Tomin in The Alien World



0"Master Tang, this is ?" Xiao Qingfeng was the Young Palace of the empire and Tang Yin was merely a County Head of a duke. Their official rankings naturally could not compare, but in reality, Tang Yin already had control over the Feng Country and was no different from the Feng King.    


He looked at the box in front of him with a puzzled expression, not knowing what was inside.    


Tang Yin smiled at him, raised his head and said: "Master Xiao, you will know once you open it." Xiao Qingfeng suspiciously looked at Tang Yin as he reached out his hand and slowly opened the box. He saw that there was a layer of paper inside and he removed the paper. This box was not small at all. After all, it was filled to the brim with golden sand. How much gold was that?    


Xiao Qingfeng could be considered a person who had seen the world, but he was still dumbstruck by the golden sand in front of him, and was blinded by the dazzling golden light, his head was completely muddled, and he could not react for a long while. Xiao Min was the same as well. She did not expect that the greeting gift Tang Yin mentioned would actually be several thousand taels of gold.    


"Master Tang, you ?" After a long while, Xiao Qingfeng finally regained his senses, and anxiously turned to look at Tang Yin, his voice trembling as he asked. He already had quite a number of Salary, but even adding all the Salary he had spent several years or even several decades of his life on, it would still not be as much as this box of golden sand.    


Tang Yin smiled and said: "Master Xiao, I believe Jiang Lou has already told you a lot about the current situation of the Feng Country, right?" "Yes, yes, yes!" "Xiao Qingfeng nodded his head and replied," "It's true that Brother Jiang has often mentioned the matter of Feng Country in front of me." Tang Yin laughed and asked: "Since the Feng Country is ownerless and the entire clan of the Former King was killed by traitors, no one can inherit the orthodoxy. In the opinion of the Master Xiao, who is suitable to be the new ruler of the Feng Country?" "This ?" Xiao Qingfeng was not an idiot, Tang Yin was willing to travel thousands of miles to personally come to Shang Jing and give him such a heavy gift the moment they met. His goal must be to scheme for the throne of the Feng Country Sovereign King. He rolled his eyes, then suddenly smiled up at his. "Only the Son of Heaven can decide who will be the new Sovereign King of the Feng Country. As his subject, how can I overestimate it?" Humph! Tang Yin sneered in his heart, but his expression did not change. He kept the paper on the golden sand, forming a thick stack, and passed it over to Xiao Qingfeng, with a flip of his palm, he flipped it open, and smiled: "Master Xiao, this is two hundred thousand silver, it is available throughout the country. As long as Master Xiao likes it, this silver and this chest of gold is all yours." As he spoke, he smiled and pulled Xiao Qingfeng's hand, and slapped the thick silver bills into it.    


Xiao Qingfeng lowered his head and took a glance. He did not see anything else, but he was able to make out the four big words. The Empire's silver number was a silver number established by the Shangguan Family of Haotian Empire. Its reputation was far above those of the private silver number.    


Two hundred thousand silver taels! Several thousand taels of gold! Tang Yin's actions could be said to be extremely generous, as this was equivalent to him using money to directly smash Xiao Qingfeng to the point his bones went soft, making him willingly do things for himself.    


Looking at the banknotes in his hands and then looking at the golden sand in front of him, Xiao Qingfeng couldn't help but gulp down a mouthful of saliva. With this much gold and silver, even if he wasn't an official in the imperial court in the future, he would still be rich for generations no matter where he went. His heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his throat, but he forced a look of disbelief on his face, as he leaned forward and pushed the banknotes in his hands back to Tang Yin. He frowned, and asked sternly: "Master Tang, what are you doing? Hurry up and take it back. Furthermore, Master Tang and Xiao Min are old acquaintances, if there is any place that requires my help, feel free to mention it. As long as it is something that I can do, I will definitely help you. " Tang Yin did not accept the banknotes, instead, he turned and looked at Xiao Min who was filled with shock, as if he did not recognize him, and said: "The last time Princess visited the Feng Country, she was in charge of mediating the war between the wind and the Ning. Does Master Xiao know about this?" "Of course I know." At that time, I took on the role of a general to escort her highness to Wind City. That was how Miss Xiao Min and I got to know each other. Oh! "So that's how it is." At that time, he had heard that the person in charge of escorting the princess through the Feng Country was only a Regiment Commander. In less than two years of time, Tang Yin had leaped from a mere Regiment Leader to a person in charge of controlling the forces within the Feng Country, this was simply too inconceivable.    


Tang Yin pushed the silver bills Xiao Qingfeng had given him back and faintly said: "Master Xiao is Nearest Minister, who is by the side of the Son of Heaven, and is also an important subject that the Son of Heaven trusts deeply. Master Xiao's words in front of the Son of Heaven are more useful than a thousand words from the bystanders, so I hope that Master Xiao can speak for me in front of the Son of Heaven. Since he said this, Xiao Qingfeng didn't even have the chance to refute him. Moreover, he had already been tempted since long ago, and didn't even want to push back this generous' greeting gift 'anymore. However, he had his concerns too, and that was Xiao Min who was beside him. Although he was his uncle, if she were to accept this gift from Tang Yin in front of her, Xiao Min might just expose him to the princess tomorrow.    


If only he had known earlier, he wouldn't have forcefully pulled Xiao Min over! Xiao Qingfeng's heart was filled with regret, she froze and did not know what to say.    


If he did not speak, Tang Yin would treat it as his tacit agreement. After that, Tang Yin looked at Xiao Min, smiled slightly, and asked: "How have you been, Miss Xiao Min?" Originally, Tang Yin had a good impression of Tang Yin, but now, he turned 180 degrees. After not meeting for two years, Tang Yin's appearance had not changed, but his personality had changed. He had become tactful, worldly wisdom, did whatever he wanted, and even brazenly bribed the Minister of Imperial Court in front of everyone. He was simply lawless to the extreme. Thinking about that, Xiao Min suddenly wanted to laugh. Tang Yin being bold had not changed, in the past, he even dared to be rude to the princess, but compared to that, he was now like a small child about a great witch. She suppressed a smile and replied coldly, "Not bad." That... "How is the princess?" Tang Yin finally asked the main point, which was what he was most concerned about.    


Seeing Tang Yin staring at him without blinking when he asked, Xiao Min smirked and said slowly: "You are actually quite concerned about your highness, Princess." Tang Yin and Yin Rou had interacted with each other for so many days, that Xiao Min could also sense that Tang Yin's attitude towards the princess was completely different from that towards the bystanders. Even when he was looking at the princess, his expression was still a lot more complicated than that of the bystanders.    


"Of course!" Tang Yin answered simply, he did not even think about it.    


"I don't think you need to worry about her highness anymore." Xiao Min said as if she was pointing.    


"What does Miss Xiao Min mean by this?" Tang Yin subconsciously clenched his fists.    


"Your highness is not something you can hope for. Besides, your highness is engaged and will be married soon." After saying that, Xiao Min secretly sighed.    




Without any warning, the wine cup in Tang Yin's hand suddenly made a crisp sound, and the cup shattered. The wine mixed together with a bit of blood and flowed down onto the table.    


"My Lord?" Seeing that, Jiang Lou, Le Tian and Jiang Fan turned pale with fright, they all stood up and sat down, surrounding him, seeing that Tang Yin's hand was cut by the broken pieces of the cup, Le Tian immediately took out his handkerchief and wanted to bandage Tang Yin. Tang Yin expressionlessly grabbed the towel, held it tightly in his hand, and then waved his hand, signaling them to go back and sit.    


His reaction also caused Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Min to be shocked. Even though Xiao Min knew that Tang Yin felt towards the princess was not ordinary, she didn't expect his reaction to be so strong.    


Tang Yin still wanted to maintain a smile, but he was already unable to do so. Hearing that Yin Rou's engagement was about to end, this news was undoubtedly thunderous to him, and her heart felt like it was being hollowed out. That familiar yet foreign pain, the pain of being betrayed by her lover once again assaulted his head, as if millions of ants were simultaneously gnawing on his body.    


You betrayed your promise to the sea, causing my life to be taken away from the Yellow Springs, and now you have to marry someone else. How can you treat me like this? In that instant, the crystal and Yin Rou's figure overlapped in his mind, merging together into one and becoming one. Tang Yin's eyes also shone with a frightening green light, and at the same time, a black mist began to emit from his body, surrounding and surrounding his body.    


"Big, big, big ?" Jiang Lou was dumbstruck at this time, and called out with a trembling voice while stuttering. He didn't know what was going on with Tang Yin, if he was to be married, what did he have to do with the Lord?    


But very quickly, the Black Fog around Tang Yin disappeared, the green light in his eyes also dispersed, and his senses returned to his head. Yin Rou was Yin Rou. She was not a crystal, she was just a delicate princess who looked exactly like a crystal but had nothing to do with him. Tang Yin reminded himself repeatedly to calm down and not be rash.    


Fortunately, his willpower was shockingly strong, so Yan Lie's memories or rather, his soul did not take over his body.    


He lowered his head and paused for a few seconds. Then he raised it again, but there was no trace of killing intent left in his face. He smiled and asked, "May I ask who Your Highness is going to marry?" Xiao Qingfeng and Xiao Min stared blankly at Tang Yin. It was hard to imagine that in such a short period of time, a person could have so many completely different expressions. First it was painful, then it was murderous, and now it was calm again, as if nothing had happened.    


After a long while, Xiao Qingfeng exclaimed, and reacted, and anxiously saying: "It's the Crown Prince of Zhen Country, Li Dan." "Li Dan?!" Tang Yin had never heard of this name before, but he had heard of Zhen Country. As one of the Nine Great Marquis Countries, Zhen Country naturally wasn't weak either. If one could say that Ann Country was the Empire's South Batian, then Zhen Country was the Empire's West Batian, and basically controlled all of the empire's territories in the southwest. Due to the relatively poor environment, their citizens' customs were similar to Feng Country's, valiant, good at war, and extremely aggressive.    


Yin Rou and Li Dan had already been engaged early on, and this marriage was also a typical political marriage. The imperial family wanted to use this to stabilize the Zhen Country, and Zhen Country could also use it to further enhance their own nation's position.    


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