Tomin in The Alien World



0Just as Zhan Wudi was shouting at the Pingyuan Army camp, another arrow suddenly flew out from the crowd, just like the previous arrow, fast and fast, flying like lightning towards Zhan Wudi's face.    


Damn it! Zhan Wudi cursed, he waved his Spiritual Knife and threw away the arrows flying towards him, then urged his horse to rush forward, straight towards the people of Pingyuan Army. Just as he reached the front lines of the Pingyuan Army camp, someone in the crowd shouted loudly. Following the sound of the bowstring, three Spirit Arrow s shot out at the same time, thrusting towards Zhan Wudi's throat and chest.    


Three arrows shot out at the same time, and all the arrows were aimed at the vital parts of the body, showing that the opponent's archery skills were extremely high in the Spirit Cultivator. Zhan Wudi was not prepared well, and became flustered for a moment, he first anxiously used his blade, and knocked away the Spirit Arrow that was flying towards his neck, then moved his body to the left, dodging another arrow, but the last one was that the Spirit Arrow could not hide anymore.    


Ka-cha! *    


The arrow had hit him squarely in the chest, with such force that it pushed Zhan Wudi off his horse. Luckily his cultivation was deep, his spirit armor was tough, if not the arrow would have pierced his heart. Even so, the spirit armor on his chest was still broken into several pieces. The arrows were stuck in the cracks, and bright red blood flowed out of them.    


He grabbed the Spirit Arrow and fiercely pulled it out, and without even looking at it, he fiercely threw it onto the ground, as his eyes were fiercely staring at the people with Pingyuan Army. It was only at this time that he could clearly see who was releasing the arrows. The opponent was dressed in white spirit armor, and in his hand was a spirit transformed white spirit bow, and beside him was an arrow quiver filled with Eagle Feather Arrow, and the arrows were all made of fine steel. They were already heavy and sharp, but after going through the spirit transformation when he shot them, their power was naturally astonishing, and even Zhan Wudi's spirit tablet could be pierced through.    


The general dressed in spirit armor and holding a spirit bow was none other than Le Tian, who was in charge of the Sky Eye investigation organization.    


Right now, Le Tian's cultivation was also above the Spirit Transformation realm and the power of his Spirit Arrow had increased by several times. In a battle, he didn't even need to show himself to be able to kill his enemies. It was just that the opponent he met today was Zhan Wudi, and he was far from an ordinary high-ranking officer who could compare to him.    


"Scoundrel who tried to assassinate me, I will take your life!" At this time, Zhan Wudi was furious to the extreme, the corners of his eyes were wide open. He jumped more than a meter into the air, directly jumping onto his horse, and then with a kowtow on his horse, his wheel blade rushed towards Le Tian. Before the person even arrived, the blade had already arrived. The sharp Spirit Wave cut through the air, releasing an ear-piercing hissing sound.    


"Get out of the way!" As one of the leaders of the intelligence reports under Tang Yin, Le Tian obviously knew of Zhan Wudi's capabilities. He shouted to the surrounding Pingyuan Army soldiers, and then leaped into the air, towards the side.    


He was still a step too slow. The few Pingyuan Army soldiers in front of him were the first to be struck by the Spirit Wave, and following a series of cracking sounds, the bodies of the numerous soldiers were sliced into two halves. Blood splashed three feet as they died on the spot.    


Zhan Wudi was unwilling to let them go, he rushed into the camp of Pingyuan Army, started waving his Purple Dark Light Sabre, cutting down the surrounding Feng Army as if it were vegetables, when a group of them came up, they were chopped into pieces by him, the horses were surrounded by the corpses of the Pingyuan Army soldiers, blood dyed the ground red.    


While slashing at the surrounding Pingyuan Army, Zhan Wudi roared at Le Tian, who was hiding far away: "I want to see where you're going to run to!!"    


Right at that moment, the Pingyuan Army camp suddenly split to the left and right, and a few high ranking officers rushed out, led by the commander of the Directly Subordinate Army, Gu Yue. Tang Yin who was at the back of the army saw everything clearly. Zhan Wudi commanded the many Ning Army troops to support the frontline.    


Tang Yin knew how high Zhan Wudi's cultivation was, and was worried that the Generals And Soldiers of Pingyuan Army would have difficulty resisting, while he himself was unable to fight them, so he could only send out Gu Yue and the other generals beside him to block Zhan Wudi's attacks. Gu Yue and the rest came at the right time, he had brought seven group leaders with deeper cultivations, and was working together to attack Zhan Wudi.    


In truth, with Zhan Wudi's cultivation and spirit power, even if Gu Yue and the rest coordinated together, they would not be able to take advantage of him. However, Le Tian who was hiding in the distance was too much of a threat to him, and from time to time, he would shoot out a few Spirit Arrow s that were aimed at Zhan Wudi's vital parts.    


Not long after, the two sides had already fought for more than twenty rounds. Gu Yue, Le Tian and the rest were not able to fight Zhan Wudi, and Zhan Wudi was also unable to do anything to them.    


The Tianyuan Army Army.    


Qiu Zhen closed his eyes and looked at the battlefield, seeing that the battle between the two armies was already in a stalemate, he turned and said to Tang Yin: Master, it's about time to let our light cavalry army move, right?    


"No rush!" On the battlefield, Tang Yin was much calmer than Qiu Zhen. Perhaps this was also because he had seen too many life and death situations since he was young.    


He pointed to the front and said, "Although the Ning Army's rear troops have been sent to the battlefield, they haven't yet moved. Judging from their formation, there should be around a hundred thousand soldiers.    


Qiu Zhen thought about it, then nodded his head: "Then we must think of a way to attract the enemy's troops to the battlefield!"    


"That's right!"    


"Milord's meaning is ?" Qiu Zhen asked with suspicion.    


Tang Yin laughed, then waved his hand: "Send Directly Subordinate Army onto the battlefield, making a stance of fighting to the death, and forcing the opponent to send in their own troops."    


"Lord, you have a clear understanding!" Qiu Zhen could not help but praise him.    


Tang Yin's calm before the battle was not only able to stabilize the morale of the soldiers on his side, even Qiu Zhen himself was full of confidence. It was as if there was nothing to be afraid of for the four hundred thousand soldiers in front of him.    


Under Tang Yin's command, a hundred thousand Directly Subordinate Army pressed forward. Directly Subordinate Army was a close combat force sent to the battlefield by Tang Yin, leaving only the Personal Guard of a few thousand people by his side.    


Towards his orders, Shauna had a worried look on her face. She looked around, then asked Tang Yin softly: "You've already sent all your troops onto the battlefield. What if Ning Army makes a breakthrough and comes over?"    


Tang Yin was startled at first, then smiled, shook his head and said: "I won't! Ning Jun doesn't have that kind of strength! "    


Tang Yin who had trained hard since a young age understood that 'attacking is the best defense' way too well, and he had always done this, the key to fighting his opponent was offense, and he had to attack and attack again, in order to continuously attack and make the opponent take the initiative to make a mistake.    


Looking at the calm Tang Yin, Shauna couldn't help but shake her head and laugh. She didn't know where his confidence came from, but she asked, "Are you that sure?"    


Tang Yin smiled without saying a word, but his smile could already be considered an answer.    


A hundred thousand Directly Subordinate Army joining the battle immediately caused the situation on the battlefield to become unbalanced. Under the dense and massive Tianyuan Army of the battle array, as well as the sharp and vicious attacks, the Ning Army's square formation could no longer hold on and slowly retreated, the entire army retreating along with it.    


Seeing that, Zhan Wushuang who was in the middle gasped, Tianyuan Army threw his entire army into the battle, it looked like he was going to fight to the death with. It was also a good idea to see who would emerge victorious after this battle! Thinking about that, Zhan Wushuang took out his sword, pointed ahead, and said: "Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, enter the battle, assist our soldiers in the front, hold off the enemy, and destroy the enemy!"    


"Yes sir!" The commanders of the six legions intervened to receive the orders. Then, the orders came one after another, and the six legions of the Ning Army began to enter the battlefield.    


Zhan Wushuang did not have the courage that Tang Yin had, he did not dare to send all of the Central Army out, but left over twenty thousand of his men by his side. He was not afraid that the other party would suddenly break through their ranks and attack him, but wanted to use these twenty thousand soldiers as a contingency plan.    


As far as he was concerned, the battlefield was ever-changing, and there was no need to place all his assets on the battlefield unless he was extremely complacent.    


With the addition of Ning Jun's six legions, both sides had basically used their full strength.    


The clash between the two groups was intense and bloody. The soldiers on both sides fell down in a row, and when one row fell to the ground, the soldiers behind immediately followed up, filling the empty spots, and continued the battle. As the battle went on, everyone on the battlefield had already become numb, repeating the actions of an assassin, waving their spears, brandishing their swords, and using all sorts of weapons to slaughter the enemies in front of them.    


At this time, the battle had completely turned into a battle between two legions. No matter which side they were on, each step forward required them to step over the countless corpses on both sides.    


On the battlefield, corpses stacked on top of each other. There were limbs everywhere, and armor and weapons littered everywhere.    


The brave win in a narrow path. Right now, they were not competing on combat power, but on fighting spirit.    


At this time, Bessa's Heavy Armored Cavalry was completely useless. She was ordered by Tang Yin to return to the rear, to recuperate and find a chance to enter the battle afterwards.    


Seeing that both sides on the battlefield were entangled in battle, at the same time that Ning Army was suffering large numbers of casualties, the number of soldiers that died and injured on their side also increased in a straight line, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and the others looked at each other, unable to sit still any longer, and simultaneously asked Tang Yin: "Master, are our cavalry still not coming out to fight?"    


Tang Yin only looked calm on the outside, but in truth, he was more anxious than anyone else. These ten thousand light cavalry soldiers were the key to his side's miraculous victory, or else he would not move.    


He narrowed his eyes and said slowly, "Wait! "Wait a little longer!"    


Qiu Zhen and the rest secretly grinned, how long are they going to wait? The casualties on their side were already too great. If they continued to wait, the hard-earned and painstakingly managed four hundred thousand Tianyuan Army s would all be handed over to the battlefield.    


Seeing everyone's anxiousness, Tang Yin took a deep breath, looked at the battlefield, and said faintly: "Wait till the battle is over!"    


"?" Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and the rest looked at each other, but no one replied.    


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