Tomin in The Alien World



0When the thousands of Domestic Servant s and hanger-ons of Liang Xing and the other ministers arrived at Tang Yin's residence, they discovered that there weren't even soldiers standing guard there. The mansion's door was wide open, and when they looked inside, it was completely empty.    


Could it be that even the Tianyuan Army Generals, led by Qiu Zhen, had heard of the news and fled? All of the Domestic Servant s and hanger-ons were at a loss. The one leading them was Liang Xing's trusted aide, called Cui Nan, a middle-aged man in his forties. He was of average build, had a sallow complexion and looked sickly, but in reality, his Spiritual Martial Cultivation was not simple at all.    


He frowned, thought for a moment, then said to the people on his left and right, "Let's rush in and take a look!" While talking, he took the lead and walked towards the manor's gate. The other hanger-ons and Domestic Servant s followed closely behind him, carefully looking around, afraid that enemies would suddenly jump out from their surroundings.    


Just as Cui Nan and the rest reached the gates of Tang Yin's residence, they heard a creak from inside, and the sound of the door opening was heard, causing everyone to be shocked, they raised their heads and looked, only to see a man walking out of the main hall facing the gate, this man had a tall and sturdy build, his face was bronze, thick eyebrows with ring eyes, high nose bridge, four corners of his mouth, strong looking, cold and stern with a tinge of arrogance. He had a helmet on his head, donned in a blood red robe, and walked forward, imposing and imposing, wielding a large blade.    


This blade was not common, in the entire Tianyuan Army, there was only one person who usually used this blade, Shangguan Yuan yield!    


He walked out of the lobby and slowly closed the door behind him. He was not surprised by the crowd of hanger-ons and Domestic Servant s crowded around the entrance, as if he had already known they would come. He casually waved his hand at them and said with a frown, "All of you, go out. Seeing his calm appearance, as if he was very familiar with his own people, the hanger-ons and Domestic Servant s all looked at each other, standing on the spot without moving. They did not move. Shangguan Yuan could have walked over with large strides, but he did not see how lucky he was. However, the crowd could feel an invisible pressure approaching them as the other party approached.    




As Shangguan Yuan moved closer, the hanger-ons and Domestic Servant couldn't help but retreat, very quickly retreating to about five meters away from the entrance. Shangguan Yuan let them go and stood on the steps of the house, looking down, only to see a mass of people swarming at the foot of the stairs. There were at least three to four thousand people there, and their clothes were messy and they wore everything, but there were also some outstanding Spirit Cultivator.    


Shangguan Yuan's lips quirked up in a smile as he leisurely walked down the steps. He then said to the crowd in front of him, "Don't waste time. Whoever comes first can make their move now!" As he spoke, he brandished the tri-edged, two-edged saber with his hand.    


"You ?." "Who are you?" A Domestic Servant among the crowd bravely asked. People had already guessed a bit about Shangguan Yuan's identity, but they still had some hopes that he wasn't the invincible Shangguan Yuan who made people tremble in fear.    


But this time they were disappointed. Shangguan Yuan smiled and said, "I am Shangguan Yuan, step aside!" "Ah?" Everyone knew it would be the answer, but they still sucked in a breath of cold air. This person was the famous Shangguan Yuanyu. After hearing Shangguan Yuanyu's name, there were still a few eager people who were discouraged, so they quietly put down their weapons.    


Seeing that all of them had an ugly expression on their faces and stopped in their tracks, Shangguan Yuan sneered in his heart and said loudly: "I still have a lot of things to do, but I don't have the time to waste here with you, do you want to fight or not?" "If you don't want to fight, just give it to me, bastard. If you want to fight, then hurry up and fight." Facing thousands of enemies alone, not only did he not show any fear, he even challenged them again and again. The only one who had the guts and ability to do so was probably Shangguan Yuan. Everyone's faces changed from red to white as they heard his taunts. After a pause, two hanger-ons could no longer hold back as they shouted and jumped out from the crowd. Two halves of the Spiritual Knife split into two and headed towards Shangguan Yuzhan's head and chest.    


Without even covering the spirit armor, Shangguan Yuan had only piqued the tri-edged two-edged blade in his hand and casually waved it outwards. With a loud clang, the two Spiritual Knife s that were attacking in front of him were simultaneously repelled, and before the two hanger-ons could withdraw their attacks, Shangguan Yuan's tri-pointed two-edged blade swept out.    


Weng! *    


The blades whistled through the air and slashed at the two hanger-ons' necks. One of them reacted quickly. Although he was scared stiff by Shangguan Yuan's Quick Blade, he still dodged at the critical moment while the other was one step ahead of him. Before he even had the chance to dodge, the triple-edged, two-edged blade had already come close.    


With a dull thud, the head of the hanger-on fell to the ground. The headless corpse's knees went weak and it plopped down on its knees. The blood from its severed neck spurted out a few meters into the air.    


"Hua?" At this moment, the entire audience burst into an uproar. Even a living human, Spirit Cultivator, was unable to block the enemy's random counterattack and got her head chopped off when she made the first move. Everyone had finally seen the terror of Shangguan Yuan.    


The other hanger-on was scared out of his wits and retreated back to his own camp, not daring to come out and fight again.    


After chopping a person with a knife, Shangguan Yuan didn't even blink. Being used to killing people on the battlefield, he killed as if it was normal. It was no different from killing a chicken or a dog. Without even looking at the corpse on the ground, Shangguan Yuan continued to look around and asked, "Who's next?" "I think we should do this. You guys should attack together. This will save us a lot of trouble!" Amongst the crowd, the Domestic Servant were all just ordinary people, so of course there was nothing to be said. But the majority of the hanger-ons were all Spirit Cultivator, even if their cultivation level was not too high, but with so many people gathered together, their strength was not to be underestimated. And Shangguan Yuan, who was alone, did not even put these people in his eyes at all.    


No matter how powerful Shangguan Yuan was, he was still alone. With so many Spirit Cultivator on his side, how could they be afraid of just him? Cui Nan took a deep breath and shouted, "Everyone, there is no need to be afraid. Shangguan Yuan giving in is nothing special. Let's attack him together and chop him into pieces. Kill him!" While speaking, Cui Nan was also brave and ferocious. He was the first to rush up to Shangguan Yuan, waving the two agile spiritual swords in his hands, stabbing towards Shangguan Yuan a few times. Cui Nan was so brave and fierce that he was not afraid of death, the rest of the people became more spirited, all the hanger-ons who knew the Soul Martial Arts went forward and surrounded Shangguan Yuan, while the hanger-ons and Domestic Servant who did not know the Soul Martial Arts surrounded them and shouted, showing their support for their side.    


There were too many hanger-ons, Shangguan Yuan who was alone was instantly submerged in the sea of people. When he looked up, he could no longer see Shangguan Yuan's figure, he could only hear the clashing of weapons and the screams of the people from time to time in the middle of the battlefield.    


At this time, Shangguan Yuanyang had already covered himself with his spirit armor. He brandished his Spiritual Knife and fought with the surrounding enemies. No matter how powerful Shangguan Yuan was, he could not withstand the combined attacks of so many people. In reality, this was indeed the case. The weapons in the hands of many hanger-ons would occasionally hit Shangguan Yuanyu's spirit armor, causing tinkling sounds and sparks to fly everywhere. Shangguan Yuan relied on his deep spiritual qi and tough spirit armor. He could block one attack, ten attacks, but he could not block hundreds or even hundreds of attacks.    


Sensing that the enemy's attack was ferocious and that his spirit armor wouldn't be able to last much longer, Shangguan Yuan let out a loud roar and released his spirit power.    




The Spirit Blade s that were flying in the sky formed a fan shape and flew away with their bodies in the center. The attacking range of Spirit Chaos Ji was too wide, the people who were attacking him were affected, especially the people at the front, they were the first to be affected, they did not even have a place to hide, they did not have the ability to release their spirit beasts to fight, and could only watch as countless Spirit Blade s swept past their bodies.    


Pu, Pu, Pu?    


In front of Shangguan Yuanyang, a large ball of thick bloody mist appeared, and when all the scattered Spirit Blade s had disappeared, there were more than twenty badly mutilated corpses lying on the ground. They were the group most affected by the Spirit Calamity Ji's attacks, and their spirit armor and clothes had already been torn to shreds.    


This time, the hanger-ons and the Domestic Servant were all stunned. They stood up in shock, staring at the corpses on the ground, their nerves tensing up, their hair almost standing up, their hearts beating so fast that they wanted to jump out from their throats.    


It was the first time that most of them had seen a top grade Soul martial skill like the Spirit Calamity Extreme. The power of its attack was so powerful that it caused everyone to feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.    


"Ah?" It was unknown who screamed first, but everyone quickly regained their senses. Some Domestic Servant covered their mouths and retorted as they backed off, while some others just threw away the weapons in their hands and turned to run. They did not care where they ran to, as long as they could leave Shangguan Yuan.    


Cui Nan was finally able to rouse the fighting spirit of the crowd, but Shangguan Yuan had forced them to turn back into their true forms. Everyone kept running and running, until only a few hundred people remained on the battlefield.    


As if expecting this outcome, Shangguan Yuan was not surprised at all. His gaze fell on Cui Nan who was not far away, and he could tell that this person should be the leader. Shangguan Yuan took a step forward, raised the sabre in his hand, pointed it at Cui Nan's nose, and said with a fake smile: "How long do you plan to stand here?" "I'm waiting for you to make a move!"    


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