Tomin in The Alien World



0The road under Tang Yin's command was safe and sound as he escorted the Princess Yin Rou to the Yan City of Feng Country. There were no accidents at all.    


The result of annihilating that bandit's nest near the Cong City was already enough; he did not want to make this matter too, too brazen.    


On this day, the group entered the Wan City realm.    


The Wan City was very close to the Yan City and it was less than a day's journey away. At this point, it could basically be considered as reaching home, where more than half of the missions were completed.    


At this time, it was already near evening. Tang Yin ordered his soldiers to station outside the Wan City, he and Qiu Zhen, along with five thousand captains Gu Yue, Le Tian, Li Wei, Deng Mingyang, and a few hundred elite soldiers to protect the Princess Yin Rou as they entered the city.    


Wan City Mayor personally went out of the city to welcome him, along with a group of small officials from Wan City.    


Far away, Li Xian quickly walked forward, stood in front of Tang Yin, bowed and bowed, then laughed: "General Tang has been working hard all this while, and this lowly one has failed to welcome you, I hope General Tang does not take offense!"    


Tang Yin and the rest dismounted, and laughed: "Master Li is too courteous." Regardless of whether he was willing or not, he still had to speak of all the pleasantries and pleasantries.    


As Li Xian was speaking, his gaze would drift behind him from time to time. Seeing Yin Rou's carriage, his eyes lit up, and he asked repeatedly: "General Tang, that should be the princess' carriage!"    


Tang Yin nodded with a smile, and said: "That's right! Your Highness is resting inside the carriage. "    


"Then... Quick, invite the princess into the city! General Tang, please enter the city! " Li Xian moved to the side and glanced at the Subordinate at the same time, asking them to lead the horses for Tang Yin and the others.    


Entering the city, Li Xian had originally planned to let Tang Yin and the others stay at the Mayor Palace, but with too many attendants accompanying Yin Rou, the number of palace maids and female officials serving her amounted to more than ten. There were over three hundred Female Guard s in the palace, adding the several hundred elite soldiers under Tang Yin, there were almost a thousand of them.    


Li Xian and the other Wan City officials let Yin Rou enter the city's Tavern, which was long empty, without any other people leaving behind. They left the entire Tavern for the princess and the rest to use.    


They had long heard that the Princess Yin Rou was born extremely beautiful, like a fairy, and they all wanted to catch a glimpse of her, but there were too many people around Yin Rou, causing her to be trapped in the third floor or the third floor. Even when Yin Rou was surrounded by a myriad of stars surrounding her into the Tavern, they still did not see her clearly.    


Tang Yin arranged for Gu Yue, Le Tian, Li Wei and Deng Mingyang, the four thousand-man commanders, to each bring a hundred soldiers to guard the four directions of Tavern respectively. Now, the identity of a woman from Ai Jia's sect had played a role, at least she did not need to hide from the princess.    


He arranged all the defenses around the Tavern and went back inside to patrol.    


The Elder, who was standing beside Yin Rou, was responsible for defending the interior of the Tavern. Seeing Tang Yin walk and looking around with her hands behind his back, she immediately welcomed him as if her territory had been violated, and said with an unfriendly tone: "I will be responsible for the security of the pavilion, you do not have to worry about this place!"    


Tang Yin casually glanced at him, and said indifferently: "Only if I personally see it can I be at ease."    


His words immediately aroused Xiao Min's dissatisfaction. She said angrily: "I have been a bodyguard by the princess's side for more than ten years, don't you trust in my abilities?"    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders, and laughed: "In terms of guards, I think no one is better than me!"    


This was the truth and was not an exaggeration. He came from an assassin's background, so he was good at finding loopholes and loopholes. He wanted to seize that fleeting opportunity. If he couldn't find any flaws with the guards in the building, then it would basically be perfect.    


Xiao Min shamelessly followed beside Tang Yin, accompanying him in his rounds.    


After walking two rounds in the pavilion, Tang Yin felt quite satisfied, then turned and smiled to Xiao Min: "Your arrangements are not bad."    


Hearing this, Xiao Min was both angry and amused, gritting her teeth as she humphed: "You don't need to say that?!"    


Just then, a team leader ran over to Tang Yin, interposed himself and bowed, then said: "General Tang, Lord Li requests an audience!"    


"Didn't he leave? "Why is he still here?!" Tang Yin didn't have a good impression of Li Xian, he felt that he was a cunning guy who knew how to flatter and flatter others, sly and untrue.    


If it was in the past, he would not bother to deal with such people, but now the situation was different. He was no longer alone, but the leader of the regiment.    


Without inviting Li Xian over, even if he was from the Mayor, he should not have allowed his entry into the Tavern if there was no need. After all, Yin Rou's safety was the most important.    


He and Qiu Zhen walked out of the Tavern to see Li Xian.    


"General Tang!" Just as Tang Yin stepped out of the door, he was welcomed by Li Xian, who had an apologetic smile on his face as he said: "Today, Your Highness has come to visit Wan City, causing the Wan City to shine in front of you, and all the citizens in the city want to witness Your Highness' grace, tonight I have prepared a banquet at my residence, I wonder if Your Highness will be able to appreciate it?"    


"This might be a little difficult ?" Qiu Zhen said from the side.    


He was just about to euphemistically say no, but before he could finish, Tang Yin had already interrupted him and said coldly: "No! Your Highness has been tiring the entire way, and now that I have received news, I am unable to participate in the banquet at Lord Li's residence. "    


"This ?" Hearing that, Li Xian revealed a look of disappointment, he chuckled and said with difficulty: "Since Your Highness has rested, then it will be difficult to force you, will it not be a problem for General Tang to head there?"    


The banquet had already been held. If Yin Rou and Tang Yin did not make it to the stage, he would not be able to explain to the others and he would lose a lot of face as a Mayor.    


Regarding the banquet, Tang Yin had never had any interest in it. Just as he was about to reject it, Qiu Zhen pulled on his sleeves and said to Li Xian: "Master Li, don't worry, General Tang will definitely be there on time."    


Ah!" Li Xian let out a sigh of relief and said with a face full of smiles, "Then this humble servant will respectfully welcome General Tang. I will take my leave first!    


Li Xian laughed happily and left. After he walked far away, Tang Yin looked at Qiu Zhen with dissatisfaction and asked: Who asked you to help me make my decision?    


Qiu Zhen laughed and said: "Although the position of Mayor is not high, she is after all, the lord of a city and is extremely powerful. Big Brother Tang can deal with him as much as possible, there is no need to offend him, especially someone like Li Xian who is tactful."    


Tang Yin frowned as he thought about it. In the end, he helplessly nodded his head and said, "Alright, then we'll go over tonight and see exactly how much of a show Li Xian has made."    


Tang Yin's residence was in the side room of Tavern. After returning to his own room, he first took off the armor on his body and changed into light clothes.    


Although it was not the middle of summer, the weather was still hot and stuffy. The Steel Armor s could not let the wind through their bodies, and wearing it for a while would make people uncomfortable.    


He casually washed himself and just as he sat down, there was a knock on the door.    


"Recently!" Tang Yin sat on the chair, and casually answered.    


The door opened, and Xiao Min walked in from outside.    


Glancing at her, Tang Yin turned and sat down, and asked: What's the matter?    


"The princess is looking for you." Xiao Min spoke as she looked around to see the furnishings in his room.    


Yin Rou took the initiative to look for him for a short time. Tang Yin felt that it was a little strange, and asked: "Princess, what's the matter?"    


"How would I know?" Xiao Min's gaze finally retracted from the decorations of the room, and landed on Tang Yin's face, and said arrogantly: "Quickly, Her Highness the Princess is still waiting for you!"    


Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, but his expression quickly recovered. He stood up straight and smiled to her: "Let's go!"    


Xiao Min snorted, and turned to walk out.    


Tang Yin followed closely behind, and just as she was about to leave the room, he stretched out his leg intentionally or unintentionally, and hooked himself onto his ankle.    



Xiao Min screamed out, she could not hold back and lost her balance, and fell to the ground head first.    


Tang Yin seemed to not have noticed at all. He didn't even look at her and his steps didn't stop as he directly jumped over her body. At the same time, he said calmly: "Walk carefully.    


"You ?" Xiao Min sat on the ground, her face was green from anger, as she glared at Tang Yin. She was not blind, so he would definitely pay attention to the doorstep when he went out. There was no need to ask, the one who caused his to fall was definitely Tang Yin.    


It was a pity that she did not have any evidence, and Tang Yin would definitely not admit to it.    


Remember this! Xiao Min grinded her teeth and muttered in her heart. She patted her butt and stood up from the ground in embarrassment.    


Arriving at Yin Rou's bedroom, Tang Yin knocked on the door and entered.    


At this time, Yin Rou had already changed out of her luxurious clothing and wore a set of light white clothes.    


Although the clothes were simple in design, when worn on her body, they gave off a feeling of elegance, as if no matter what clothes were worn on her body in this world, it would be unable to conceal her beauty.    


Tang Yin sighed to himself. Every time he saw Yin Rou, his emotions were always complicated. There was appreciation, there was pity, there was pain, and even he himself couldn't tell what it felt like.    


"Your subordinate pays his respects to the princess!" In front of Yin Rou, Tang Yin had never bowed deeply, at most, she had only cupped her hands and bowed.    


Yin Rou didn't seem to mind at all. Now that he was dressed casually, she couldn't help but size him up a few more times, and then asked: "General Tang, is there any activities on the Wan City tonight?"    


Tang Yin was startled, he did not know how Yin Rou found out, but after pondering for a moment, he nodded and replied: Yes! There is a banquet at Lord Li's residence in Mayor, and the princess is invited to attend it. "    


Yin Rou replied softly. Before she could say anything, Tang Yin said again: "However, I've already helped Your Highness push it off."    


Her eyes lit up, and her fair and delicate face revealed a look of surprise and joy. However, she still asked, "Why?"    


Tang Yin said with a stern expression: "I don't think that Your Highness would like to participate in such a banquet."    


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