Tomin in The Alien World



0This was the power of the Nearest Minister. Often, a single sentence from the Nearest Minister would be able to change Master's mind and change a person's fate or the result of an incident.    


Originally, Tang Yin felt bad for Yuan Qianyi, but after hearing Zong Yuan's words, he changed his mind and felt that Zong Yuan's words were reasonable.    


He nodded and said to Qiu Zhen: "No matter what, we must find out the identity of the Mrs Huarong, and get the result of this matter as soon as possible." "Yes!" Qiu Zhen cupped his hands and received the order.    


Just as their conversation ended, there was a knock on the door. "The Great General Cheng requests an audience!" "Ask him to come in!" Tang Yin casually replied.    


The door opened, and Cheng Jin walked in quickly. He came in front of Tang Yin, knelt on one knee, cupped his hands, and said: "Master, the case with Zhan Ling has been concluded!" As he spoke, he respectfully handed over a document in his hand.    


Tang Yin was ecstatic, he reached out his hand to take it, and opened it up.    


He lowered his head to take a closer look. It was the confession of the person pretending to be the Spirit Master.    


When Zhan Ling was five years old, Zhan Xiong's wife had bribed a few bandits to tie Zhan Ling up and send his out of the city, intending to kill his in secret. However, the bandits, mindful of her age, had shown mercy and never tried to kill his, so they tied his up in a remote mountain village in Ling Nan County to sell to a farmer. The girl who pretended to be Zhan Ling was the son of the farmer named Xu Daiman.    


Since the farmer's wife was very fond of Zhan Ling and thought of her as her own son, Zhan Ling didn't dare to return to her home in the capital, so she settled down in peace. She was the same age as Schudemann, had a similar temperament, was like a sister, and had been inseparable since childhood. Usually, Zhan Ling would tell Xu Daiman about Zhan Xiong's family's matters, and Xu Daiman was extremely willing to listen to it. It was because of this, that the latter knew Zhan Xiong's family's situation like the back of his hand.    


The grown Zhan Ling did not dare to return to the capital. Although living in seclusion in a small village was tough, it was free and easy for him. Afterwards, Tang Yin commanded his Tianyuan Army to enter the capital, beat Zhong Tian to run away, and then post a notice without restraint to search for the descendants of the Royal families.    


Even if he did not become the king, he could still enjoy the glory of being rich and powerful. Furthermore, the people who tried to kill Zhan Ling were all killed by Zhong Tian, so there was no need to worry about who would hurt her anymore.    


At first, Zhan Ling wanted to live in the village forever, but she was really fed up with the life of a powerful royal. However, she couldn't resist Xu Daiman's continuous exhortations, so she finally nodded her head in agreement. Since the old couple who had raised Zhan Ling were too old to travel to the capital with them, Xu Daiman accompanied Zhan Ling there.    


She felt that when they arrived at the capital, Zhan Ling would become the sole descendant of the Feng Country Royal Family. Furthermore, she herself was nothing, so how could Zhan Ling, who had grown up with her, become a daughter of heaven, while she was just a normal and ordinary commoner?    


When they arrived at the wilderness, when Zhan Ling was unprepared, Xu Daiman used a rock to strike her on the head and killed her. He then abandoned her body in the wilderness and took the jade Zhan Ling was wearing, and in the name of Zhan Ling, he exposed himself to the public, claiming to be Zhan Xiong's daughter, Zhan Ling.    


This was the cause, the course, and the result of things.    


After looking through the confession carefully, Tang Yin could not help but laugh out loud. He shook his head and said, "Even if I were to lie, it would not be so perfect." As he said that, he threw the certificate down and said to Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zong Yuan: "Look!" When Qiu Zhen and the rest were carefully looking through the confession letter, Tang Yin said to Cheng Jin: "Cheng Jin, copy out a few copies of this confession letter and give one to each official of the imperial court. Also, post a notice saying what this thief has done to all the people of the world." Yes! "My lord!" Cheng Jin replied, "Master, this girl is extremely repulsive, with his crimes, he should be executed by the entire family!" "Oh ?" Tang Yin pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "His parents have done a great service to raise the Miss Zhan Ling, so they can be exempted from death penalty. "Yes!" Cheng Jin agreed again and asked, "Then the punishment for those thief girls is ?" "Tomorrow afternoon, cut the waist!" "Understood." Cheng Jin got up and received his orders. At this time, Qiu Zhen and the others had already finished reading the confession, and the three of them shook their heads and sighed: "Miss Zhan Ling did not die in the hands of Zhan Xiong's wife, nor did he die in the hands of Zhong Tian's wife, yet he died in the hands of a mere evil woman, what kind of calculation is this?!" Zong Yuan said: "Master should send someone to look for and collect the Miss Zhan Ling's corpse and bury it, to show your benevolence and benevolence." "That makes sense!" Tang Yin pointed, raised his head and said: "Mr. Zong Yuan, you handle this matter." "Yes!" At this point, the case of Zhan Ling came to a close. Anyone who had seen this confession, regardless of whether they were the commoners or the nobles, was filled with anger. They cursed the thief and hated the person who killed Zhan Ling, Xu Daiman.    


According to Tang Yin's instructions, the next day, at noon, Xu Daiman was escorted to the court to be sentenced to death penalty. During the execution, a sea of people came to watch, and from the moment people saw Xu Daiman, there were constant curses from the crowd. The people were all furious, some of them spat on Xu Daiman's leaves, some even threw rocks, and even the soldiers escorting Xu Daiman had difficulty moving forward, they hid far away and dragged her away with a rope.    


Xu Daiman was beaten half to death before he could be executed.    


The Spirit Spreading Case was finished, but the future generations had never stopped discussing it. This became the first suspense case at the end of the Feng Country, at the very beginning of the Wind Empire.    


Even if Tang Yin did not forge the confession, Zhan Ling could not bear the torture and could not make it up. Some people believed that with Zhan Ling's age, it was impossible for his to make up such a perfect lie, and it was definitely a fake.    


Forget about the historians from the future, even the mastermind Tang Yin had not completely understood the authenticity of this Zhan Ling. In short, he had a confession and he could convince the masses, so it was fine, but as for the authenticity of Zhan Ling, he did not have the time or time to do that kind of foolish thing.    


Zhan Ling's case may seem small, but it has far-reaching implications. If Zhan Ling was not identified as a fake, then it is highly likely that she is the one who inherited the Feng Country. Then, the future of the Wind Empire will be gone as well.    


After this matter, Tang Yin's position in Yan City was unknowingly strengthened. Because of his achievements in handling this case, his prestige amongst the masses had risen greatly, at least when people talked about Tang Yin's name, they would show respect, raise their thumbs, and praise him.    


Following that, the southern momentum of the Tianyuan Army became like an arrow being shot from a bow. Even if the ministers of the imperial court were not anxious, the citizens were still calling for an end to the current state's division. Everyone hoped that Feng Army would eliminate the traitor as soon as possible, expel the forced capture of the prisoner and put an end to the current situation.    


Tang Yin followed the people's wishes and mobilized his army, preparing to go south to attack Wan City.    


The general structure of the Tianyuan Army had not changed, although there was a large group of generals with nothing to do, Tang Yin used them all. The generals of the imperial government were either Middle General s or Chief General s. If they really joined the Tianyuan Army, would Tang Yin listen to them on the battlefield or would they listen to Tang Yin? Tang Yin also did not wish for the military power in his hands to fall.    


Before Liang Qi left the battlefield, he came up with a plan that Tang Yin had no solution.    


He had Tang Yin secretly divide the troops into two groups to attack the Feng City when he was at the command position, and set up ambush along the way.    


The Feng City was located in the south side of the Wan City, so it could be said that the road to the south was through the Wan City. Once the Feng City was occupied by their side, the Wan City would become a lonely city, and Zhong Tian wouldn't even be able to find a way to escape.    


The reason he said that this was an unsolvable plan, was that regardless of whether or not Zhong Tian could see through their plans, or whether or not he could find hidden traps along the way, as long as he encountered an attack on his Feng City, if he did not want to be trapped in the Wan City, he would have to ask for help. Even if there were mountains of blades and seas of fire on the way, he would still have to brace himself and send out reinforcements.    


This plan was an unsolvable one.    


After Tang Yin heard this, he laughed out loud. Even Qiu Zhen and the other strategists nodded their heads, thinking that Liang Qi's plan was feasible. Tang Yin listened to Liang Qi and sent the Heavenly Eagle Army headed by Zi Ying to attack the Feng City. Then, he sent Wu Guang and Zhan Hu to command 50,000 Directly Subordinate Army to set up an ambush at the center of the Wan City and Wan City. He himself, on the other hand, commanded the great army, approaching the Wan City from the front.    


Aside from the two hundred thousand strong army that was guarding the Tong Gate, currently, the Tianyuan Army had six hundred thousand soldiers. Tang Yin did not dare to take all of his troops with him, leaving a hundred thousand soldiers to guard the capital.    


On the day that Tang Yin personally left the battlefield, hundreds of officials from the Feng Country came to send him off. Everyone was naturally singing their praises, hoping that Tang Yin could lead the army to a successful battle and exterminate the traitor in one go. Tang Yin understood in his heart that there were very few officials and officials that truly wished for him to return alive.    


Although there were many ministers who came to send them off, there were no more people who came to see them off.    


The commoners were the ones who truly hoped that the Feng Army would be the victor. The people stood on the sides of the streets and followed Tang Yin's team out of the city in silence. Even after they had exited the city, Tang Yin and the rest of the army who were waiting outside reunited, the citizens did not have the intention to leave. Looking south, there was an endless sea of people covering the entire sky and the earth outside the southern gate of the Yan City.    


Tang Yin reined in his horse, turned and looked at the commoners behind his army, he cupped his hands and said: "Everyone go back! "Don't send me off again!" "I wish my lord an early and victorious return!" Finally, someone from the crowd shouted.    


The rest of the people also called out, "May the lord's victorious return soon?" Tang Yin's blood surged as he said loudly: "Our army is mighty, but if we go to the Wan City, we will definitely take Zhong Tian's head and wash away the shame of our nation!" mighty Feng Army! mighty Feng Army! "Mighty Feng Army?" The commoners shouted in unison, their voices soaring into the sky.    


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