at the black clothed man and said coldly, "Today, we have set up an inescapable trap for you, the thief. I didn't expect you to actually come!" "Obediently hand over the child in your hands, and bind your hands together and surrender. Otherwise, we will be drenched in blood, and our bodies will be decapitated!" " The man in black was also surprised by the enemies that had suddenly appeared. She kept turning her head from time to time, looking at the front, then back to the back, and constantly looking left and right. He was indeed a Spirit Cultivator of Dark, and knew the ultimate Shadow Shift of the Dark Element, but right now he had a child in her arms, she could no longer use the Shadow Shift anymore. If she wanted to break out, she would have to throw away the baby, or rely on her own abilities to forcefully charge out.    


One hand holding the baby, the other hand quickly pulled out a steel blade from his waist. As he waved his hand, both the Spirit Armored Materialization and the Spirit Materialization of Weapon were completed at the same time, following that, without saying a word, with a low growl, a Spirit Cultivator behind him swung his blade and rushed forward.    


He was fast, his opponent's speed was not fast enough, the Spirit Cultivator brandished his spirit sword and deflected the black clothed man's steel blade. Then, he swung his sword backwards, thrusting towards the black clothed man's chest. The black clothed man's reaction was fast, leaving everyone speechless. He did not even think about it, and just moved his body slightly to the side, easily dodging the sword, and at the same time, the Spiritual Knife slashed down, grabbing the Spirit Cultivator's skull.    


The Spirit Cultivator was shocked, and immediately raised her blade to parry, but after this heavy slash, the black clothed man had already used her full strength. From the middle of her earring, he heard the ear-piercing sound of iron colliding, the Spirit Cultivator's arm became numb from the impact, the palm of her hand cracked open, and she involuntarily retreated a few steps.    


However, he was standing on the eaves of the house, and there was no way out from behind him. As he retreated, he immediately lost his balance and screamed as he fell onto his back. After forcing him under the roof, the man in black took a deep breath and kicked off the eaves without any hesitation. He leaped towards the roof opposite as if he was flying.    


When his body was still in the air, the other three people also leaped up. Before he even arrived, he had already released the skills in his Spirit Martial Skill, but the three of them were worried about the baby's safety, so they did not use the large area attack Spirit Martial Skill. Instead, they had a tacit understanding of each other and used the Spirit Thorn to kill.    


The Spirit Thorn Kill was a technique used by the Spirit Cultivator to gather all of its spirit energy and turn it into a Spirit Thorn, shooting it out fiercely. Although it was just an offensive technique, it was extremely fast and powerful, and could break spirit armour, and was also one of the skills that the Spirit Cultivator of Light often used when fighting alone.    


The black clothed man was in midair and had nowhere to exert his strength to dodge. Naturally, he had no way of dodging either, and since he couldn't use the Shadow Shift either, when he saw the three Spirit Thorn s shooting towards him like lightning, he could only toss the infant in his hands behind him. After which, he once again used the Shadow Shift, barely dodging the three Spirit Thorn s.    


His reaction was as if he was already expected by the three Spirit Cultivator s. The moment he threw the infant into the air, the woman amongst the three already flew over and caught the falling infant at the moment of life and death. At this time, the black-clothed man had already relied on his Shadow Shift to travel a long distance. He turned around to look at the three Spirit Cultivator s and inwardly shook his head.    


Although the three Spirit Cultivator s got the baby back, they did not give up and continued to chase after him. The black clothed man had clearly gone through a long period of training, his speed was like a tornado, plus, he used the Shadow Shift from time to time, so he was able to run all the way down, and there was nothing that could obstruct him, but the three Spirit Cultivator s, on one hand, were on the roof, on the other hand, they were below the roof.    


After running hurriedly for a while, the man in black finally managed to get rid of the other person, and he continued to run south, all the way until he reached the forest at the edge of the town. Only then did he finally slow down, and looked left and right, and after seeing that there was no one around him, he finally dove into the forest, stopped under an old tree, and leaned against a big tree while panting.    


"Don't you think it's too much of a waste for you to steal a baby out of this good thing?" Not long after the black clothed man sat under the tree to rest, he heard a voice from above him.    


The sudden voice gave him quite a fright. The man in black shuddered, and subconsciously screamed as if he had seen a ghost, "Who is it?" As he spoke, his body was like a ball, rolling on the ground. He directly rolled five to six meters away, and then he quickly stood up and looked up.    


The Black Spirit Armor s all over his body were almost blending together with the darkness. The most shocking thing was that the other party's eyes were flickering with a strange green light. They were hidden in the branches and leaves of the tree as if they were an elf or a ghost.    


The man in black didn't even notice when the figure had appeared on his head. He even suspected that the figure had been squatting there all this time, but from what the man had said just now, he was certain that it was following him.    


The man in black reacted quickly and shouted, "Spirit Cultivator of Dark!" Even when he was at his most relaxed, the other party would not be able to climb onto his head without him noticing. This could only mean one thing, the other party was the same as him, also a Spirit Cultivator of Dark who used the Shadow Shift.    


Seeing that the other party was able to tell that he was from Spirit Cultivator of Dark, the man on the tree could not help but chuckle. Suddenly, he transformed into a Black Fog and appeared right in front of the man in black. "No need to be surprised, since we are both from Spirit Cultivator of Dark, we can be considered to be from the same sect!" The person who suddenly appeared on the tree was none other than Tang Yin, who had been following behind the black-clothed man. The black clothed man was able to shake off the three Spirit Cultivator s, but he was unable to shake off Tang Yin.    


The black clothed man did not let down his guard just because of Tang Yin's words. Coincidentally, on the contrary, the killing intent from his body suddenly grew, without any warning, he suddenly roared, and stabbed towards Tang Yin with his blade.    


His blade was very fast, but in Tang Yin's eyes, it was not powerful enough. Tang Yin easily avoided his gaze and did not retaliate, but laughed and said: "Friend, if you have something to say, then go ahead. Why do you have to fight?" The man did not reply, but the Spiritual Knife in his hands attacked even faster, the blades after blades continued to attack Tang Yin's vital points, and at first, he could endure it, but after a short while, Tang Yin had already become impatient. He sneered, and said faintly: "If you want to find pain yourself, then don't blame me!" He did not even draw his saber and faced the man in black with his bare hands. After dodging the two slashes, Tang Yin saw the black clothed man slashing his neck with his full strength this time, Tang Yin laughed inwardly, the other party had violated the most extreme rule of fighting against experts, in a battle with experts, unless you have to preserve your strength, with ten percent of your strength you have to fight against seven, with twelve percent of your strength, if you use your full strength, if you fail, you would not even have the chance to dodge or retreat when you meet the opponent's counterattack. Now, the man in black had made such a mistake.    


Tang Yin lowered his body slightly, and calmly dodged the opponent's heavy sword. Afterwards, he took advantage of the situation and leaned forward, his shoulder pressing against the black-clothed man's lower abdomen, as he punched upwards continuously with both fists, causing four crisp sounds to ring out continuously in his ear. As though he had received an electric shock, the black-clothed man took eight consecutive steps back, and then, he felt a tightness in his chest, and his throat felt sweet, as he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Tang Yin's four punches landed solidly on his chest, shattering the spirit armor on the black clothed man's body. By then, the black clothed man could already confirm that his opponent's cultivation level was far higher than his, and his skills were terrifyingly powerful, definitely not something he could handle.    


He clenched his teeth, shook his arm, and threw the blade in his hand straight at Tang Yin.    


At the same time, Tang Yin swung his arm outwards, and with a clang, the back of his hand knocked on the blade. The Spiritual Knife spun and flew to the side, but when Tang Yin raised his head to look at the black clothed man, he could no longer see him.    


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