Tomin in The Alien World



0Taking advantage of the death of the two Peng Army Soldiers above, Wu Guang used all his strength to rush to the top of the city wall. When he was below the city, he could do nothing about the Peng Soldier above the city walls, so he had no longer put these Peng Army soldiers in his eyes.    


Wu Guang brandished the Spiritual Knife, and only walked forward a bit. Dozens of people died under his blade, and the surrounding Peng Soldier still wanted to surround and attack him. Spirit Wave flew into the midst of the Peng Soldier people and miserable cries sounded out.    


Upon seeing this, the rest of the Peng Soldier s were so scared that their scalps tingled, unconsciously retreating one by one, as they retreated one by one, while the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army s who were climbing up the Cloud Staircase outside the city immediately seized the opportunity to rush to the top of the city, and jumped down from the arrow stack. The soldiers took off their swords from their mouths, raised them high into the air, and roared as they charged towards Peng Army.    


First, one of the city walls was destroyed by the Pingyuan Army, then the second and third place. Very quickly, the Eastern City Wall was filled with Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army, like people killing red-eyed beasts, they crazily chased after the Peng Soldier.    


How could Peng Soldier that wasn't prepared enough and had a limited number of people be able to withstand the impact of the Pingyuan Army? Very quickly, the Peng Army on the city walls began to collapse, some soldiers followed the stairs and escaped down the city wall, while some were pushed and squeezed from the top of the city walls to the bottom, their broken bones and broken veins making them hard to bear watching.    


Seeing that his Peng Soldier had already escaped down the city wall, Wu Guang felt goosebumps all over his body from excitement. He knew in his heart that his side was only one step away from victory. He waved his Spiritual Knife forward and shouted at the soldiers on his left and right: "Brothers, follow me into the city to annihilate the enemy, do not leave a single one alive! Kill! "    




Wu Guang fought bravely, and was extremely powerful, winning the hearts of the soldiers. He shouted from the top of the hill, and with everyone responding, Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army followed Wu Guang and rushed into the city from the top of the city.    


The battle at the top of the city walls was extremely intense, and at this time, there were still many drunken slumber in the Peng Army camp below the city. Before they had even woken up, they had already muddle-headedly become ghosts under the blades of the Pingyuan Army.    


Without waiting for Ye Cheng to arrive at Eastern City, Wu Guang had already led the group to break through the defense of the Eastern City and killed their way into the city. According to the original plan, Wu Guang did not rush towards the center of the Yan City to kill, but instead went straight to the South City to assist Zhan Hu and the others who were attacking the South City.    


Before Wu Guang even reached the South City, he saw countless Peng Soldier General of Peng Country running towards him like scattered sand. Wu Guang clenched his teeth, and without stopping for a moment, he rushed forward to face the wave of Peng Soldier. As soon as the two sides made contact, Wu Guang immediately activated Confusion Wind, and over a hundred Peng Soldier s fell to the ground under the attacks of the Spirit Blade s, their bodies filled with wounds, and they died a violent death.    




Just then, a General of Peng Country with a sky blue armor rushed out from the Peng Soldier. He held a spirit spear in his hand, and rushed towards Wu Guang while shouting. Wu Guang laughed coldly, he was not in a hurry and blocked all of his killing moves. Just as he was about to counterattack with his blade, he suddenly heard someone from behind General of Peng Country shout, "He's mine!"    


Following the sound of his voice, the sound of heavy, hurried footsteps could be heard. Wu Guang raised his eyes, and saw that Zhan Hu had already rushed up from behind the group of Peng Soldier s. His huge body charged into the crowd of Peng Soldier s, without even needing to make a move, just his charge already made the Peng Soldier s miserable. Many of the Peng Soldier s in front of him didn't even have time to figure out what happened, and were directly sent flying by Zhan Hu.    


Although Zhan Hu was tall and sturdy, his physique was well-built, but his speed was not slow at all. Just as he finished speaking, he had already rushed to the back of General of Peng Country, with his gigantic hammer out horizontally, he shouted at the same time: "Let's see where you can run to!"    


Weng! *    


Even a Spiritual Martial Expert like Wu Guang frowned, afraid that he would be affected, instinctively took two steps back. When the General of Peng Country heard that the wind around her body was not friendly, it was already too late for him to dodge. She could only use her spear to block.    




The Hammerhead smashed onto the spear shaft solidly, following the ear-piercing sound of iron colliding, the General of Peng Country involuntarily let out a scream, his body was like a cannonball, shooting out horizontally. Bang, his body smashed into a wall beside the road, the wall made from stone bricks created a huge hole, she also rolled into the courtyard.    


Without waiting for General of Peng Country to struggle and stand up, she first spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.    


Zhan Hu did not give him any time to catch his breath, as his huge body directly crashed into the wall of the courtyard and rushed into the courtyard at the same time. He raised his huge hammer, aimed at the General of Peng Country's head, and smashed down with all his might.    


Pow! With this strike, General of Peng Country's head was completely smashed away, even a huge crater was formed on the ground. Broken pieces of flesh, blood and brain were scattered all over the ground.    


Wu Guang could see everything clearly from behind and could not help but grin, exclaiming: "General Zhan Hu is really the strongest general in our army!"    


He then walked out of the courtyard from the courtyard. He first turned his head to look at the South of City, then raised his gaze to look at the East of City, and muttered: "Looks like General Wu Guang was the first one to enter the city."    


Wu Guang waved his hand and said: "Brother Pei-ju, there is no distinction between you and me." While talking, he waved his hand towards Zhan Hu, and said: "All of the enemy troops are fleeing towards the city, you and I will not let a single fish out of the net, we will kill them all, no more future troubles!"    


"I'll listen to you!"    


"Let's go!"    


Wu Guang and Zhan Hu's groups gathered at one place, and rushed towards the center of the Yan City together.    


When Ye Cheng put on his armor, picked up his weapon and led his horse out of the residence, he saw hundreds of terrified Peng Army soldiers outside. When they saw Ye Cheng, they all rushed forward and shouted: "General, it's bad, the enemy has already broken through the Eastern City!"    


"The South City has been broken, General, the enemy troops are already charging towards the city!"    


Hearing the reports of the soldiers below, Ye Cheng was unable to react for a moment. Did he lose his East of City? How was this possible? He had just received a report that the enemy had been discovered. How could he let the enemy enter the city so quickly? However, the wounds on the soldiers' bodies were not fake. Could it be that the enemy had really entered the city?    


After pausing for a while, Ye Cheng finally regained his senses, and shouted sternly: "Our army has ten thousand soldiers, where are we now?"    


"It's gone!" "General, our soldiers have all been killed by the enemy troops. General, please make your decision now!" A Captain who was covered in blood walked forward and looked at Ye Cheng.    


A total of ten thousand soldiers had been defeated? Ye Cheng was dumbstruck. What should he do? He didn't know what to do. Other than escaping the Yan City, what other choice did he have?    


Thinking of this, he hurriedly grabbed the reins of the war horse, and said to the horse beside him, "Retreat, retreat, retreat!" Immediately evacuate the city! "    


"General, you can't!" The surrounding deputy Generals all stepped forward, pulling Ye Cheng who was about to mount the horse back, and said anxiously: "If the general withdraws his Yan City, even if he escapes the enemy's pursuit, he will definitely be severely punished by the King, and maybe even his family will be implicated, so the general must not leave!"    


The words of the deputy Generals made Ye Cheng shudder. He was now a Guardian General of the Yan City, so if he did not fight and escape, Zhong Tian would not let him off, nor would he let his family members off. He looked around in confusion, shaking his hand and asking, "Then what do you think I should do now?" After saying that, he pointed at the surrounding veterans and asked, "Do we have to rely on just a few hundred people to fend off the enemy forces that have entered the city?"    


All the deputy Generals grinned. Using just this small amount of people to block the enemy was undoubtedly like hitting a rock with an egg. One of the deputy Generals reacted the fastest and spoke to Ye Cheng, "General, why not gather all of our fleeing soldiers and retreat inside the palace. Use the palace's defenses as a barrier, and maybe last until General Li and the rest return."    


"Oh?" These words caused Ye Cheng's spirit to rise. That's right, how could he have forgotten about the palace! Ever since Zhong Tian took over the throne, the palace's defenses had been constantly strengthening. Especially after the incident where Tang Yin tried to assassinate his way into the palace, Zhong Tian's requirements for the palace became even higher. According to the palace's current defenses, defending against tens of thousands of enemies shouldn't be a problem.    


After thinking about it, Ye Cheng nodded his head and said: "As you see it, we will retreat and defend the palace." After he finished speaking, he quickly mounted his horse and led his subordinate generals and soldiers to retreat towards the palace. At the same time, Ye Cheng spread the news of retreating to the palace, informing all the Generals And Soldiers of Self Army in the city about his defeat.    


He was right. The palace walls of Salt City were indeed perfect. Not only were the walls high, but there were also plenty of defensive equipment and grain stored inside. Even if ten thousand people were stationed inside for a few months, it wouldn't be a problem.    


Receiving Ye Cheng's order, the Peng Soldier who had been defeated and returned to the city gathered at the palace. Very quickly, the scattered troops also gathered around three to four thousand people.    


Ye Cheng ordered all the soldiers to climb onto the palace walls and sealed the doors.    


After Wu Guang and Zhan Hu entered the city, they chased after the defeated Peng Soldier. However, not only were there no signs of Peng Soldier on the streets, they couldn't even see a single citizen. When they heard that the Tianyuan Army had entered the city, the commoners had long ran back home, and the shops had closed as well. It was not because people were afraid of the Tianyuan Army, but because they were afraid of being affected by the battle between the two sides.    


Just as Wu Guang and Zhan Hu were searching for the remnants of the Peng Army, a figure suddenly scuttled out from the small alley in front of them. When this person saw Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army, he quickly ran over.    


"Who is it?"    


As the person was dressed in ordinary civilian clothes, the Pingyuan Army Soldiers did not kill him, but first surrounded him.    


The man hastily took out a Army Brand from his robes and sternly said to the group: "I am a Sky Eye spy, requesting to see your general!"    


"Oh?" Hearing that, all the soldiers were startled, one of them stood out, took the Army Brand, looked at it, and then left the group to report to Wu Guang.    


The ordinary soldiers did not recognize the Army Brand, but Wu Guang recognized it. After he looked at it, he immediately said: "Quickly bring that Sky Eye brother over!"    


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