Tomin in The Alien World



0How could he not understand how intelligent Tang Yin was? He looked around and saw a pear tree in the courtyard. He raised his head and said, "Look."    


Liang Qi was startled. He looked in the direction of Tang Yin's gaze and asked: "What does Master want this general to see?"    


Tang Yin said indifferently: "There are even differences between growing from the same root and growing from the outside, what about humans? I will not remember what your father did or did to you. On the other hand, what you did to me caused me to worry about your father. " As he spoke, he reached out his hand and adjusted the loose armor on Liang Qi's body, and said: "Don't worry, I know what to do, and what not to do, and will not make it difficult for my brother."    


Although he did not say anything directly, the meaning behind his words was already very clear. Not only would he not vent his anger on Liang Qi, he would even let Liang Xing off this time.    


Tang Yin was not a benevolent and kind person, especially towards the people who were against him, he was always ruthless and merciless, doing whatever he wanted. His attitude towards Liang Xing, had already exceeded the limits of what he could tolerate, and this made Liang Qi extremely touched. The latter's eyes reddened as tears gushed out of his eyes. He kneeled down again and said with a trembling voice, "I will never forget the kindness that you have shown me!"    


Tang Yin frowned, and pulled Liang Qi up, and said seriously: "Liang Qi, what are you doing?! Remember when you first joined me? I already said at that time, since you are willing to submit to me, we will be brothers in the future, and we won't be separated. Your father might not be my father, but he is my brother's father.    


Liang Qi was even more moved when he heard this. The hand grabbing onto Tang Yin's arm was trembling uncontrollably, and he said in a choked voice: "Master ?"    


Liang Qi was one of the people that he could be at ease with. With Liang Qi there, the Sanshui Army of the Tianyuan Army would be the support for the terrifying Mighty Army, it could destroy cities and pull cities, and defend against enemies as steady as a rock. In order to stabilize the great general, Tang Yin could only make certain concessions to Liang Xing.    


Thirty days passed in the blink of an eye. In these thirty days, the Yan City were tranquil and there were no longer any big waves. did not find anymore trouble for Tang Yin, he did not leave his house at all. However, he did not stay idle, as he would find Minister of Imperial Court in his own home almost every day to discuss the plans and plans.    


Thirty days later, when the Son of Heaven's edict still had not reached the Yan City, the undercurrent that had been hidden beneath the calm surface also gradually emerged.    


In the early morning of this day, the Minister of Civil And Military Affairs s did not rush to the palace to participate in the imperial court meeting, but instead gathered in Liang Xing's residence.    


The ministers gathered in groups of four or three in the main hall of the Prime Minister's Estate, discussing the selection of the new monarch.    


Just as the people were discussing among themselves in whispers, Liang Xing finally walked in from the side door of the hall. Seeing the room full of Minister of Civil And Military Affairs, Liang Xing put on a surprised expression, and cupped his hands to everyone and asked: "My lords, why have all of you come to my house?"    


Seeing Liang Xing, everyone's eyes lit up, and cupped their hands and bowed to him, and said: "Prime Minister Liang!"    


"We are here to congratulate Prime Minister Liang!"    


Liang Xing pretended not to understand, and his face revealed a confused look, and laughed: Congratulations to me? Why would I be happy? "    


There was a court official said, "Initially, Prime Minister Liang and Tang Yin had an agreement to meet the deadline of 30 days, but today, it has coincidentally expired. However, the Son of Heaven's edict is still going to the capital, and according to the agreement, if you wish to select a new monarch, we will all elect your Prime Minister Liang.    


"Congratulations Prime Minister Liang... No, no, no! Congratulations to the King! " Some of the ministers who were good at flattery already started to address Liang Xing as king.    


Liang Xing's heart was already full of joy, but his face still had a look of worry, and he said: "You all saw it the day Tang Yin returned to the capital, his prestige in the army was extremely high, my officers were all bewitched by him, and were in his control, even if all the Masters were to elect me, if Tang Yin were to call me king with force, we would not be able to stop him!"    


"Prime Minister Liang, don't worry, we have already thought about it."    


Finance Minister Zhang Xin walked out of the officials and arrived in front of Liang Xing. She cupped her hands and laughed: "Prime Minister Liang, I have already secretly sent people to gather the citizens inside and outside the Yan City to go to the palace, waiting for the result of the selection of the new Sovereign King, saying that it is to celebrate the birth of a new Monarch, but in reality, it can be used as a form of surveillance. If Tang Yin really dares to use force to proclaim himself as king, everyone in the world will know about it.    


Zhang Xin was Liang Xing's trusted aide, and could be considered his brain. The matter of Liang Xing cheating of his authority in the Sanshui Army and claiming the throne in the palace was's idea.    


After hearing what he had to say, Liang Xing was overjoyed. However, there was still no smile on his face as he said faintly, "If there are too few commoners, I'm afraid the effect will be minimal!"    


"Hehe!" The citizens of the Prime Minister Liang are also very curious, and are also anxious to know who the new Lord of Great Gale is, so there is no need for them to be riled up. Just by releasing the news, the citizens have come by themselves, and this official has just received the news, the number of people gathered outside the palace is already over two hundred thousand, and the number is still increasing, I estimate that in the end, there will be over three hundred thousand people. " Zhang Xin said as he shook his head confidently.    


"Haha ?" At this time, Liang Xing finally smiled. With his hands behind his back, he slowly nodded and said with a smile: "Since Master Zhang has arranged everything, then we will not stay here anymore. Masters, follow me into the palace!"    


"Prime Minister Liang, please!"    


"Ladies and gentlemen, please!"    


Liang Xing brought a bunch of Minister of Civil And Military Affairs, exited the Left Prime Minister Mansion, and directly rushed to the palace at the center of the Yan City.    


What Zhang Xin said was not wrong, not only were the people of Feng Country concerned about the identity of the new ruler, even the merchants and tourists from the other kingdoms had come to join in the commotion. On the way to the palace, they would discover that most of the pedestrians were walking towards the direction of the palace, and the content of the people's conversations were mostly related to the selection of the new ruler.    


When they arrived near the palace, they found it hard to even move a single step. When they looked forward, other than the people who could no longer see anything, the scene could only be described as a sea of people, with no borders to describe it. If it was a palace that was large, then it would be almost drowned by a sea of people, and with Pingyuan Army pulling three groups over to maintain order, it would seem like they could not muster up enough strength.    


With so many citizens gathering outside the palace, no matter how much courage Tang Yin had, he did not dare to use any more force. Otherwise, he would become Zhong Tian's second, receiving the scoldings of a thousand people and ten thousand people.    


It seemed that he himself was going to be the new Sovereign King of the Feng Country! Liang Xing could no longer sit inside the horse carriage. Raising the carriage curtain, he leaned out and waved his arms towards the citizens from time to time, saying, "Everyone move aside, everyone move aside for the time being ?."    


Liang Xing's carriage opened the path in front while the other ministers' carriage followed behind. They separated the crowd from the outside and slowly walked towards the palace's entrance.    


Within a short few hundred meters, Liang Xing and the rest had already walked for more than an hour. And this was all thanks to the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army squeezed over to clear the way, otherwise, they would have been delayed even more.    


After walking through the vast crowd with great difficulty, Liang Xing and the others arrived at the entrance of the palace. This place had long been under martial law due to Pingyuan Army, so the commoners couldn't squeeze in, so the space seemed to be a lot more spacious.    


Along with creaking sounds, the palace door was slowly opened by someone. Liang Xing and the others entered the palace in their carriages. As soon as they arrived, the palace gates were immediately shut. After all, there were too many citizens outside. If the situation got out of control, some of them would get close to the palace.    


After passing through a long passageway, they arrived at the second palace gate. Only by getting close to this gate would one truly be able to enter the inner part of the palace.    


It would be a great disrespect to the monarch. Although there was currently no one in charge of the Feng Country, the rules of the palace had not been repealed.    


Liang Xing and the other ministers all came out of the horse carriage, while the servants and guards stayed at their original positions. The ministers then walked towards the palace gate.    


Geji, geji, geji!    


The doors of the palace were slowly opened, and the ministers were about to step inside, but when they looked up, all their bodies had stiffened, each of them had a blank look on their faces, and their eyes were wide and round.    


The interior of the palace gate was a huge plaza that was around the size of two or three football fields. Usually, this was only an empty space, but now, the black mass of land in the plaza was the Generals And Soldiers of Feng Army.    


The pitch black leather armor shone with a black light under the shadow of the sun, and the red tassel on top of his head formed a line. With a cold glance, one could see that there was red within the black, red, black and red;    


There were at least ten or a hundred thousand men! Such a large crowd of fully armed soldiers stood on both sides of the path. Anyone who walked by would feel a chill in their heart and their legs would go soft.    


When the originally confident ministers saw this scene, their hearts tightened, and their hearts rose to their throats.    


He was shocked and afraid, but he did not reveal any expression on his face, seeing the fear on the faces of the ministers around him, he steeled his heart, and without saying a word, he stepped past the palace gate, moving forward with large strides, heading towards the palace at the end of the path.    


Since Liang Xing was like this, the ministers could no longer stand on the spot and stand in fear. Everyone braced themselves and fearfully took small steps, jogging along behind Liang Xing.    


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