Tomin in The Alien World



0Zhan Wushuang had faked his descent by attempting to ambush the middle camp of the Tianyuan Army, but in the end, his scheme was seen through by Tang Yin, and he set up a perfect ambush ahead of time. None of the twenty thousand elite soldiers, led by Zhan Wudi, Hao Zhao and the rest, escaped, and all of them died in the camp of the Tianyuan Army.    


It could be said that this battle was the most fatal and final attack to Zhong Tian's forces, who were in imminent danger. After this battle, Zhong Tian's forces had completely lost the power to contend against Tang Yin, and there was only a question of time before the fall of his Zhangyu City, so the battle of Zhangyu was seen as the symbol of the establishment of the new Feng Country.    


Tianyuan Army Camp.    


Right now, there was no need for Tang Yin to encourage them further, the morale of the troops had already risen to the maximum, and the sounds of people requesting battle could be heard.    


In his opinion, taking down the Zhangyu City was already an easy task. What he needed to consider now was how to further damage the enemy's morale and hope, so that their attack could go even more smoothly, and the losses would be minimized.    


The Tianyuan Army did not budge and rested for three whole days. In these three days, the entire Feng Army was filled with food and sleeping soundly, the entire army's essence, energy, and spirit was fully nurtured, but within the Zhangyu City, everyone felt as if a great catastrophe was coming for them, especially Zhong Tian. Until now, he could not even see the slightest of hope, and tried to find Zhan Wushuang multiple times to discuss how to break through the encirclement, but Zhan Wushuang was practically a cripple with no fighting spirit at all, and even lost the desire to live on. Zhan Wudi's death had too big of a impact on him. He could only watch as his brother's corpse was hung in front of the Feng Army camp, yet he did not even have the strength to snatch it back.    


Now that Zhan Wushuang, who had grown from a general to a general, had become like this, Zhong Tian truly had no one to rely on. Although there were still tens of thousands of soldiers in the high Chuan Army, they were all temporarily pieced together like a mob.    


For the past few days, Zhong Tian had been unable to sleep at night and had not had a good night's sleep.    


On the fourth day, Le Tian and Ai Jia, who were going to Yongning Town to pick up the Jiang Fan's Mother, returned. The two of them did not fail their mission and actually took over the Jiang Fan's Mother.    


The two of them arrived at Yongning Town and found the Jiang manor. After reporting their identities, they quickly met up with Old Granny Jiang. The two of them first presented the gifts they had bought on the spur of the moment, then narrated the situation of Jiang Fan and his Zhangyu City to the Jiang Fan's Mother.    


Initially, after Zhong Tian usurped the throne, she had been opposed to Jiang Fan taking up the position in the army. Now, hearing that Jiang Fan had been captured by the Feng Army, the old lady was even more anxious, if Jiang Fan were to go all out, he would just not submit, and the final result would definitely be death. No matter whether it was in the public or private, she had to personally go to the Feng Army Camp to advise Jiang Fan to surrender.    


Due to this consideration, Le Tian and Ai Jia did not waste time talking too much, and Jiang Fan's Mother nodded in agreement.    


Because he was worried about his son's safety, Jiang Fan's Mother did not delay any further. He packed his luggage the same day and followed Le Tian and Ai Jia to the Wind Camp.    


Hearing that Le Tian and Ai Jia had successfully brought Jiang Fan's Mother over, Tang Yin was overjoyed and treated his with respect. Although he did not leave the camp to welcome them, he still welcomed them and brought the old lady into the tent.    


Jiang Fan's Mother never thought that Tang Yin would actually be so young, and seemed to be even younger than his own son. However, with Tang Yin's status and power, Jiang Fan's Mother did not dare to treat him lightly. "She knelt on the ground and bowed deeply towards Tang Yin. Before he could say anything, his tears had already flowed out, and he said with a trembling voice," "" My lord, my son is too disrespectful, I hope my lord can be merciful and lenient, and leave my son a path to survival! " Tang Yin was very satisfied with Jiang Fan's Mother's attitude. He reached out to help the old lady up and said with a smile, "Aunty Jiang, there's no need to be so courteous. Please get up." After giving a seat to the old lady, Tang Yin greeted his again as if nothing had happened. Seeing that the Jiang Fan's Mother was distracted with his words, he did not continue any further.    


Very quickly, Jiang Fan was brought into the tent by the Hidden Arrow Crew.    


When they first arrived, Jiang Fan had already made up his mind. He had fallen into Tang Yin's hands, if he wanted to kill or cut him, he would do so. Just as he entered the tent, Jiang Fan didn't even look around and directly said, "Tang Yin, you don't need to waste your efforts. I, Jiang Fan, will definitely not lower you ?" His words had not even finished, when he saw a black shadow smashed into him from the side. Right now, Jiang Fan was tied up with a rope, and behind him there was even Hidden Arrow Crew pressing down on him, he could not dodge nor guard against it, only a loud sound of a smack right into his ear. Jiang Fan's forehead was hit, and his body fell to the side, almost falling to the ground on the spot.    


"Ah?" Jiang Fan cried out in pain, he raised his head fiercely, wanting to see who was hitting him. But when he looked, Jiang Fan's eyes immediately widened, his face filled with disbelief, he cursed till he could no longer speak, and corrected himself in shock and fear: "Mother ?" "Mother?" The black shadow that had smashed onto Jiang Fan's forehead just now was none other than the staff in Jiang Fan's Mother's hand. The old lady also used his walking stick, causing the entire camp to be stunned. He was secretly speechless, knowing that the old lady was Jiang Fan's mother, and those who didn't know that would think that they were meeting their enemies. His hands were dark, even Tang Yin, who was sitting on the commander's chair, was laughing awkwardly, not knowing what to say.    


"Don't call me Mother!" I don't have an unfilial son like you, and the Jiang family also doesn't have an unloyal grandson like you. You ? "You've completely thrown away the Jiang family's Lian Li!" The old lady was so angry that her entire body was trembling. Her face was pale and her lips were green, as if she could faint at any moment.    


When Jiang Fan recovered from his shock, he did not care about the pain in his forehead anymore. He kneeled on the ground with a thump, using his knees as a footstep. "Mother?" After shouting twice, his tears also fell. He asked with a shaky voice, "Mother, you ?" "How did you get here ?" After asking that, Jiang Fan wanted to slap his own face, these words were equivalent to nonsense. There was no need to ask, this old lady was definitely caught by Tang Yin! Thinking up to here, he suddenly raised his head, glared at Tang Yin, and shouted while gnashing his teeth: "Tang Yin, I have done my own things, if you want to kill me, kill me. If you dare to touch even half a hair on my mother, even as a ghost, I won't forgive you ?" The reason why Jiang Fan's Mother struck Jiang Fan with such a heavy blow was because he hated him for not fighting and was angry that he was not strong enough. The second reason was also for Tang Yin and the other generals of Feng Army to see. But now, hearing that Jiang Fan was still clamoring and even spouting bad words, wasn't this asking for death? The old lady was angry, resentful and anxious. He waved the walking stick in his hand and directly smashed it into Jiang Fan's body.    


The old lady did not hold back at all. Although he was old and did not have much strength, Jiang Fan no longer had the protection of spirit qi nor was he protected by spirit armor. At this time, Jiang Fan started to suspect if his mother had suffered from a heart attack and did not recognize him as her son. Otherwise, why would she do such a heavy thing?    


At this time, even the generals on the left and right could not watch any longer. If they continued to beat his, Jiang Fan would not be beaten to death. Under Tang Yin's instructions, all the generals stepped forward one after another to stop Jiang Fan's Mother. They all shouted at the same time, "Aunty Jiang, please stop beating us up, speak slowly!" Yes, yes! "Aunt Jiang, calm down, don't let your anger ruin your body ?" With the obstruction of the generals, the old lady took advantage of the situation and cried out to the people around her. "What a misfortune for our family, what a misfortune for our family!" I wonder what crime my Jiang family has committed to produce such an unfilial son, causing my Jiang family to sweep the ground, I ? "I don't want to live anymore!" After he finished speaking, the old lady pushed through the crowd and rushed towards the pillars of Central Army Tent.    


Seeing that, all the generals were shocked, and even Jiang Fan who was lying on the ground had a pale face, with his eyes opened and his tongue tied, cold sweat instantly flowed down his entire body.    


On the other hand, Xiao Muqing, who was beside him, made a move first. He did not save the Jiang Fan's Mother, but held Shangguan Yuan's wrist, and at the same time, shook his head, indicating that he should not stop him. Shangguan Yuan frowned. Although Jiang Fan was hateful, the Jiang Fan's Mother was innocent, did he have to watch the old lady die in the Central Army Tent?    




Jiang Fan's Mother didn't hit one of the pillars, but instead smashed head first into someone's embrace. Tang Yin.    


At this time, Tang Yin was standing in front of the wooden pillar, as if he was there in the first place. He reached out to support the broken Jiang Fan's Mother and gently said, "Aunt Jiang, what are you doing?" Jiang Fan has already grown up, his actions have nothing to do with Aunty Jiang, why do you have to be so presumptuous and ask for a short cut?! " "Master Tang, the old woman has let down his late husband, and even more so, the ancestors of the Jiang family ?" As he spoke, Jiang Fan's Mother was already sobbing soundlessly.    


Tang Yin frowned, he looked down at Jiang Fan and bellowed: "Jiang Fan, what else do you have to say?" Looking at his mother crying on the ground, his heart felt like a knife was being twisted. Luckily, his mother was saved by Tang Yin in the nick of time, if anything were to happen to him, even if he were to die, it would still be unforgivable!    


"Mother, you ?" "No matter how you beat or curse, you must take care of your body ?" Without the Jiang Fan's Mother to reply, Tang Yin had already said coldly: "Jiang Fan, have you ever thought about how you would be able to face your neighbors and your family if you were to be killed by a traitor of the Feng Country? Betrayal of the country, you are disloyal, causing the death of your family, you are unfilial, such an unloyal and unfilial person, how can you be worthy of being a person? "You might as well end it yourself!" As he said that, Tang Yin pulled out his Scimitar and threw it into the air. The Scimitar drew an arc in the air and with a kacha sound, it stabbed into the ground in front of Jiang Fan.    


Tang Yin then shouted to the Hidden Arrow Crew behind Jiang Fan: "Untie his ropes!"    


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