Tomin in The Alien World



0Seeing the unusually tall and sturdy General, Li Qi and the rest were surprised, but when they saw the soldiers behind them, their hearts shivered.    


These soldiers all wore black armor and were dressed in pure Feng Army. Feng Army s appeared within the Yan City and Flag of Feng Country s hung from the walls. There could only be one explanation for this, since the Feng Army s had already taken over the capital city while their side was chasing after the Tianyuan Army s.    


When the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Feng Army attacked the city, they were completely guarded against them. Although there were only ten thousand people left in the city, the main force of the Tianyuan Army was still fighting against him, so who was the one who took over the city?    


Li Qi could not understand, so he stopped thinking blindly. Taking a few steps forward, he turned to the warrior and asked loudly: "Who are you?"    


"Tianyuan Army, Zhan Hu!"    


He charged in front of Li Qi in two steps, and with his head lowered, he sized him up. The corners of his mouth raised, and he asked: "You said you are Chief General Li Qi of Peng Country?"    


"That's right!" Li Qi straightened his back, and replied loudly.    


"Good!" "You came at the perfect time!"    




"It just so happens that I can take your life and claim credit from the lord!" While speaking, this warrior wielded his hammer and smashed down at Li Qi's head.    


Weng! * The huge hammer broke through the wind, emitting an ear-piercing howl. Seeing that the opponent's attack was menacing, Li Qi did not dare to block it, and immediately retreated.    


This tall and sturdy general was none other than Zhan Hu. Initially, he and Wu Guang had wanted to attack the palace together, but Wu Guang felt that attacking the palace head on would be too destructive, so he decided to trap the enemy first. Since they had already taken control of the entire Yan City, hiding the remnants of the Peng Army inside the palace wouldn't pose much of a threat.    


After making up his mind, Wu Guang stayed outside the palace and continued to confront the Peng Army that was led by Ye Cheng. He also instructed Zhan Hu to bring a group of soldiers to guard the walls of the Yan City to prevent any sudden attacks from happening inside the city.    


When Li Qi and the three General of Peng Country s rushed back to the Yan City, Zhan Hu was already at the top of the city, and upon hearing that the person who had arrived was called Li Qi, Zhan Hu was overjoyed. He immediately became spirited, and rushed out of the city with only 500 soldiers.    


On the battlefield, Li Qi was afraid of Zhan Hu's might, hence he did not dare to fight head on with him. Seeing that he was not a match for his opponent, the three General of Peng Country s behind shouted together, holding their Spiritual Knife spirit spears, they rushed towards Zhan Hu.    


The three of them started to kill Zhan Hu immediately. The General of Peng Country in the middle unleashed his Soul-chasing Thorn, while the two General of Peng Country beside him also unleashed their Cross Slash at the same time. The sky full of Spirit Blade s mixed with Spirit Thorn s shot towards Zhan Hu.    


Zhan Hu's strength was astonishing, but his cultivation was relatively weaker. Seeing that the three generals had used their techniques, he did not brace himself, but instead rolled his huge body to the side. Boom!    


Zhan Hu was still not a famous general now, and he had never thought that he had an impressive identity. Thus, on the battlefield, he could do whatever he wanted without considering whether it was difficult for him to dodge or not, and whether he would be laughed at by the warriors on both sides.    


Seeing Zhan Hu using his own skill, which made him lose face greatly, the three General of Peng Country s all revealed smiles and despised him. Although this man looked scary, he was actually a weakling, so there was nothing for them to fear.    


Thinking about that, the three of them took a breath in and started to attack Zhan Hu together.    


The spirit spear in the middle pierced towards Zhan Hu's chest, and the left and right Spiritual Knife cut apart both of his ribs. The cooperation of the three General of Peng Country s could be considered tacit, if it was another person fighting with him, they might really be flustered by their mother, but Zhan Hu's strength was not something an ordinary person could compare to. He was not anxious at all, and swept the huge hammer in his hands horizontally from left to right.    


Zhan Hu didn't feel anything. However, the three General of Peng Country s were shaken until their wrists were in pain and their arms were numb.    


They retreated, but Zhan Hu did not stay where he was. With a stride, he arrived in front of the General of Peng Country in the middle, and using the force of his body to charge forward, he gripped his huge hammer tightly and thrust it forward, striking the in the face.    


The General of Peng Country's body was covered with spirit armor, and her face was covered with spirit armor. However, if she was struck by Zhan Hu's hammer, her head would also be smashed.    


How fast! General of Peng Country was frightened to the point that she retreated two steps, her body leaned backwards in a hurry, and with a swoosh, the huge hammer almost brushed past his nose.    


General of Peng Country was also shocked to the point that her entire body was covered in cold sweat. But before he could straighten her back, the gigantic hammer that Zhan Hu was thrusting at suddenly changed its direction and smashed downwards.    


With this, General of Peng Country was no longer able to dodge.    




Along with a crisp sound, the Hammerhead's huge hammer smashed into General of Peng Country's chest, instantly shattering the spirit armor on her chest. At the same time, his body fell to the ground with a 'pu tong' sound, causing him to cough out a mouthful of blood, her eyes turning white, she exhaled a lot, and her breath leaving his throat.    


's hammer strike had hit General of Peng Country, but it had happened in the blink of an eye, causing the other two General of Peng Country s to turn pale in shock. The two of them were stunned for a moment, then roared and used their swords to slash at Zhan Hu.    


Zhan Hu did not retreat nor did he dodge. He stood at his original position, and quickly retracted his giant hammer. He stood straight in front of himself and used the body of the hammer to block the dual blades.    


Zhan Hu stood in his original spot as if nothing had happened, while the two General of Peng Country who had released the blade were so shocked that their mouths cracked and their bodies swayed, involuntarily retreating a few steps. The two of them felt that their heavy blades were not blocked by the opponent, but more like slashing at an iron mountain.    


"Hehe!" You two take one of my hammers as well! " Zhan Hu chased after the two of them. He made a circle with the hammer wheel in his hand, aimed at their waists, and swept it across.    




The huge hammer carried a heavy sound of wind, and flew straight towards the waists of the two General of Peng Country. The two of them knew that Zhan Hu was very powerful, and wanted to dodge, but Zhan Hu's hammer was too fast, and there was no time. The two of them could only clench their teeth and brace themselves.    


Clang! Ka-cha! *    


The Hammerhead smashed onto the dual blades solidly, breaking the two Spiritual Knife. Like kites with broken strings, the two General of Peng Country s flew backwards.    


Plop! The two of them fell a full three meters away from the ground and rolled for a long distance before finally coming to a stop.    


The two of them felt that their arms were numb to the point where they couldn't feel anything, as if they weren't their own. They couldn't muster any strength.    


Zhan Hu smashed away the two General of Peng Country s with his hammer and stopped trying to kill them. He changed his direction and rushed towards Li Qi while shouting, "Li Qi, come and fight with me!"    


Li Qi heard and all the hairs on his body stood up. Three generals had been beaten to death in the blink of an eye. How could he be a match for this person? Seeing Zhan Hu's hill-like body running towards him, Li Qi secretly grinned, he did not even have any thoughts of fighting, without saying a word, he turned and ran.    


Zhan Hu was a general, and Li Qi did not ride a horse. The two of them ran with all their might, and in that moment, it was impossible to tell who was faster. Seeing that Li Qi was escaping so quickly, Zhan Hu was furious, he raised the gigantic sledgehammer above his head, aimed at the back of Li Qi's head, and threw it fiercely.    


The giant sledgehammer flew out of his hand and spun in the air. With a speed as fast as lightning, it flew towards the back of Li Qi's head.    


Although Li Qi was scared witless by Zhan Hu, his hearing was still good, hearing the evil wind behind his back, he immediately realised that the other party's killing move was approaching. The experienced Li Qi took the chance to lean forward, and with a whoosh, the huge hammer close to his temple flew past, followed by a loud bang, and the iron hammer smashed onto the ground, creating a deep crater.    


Oh, that was close! Li Qi screamed in his heart, even though he clearly knew that the other party had flung the weapon in his hand away, he still did not have the guts to turn around and fight with Zhan Hu, instead, he was running even faster.    


By the time Zhan Hu reached the giant hammer that he had thrown out, picked it up, and looked at Li Qi, he had already escaped far away. The dusk had made Li Qi's back even more blurry, and it was slowly disappearing.    


Sigh! Li Qi ran so fast! Zhan Hu shook his head in regret, raised the giant hammer in his hand up to his shoulder and looked in the direction that Li Qi had escaped in, but he did not give chase in the end.    


Although Zhan Hu looked like a boor, he wasn't stupid at all. He knew clearly in his heart that Yan City was the main point, and as for Li Qi, it was best for him to kill him, and it didn't matter if he could.    


With that thought, Zhan Hu turned around and walked back to the Yan City in large strides. Although Li Qi had run away, out of the three General of Peng Country s that he brought with him, not one of them had run away. One of them was already dead, while the other two had their Spirit-dispersed Pill s stuffed by Tianyuan Army and tied up like fried dough twist.    


Li Qi had rushed out of the heavy encirclement of Tianyuan Army, originally intending to return to Yan City and regroup, but he did not expect that even his Yan City would be taken over by at the same time. Although he was lucky enough to escape under Zhan Hu's hammer, he had no idea where he should go from here.    


Since Yan City could not return, he did not dare to go. Zhong Tian had left such an important city for him to guard, yet in the end, the city was lost, and not a single part of his eighty thousand Central Army remained. He was the only one who escaped back to the Wan City, so how could Zhong Tian spare him that easily?    



Li Qi was very clear in his heart that even if he returned to the Wan City, he would still die here.    


At this time, Li Qi was in a dilemma, and all his hopes were gone. He sighed to the sky and said faintly: "The heavens truly do not allow me!" With that, he steeled his heart, took out his sword and placed it on his neck, as if he was going to kill himself.    


Right at this moment, rumbling sounds could be heard from the west. This was a sound unique to the great army as they marched forward.    


Hearing that, Li Qi was startled, and immediately turned to look at the west.    


Because the sky had already darkened, he was able to see clearly what kind of people this army from the west was. It was only until the army was less than ten meters away from him did Li Qi see clearly that there was a Flag in front of the army, with the word 'Big' written on it.    


It was the Ning Army! Li Qi's heart was moved. First, he was overjoyed, and then he felt sad from the bottom of his heart. Why did Ning Jun just arrive? If they had arrived a day earlier, even if they had arrived half a day earlier, how could the capital have been taken over by the Tianyuan Army? How could he lose so badly?    


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