Tomin in The Alien World



0  Qiu Zhen followed the arrangements made by Tang Yin. In order to keep this a secret, the various generals did not announce that Tang Yin faked his death when they returned to their respective camps. Instead, they said that he was dead already due to his injuries.    

  When the news of Tang Yin's death spread, the entire Tianyuan Army Camp immediately sank into grief, and many soldiers couldn't help but cry out loud, especially Pingyuan Army. They had followed Tang Yin for the longest period of time, and their feelings were the deepest.    

  That night, white lights were hung up from the Tianyuan Army camp. Whether it was the soldiers or the high-ranking officer, all of them tied white belts around their waists, and even the Commander Flag was tied to their waists.    

  There was no need to wait for daybreak. On that night, the Peng Soldier Soldiers inside the Yan City Tower noticed the abnormality and did not dare to delay any further, and immediately reported it to Li Qi.    

  Li Qi, Ye Cheng, Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others all went up to the walls of the pagoda and looked towards the Tianyuan Army Battalion. After they saw everything clearly, everyone's heart trembled. Li Qi revealed an expression of surprise, and muttered: "Why are there so many white lanterns hanging in the Tianyuan Army camp?"    

  Ye Cheng's eyes turned, and he suddenly realized something. He anxiously turned around, and bowed to Li Qi: "General Li, you're so happy! If Tianyuan Army is ignited, then it must be that Tang Yin is already dead! "    

  After hearing that, Li Qi and the rest were all stunned. Tang Yin died? Tang Yin was actually dead! After being stunned for a moment, Li Qi regained his senses, laughed at the sky, and said: "This is truly a road that will never end! My Yan City is free! "    


  Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others all cupped their hands towards Li Qi and spoke again: "Tang Yin is already dead, the Tianyuan Army is so heavy that they don't have a leader, and their morale is low. General Li, quickly give the order to attack, we cannot delay this warship any longer! "    

  "This ?"    

  was very happy to confirm that Tang Yin was indeed dead, and he also felt that Yan City could relax. However, if he took the initiative to attack, he still felt that it was too risky. After some thought, he shook his head and said, "We still have to think over this matter over long term."    

  "General Li ?"    

  "Stop talking!" Although Tang Yin is dead, but the strength of his Tianyuan Army is still there, we cannot let our guard down, all generals must guard the city well, whoever dares to leave the city unnoticed, regardless of the outcome, will be punished with military law! " With that said, Li Qi looked at the rest of them, then descended the city wall and returned to the residence.    

  "Ai!" Looking at Li Qi's back figure, Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others all sighed. Amongst the many generals, Ye Cheng was the most relaxed. After Tang Yin died, he had already contributed the most to the battle, but as for leaving the city to attack with Tianyuan Army, even if he was defeated, it would only be a icing on the cake for him, it was nothing.    

  This was the second time Li Qi rejected the advances of Xu Hui, Wei Xuan, and the other generals.    

  The next morning, the sky was bright.    

  At this time, the sorrowful atmosphere of the Tianyuan Army Army Camp was already exposed, all of the soldiers walking around the camp were wearing white ribbons, and the Generals was also dressed in mourning. The entire camp was deathly still, and there was not even a single person who could speak. After they finished their breakfast, the Generals s of the various Legions all gave the order to pack up their tents and return to Lehu County.    

  The warriors below all thought that Tang Yin had died, and that there was no longer a commander in their own army, so staying in the Yan City was meaningless. Everyone had lost their backbone, and had even less will to fight, and no one even stood up to object to the withdrawal of their troops.    

  With hundreds of thousands of Tianyuan Army, such a huge army camp like this, would only need a single morning to clean up. After that, the Tianyuan Army began its journey back. Looking up, the Tianyuan Army soldiers were all listless, their heads drooping as they walked, and until now, there were still many people wiping their tears with their sleeves. The entire army seemed like a branch army that had perished.    

  Tianyuan Army has retreated, we can clearly see his sentries, and it was clear to us. Several soldiers excitedly crawled out of the tower, and ran towards the city walls while shouting: "Tianyuan Army has retreated, we do not need to fight anymore! The Tianyuan Army have been withdrawn! "    

  The shouts of the sentries immediately caused a commotion at the city walls of Yan City. The people covered their eyes with their hands, as they headed towards the In Camp s. Because the height was not high enough, they could only see the outline of the Tianyuan Army Camp. As for what exactly happened inside, they couldn't see clearly, but there were many anxious soldiers who rushed up the tower without a care, and looked out. Seeing that the Tianyuan Army Camp was empty, they couldn't help but shout: "Withdraw! He really left! the Tianyuan Army have been withdrawn ? "    

  The news of Tianyuan Army's retreat made the Peng Army soldiers boil up, they did not care if Tang Yin was the one to win in the end, as long as he could preserve his own life, it was better than everything else.    

  Soon enough,, Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others also rushed to the top of the city wall after they heard the news, confirming that it was correct, the Tianyuan Army had indeed retreated. Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others looked at each other, and then ran down the city wall at the same time to look for Li Qi, trying to persuade him to send more troops.    

  At this time, even a fool would know that they should pursue the enemy. It would be a waste of their treasures to miss such a good opportunity.    

  Of course, Li Qi had also received the news, but it was already within his expectations. Tang Yin had already died, and his Tianyuan Army had lost its core members, so retreating was inevitable. Right now, he was also considering whether or not he should leave the city to chase after them. Just as he was hesitating, Ye Cheng, Xu Hui, Wei Xuan and the others had arrived.    

  Upon seeing Li Qi, other than Ye Cheng, the other generals all rushed forward and bowed, then said: "General Li, Tang Yin has already died, his Tianyuan Army has retreated entirely. If we do not send troops now to chase him down, we might really miss this opportunity!"    

  "That's right!" In General Li, without a leader, the Tianyuan Army army is just like a pile of loose sand. No matter how strong you are, it is useless.    

  "This ?"    

  "General Li, quickly give the order to chase!"    

  "Give the order, General Li!"    

  All of the generals had their eyes and eyes wide open, their faces and necks red. With just a word or two, they simply did not give Li Qi the chance to speak.    

  Gulp! Li Qi swallowed his saliva, raised his head and looked at the crowd, then lowered his head and remained silent.    

  Aiya! Looking at his hesitant appearance, everyone scratched their ears and cheeks anxiously. They really wanted to rush up and give him a good slap to wake him up.    

  "General Li, what are you still hesitating for?"    

  After pausing for a while, Li Qi said absent-mindedly: "What if ? "What if the enemy is plotting something?"    

  "And he's still using some bullshit tactics!" Xu Hui could not hold it in any longer, and almost bellowed: "Tang Yin is already dead, what other tricks can they use? General Li, if you cannot seize this opportunity, you will regret it in the future. If General Li doesn't dare to go, then let us go. In the future, when His Majesty blames us, we will bear the consequences. However, I have to remind General Li, if you miss this opportunity, His Majesty will blame you for it, and you will be the one to take responsibility for all the crimes, it has nothing to do with us! "    

  "Oh ?"    

  Xu Hui had no choice but to be slightly afraid when Xu Hui moved him out. He was able to receive Zhong Tian's favor and was also Zhong Tian's trusted aide. He understood Zhong Tian's personality very well, if Zhong Tian really knew that he had missed the opportunity in the future, he would probably not consider his achievements and would only blame himself for being unfavorable.    

  He weighed the pros and cons. After pondering for a long time, he gritted his teeth, steeled his heart, and said with a deep voice, "How am I a coward?" While speaking, he looked at the generals, and said: "Since the various generals are all in favor of chasing after the enemy, then according to your views, our army can leave the city to chase after Tianyuan Army!"    

  "General!" Hearing that Li Qi was finally willing to send out his troops, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.    

  Li Qi then said: "However, our army cannot go out to kill the enemy, we must have generals guarding the city, I wonder which general is willing to stay and defend the capital?"    

  Everyone advocated going out to battle in order to earn merits. Now, when they heard that they were going to stay in the city, no one answered and they all lowered their heads. Seeing that no one said anything, Ye Cheng smiled, cupped his hands, and said to Li Qi: "General Li, I am willing to stay in the city, to ensure that nothing will happen to the city!"    

  Li Qi was really afraid that there would be no one left to guard the city, and that there would be troubles. Hearing that Ye Cheng was willing to stay, he was overjoyed, and laughed: "It's good that General Ye Cheng is willing to stay in the capital, it's the best!    

  "Yes, yes! General Ye Cheng is the best person to stay and defend the city! " The other generals also joined in. Ye Cheng had already established a miraculous technique, who else could he have left to defend?    

  Li Qi originally did not want to go out of the city to chase after his enemies, but he was forced into a corner by his subordinates, so he could only nod his head in agreement.    

  Currently, there were only sixty thousand people left who could still fight in the Yan City. Li Qi did not dare to bring all of them out, leaving behind ten thousand soldiers to guard the Yan City. He himself led the fifty thousand men and generals out of the city to chase after the Tianyuan Army.    

  His Tianyuan Army was low, his supplies were complicated, his pace was slow, but Li Qi's group were light, their speed was extremely fast, although they had already retreated for a long time, but not even two hours had passed, Li Qi's group had already caught up to them.    

  Li Qi led fifty thousand soldiers out of the city to chase after and kill Tianyuan Army. The Sky Eye who were lurking near the Yan City and the Earth Web scouts immediately transmitted the news to their own army who were retreating towards the Lehu County as well as to Wu Guang and the rest who were lying in ambush in the forest five kilometers east of the Yan City.    

  After Wu Guang received the scouts' information, he could not help but grin. Master was really lucky, the guards of Yan City had really chased him out! According to the intelligence reports of the inside the city, the Yan City only had a total of eighty thousand people, other than the casualties during the war, there were at most sixty thousand people. Right now, the enemy troops had left the city, so the total number of troops in the city was only ten thousand.    

  As he was thinking, he turned around to look at the soldiers on his side.    

  Wu Guang and Zhan Hu had only led twenty thousand people, but these twenty thousand people were not simple. They were all the elites from the Pingyuan Army.    

  Right now, Wu Guang was waiting, waiting for the enemy to leave the city long enough, before launching his sneak attack.

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