Tomin in The Alien World



0Although this man seemed to be impulsive, he was actually extremely cautious. In such an urgent situation, he was still able to think of a way to verify his identity to prevent himself from being faked. It was not easy.    


If it was someone else impersonating a Ning Armament, they would definitely not be able to answer General of Ning Country's questions, but when the Shadow Clone killed the Ning Armament, Tang Yin already knew their identities like the back of his hand. Without even pausing, he immediately replied, "I ? I am from Seventh Regiment Logistics Team, my general is Zhang Wen General Zhang! "    


Seeing that his answer was correct, General of Ning Country calmed down. After that, the anger on her face became even stronger, and without further ado, she jumped onto her horse and shouted to the surrounding soldiers: "Follow me! "Chase after him!"    


"Yes!" "General!"    


The Ning Army all agreed and followed General of Ning Country into the forest like a swarm of bees.    


General of Ning Country led the majority of reinforcements to chase down the 'Feng Army' that had ambushed the logistics troops, while the few soldiers that stayed behind started to rescue the burnt rations. They did not carry any water with them when they came out. The fire was already raging, and the broken branches of the trees could be swatted to extinguish the fire. They often slapped it a few times, and the branches were burned.    


Just then, a few soldiers surrounded Tang Yin and helped him to treat his wounds. However, they did not find any obvious wounds on his body even after searching for a few times. A few of the soldiers looked confused, and asked: "Brother, where are your injuries?"    


Tang Yin laughed bitterly and said: "Behind you..."    


A few Ning Jun and others hurriedly helped him sit up, then looked at his back in unison. They didn't see the wound, but they saw the two Scimitar that Tang Yin was carrying around with him. While he was speaking, he reached out to grab them, just at this time, Tang Yin's ten fingers bent, his palm covering the Black Fire s, and two claws shot out, locking the faces of the two Ning soldiers.    


The other two Ning Bing were shocked as they opened their mouths. Just as they were about to shout, Tang Yin took a step ahead of them and used both of their claws to grab onto their throats, using a bit of strength in their ten fingers. With a cracking sound, the cartilage in their throats were crushed by Tang Yin and the spirit dance also came out from their bodies.    


Tang Yin sneered, stood up, adjusted the armor on his body, and walked towards the Ning Soldier who were still working hard to rescue the food. Unknowingly, the two crescent moon-shaped blades appeared in his hands, with a bloodthirsty and evil smile on his face, he moved even faster, charging into the Ning soldiers from the back. In a blink of an eye, two long streams of blood mist rose into the air, and the ten over Ning soldiers on both sides could not even see what happened, as they all fell to the ground.    


The people were all confused by Tang Yin's sudden move. They did not understand how just then, when he was on his last breath, he suddenly became as lively as a dragon and had started to kill his own brothers. The hundreds of Ning soldiers who were at a loss of what to do were all thrown into chaos by Tang Yin alone, as they scattered and fled in all directions.    


Seeing that the fire could no longer be stopped, Tang Yin stopped his pursuit. Finding the war horse that he had brought along with him, he mounted it and galloped straight towards the Ning Army Camp.    


Along the way, Tang Yin whipped his horse consecutively, his speed reaching its peak. In less than an hour, he had already rushed back to the main camp of the Ning Army. Without any signs of slowing down, the far away Tang Yin had already yelled loudly: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Emergency military situation, General Wu is under attack! "    


The General Wu he was referring to was Wu Siyuan, the reinforcements' leader.    


It was one thing for their own side's logistics unit to be ambushed, but why did General Wu, who led her reinforcements just now, also meet with an attack from the enemy? How many were there? The ordinary soldiers did not dare to ask too much about the urgent military matters. They immediately activated their Camp Gate and allowed Tang Yin to enter.    


Tang Yin urged his horse on, and directly charged into the Ning Army Camp after passing through the door.    


After leaving the Camp Gate for quite a distance, Tang Yin then reined his horse. Seeing that there was a patrol of Ning soldiers walking towards him, he pretended to be weak and swayed his horse a few times, then flipped down from his horse.    


A few of the patrolling soldiers saw him clearly and hurried over. When they saw that he was covered in blood, they asked anxiously, "Brother, are you injured?"    


Tang Yin's eyes that were originally squinting his eyes suddenly opened wide, and said crisply yet confidently: "No!" As he spoke, he drew out two sabers from his palms and slashed left and right. The surrounding Ning soldiers only saw a flash of sabre light, and then his body turned into a cloud of spirit mist. All that was left on the ground were his armor and clothes.    


Tang Yin rolled over and sat up on the ground. He carefully looked around to make sure that there was no one around him, then collected all the armor and clothing on the ground and pulled his horse to a quiet place at the back of a camp. He took off his blood stained armor and clothes and wiped his face and hands clean, then changed into a clean set of armor and slowly walked out from the back of the camp.    


He acted as if nothing had happened as he walked through the stronghold of the Ning Army. As he walked past the patrolling soldiers, he even took the initiative to greet them and chat about them.    


The current Tang Yin was no different from a Ning Man, even the habits of a Ning Man were well learnt by him, as long as he did not use the Arts of Clairvoyance, no one would be able to tell that he was a fake.    


Just like before, Tang Yin purposely avoided the Central Army Tent s, took a huge detour, and headed towards the Barracks Gate s in the front of the army camp.    


As he was walking, shouts suddenly came from the front. Tang Yin found it strange and quickened his pace.    


Walking forward a short distance, he saw more than twenty odd men and women dressed in Ning Country and military uniforms standing in an empty area, holding bows and arrows in their hands as they watched the wooden piles twenty to thirty steps away from them, discussing with each other.    


The only difference was that there was a dark red symbol on the top left side of the breastplate. If one looked closely, they would be able to see that it was a Blood Lion with bared fangs and brandished claws.    


Seeing these people, Tang Yin frowned, why did he meet them!    


From Ning Bing's memories, he quickly found out the identities of these men and women. They were all students from Ning Country, some were children from noble families, and some were ordinary people with talent in the Spirit realm, but there was one thing that was the same, these people's Spiritual Martial Cultivation were not weak, and most importantly, they were all proficient in Spirit realm techniques.    


With Spiritual Martial Academy breaking the door, Spirit Cultivator was able to learn the most mature spirit martial skills of the various factions, as well as carry out systematic training, so there were a lot of different types of skills that the students of Spiritual Martial Academy could learn, and they could also use them proficiently. As long as they trained in the army for a few years, they would pretty much all be able to transform into courageous and warlike spirit martial generals.    


They actually met people from Spiritual Martial Academy! Tang Yin muttered in his heart, he did not stop and instead walked even faster, but when he passed by them, he could not help but lick his lips, these Spiritual Martial Student s' cultivation were not weak, if they could turn them into spirit energy for his own use, he would benefit greatly.    


But right now, the deeper parts of the Enemy's Camp were not places to stir up trouble, so they could only wait until they met each other on the battlefield in the future! In addition, he himself felt that the atmosphere between the various schools that the Ning Country had established was not bad. If he could win against Ning Jun this time, he could go back to the Tianyuan County and imitate them in order to nurture talents.    


As he was pondering, he suddenly heard someone shout, "Who is that? Stop right there!"    


Tang Yin was startled, but his footsteps did not stop, and continued to walk forward.    


"Hey, I was talking about you! Don't go! " A young man walked out from the crowd and shouted at Tang Yin.    


After being called twice, if he continued acting dumb, his secrets would be exposed. Tang Yin stopped and turned around, his face full of confusion. He looked at the young man and pointed at his own nose with uncertainty.    


Seeing that, the young man laughed, he waved to Tang Yin and said: "I'm talking about you, come over here!"    


Trouble! Tang Yin still walked over slowly, looking at the young students, he smiled and asked: General, what's the matter?    


The students of Spiritual Martial Academy had not yet officially entered the army, so calling them general was just a form of honorific title. The young man nodded in satisfaction, picked up a wooden pole from the ground, and gave it to Tang Yin: "Take this, see the wooden stake over there?    


Tang Yin's brows creased into a knot, he wondered what kind of mental state this young man was in.    


Seeing that he did not move, the young man impatiently urged: "Hurry up! "Be careful, I'll give you a good look!"    


Damn it!" Tang Yin cursed inwardly. Smiling dryly, he took the wooden pole and looked at it in his hand. Then, he walked over to a nearby wooden stake. He had only taken a few steps when he heard the young man behind him proudly say: "Shooting a dead target is nothing much. Let's see who can shoot a living person off their head!    


Hearing this, Tang Yin paid his respects to all eight generations of the young man's ancestors in his heart. Without guessing, it was obvious that this young man was definitely a noble within the Spiritual Martial Academy. Only a noble would be able to do such a thing, and treat the ordinary soldiers below as people. This was true for the Ning Country, and it was true for the other Dukes.    


He was walking forward when a young lady stopped him. She did not look at Tang Yin and instead spoke unhappily to the young man: "Hao Yan, you are going too far. If you miss, what happens if you hurt someone?"    


Hearing the voice, Tang Yin turned his head and sized up the lady. She was only seventeen or eighteen years old, like the others, and wore heavy steel armour, but she still looked thin and weak. Looking up, the lady had a beautiful appearance, fair skin, delicate features, cherry red lips, and a delicate and beautiful appearance.    


If one looked closely at her armor and saw that it was made of brocade, then it was obvious that she came from a noble family. Of course, only aristocrats would dare to reprimand nobility.    


Hearing that, the young man did not get angry, but laughed, and said lightly: "Ah Ling, he is just a little pawn! Furthermore, with my archery skills, I cannot injure him. Don't tell me you don't even have this much confidence in me? "    


"I mean in case!"    


"There's no chance."    


The two of them argued back and forth, causing the other students to burst out laughing. "Aiya, this couple is arguing again!"    


The girl's jade face was flushed red, but she was angry, whereas the young man had a face full of pride and pride.    



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