Tomin in The Alien World



0The Peng Army had not caught up to the Heavenly Eagle Army, and just as they were approaching the camp of the Tianyuan Army, they were met with the fierce formation of arrows from the Heavenly Eagle Army. The Peng Army continued to rush forward, and in the end, countless of them were killed and shot. In the end, Zhan Wushuang could only helplessly order the entire army to retreat back into the city.    


After seeing that all the Peng Army had been withdrawn, Zi Ying finally gave the defense of the northern camp to his subordinates. He rushed to the middle camp to report to Tang Yin.    


After listening to Zi Ying's explanation, Tang Yin nodded his head in satisfaction, and laughed: "This time, General Zi Ying has given us a good command, for the sake of our army, you have done a great service!" Zi Ying immediately bowed and said: "My lord, you are too kind!" After pausing for a moment, he knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands, and said, "Congratulations, our army has succeeded! Not only have we eliminated 20,000 of the enemy's elites, we have also killed Zhan Wudi and his two generals, and captured Jiang Fan alive. Our army's destruction is just around the corner!" Hearing this, all of the generals felt their spirits rise as they followed suit and kneeled down on one knee. They all shouted in unison, "Congratulations, Sir!" "My lord's martial prowess is the blessing of the wind!" Seeing that, Tang Yin could not help but smile, waved his hand, signalling for everyone to stand up, and said: "Brothers, this battle has done a great deal, if you were to take turns to reward us, we will remember this." Hearing Tang Yin's words, the generals were even more elated. The commander was not greedy for achievements, this was the fortune of the Generals s below.    


After Zi Ying stood up, he suddenly thought of something and asked: "What does Master decide to do with Gu Feng?" "Hehe!" Tang Yin was overjoyed, he looked around at the rest and said: "This man is the victor of our army, I should be the one thanking him!" "Haha?" Everyone began to laugh.    


Tang Yin rubbed his chin and thought for a while, then said: "Let Gu Feng go back, if I don't kill him, there will be people who will send him to his death." That's right, Peng Army had just suffered a terrible defeat, and now that they saw Gu Feng safely returning to the city, they would definitely think that he had betrayed their Peng Army, and now that he was back to be their own spy, wouldn't it be strange if they didn't kill him?!    


Xiao Muqing praised again and again: "As the saying goes, 'kill without blood', your excellency is extremely wise." The smile on Tang Yin's face became wider, and at times he had to admit, Xiao Muqing's words were very pleasant to hear.    


At this time, two Hidden Arrow Crew walked in from outside. In their hands was even a large blade with a dark purple blade body, that was the Purple Dark Light Sabre that Zhan Wudi used when he was alive. Seeing that, Cheng Jin cupped his hands towards Tang Yin and said: "Master, this is Zhan Wudi's weapon." Hm! "Show me." Tang Yin waved his hands towards the two Hidden Arrow Crew s.    


The two of them held their blades and walked in front of Tang Yin, the latter stood up, walked around the table, extended his hand out and grabbed the Purple Dark Light Sabre, weighed it in his hands, and thought to himself that the sabre had a weight of around 100 kilograms, although the sabre was purple, there was a faint glow on the sabre's body, if one stood close to the sabre, they would be able to feel the cold Qi from the sabre.    


"Good knife!" Although it was an enemy's weapon and came from his mortal enemy's Ning Country, Tang Yin could not help but exclaim in admiration. He held onto his blade with one hand and waved it lightly a few times. Tang Yin sighed: "How many of my warriors have died under this blade?" With that, he passed his hand to Cheng Jin, and said: "Fuse this blade into my Scimitar, and refine it into my own use. Today, this blade has stuck too much of my Feng Ren's blood, tomorrow, I will make my Ning Country pay double!" Yes! "My lord!" Cheng Jin hurried over and respectfully took the Purple Dark Light Sabre from Tang Yin's hands.    


Tang Yin took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes, and smiled faintly: "I really want to know what Zhan Wushuang's reaction would be when he finds out that Zhan Wudi had been shot like a hedgehog by us." Shangguan Yuan sneered, "Who knows, maybe Zhan Wushuang will lead his entire army to kill his way out of the city and put his life on the line for us!" "Oh?" Tang Yin laughed and shook his head, "If that's the case, then Zhan Wushuang is too disappointing ?" Right now, the matter of Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan commanding twenty thousand elite soldiers to be completely wiped out in the main camp of Tianyuan Army had already been spread to the people of Zhangyu City, it was just that the specific circumstances were not clear, whether Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao, and the other generals were alive or dead, captured alive, or surrendered on their own accord.    


But even so, after hearing this news, both of Zhan Wushuang's legs went soft, and he immediately sat on the ground. With Zhan Wudi's tough personality, he would not surrender, nor would he let anyone capture him alive. He could either break out of the encirclement, or die in battle, but right now, the enemy camp was already quiet, but the brothers did not return to the city.    


Zhan Wushuang did not dare to continue thinking, he still had one last sliver of hope that his brother could successfully break out from the other side, and that he would be temporarily blocked, unable to return to the city.    


But unfortunately, things went against his wishes.    


When dawn arrived and the sky brightened, the last sliver of hope in Zhan Wushuang's heart had also been shattered. On top of the pile hung a corpse, which swayed in the wind. It was just that the corpse was a mess of flesh and blood, and its original appearance could not be seen clearly, but on the corpse's body was still tied a long white cloth, and five large words were written in blood: Ning Thief Zhan Wudi.    


Looking at the corpse at the top of the city walls, Zhan Wushuang's head buzzed. He could not even stand properly and fell to the side.    


"General Wushuang!" Zhong Tian, Xiao Shang and the others who were standing at the side cried out at the same time. The surrounding guards rushed forward and helped Zhan Wushuang up.    


"General Zhan, you ?" "Are you alright ?" Xiao Shang walked over to Zhan Wushuang and asked carefully.    


In just a split-second, Zhan Wushuang's face had become completely devoid of blood, as though his entire person had turned twenty or thirty years old in an instant. The tears that flowed out from his eyes were no longer transparent, but were mixed with traces of blood, and looked as if they were dripping with blood.    


"Fight ?" General Zhan ? The appearance of the person outside the city ? "It might not be the invincible general!" Xiao Shang stammered as he tried to persuade his. Although he said that, in his heart, he believed seventy to eighty percent of it. After this battle, Feng Army already held the absolute advantage;    


Everyone else followed and advised: "That's right, General Wushuang, you don't have to be so sad. Maybe it was just Tang Yin's trick, General Unrivaled ? "They've long since broken out of the encirclement!" At this time, Zhan Wushuang could no longer hear the people around him persuading him. He and Zhan Wudi were siblings, and had grown up together. Needless to say, although the corpse outside did not look like it anymore, but from the size of the corpse, Zhan Wushuang could immediately tell that it was her brother.    


Zhan Wushuang pushed away the people who were supporting him, squatted down, and fiercely smashed his own head, as blood and tears dripped onto the ground. Now, he was both regretful and resentful, hating that he was unable to see through the scheme of using Tianyuan Army, and even more hating that he did not have a resolute attitude back then, and refused his brother's invitation to battle.    


However, there was no medicine for regret in this world. Even if Zhan Wushuang repented, it would be useless.    


Just when Zhan Wushuang had lost all sense of reason and was in a state of extreme grief, Zhong Tian, Xiao Shang and the rest were at a loss, Gu Feng was released from his Tianyuan Army.    


Seeing that Gu Feng was actually able to return from the Tianyuan Army Camp alive, and was standing outside the city, shouting at the city walls, Xiao Shang was both surprised and happy. He quickly ordered the guards to open the gates and allow Gu Feng to enter the city.    


Without waiting for Herald to go down the city and pass down his orders, Zhan Wushuang, who was squatting on the ground crying, suddenly stood up and grabbed Herald.    


At this time, Zhan Wushuang's face was still covered with blood and tears, his facial features shifted, his expression became sinister, and her eyes spouted fire. The Herald was so frightened that he trembled, and stammered, "N ?." "General Wushuang, you ?" Zhan Wushuang ignored him and looked at Xiao Shang with his scarlet eyes. With a hoarse voice, she said, "Master Xiao must not be allowed to enter the city. This person must be a spy from the Feng Army." "Ah?" Xiao Shang was stunned, was Gu Feng a spy from the Feng Army? How was this possible? Gu Feng is a veteran of the high Chuan Army, anyone could turn traitor, but he shouldn't!    


Zhan Wushuang spoke word by word, "The plan I have devised is flawless. If there is no one here to befriend the enemy, how would Tang Yin be able to see through my plan? No one can contact the enemy. Only Gu Feng has the chance, and it's fine, why would the enemy release him? There had to be a trick to it! Master Xiao, please give the order to shoot an arrow to kill this thief, to avenge my second brother! I... "This ?" Xiao Shang did not have much ability, but he felt that Zhan Wushuang's words were a bit too far-fetched. Even if Gu Feng was the most suspicious one, they should have brought him back to the city to interrogate him.    


Seeing Xiao Shang hesitate, Zhan Wushuang who had already lost his rationality, immediately became furious and rushed to his head. He stared at Xiao Shang with a sinister and dark look, and asked: "What? "Master Xiao wants to protect his, could it be that you also secretly made friends with Tang Yin?" His words were too harsh, especially since Zhong Tian was still present. Xiao Shang's body trembled, he continuously waved his hand, and said: "No, no, no! Ben... "Why would I have an affair with a rebel ?" While talking, he would look towards Zhong Tian from time to time.    


Xiao Shang was scared witless by Zhan Wushuang's words, but the Generals s below him all hated him inwardly. Who the hell was Zhan Wushuang, what right did he have to order his own side around? However, the generals dared not to speak out in anger.    


Zhong Tian also thought that Gu Feng's return was too suspicious. After thinking about it carefully, he said to Xiao Shang: "Shang Di, you would rather kill by mistake than bring about disaster! If Gu Feng was really a spy and allowed to infiltrate the city, the consequences would be unimaginable. " Hearing Zhong Tian's words, it was impossible for Xiao Shang to protect Gu Feng anymore. Helpless, he could only pass down the order, the entire army would shoot arrows and kill Gu Feng outside the city.    


The pitiful Gu Feng had even saved his own life. After taking his life, he returned to the city full of joy, but in the end, what welcomed him was a sky full of Arrow Rain s.    


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