Tomin in The Alien World



0Shangguan Yuan made Zhan Wudi lose his last bit of fighting spirit, he watched helplessly as his war horse was cut in half by Shangguan Yuan, he turned and ran out of the battlefield without even raising his hand. Shangguan Yuan did not even put the others in his eyes, in his view, the only one who could be considered his opponent was Zhan Wudi.    


Seeing that Zhan Wudi was about to run, Shangguan Yuan let out a few loud laughs, then spurred his horse to chase after him. Zhan Wudi was panicking as he ran. He shouted to the surrounding Ning Bing General of Ning Country: "Stop him! Stop him! "    


Zhan Wudi was simply a god of war in their eyes, when had he ever been defeated in such a miserable manner, and even directly lost to his opponent without even making a move? This was simply too inconceivable. Although they were surprised, many of the Ning soldiers still swarmed forward and blocked Shangguan Yuan's way.    


Shangguan Yuan let out a humph, spurted his horse and rushed towards the soldiers, the triple-edged and two-edged sabre fiercely thrusted forward, and with a pu sound, in succession, two soldiers were pierced through by the sabre, their bodies connected to the Knife Rod, Shangguan Yuan shook his arms, and suddenly shouted out loud. With two cracking sounds, the bodies of the two soldiers along with their armor on them were forcibly shattered into two pieces, and the blood spurting out splashed onto the faces of the surrounding soldiers, covering them completely. Before the rest of the soldiers could react, Shangguan Yuan had one hand raise up the tri-pointed and two-edged sabre, slashing it downwards with all his strength. "Puchi!" A ghastly cold light flashed across. Half of the four Ning soldiers blocking his way had their heads chopped off. Only half of their heads were left lying on the ground, swaying a few times, before falling to the ground one after another.    




Several Ning soldiers who were rushing over from the other side roared as they thrust their long halberds towards Shangguan Yuanyu. Kacha, several long halberds were directly struck, the tip of the halberd fell to the ground, scattering all over the ground. Without waiting for the opponent to retreat, Shangguan Yuan immediately slashed out with his sabre again, knocking the weapon in his hand to the ground.    


Although there were many soldiers, but compared to Shangguan Yuan, they were no different from ants. Even if they didn't use spiritual martial arts skills, the swing of the sabre was like chopping vegetables. Countless soldiers rushed up and fell in groups, and wherever Shangguan Yuan passed, blood flowed like a river. Broken limbs covered the ground, creating a trail of blood.    


Zhan Wudi did not run in the direction of his brother Zhan Wushuang.    


At this critical moment, not only did Zhan Wudi not act impulsively, he was actually abnormally calm. Shangguan Yuan was too strong, and was definitely not someone he could handle. But the three Divine Pool experts by Zhong Tian's side were not simple, it was just that the three refused to act at all. Zhan Wudi secretly made up his mind, and brought Shangguan Yuan over to Zhong Tian's side.    


His running speed was not fast and he could let Shangguan Yuan see him, but he couldn't catch up to him.    


When Zhan Wudi reached the edge of the battlefield, he saw Zhong Tian who was watching the fight from the sidelines. As if afraid that Shangguan Yuan would not be able to hear him, he shouted loudly, "Your Majesty, run!    


His voice was so loud that it sounded like thunder in the chaotic army. Not to mention Shangguan Yuan who was standing behind him, even the people at the side of the battlefield could hear him faintly.    


Indeed. Hearing the word 'Your Majesty', Shangguan Yuan shuddered, and his eyes immediately lit up. To be called the 'Your Majesty' by Zhan Wudi, he must be Zhong Tian, could it be that Zhong Tian was nearby? As he thought of this, he channeled his spirit energy, causing the light of the three blades and two blades to grow brighter. The disordered spirit wind howled forth.    


In just an instant, all the soldiers in front of him fell to the ground. Borrowing this opportunity, Shangguan Yuan stretched his neck out.    


He was in his forties or fifties, dressed in a long black brocade robe with a jade belt around his waist and a jade crown on his head. He had a white beard and thick eyebrows. After he saw this, Shangguan Yuan was almost 100% sure that this person was Zhong Tian.    


Seeing Zhong Tian, Shangguan Yuan immediately threw Zhan Wudi to the back of his mind. After all, Zhong Tian's head was much more valuable than Zhan Wudi's, even such a calm Wu Guang could do anything to kill Zhong Tian, let alone Shangguan Yuan.    


He shouted, "Those who don't want to die, get out of my way!" In between his words, his legs were clamping onto the horse's abdomen. The horse let out a long howl and jumped forward a full two to three meters with pain, causing Shangguan Yuan to jump like a fierce tiger leaving the mountain. His eyes turned red as he spurred the horse straight towards Zhong Tian.    


The Ning Bing General of Ning Country s had already been scared away by him, and upon seeing him charging at them like a madman, they no longer had the guts to block his path, and quickly moved to the sides. Shangguan Yuan let them pass unhindered, and as for Zhan Wudi, who lured him over, she had long turned around and ran off to look for his elder brother Zhan Wushuang.    


As for Shangguan Yuan, he rushed in front of Zhong Tian, and without saying anything further, he swung the Spiritual Knife in his hands and struck heavily on his shoulder.    


Zhong Tian wanted to dodge, but his speed was no faster than Shangguan Yuan's blade. When he realised that it was not good, and wanted to dodge, the blade had already reached above his shoulder. Right at that moment, Zui Fengjian, who was standing behind Zhong Tian, suddenly reached out and grabbed the jade belt on his waist, and pulled it back with force.    






Shangguan Yuan let his blade graze past Zhong Tian's chest, while Zhong Tian was pulled by Zui Fengjian's strength, his body shot backwards like an arrow that had left the bow, he flew a good five meters, only then did he land on the ground, and after rolling for another three meters, he finally stopped.    


Looking at Zhong Tian, although he dodged Shangguan Yuan's fatal slash, the force of the fall almost took his life. He laid on the ground with his face covered in dirt, the bones all over his body were almost broken, and he could not stand up for a while with a groan.    


Just as he was about to kill Zhong Tian under his blade and someone came out to obstruct him, Shangguan Yuan was so furious that smoke was coming out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Looking at Zui Fengjian who was standing in front of him, he grimaced and shouted: "Your father will tear you apart!" With that, the blade and wheel in his hand turned round, aimed straight at Zui Fengjian's head, and hacked down with all his strength.    


A high and mighty strike was also a strike with immense force and thunderous momentum.    


The blade's friction against the air was no longer a sharp whistle, but a dull hum. Zui Fengjian stood in his original spot without moving, only his body was surrounded by a white mist, which instantly enveloped his body with a layer of silvery-white spirit armor. At the same time, a thin and long spirit sword appeared in his hand out of nowhere;    


He raised the Spirit Sword in his hand, one hand holding the sword hilt and the other holding the sword body, wanting to forcefully receive Shangguan Yuanyu's heavy saber.    


You are courting death! Seeing this, Shangguan Yuan gritted his teeth and used 120% of his strength in throwing the sabre.    


Clang clang ? This earth-shattering sound seemed as if it was going to shatter the heavens and the earth. This was a clash between spirit weapons, and also a battle between Spirit Wave s. The stones and soil beneath Zui Fengjian's feet were immediately crushed into powder by the powerful Spirit Pressure. The soil dust floated along with the Spirit Wave into the sky, and a round hole around two meters long appeared out of nowhere on the ground.    


The people around Spirit Wave and Mother Spirit Pressure involuntarily retreated, the intense sound also caused everyone's ears to buzz, they could no longer hear anything, and even Zhong Tian, who was flung far away, felt his chest grow heavy from the impact, and his body was bent down on the ground, his hands covering his ears, shrieking and retching, as though he was in purgatory.    


Shangguan Yuan was unable to bear the powerful Spirit Pressure and was shaken until blood flowed out from his seven orifices. He dropped to the ground with a thump and couldn't stand up anymore.    


It could be said that neither side had expected the other to have such a profound cultivation base.    


He held the blade with both hands, the blade edge still pressing down on the spirit sword. As for Zui Fengjian, he did not move an inch, even when he was in the pit, he did not take half a step back, and continued to hold the sword with both hands, firmly blocking Shangguan Yuan's triple-edged, two-edged blade.    


These two were competing in terms of strength, but they were also competing in terms of cultivation.    


At the same time, the spirit sword that held the triple-edged blade suddenly emitted a thick white mist, and the white mist wrapped around the spirit sword, slowly transforming it into a tangible entity. Immediately, the spirit sword's blade shone with a blinding light, and in an instant, the spirit sword's tip suddenly grew out a few feet, like a silver white tentacle, it twisted in the air and pierced straight towards Shangguan Yuan's throat.    


This sudden change was too unbelievable and too illogical. Right now, Zui Fengjian's Spirit Sword was still holding up Shangguan Yuan's Spiritual Knife, but the Spirit Sword's edge had already miraculously pierced towards Shangguan Yuan's vitals.    


For ordinary cultivators, they would definitely think that the Wind Chasing Sword was using a demonic art, but Shangguan Yuan let them know that the opponent was not using a demonic art, but a 'Battle Spirit Transformation' that only cultivators with a profound cultivation base could use.    


He secretly exclaimed in his heart! Shangguan Yuan didn't have time to think about it further, he hastily tilted his head to the side. The sharp light of the spirit sword pierced his neck.    


But this was not the end. The spirit sword that stabbed forward was as soft as a whip. It rapidly turned a corner in the air and then stabbed back.    


Shangguan Yuan had already prepared himself, he lowered his head again and dodged the spirit sword that was thrusting back. Without waiting for the opponent to attack again, he withdrew his triple-edged blade and two-edged sabre, at the same time he retreated to a distance three meters away to stabilize himself.    


At this time, the two of them already had a certain understanding of each other's strength, and so they simultaneously used Arts of Clairvoyance to check each other's specific cultivation levels.    


"What a perfect combination of Spiritual God!"    


"Spirit God Stage!"    


The first part was Zui Fengjian's words, while the second part was Shangguan Yuan's sigh. It was his first time encountering an expert whose cultivation had reached the Spirit God Stage.    


He was sighing with emotion. Wasn't Zui Fengjian the same?    


He could be considered a genius of the Spiritual Force, and had trained hard in the Divine Pool for dozens of years before his cultivation had even reached the level of Spirit God Stage. On the other hand, Shangguan Yuan had not even reached thirty yet because his physique and cultivation was not inferior to his, which made people sigh in admiration at the injustice the heavens had done.    


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