Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin, Le Tian and Jiang Fan travelled at a rapid pace, came out of the Ba Pass, entered the Mo Country, and even penetrated the entire Mo Country, entering the boundaries of the Ann Country.    


The Ann Country was located to the south of the Mo Country, and to the north of Shang Jing, it was one of the three great dukes that bordered the capital. Since the founding of the Ann Country, they had never waged a war against anyone, nor had they been attacked by any other dukedom nations. Although all the surrounding dukedom states drooled at the sight of this fertile piece of land, the power of this land made the other nations apprehensive, as well as the uncrowned king of the nine great dukedoms. The words of the king of the Ann Country were even more effective than the emperor's decree.    


It was only in recent years, with the rapid rise of the noble nations Ning, Mo, Yu and Chuan, that the influence of Ann Country had gradually weakened. Due to the fact that Ning and Mo were both in the north and were restricted by their Feng Country, they posed no threat to the Ann Country, and were basically considered to be a strong force that should not be underestimated, especially for the two countries of Yu and Chuan, which had risen up. This was especially the case for the Chuan Country, which ruled over the southern regions of the empire.    


Upon entering the Ann Country, one would immediately feel that the country was just like its name, safe and prosperous. Because Ann Country had been peaceful for a long time without any wars, its population had steadily increased. Within the Nine Marquis Country, the population of Ann Country was the largest, and within the territory of Ann Country, villages and towns could be seen everywhere.    


On this day, Tang Yin and the other two arrived at the border of the Heavenly River County. This place was located to the south of the Ann Country, not too far from the southern border. As he walked forward, he said to Tang Yin, "Master, we are not far from Shang Jing. Based on our current speed, we will be able to leave the Ann Country in three days and enter the capital city!" Tang Yin laughed, and casually asked: "How many days have we left the Yan City?" "Sir, it has been sixteen days." Le Tian answered without thinking.    


could not help but sigh. Although the distance from the Yan City to the capital was very far, if there were modern means of transportation, it would not even take a day for them to arrive in a day, but now, the three of them were riding horses that could travel all night, and had even exchanged horses countless of times. They had traveled for sixteen days, and there were still three days worth of journey to the capital.    


Hearing his sigh, Le Tian thought that Tang Yin was blaming his side for walking too slowly. He anxiously said, "Sir, we are already fast enough. Under normal circumstances, it would take us at least two months to get to Shang Jing with our Yan City. We have used less than twenty days, which is our limit." Tang Yin nodded his head, he looked at the sky, it was already close to evening, and then at Le Tian and Jiang Fan. Both of them had dishevelled hair and dirty faces, and a thick layer of dust had accumulated on their bodies. He said faintly, "Let's find a place to rest for the night and travel tomorrow." It was rare for them to be able to rest all night. Le Tian and Jiang Fan were very happy and nodded in agreement.    


Walking forward again, they just happened to encounter a small town, the three of them dismounted at a teahouse at the edge of the town, and looked inside. The teahouse was not big, and there were not many guests inside, Tang Yin said to Le Tian and Jiang Fan: "Let's eat something here first!" "Yes!" Jiang Fan agreed as he received the reins of the horses and tied it to the horse stumps outside the teahouse. Tang Yin and Le Tian brushed the dust off their bodies and entered the teahouse.    


Just by looking at the clothes of Tang Yin and the other two, it was clear that they were not locals, after the three of them came, they immediately attracted the attention of the customers in the teahouse, but they did not seem to have anything special about them. Everyone turned around and continued to drink their tea, chatting without a word.    


Tang Yin, Le Tian and Jiang Fan sat at a table near the window. Very quickly, the employees of the teahouse ran over, and asked with a smile: "Three Sir s, what do you want to drink?" Tea! "If you have any good tea, bring it on." "Do you have anything to eat here?" Oh... "What does Sir want to eat?" "Anything is fine, as long as you can fill your stomach!" That's easy! "Please wait a moment, Sir will be here shortly." This was the customer that the shop assistant loved the most. She was not long-winded and would order anything she wanted. He answered without hesitation, turned around, and left.    


As he waited for the servants to bring him tea and food, Tang Yin listened attentively to the other customers' conversations. The guests were all residents of the teahouse and knew each other. They spoke freely and the things they talked about were trivial.    


However, the conversation of the two middle aged men at the table to Tang Yin's left aroused his interest.    


"I heard that two more babies were lost in the town last night." "Yeah, I heard about it too. This is the tenth one, right?" "Well, if there's no one else to keep an eye on, I think all the families with children in the town will be moved out." It wasn't that he didn't care, it was because he couldn't control it! It was said that the County Head had also been transferred to the Spiritual Martial Expert, but to no avail. "Who in the world would do such a wicked thing?" I don't think it was done by humans. I think there might be ghosts in the town. Otherwise, how could they not be able to catch them? "Not even a shadow of a human could be seen ?" Pfft! Hearing that, Tang Yin could not hold back his laughter. It was simply nonsense to talk about ghosts! Hearing his mocking laughter, the two middle-aged men turned around and looked at Tang Yin with furrowed brows. After sizing him up for a moment, one of them asked: "Young man, what are you laughing about?" "If a baby was lost, it must have been done by a man, but he just didn't catch it." Tang Yin said with a faint smile.    


The middle-aged man who called himself a ghost curled his lips and said disapprovingly, "You are not from this town. You have no idea what is going on, so you shouldn't spout such nonsense here." Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, just as the young lad brought the tea over. Tang Yin poured himself a cup of tea and blew at it for a bit, before beginning to slowly drink the tea, ignoring him.    


Since it was none of his business, he was too lazy to ask more. The people who had nothing to do with him, he was also too lazy to waste words with them.    


Seeing that Tang Yin did not say anything and thought that he was in the wrong, the middle-aged man rolled his eyes and continued to chat with his companion.    


When the shop assistant brought him more simple dishes, Tang Yin asked: "Lad, are there any hotels in the town?" There is! "Sir, follow the road outside and keep going forward. When you reach the center of the town, you will see the biggest inn, and it will be a comfortable, fair, and luxurious place." The staff introduced the place to Tang Yin enthusiastically.    


After Tang Yin heard this, he smiled and expressed his thanks. Then he quickly started to eat with Le Tian and Jiang Fan.    


The three of them were very fast. It didn't take long before they finished all the dishes on the table. Then, Le Tian called for the shop assistant, took out a piece of silver and handed it to him. "There's no need to look for it." "Thank you Sir, thank you Sir!" The price of Ann Country was relatively low, one piece of silver could buy a lot of things, the shop assistant was so happy that her mouth could not even close, she bowed and thanked Tang Yin and the rest.    


When they got out of the teahouse and got on their horses, Le Tian couldn't help but ask curiously, "Sir, who would steal a baby in the town?" "What's the use of stealing a baby?" Tang Yin shrugged and said casually: "Who knows." "This has nothing to do with us, so don't worry about it." Yes! "My lord!" Le Tian nodded.    


According to the shop assistant's directions, the three of them rode forward on their horses. Sure enough, near the center of the town, there was a small inn on the road. There were two floors above and above the door hung a huge sign.    


Seeing this large tavern, Tang Yin, Le Tian and Jiang Fan all heaved a sigh of relief in their hearts. Before they could even enter the tavern, the comfortable feeling of lying on a soft bed had already started to surface in their minds.    


Just as the three of them dismounted, a waiter came out from the inn and asked with a smile, "Do the three Sir s live here?" "Yes!" "Give us three of the best rooms," said Le Tian. As he spoke, he patted the horses beside him and said, "Prepare some good grass. We have to go in the morning." "Good, good, good, the three Sir s, please come in!" The waiter called for the other three servants to bring the horses to the inner courtyard, and called for Tang Yin and the other two to enter the inn.    


Because the town wasn't big and wasn't located on the main road, there weren't many merchants or tourists passing by, and the tavern also seemed to be very calm. There weren't many rooms with people living in them.    


After entering the tavern, the waiter brought Tang Yin and the others directly to the second floor. They stopped in front of the three guest rooms and asked: "If the three of you are satisfied with these three rooms, please take a look." Three guest rooms were adjacent to each other, and upon entering, Tang Yin felt that the interior was spacious enough. Tang Yin smiled and nodded, "Alright, let's go with these three!" Tang Yin, Le Tian and Jiang Fan stayed at the tavern. Because of their consecutive days of travelling, the three of them were too tired. After showering in their respective rooms, as the sky was still not completely dark, the three of them fell onto their beds, covered their heads and slept soundly.    


It was unknown how long he had slept when Tang Yin was suddenly awoken by a burst of light and short sound of wind breaking.    


Even though he was sleeping soundly, his six senses were still astonishingly sharp from the habit he had developed over the years. Nothing could be hidden from his ears.    


It was the sound of people's clothes flapping in the wind as they rushed through. Tang Yin who was lying on the bed suddenly opened his eyes, turned and got off the bed. He walked barefooted to the window and opened it a crack, looking out.    


It was deep into the night now, and due to the dense dark clouds, he couldn't even see his hands in the dark. If it was anyone else, they might not be able to see anything, but Tang Yin possessed the Night-vision Eye, so he could clearly see everything outside the window. He saw that on the side of the inn, there was a black figure quickly moving across the roof. That person's speed was as fast as the wind, and as fast as lightning, but what surprised Tang Yin the most, was that every time that the person reached the edge of the roof, his figure would suddenly disappear, and directly reappear on the opposite roof. That was the Shadow Shift that only the Spirit Cultivator of Dark s could use.    


How could Tang Yin not be surprised to see Spirit Cultivator of Dark using Shadow Shift so continuously in this small town? At this moment, he suddenly recalled the conversation between the two middle-aged men in the teahouse. Could it be that the matter of losing an infant was related to this person?    


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