Tomin in The Alien World



0The difference between the Shadow Clone and the Light's Wind Splitting Body Separating Technique was that the clone that was formed was not just a shadow, but a real body. The person who released the skill had transferred almost all of the spirit energy in his body to the avatar, so he no longer had any spirit energy to use the spirit energy in his body, and because of this, Tang Yin currently had no ability to protect himself at all.    


Tang Yin and his clone's minds were linked. What his clone saw and heard, he could also see and hear.    


In the carriage, he told Qiu Zhen about the situation of his clone, and then let Qiu Zhen think of a way to deal with it. After that, he let his clone know from Tang Yin's words that although Qiu Zhen did not enter the city to negotiate peace, he actually knew about the progress of the negotiation from his Imperial Court.    


The main point of the argument that the clones had with the Beisa officials was actually Qiu Zhen's argument with them. This was the wonder of the Shadow Clone.    


Amongst the crowd, only Shangguan Yuan was able to see through the mystery at a glance. It was also because of this that he gave up on 'Tang Yin' in the city and left the city alone. The clone wasn't important, what he really needed to protect was the real body, which Tang Yin had left outside the city.    


Cheng Jin's words had cracked the heavens, everyone suddenly realized something, and then all of them laughed, raising their thumbs up, they all praised him at the same time: "Master, brilliant!"    


Tang Yin was now without spirit energy, and with his own martial arts, he could not even take a single blow compared to Spirit Warrior. He sat in the car without the slightest bit of worry. Instead, he leisurely smiled and said, "Now, my life is in your hands."    


When Cheng Jin and Lu Fang heard this, their expressions became serious, and they said: "Master, do not worry, we will watch the night together, we will definitely not let anything happen to you."    


Tang Yin smiled and nodded his head, then turned to look at Shangguan Yuanyang and said: "Yuanyu, rest early, tomorrow morning we will enter the city, then meet up with me."    


"Yes!" "My Lord!" Shangguan Yuan agreed. With how high his cultivation level was, he could not help but sigh with admiration at the wonders of the hidden Spiritual Martial Force. The real body and the avatar were exactly the same ? they were two living people, and ordinary people could not determine whether they were real or fake.    


On the other side, inside the Bessa City, Tang Yin's clone was resting in the guest room of the Tavern without any worries.    


The room was large and luxurious, and the decorations were gorgeous. There were all sorts of decorations, either gold or silver. In modern times, they could not even compare to a presidential suite.    


Since it was only a clone, even his clothes were formed from spirit energy, and he wasn't real, he did not need to sleep. Tang Yin laid on the bed, and only closed his eyes to pretend to be asleep.    


On the third day of the night, a light noise came from outside the door. It was the sound of the door being opened.    


Tang Yin laid on the bed and did not move, but his eyes immediately opened.    


The lights in the room had been extinguished, it was pitch black, but because of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark, Tang Yin could still see clearly.    


The door opened a crack, and then a black shadow quickly crept in. This person was slender and tall, Tang Yin only needed a glance to recognize her. He snickered inwardly, this princess doesn't sleep in the palace at night, so why would he come to his own room?    


Although the clone was not a real person, it was a reincarnation of Tang Yin. It had its own consciousness and inherited Tang Yin's personality.    


He squinted at the newcomer, trying to see what she was up to.    


After the black shadow entered the room, it squatted on the floor and didn't move for a long time. It was adapting to the darkness, and it was also observing the room's layout.    


After waiting for a long time, she slowly straightened his body, raised his legs, and lightly stepped forward. This time, Tang Yin could see everything clearly, and also saw the Steel Sword in her hands that was shining with a cold light.    


She smoothly walked to the bed and looked at Tang Yin lying on it, her mouth raised high, the sword in her hand moved down, aiming straight at Tang Yin's throat, following that, she called out softly: "Tang Yin!"    


This princess wasn't bad, at least she didn't suddenly kill him. Tang Yin snickered in his heart, but remained motionless.    


"Idiot!" The black shadow mumbled to itself, "Killing you is as easy as turning my hand!" Saying that, she patted Tang Yin's face with her sword, and said unkindly: "Tang Yin, get up!"    


Tang Yin was obedient, before she could even finish speaking, he suddenly swung his arm and opened her sword, following that, he rolled on the bed like a ball and sat up, attacking like lightning, he grabbed the incoming person's wrist and took it back to his bosom. Tang Yin's movements were agile as well. With a flip of his body, he directly pressed down onto the person's body, with one hand still tightly holding onto her sword holding wrist, the other holding onto her open mouth.    


He chuckled softly and said: "Your Country's hospitality is really thoughtful. You actually sent a princess to me at night to enjoy it."    


The person who came over was the princess of Beisa whom Tang Yin had met twice, Shauna Feng Pu Luo.    


Although she was very open-minded, the princess had never been in such close contact with a man before. Hearing his ridicule and being pressed down by him, her face turned red, and she did not even think about it, and her unrestrained hand ruthlessly slapped him in the face.    




This slap, on the face, struck Tang Yin in the nature of a berserk.    


He licked his lips, his eyes flashing with an astonishing evil light. He clenched his hand tightly, causing Shauna to feel pain, and the sword in his hand to slip. Tang Yin did not stop, he raised his wrist up to her head and took the opportunity to grab her other hand.    


"You ?"    


Only then did Shauna realize that her situation was not good. She wanted to shout, but Tang Yin had already lowered his head before her and sealed her mouth.    


Damn you ? At this time, Shauna's hands were restrained, and her lips were tightly kissed by Tang Yin. She wanted to cry out but was unable to, hence she had no choice but to release her spirit armor to protect herself.    


Just as she was about to release his spirit armor, Tang Yin suddenly stopped, and stopped pulling. He raised his head and tilted his ears, as if he was listening to something.    


"Dammit, hurry up and let go of me ?"    




Tang Yin raised his index finger, pressed it against Shauna's lips, stopped her from speaking, and then asked softly: "Has Your Highness even brought someone down?"    


Shauna was startled by his sudden question, she shook her head and said: "No, why do you ask?" After a while, she came back to her senses. She began to twist her body as she said in a shameful tone while struggling, "I'm only here to fight with you tonight. I'm not here for your pleasure. Let go of me!"    


Tang Yin hushed him again, then squinted his eyes and laughed: "Tonight is truly lively, there are visitors again!"    


"Huh?" Shauna did not understand what he meant, and frowned as she looked at him in a daze.    


Tang Yin looked out of the window and said softly, "You'll know soon enough."    


Shauna followed Tang Yin's finger and looked out the window. The moonlight was hazy, and nothing could be seen clearly.    


After a while, when she was about to ask a question, she suddenly heard Tang Yin whisper: "He's here!"    


Almost at the same time, Shauna suddenly saw a black figure pass by outside of the window. Its speed was too fast, in a flash, it looked like a ghost.    


Shauna was secretly shocked, she unconsciously opened her mouth, who was the person outside the window? What was her intention?    


Without waiting for her to understand, Tang Yin pulled back his blanket and covered the two of them.    


Lying under the blanket with Tang Yin, Shauna suddenly realized that she was still pressed down by him, and her flawless jade face turned red again. She angrily said, "Tang Yin, don't go overboard ?"    


"If you want to watch a good show, then don't say anything now!" Tang Yin stopped her with a low voice.    


You're not talking, are you just going to lie here and let me take advantage of you? Shauna angrily glared at Tang Yin, but unfortunately for him, the blanket was still dark, and only Tang Yin's eyes that were flickering with an evil light could be seen, but the evil smile on the corners of his mouth could not be seen.    


Ka-cha! *    



At this moment, a light sound from the window caught her attention. She took a deep breath, slowly lifted a corner of the blanket and peeked out.    


Unknowingly, a black clothed person had already stood on the window ledge. This person's entire body was covered with Black Spirit Armor s, and was different from the Spirit Cultivator of Dark's spirit armor. The person held a long and narrow Spiritual Knife and cut open the lock through a crack in the window. Then, he gently opened the window and jumped into the room like a wisp of black smoke.    


Following closely behind him, there were four other shadows that entered through the window. There were also people with spirit swords in their hands, and also people with spirit spears.    


At this time, even a fool could see that they had plotted against Tang Yin and were attempting to assassinate him.    


Shauna was secretly shocked, who exactly wanted to kill Tang Yin? One thing was certain, the one directing them was not their own King Father.    


Not only were they unable to reap any benefits from it, they had also frequently backstab Bessa City. Sanchez had already planned to give up on the plundering of Haotian Empire, so that both countries could be repaired, but even Shauna had rejected her suggestion. That was why she had ran over without permission.    


If it wasn't King Father, then who could it be? Shauna's mind suddenly flashed, and a figure immediately appeared, his uncle who always liked to fight, Knies.    


As she was pondering, the five people who came in did not stop. They slowly fanned over to the bed, and when they reached it, the five looked at each other, and then simultaneously raised their weapons, as if they were about to fall at the same time.    


Just then, Tang Yin who was lying on the bed suddenly shouted out coldly, and at the same time threw the blanket on him into the air.    


On the other hand, Tang Yin was like a cheetah as he scurried out of the bed. In a flash, he arrived in front of an assassin, both of his fists striking out towards the opponent's chest.    


The assassin was clad in spirit armor, but Tang Yin had only attacked with his fist, so how could the assassin take him seriously? As he thought about it, he did not even dodge as he turned his hand to slash towards Tang Yin's head.    


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