Tomin in The Alien World



0That afternoon, the official orders that Feng King Zhan Hua had issued to him were sent to Tang Yin.    


The news of Tang Yin being suddenly assigned to the Pingyuan County spread like wildfire, and without question, it set off a huge uproar, as the ten thousand-man commanders gathered at his home.    


Qiu Zhen was the first to arrive. His reaction to Wu Family was the complete opposite, as he believed that being transferred to the Pingyuan County was much more beneficial than beneficial to Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin did not really like his new position much, nor did he dislike it. Hearing Qiu Zhen say this, he became interested and asked why he said that.    


Qiu Zhen laughed and said, "Right now, the Imperial Court is in the midst of many things. The four great officials are fighting openly and secretly for their own benefits, and the spies hidden within have yet to be dug out, the capital might look peaceful, but in reality, the city has already become a place of conflict. It's best if they leave as soon as possible.    


He paused for a moment before continuing, "The position of a county magistrate is not low. More importantly, it is a local official that has authority over several towns and cities, and it has a lot of power. Pingyuan County is a place that is as high up as the heavens and is as distant as the emperor and has the title of General Zhenbei. Even the County Magistrate cannot suppress it, so I think that kind of unrestrained life is more suitable for the personality of the Big Brother Tang, and it is also more beneficial for the development of the Big Brother Tang.    


"Even if there really comes a day where my Feng Country is in chaos due to internal and external troubles and my Big Brother Tang resides in a corner, I can still stay out of this matter and avoid being implicated."    


After hearing Qiu Zhen's analysis, Tang Yin's eyes lit up. If he still had the feeling that he would not go, then now, he had completely made up his mind to go to Pingyuan County.    


He smiled towards the sky, and said: "If that's the case, then Pingyuan County is a pretty good choice."    


Qiu Zhen laughed bitterly: "But the conditions there are harsh, and I have to be on guard against the Savage Country's harassment at all times.    


Tang Yin said leisurely: "At least fighting is better than not fighting. If it's a peaceful and peaceful place, I would really not want to go!"    


Only Tang Yin could say such words. Qiu Zhen also laughed, but from the bottom of his heart, he truly liked going to the remote areas to develop and stay in the capital. There were too many officials and nobles, and no matter how high the position was, they would always be suppressed.    


Qiu Zhen was not a person who kept his peace and quiet. His ambitions were always big, and Tang Yin's ambitions were also slowly being aroused by him.    


As the two of them conversed, ten captains arrived at the same time.    


Seeing how worried the crowd was, he guessed that they had received the news. Tang Yin smiled lightly and asked: "I believe everyone is aware that I am about to transfer to the Pingyuan County, right?"    


Everyone looked at each other and nodded.    


Tang Yin continued: "When we head to Pingyuan County this time, Second Regiment would have to remain in the Yan City, and the position of the regiment commander would have to be replaced by someone else. Fellow brothers, I wonder if any of you would be willing to accompany me to the Pingyuan County? Of course, I will not force you. This matter is entirely up to you. "    


The moment his words fell, Gu Yue and Le Tian both took a step forward and cupped their hands in salute, "If General Tang doesn't mind, then this subordinate is willing to accompany you."    


Hm! Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen both secretly nodded their heads. Initially, winning over these two people was not wrong, at the critical moment, he would definitely stand on their side.    


Without waiting for Tang Yin to express his stance, Li Wei, Liu Zhongsheng, Chen Fang, and Ai Jia, the four Captains that Tang Yin had personally picked, all stepped forward and said with a stern expression: "This subordinate is willing to go!"    


Deng Mingyang, Lu Bing, Zhang Jiu, and Li Feipeng all looked troubled. They looked at each other and did not say a word.    


They already had their own places in the army, and would not affect their positions just because of Tang Yin's departure. In addition, the four of them were not young, and had already been married since long ago, having their own families in the Yan City. Although they admired Tang Yin and were willing to work under him, it was not to the extent where they would abandon their wives and children to accompany him to the border.    


"I hope everyone supports the genuine version!" The first issue of the book was Waves upon Waves! Even though they signed the exclusive contract with Chasing Haze, the fastest they could do was also to set up Chasing Haze! The rest of the country is illegally reprinted! Seeing that the four of them were in a difficult situation, Tang Yin did not find it hard to understand them, and laughed: "Chiliarch Deng, Lu Chiliarch, Zhang Chiliarch, Li Chiliarch, you four do not have to force yourself. After all, your families are all in the Yan City, it would be too hard to let you all follow me to the Pingyuan County. Although I haven't worked with you all for long, I have seen the abilities of you all and have helped me a lot during this period of time. I am very grateful to you all. As he spoke, he raised his head to the servants at home and said, "Prepare some food and wine. Today, I want to have a drink with my brothers!"    


The servants hurriedly went out to prepare.    


Tang Yin's words did not let Deng Mingyang and the other three go, but instead made them feel even more embarrassed.    


"General Tang ?"    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin's loud laughter cut them off as they continued to speak, they waved their hands and said: "Brothers, why are you crying? I'm at the Pingyuan County, not there to serve my sentence, furthermore I'm a General Feng Zhenbei, no matter what, don't you all want to celebrate?"    


Hearing his humorous words and light tone, everyone felt that he was in a good mood. They all laughed and said: "Congratulations General Tang Gao Sheng!"    


"Hm!" That's more like it! " Tang Yin sat in the middle and nodded his head, accepting everyone's congratulations.    


Not long after, the servants finished preparing the feast, and Tang Yin and the others began to drink.    


Perhaps they felt that they had let Tang Yin down, as Deng Mingyang, Lu Bing, Zhang Jiu, and Li Feipeng had all drank more wine at the banquet. After three rounds of wine and five different dishes, the four of them were all drunk.    


Deng Mingyang held onto his wine cup and faintly sighed, then said to Tang Yin: "General Tang, if it was another person taking up the Pingyuan County, I wouldn't even think about it, I definitely wouldn't want to go. But if General Tang went forward to take up the position, I really want to go with him! Although the General Tang was strict and did not hold back with his words, working under him was very comfortable. Even if General Tang doesn't display it on a normal day, we can all feel that he has been taking good care of us. Last time, because of the incident with Chiliarch Ai, he had killed four of Liang Yuan's thousand-man commanders, which was something that no one in the entire regiment commander could do. One, he did not have the guts, and two, he did not have the ability. Ever since this matter, I have made up my mind to follow General Tang at all costs. This time, I really should travel together with General Tang! "    


What he said was the truth. This was what he meant, and it was what everyone else thought.    


It could be said that that matter had completely changed everyone's view of Tang Yin. How could the subordinates not be moved, and not follow him with their lives, even disregarding personal gains and losses, for their subordinates' sake?    


Seeing that everyone was nodding at Deng Mingyang's words, Tang Yin's heart was moved. At that time, he was only casually acting out of anger, but he never would have thought that it would have such an important effect in their hearts.    


Tang Yin did not want to bring up this matter any further. He laughed out loud and said: "Actually, there are five of them." He opened his palm and shook it.    


"What?" No one understood what he meant.    


"At that time, I was planning to get rid of the five players, but only four died." He said with some regret.    


"Haha ? ?" This remark caused everyone to burst out in laughter. The atmosphere of the banquet had also become a lot more relaxed.    


At this time, Ai Jia raised her wine cup and said to Tang Yin: "I should apologize to General Tang."    


He looked at her blankly and asked, "What do you mean?"    


"If it wasn't for me, General Tang wouldn't have become enemies with Liang Family, and there wouldn't have been any retaliation from Liang Family this time either. I already heard that it was the Minister of the Left, Liang Xing, who was obstructing them in the imperial court, that was why His Majesty sent the General Tang to the Pingyuan County! "    


Tang Yin was startled, he then laughed out loud with his head facing upwards, raising his wine cup too, he laughed: "If it's really like this, then I will have to thank you! Seems like I've found the right place to decorate this vase! "    


Ai Jia and the surrounding people were all dumbstruck. It seemed that Tang Yin was very excited about being transferred to Pingyuan County, and did not seem like he was going to face a great calamity at all. If it was said that he was forcing himself to smile, then it didn't seem like it.    


She had heard the words vase more than once, so Ai Jia asked curiously, "General Tang, you always call me that, what does that mean?"    


Of course, vases have no practical value and are just ornaments for people to enjoy. Of course, he would not say these words out loud. He smiled leisurely and said: "In the future, Chiliarch Ai will understand."    


What kind of answer was that? Ai Jia twitched her lips in dissatisfaction, but since Tang Yin was not willing to explain, she decided not to pursue the matter.    


The atmosphere in the room eased a little, and Deng Mingyang continued, "I am now a subordinate of the General Tang, and will be a subordinate of the General Tang in the future. No matter where I am, no matter what happens, only the General Tang gives the order, and I, Deng Mingyang, will listen without hesitation!"    


Hearing this, Lu Bing, Zhang Jiu, and Li Feipeng's spirits were lifted as they said in unison, "We are the same!"    


Tang Yin looked at the three of them, as if he had thought of something, and slowly nodded his head while narrowing his eyes.    


To be kind to Deng Mingyang, Lu Bing, Zhang Jiu, and Li Feipeng, firstly, Tang Yin felt that they had done the right thing, and secondly, what they had said just now was the outcome that he wanted.    



Leaving the capital and going to the distant Pingyuan County did not mean that he did not care about the capital anymore. Being able to leave behind a few trusted subordinates would also allow him to be more informed and also allow him to know the movements of the Imperial Court at any time.    


Tang Yin faintly said: "There are four words, even if I haven't befriended fellow brothers for nothing."    


Deng Mingyang's group of four trembled, and stood up at the same time. They cupped their hands and bowed, and spoke at the same time: "General Tang is being too serious!"    


"I toast everyone!" Tang Yin lifted his wine cup and gestured to the four of them.    


"This subordinate would not dare." The four of them hurriedly raised their cups and gulped down all the wine in it.    


At this time, Tang Yin was trying to pave the way for the future, and Deng Mingyang and the other three had indeed played an important role.    


Qiu Zhen chuckled as he watched from the side, the smile on his face the most brilliant out of everyone present.    


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