Tomin in The Alien World



0Wu Guang rushed into the depths of the Peng Army camp and raised his head to look, only to see a large horse carriage at the most concentrated place of Peng Army, the length and width of the horse carriage was around three meters, it looked like a small house, the entire carriage was made of rosewood and the floating dragons and flying phoenixes were all gold colored, upon closer inspection, one could see that the workers were able to embed the gold grains one by one, even the most inconspicuous corners of the horse carriage had gold leaf inlaid on the sides. In front of the carriage were two rows of big horses. The first four were tall and sturdy, and the last four were tall and sturdy. At the same height, not even a single stray hair could be found on the eight horses.    


Just by looking at the extravagance of the horse carriage, its unparalleled extravagance, and the density of the surrounding Peng Soldier General of Peng Country, Wu Guang immediately determined that the identity of the person inside the horse carriage was not simple. If he was not mistaken, it should be Zhong Tian himself.    


His eyes lit up and he shouted, "Those who stop me, die!" As he spoke, he brandished the Spiritual Knife in his hands, and a sharp blade slashed across the air giving rise to streaks of cold light. From time to time, people in the Peng Soldier blocking in front of him would be swept by the sharp light of the Spiritual Knife, causing blood to splatter three feet into the air as they fell to the ground while screaming.    


When Wu Guang rushed to the front of the carriage, two General of Peng Country riding big horses came forward, one holding onto a spear, one thrusting at Wu Guang's chest, the other holding onto a blade, one slashing Wu Guang's neck.    


Wu Guang reacted extremely quickly, without even thinking, he held onto the blade with one hand and waved it outwards. Following a clear cracking sound, he deflected the Spiritual Knife, and then, he moved his body to the side, and once again, he dodged the incoming spirit spear. Just as the other party was about to pull the spear back and attack again, he immediately pulled back his hand, and with a loud bang, the other party's spirit spear was caught under his ribs.    




The General of Peng Country was shocked, he still wanted to pull the spirit spear back, but Wu Guang's blade had already swept back.    




The blade strike landed squarely on the General of Peng Country's waist, the blade edge went from the left side to the right side, chopping the General of Peng Country into two.    


The upper half of General of Peng Country had already fallen off his horse, while the lower half of her body was still hanging on the horse's back, her internal organs flowed all over the ground. On the other hand, the General of Peng Country saw his comrade die miserably under Wu Guang's blade, let out a strange cry, channeling all the strength in his arms, the Spiritual Knife in his hands hacked down towards Wu Guang's head. Wu Guang's movements was exceptionally fast as he sheathed his blade and jumped onto the bed.    


The Spiritual Knife slashed onto his Knife Rod, bouncing up to a height of half a foot. Wu Guang did not do anything, but the General of Peng Country's arm that was shaken to the point of numbness, the web between her thumb and forefinger cracked, making him cry out in pain. His eyes widened as he endured the pain, retracting the Spiritual Knife and swung again. Wu Guang did not have the time to waste with him right now. He shouted loudly, and the Spiritual Knife moved forward.    


General of Peng Country was not prepared for it, now it was too late to retract the blade that was swept out and use the skill to fight back.    


The Spirit Blade s that were flying all over the sky shattered the spirit armor all over General of Peng Country's body. From her head to her feet, they had been slashed countless times by the wind, causing him to fall off her horse while screaming in pain. She laid on the ground, and after a few movements, she stopped moving.    


Even if it was late, it was fast. Wu Guang had slashed two of the General of Peng Country in the blink of an eye.    


Upon seeing this, the surrounding Peng Soldier were all frightened out of their wits. Their guts were about to burst and they no longer dared to go forward to obstruct it. They dodged, but they gave way to give Wu Guang a wide opening. In an almost unimpeded manner, he spurred his horse forward to the front of the horse carriage, the blade in his hand thrust forward, and then raised it again, whoosh! The curtain of the carriage was torn apart by the blade. Wu Guang looked inside and saw only one person in the wide carriage. He was in his forties or fifties. At this time, this person's face was filled with panic, and was looking out, just in time to meet Wu Guang's gaze.    


Wu Guang was now no different from a blood man, the spirit armor on his body had already lost its original color, and was completely dyed red with blood. It was hard to tell if it was his own or someone else's, at a glance, he looked like a demon crawling out of hell. When the middle-aged man saw this, he was so frightened that his hair stood on end and his body went soft. Not only did he not run, he couldn't even scream.    


"You are Zhong Tian?" Wu Guang had never seen Zhong Tian before, he only knew that he had a white face and black beard, similar to the look of the person in the car.    


"I don't ?" The middle-aged man was about to speak, but Wu Guang simply didn't give him a chance to speak. He coldly laughed and said: "I'm looking for you!" While speaking, the blade in his hand pierced into the carriage, and with a pu sound, the blade of the Spiritual Knife struck the middle-aged man's chest, piercing through his body.    


Wu Guang shouted: "Come out!" He used all of his strength to lift his arm, and with a whoosh, the middle-aged man was dragged out of the carriage by the Spiritual Knife. Plop! Middle-aged man fell onto the ground outside the carriage. His eyes turned white as he spat out two mouthfuls of blood. His head tilted to the side as he died on spot.    


"Haha ?"    


Wu Guang laughed loudly. Without even needing the other party to register, this person was most likely Zhong Tian. He really did not expect that the number one thief in Feng Country would actually die in his hands. With that thought, he raised the Spiritual Knife above his head and slashed downwards. Following a cracking sound, the corpse's head fell down, and then used the tip of the blade to lift it up. Holding it in his hand, he lowered his head and tied it around his waist.    


Just as he finished tying up his head, the sounds of horses' hooves came from the side. Wu Guang was about to turn around to take a look, but in the cold, the wind around him was not friendly. Sensing that danger was approaching, Wu Guang didn't have time to think about it further. His instinctive reaction was to roll on the ground a good distance away.    


In the instant he rolled, hundreds of Spirit Thorn had already arrived. The Spirit Thorn did not harm Wu Guang, but turned the warhorse that was stopped in its tracks into a hornet's nest. The strength of these Spirit Thorn s was so strong that they pierced through the long bodies of the horses. After the hundreds of Spirit Thorn flew by, the horses were only left with a blurry mass of flesh and blood.    


Ah? Wu Guang who was lying on the ground could see everything clearly. At the same time, he was shocked to the point that he was covered in cold sweat. Who was this person? He leapt up from the ground and raised his head to look at the person who had assaulted him.    


The newcomer wore a sky-blue spirit armor and held a Nine Revolutions Heaven and Earth Spear in his hand. He stepped off the White Dragon Horse and gave it a cold glance, exuding a majestic and murderous aura. Wu Guang did not know this person, and in his impression, he had never heard of such a person. He frowned and asked coldly, "Come and tell me your name!"    


"Zhong Wu!"    


By the time the person reported his name, he had already rushed in front of Wu Guang. The head of the Nine Revolutions Universe Spear trembled, as three spear shadows shot out from the air, piercing towards Wu Guang's throat and left and right chest.    


Oh! So he was actually Zhong Wu, Zhong Tian's second son! Instead of being afraid, Wu Guang just laughed, his body flashed horizontally for more than two meters, completely dodging the three shots from the opponent. After that, he laughed and said: "So you are Zhong Tian's evil son! Good, now that your thief father and thief brother is dead, and only has you left, I think you don't need to live anymore. Go find your father and brother to accompany you on the Road to River Styx! "    


"Bullshit!" Hearing that, Zhong Wu's nose almost became crooked from anger, the spirit spear in his hand lit up with light, the Blood Soul Master appeared out of nowhere and formed a big net in the air with all the dark red Spirit Thorn, flying straight towards Wu Guang's vital points.    


Actually, if Wu Guang was able to calm his heart and analyze, he would immediately feel that something was wrong. Zhong Tian was Zhong Wu's father, if he died, Zhong Wu would definitely feel extreme sorrow, but right now, Zhong Wu's face only had an expression of anger, not grief. However, the skill that Zhong Wu was using now was too powerful, Wu Guang was simply unable to calm down and think about it.    


Through the color of the Blood Soul Master, he could judge the opponent's cultivation level. The redder a Spirit Thorn was, the deeper their cultivation level was, and the shallower their cultivation level would be, causing Zhong Wu's Blood Soul Master to be a deep red. Just from this, Wu Guang was able to deduce that their cultivation level was not below his.    


It was impossible to avoid the large area of effect skill called Blood Soul Chase. In that moment of life and death, Wu Guang used his full strength and shouted: "Come at me!" His voice had yet to fade when the Crescent Knife in his hands shone with a strange light.    




There were many Spirit Blade, but when they gathered together, they were like a hurricane. Because there were too many of them, the sound of them rubbing against the air was deafening.    


In that moment, it was as if the sky had fallen and the earth was shattering. The two Spirit Thorn s collided with each other and broke apart, causing energy waves to spread outwards and caused even the soldiers who were more than ten meters away to be pressured by the energy waves and involuntarily retreat backwards. At the same time, the ground was also swept up high by the Spirit Blade. Sand and stones flew everywhere, covering the sky and blotting out the sun. Everyone had the illusion that they were in purgatory.    


It seemed as if a century had passed before the competition ground gradually quieted down. When the dust finally settled, and the two people in the arena looked back, all the surrounding General of Peng Country s were shocked.    


Wu Guang stood on the ground without moving, but his body had moved two to three meters back. Both of his feet left two long marks on the ground, and looking at his body, there were many bloody holes as thick as a thumb on his left shoulder, above his left chest, his abdomen, his right leg, etc.    


, who was originally seated on the horse, had already stood on the ground. The spirit armor on his head was shattered, and his hair was disheveled, and there were still two eye-piercing wounds on his face, which dyed half of his face red. The spirit armor on his body was also incomplete, and there were more than a dozen cuts on his body, including a few deep wounds that even exposed his white bones.    


It could be said that when Wu Guang and Zhong Wu used their skills in a head-on clash, both were heavily injured, and neither could take advantage of the other.    


Wu Guang endured the heart-wrenching pain, squinting his eyes as he stared at Zhong Wu, at the same time nodding his head, it seems that the rumors were not all fake, Zhong Wu was truly a genius in the Spirit realm, regardless of cultivation or techniques, he was extraordinary.    


He slowly raised the blade in his hand, pointed it at Zhong Wu, and said coldly: "Again!"    


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