Tomin in The Alien World



0Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others didn't want to let Ye Cheng gain the credit alone, so they all said to Li Qi: "General Li, since Tang Yin has already died, our army will definitely not miss this opportunity. We should take the initiative and attack the Tianyuan Army's camp."    


"This ?"    


Tang Yin dying was a good thing, but he did not dare let Li Qi take the initiative to attack him. With just the several tens of thousands of Central Army s present, it was difficult to defend a city, if he took the initiative to attack the hundreds of thousands of people in the Tianyuan Army Camp, it would be equivalent to seeking his own death. He thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "That's not right! Now, let's just wait and see. "    


"General Li, do not lose the opportunity. Xu Hui advised anxiously.    


"Oh ?" "Let's wait a little longer!" Li Qi was cautious, and did things steadily, so it was not unreasonable for Zhong Tian to choose him to guard Yan City, it was definitely impossible for people like Li Qi to attack from all sides, but it was also fine to guard the city strictly.    


Li Qi was the commander in chief, he did not agree to attack the Tianyuan Army Battalion. Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others could not do anything, they all looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.    


That night, Tang Yin woke up from his slumber and at this time, only Su Yelei was by his side. She had already fallen asleep while sitting by the bed.    


Tang Yin turned his head and looked at her, then closed his eyes to feel the injuries on his body.    


Although Su Yelei's medicine was effective, it was still unable to compare to the effects of the darkness spirit energy. Tang Yin felt that his entire body was covered by thousands of ants that were gnawing on it, feeling pain and itchiness at the same time. He knew that this was a process that needed to pass through in order to heal a wound, but it was still unbearable. Even with how strong Tang Yin was, he still couldn't help but let out a soft moan.    


When she heard him, Su Yelei immediately woke up. She opened her eyes, first looking around, then looking at Tang Yin's face, she saw that his eyes were slightly open.    


"Oh ?" Tang Yin replied softly. He wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, not a single word came out, as if his throat was on fire.    


Without him saying anything, Su Yelei already knew what he needed the most right now. She stood up and quickly walked to the side. Not long later, she returned with a bowl of warm water and when she brought it to Tang Yin's mouth, she also used her other hand to lightly raise Tang Yin's head.    


Tang Yin looked at Su Yelei gratefully, opened his mouth and drank the whole bowl of water. After drinking warm water, he lay flat on the bed and let out a long breath. His throat felt much better, and his body gradually gained strength.    


"Do you know that you made another round at the gates of hell this time?" Su Yelei asked expressionlessly as she put the bowl away.    


"What's good is that ? "I went around in a circle and then came back ?" Tang Yin was already able to speak, but his voice was extremely hoarse and weak, if one did not listen carefully, they would not be able to discern what he was saying.    


Su Yelei turned around, looked at Tang Yin, and faintly said: "Let's see if you dare to be arrogant again in the future! A commander who can take the lead is not necessarily a good commander, and a commander who can take the lead is not necessarily a bad commander either. The key is to see if he can save the lives of most of the soldiers. "    


Tang Yin didn't think that Su Yelei would say such a thing. At first, Tang Yin scoffed at it, but after some careful thought, he also felt that what she said made sense. He sighed softly and did not answer.    


"It's useless to tell you. You never listen to what others say." Su Yelei sat back on the bed and frowned, she looked down at Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin's mouth twitched, and smiled at her. After pausing for a moment, he said in a low voice: "Call Qiu Zhen over, I have something to say."    


"Yes!" Su Yelei promised as she walked out of the camp and passed Tang Yin's words to the Brother Shangguan guarding the entrance of the camp.    


Yuanwu and Yuanbiao revealed a look of joy and asked: "Medical Officer Su, is Master awake?"    


"Yes!" Su Yelei nodded.    


"Then... "What's the situation with you, my lord?" The two of them asked with concern.    


"Very good, I won't die." Su Yelei casually replied before returning back to the tent.    


Brother Shangguan was stunned in place for a good while before he regained his senses, he could not wait to rush into the tent and pinch Su Yelei to death. However, it was a fact that she had saved Tang Yin, who was at death's doorstep, so the two brothers could only endure and endure.    


Qiu Zhen came very quickly, and upon hearing that Tang Yin wanted to see him, he didn't even have time to put on his Official Robe s, and rushed over quickly with his outer robes draped over his shoulders.    


After seeing Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen rushed forward, and lowered his voice as much as possible, and asked: "Master, how are you feeling now?"    


"I'm fine." Tang Yin forced a smile at Qiu Zhen, and after that, he swallowed his saliva with much difficulty, before saying in a serious tone: "Now, how are you reacting with regards to Yan City?"    


Qiu Zhen shook his head and said: "There's no response. However, there are rumors circulating in the Yan City that Master is unable to treat your injuries, and have already ? " Dead. Qiu Zhen didn't dare to say the last two words.    


"Oh?" Hearing that, Tang Yin's eyes lit up, he laughed dryly, but immediately began to cough violently.    


Seeing that, Qiu Zhen anxiously patted Tang Yin's back.    


Su Yelei coldly said from the side: "Your body is still weak, so it is not suitable to speak too much.    


Qiu Zhen looked at Su Yelei, then looked at Tang Yin. He stood up awkwardly and said: "I'm relieved to know that Master is fine ?"    


Seeing that he was about to leave, Tang Yin waved his hand, signalling for Qiu Zhen not to leave first. He then grinned at Su Yelei and said half-jokingly: "Can Lord Medical Officer give me some time to say a few words?"    


Su Yelei snorted, and did not speak further.    


Tang Yin then said to Qiu Zhen: "Tomorrow morning, make the entire army pay their respects, our army will retreat from the Yan City."    


"Pu!" After hearing this, Qiu Zhen almost vomited a mouthful of blood. The entire army was mourning, only when the commander died would it be like this! Although Tang Yin was currently heavily injured, he had already been saved, isn't this cursing him to die? Even Su Yelei, who was at the side, was very surprised. She looked at Tang Yin, confused and at a loss, with his eyes wide open.    


Tang Yin did not know how to use troops, but he had heard quite a bit about it. There were countless instances of people using feigned death to scheme for evaluation purposes, and this time, he felt that it was a great chance to use this tactic. As for the death of the entire army, he had never considered it to be unlucky.    


"Milord, this ? Let's not talk about the funeral, just talking about the fact that it was impossible for our army to retreat from the Yan City. Our army has travelled thousands of miles from the Tianyuan County to the Yan City, sacrificing many soldiers and sweating profusely. Qiu Zhen stuck his head out and said earnestly. At the same time, he felt that it was strange, Tang Yin never stopped until he reached his goal.    


Tang Yin smiled indifferently, and said: "The mourning and withdrawal of the troops, was only a pretense. The goal was to lure out the defending troops within the Yan City. Right now, the Yan City is spreading the news that I am already dead, it must be the defending army spreading it out, so we just have to rely on our own strategy, the entire army will pay respects, and let the enemy really think that I am seriously injured and can't be cured. Since I am already dead, and my Tianyuan Army is so strong that it's natural for me to retreat. As long as the guards there are still a little bit of courage and drive, they would definitely not let go of this perfect opportunity and would definitely use all their power to leave the city to chase after me. The enemy troops relied on Yan City's defense to prevent us from entering, but once we come out, our army will be able to fight them in the front, and completely annihilate the enemy troops won't be a problem. In addition, when the entire army is retreating, we can also split up a group of men and horses, go around to the vicinity of Yan City, and after the enemy troops leave the city to chase us down, we can seize this opportunity to attack the city. As for the specifics, you can arrange and deploy them with the generals. "    


After saying this long sentence, Tang Yin was completely exhausted. He quietly let out a long breath and closed his eyes.    


Qiu Zhen's eyes lit up as he listened. He had faked his death to lure Yan City's defenders out of the city? This was truly a scheme. Qiu Zhen was very smart and quickly realized that Tang Yin's plan was very feasible. He pondered for a moment and quickly said, "Master, you are wise! This is a good plan.    


Tang Yin did not open his eyes, he only casually waved his hand and said: "Since it's possible, then go and do it!"    


"Yes!" "Sir, I'll go gather the generals."    




Qiu Zhen did not delay any longer inside the tent, he quickly left the camp and headed towards the Central Army Tent to gather all the generals and advisers.    


After he left, Su Yelei looked at Tang Yin in shock, as if she did not recognize him. Su Yelei did not know how to use troops, but she could tell that Tang Yin's stratagem was extremely clever. Originally, in her heart, Tang Yin was a brave and fierce person, but he was not very smart.    


Tang Yin did not open his eyes, but he could feel Su Yelei's fixed gaze on him, so he asked indifferently: "What? Is there a new respect for me? "    


With his words focusing on the matter at hand, Su Yelei's jade face immediately flushed red. Fortunately Tang Yin had his eyes closed, otherwise, he would have definitely laughed at her current helpless state.    


"Take good care of your injuries!" If there's so much more, I might really be able to fake it! " Su Yelei cursed evilly.    


"?" Tang Yin smiled but did not say a word.    



As for Qiu Zhen, now that Tang Yin wasn't here, he sat on the main seat of Central Army Tent. When all the strategists and Generals were gathered, Qiu Zhen narrated the plan that Tang Yin had plotted from the beginning to the end.    


Everyone was stunned for a moment, then said in unison: "How wise! This... Is it really the idea of an adult? "    


In fact, in the hearts of the generals, Tang Yin was not the type of person who led the troops to war.    


After hearing everyone's questions, Qiu Zhen laughed, even he found it hard to believe that this was Tang Yin's scheme. He nodded and said, "This is indeed the strategy that the lord has in mind." Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Since no one has any objections, let's follow your plan!"    


"Yes sir!" Everyone cupped their hands together.    


After Qiu Zhen ordered everyone to return, he released a message to the Generals And Soldiers of Self Army s below, saying that the lord had unluckily died and all the soldiers were mourning. In addition, he also arranged for Wu Guang and Zhan Hu to lead 20,000 elite soldiers, and when the entire army was retreating, they would lay in ambush in the forest 10 li away from the east side of Yan City.    


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