Tomin in The Alien World



0Seeing Jiang Chu rushing towards him recklessly, Lu Qingfeng laughed, raised the spear in his hand, and swept it across Jiang Chu's neck. "Puchi!" This shot landed on Jiang Chu's neck. With a crisp sound, Jiang Chu's head fell off and the headless body took two more steps forward before falling to the ground.    


Without even looking at the corpse, Lu Qingfeng shook off the blood on his spear, and turned: "Cut off the head of the person who ambushed us, and hang it on top of the city walls. Wait until tomorrow morning to let the enemy see clearly!"    


"Yes sir!"    


The surrounding Peng Army soldiers all complied, and swarmed forward. Without caring if the hundred people from Feng Army were dead or injured, they took turns hacking with their swords.    


Most of them died under the arrows of their enemies, while the other portion of them had their heads chopped off.    


Just then, the sounds of horses galloping came from behind Lu Qingfeng, he turned around to see that Mao An had arrived. When Mao An arrived, he hastily cupped his hands in greeting, and said respectfully: "Master!"    


"General Lu, what's going on here?" Mao An nodded to Lu Qingfeng as he looked around.    


At night, Mao An and Lu Qingfeng's division of labor was clear. One guarded the front city while the other guarded the back city, and the guard guarding the back city was none other than Lu Qingfeng.    


"Sir, it's no big deal, it's just a few reckless enemy troops attacking our city at night. Now, they have all been killed by our forces, don't worry, Sir!"    


"Oh!" After hearing what Lu Qingfeng had to say, Mao An heaved a sigh of relief.    


Lu Qingfeng laughed: "Looks like we can stop tonight, the enemy won't make any moves!"    


Mao An first nodded his head, then immediately shook it and said to Lu Qingfeng: "General Lu, you cannot be careless, be careful of the enemy's second night assault!"    


"Ha ha!" Lu Qingfeng laughed towards the sky. He felt that Mao An was good everywhere, just that he was too cautious.    


A group of ambushers had already died on the enemy side. How could they form a second group? Could it be that he didn't feel satisfied with just sending himself to his death, and wanted to send himself to his death in another wave? He didn't think much of it in his heart but he didn't dare show it on his face. He cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry sir. We will be on alert. If the enemy doesn't show up then I will make sure no one will return!"    


"Yes!" Hearing him say that, Lu Qingfeng calmed down, raised his head and said: "General Lu, we will have to work hard in the next few days, wait for the reinforcements from County Head to come, and work with us from the inside and outside, under the attack from both inside and outside, Tang Yin's rebel army will definitely be defeated!"    


Mao An had already sent a letter to Geng Qiang, telling him to rush over here to reinforce the enemy on the second day of the siege. But it was already the fourth day, he couldn't even see the shadow of the county, he really didn't know what Geng Qiang was doing.    


He straightened her back, and said with a stern expression: "Sir, our troops are united against a common enemy, and we are of the same mind. The defense of our Ji City is also extremely strong, and even if the county army does not come to reinforce us, we can rely on our own strength to withstand Tang Yin's army!"    


Mao An wasn't as optimistic as him, in the past few days the enemy's siege equipment hadn't even been used, it was clear that the supplies had yet to arrive, and once Tianyuan Army's siege weapon was replenished, their defenses wouldn't be so easy. However, there was no need to say these words, and they were useless. He smiled bitterly and said, "General Lu must not let his guard down and continue to strengthen his guard. I will return to the former city first!"    


"Yes!" Master, please take care! "    


Lu Qingfeng agreed well on the surface, but he did not take it to heart. In his mind, since the enemy had failed once, and seeing that the city was already on guard, he would definitely not dare to activate it a second time. Furthermore, this situation had already been witnessed before this.    


In addition, Generals And Soldiers of Self Army was in a state of high mental stress for the next few days. She was physically and mentally exhausted, and the soldiers below could not take it anymore. If she could not take advantage of this short break to have a good rest, who knows how long she would have to wait in the future.    


After Mao An left, Lu Qingfeng immediately called for the Subordinate, ordering him to allocate a thousand of his men to guard the city walls. The rest of the people took the opportunity to rest, to replenish their strength, and deal with the battles after dawn. His decision made the soldiers below extremely happy. At last, they could finally have a long sleep.    


According to Lu Qingfeng's orders, a thousand Peng Army s should be set up on the city walls, almost every ten steps or one guard, and there would be teams of soldiers patrolling back and forth from time to time. Lu Qingfeng personally made a round of inspection and felt that his arrangements were flawless. Only then did he feel at ease and went back to his own tent to rest.    


Lu Qingfeng and the majority of the Peng Army were going to sleep, leaving a thousand people to stand guard. When people were extremely nervous, they might not feel tired, but now that even Lu Qingfeng had gone to sleep, it undoubtedly meant that there would be no more enmity tonight. The tense nerves of the soldiers relaxed, and exhaustion and tiredness swept over them.    


In the beginning, these thousand odd Peng Army s were still standing, and at the latter half of the night, almost all of them fell onto the ground. Above the city walls, one could hear the sounds of snoring rising and falling, and the occasional sound of dozing soldiers would suddenly wake up, and with hazy, sleepy eyes opening, they peeked out of the city a few times, then slowly lowered their heads, their eyelids drooping down.    


Tang Yin was already aware of the change that had occurred at the head of the Ji City. When he heard that there were suddenly many soldiers on guard at the top of the city walls, he raised his head and laughed, asserting that the other party had already been duped, and that there were no more ambushes within the city. He then warned Tang Yin not to launch a second sneak attack. He had to wait until the first light of the morning, when his Peng Army was at its most relaxed and exhausted. Only then could he launch a sneak attack, and it would succeed in one strike.    


Dawn was the best time to launch a sneak attack, Tang Yin naturally understood this logic. After hearing Zong Yuan's suggestion, he immediately accepted it.    


When night came, Tang Yin, Cheng Jin and other Hidden Arrow Crew were already prepared, ready to go.    


Tang Yin wanted to personally follow his Hidden Arrow Crew to launch a sneak attack, so Qiu Zhen, Zong Yuan and the rest were a little worried, especially Shauna, who rushed over to stop the attack after finding out about the situation. Tang Yin did not care about everyone's worries, and laughed: "Don't say that the enemies were not prepared for our second attack, even if they were prepared, they would not be able to do anything to me! You all don't have to worry. "    


Shauna bit her lips, took a step forward, and said: "I'll go with you!"    


Tang Yin laughed. Shauna was not a Spirit Cultivator of Dark, if she followed everyone from her side, not only would she not become a helper, he would even become a burden. His eyes turned and said with a smile: "Princess Shauna, there is a place that I really need your help in!"    


"Where?" Shauna's eyes lit up, and looked at Tang Yin without blinking.    


Tang Yin said in a serious tone: "When we open the city gates, we will definitely wake up the enemy troops in the city. When the enemy forces come to attack us in large numbers, I am afraid we will not be able to hold on for long, I hope that Princess Shauna's cavalry can rush over immediately to support us, as long as you can do that, it will be of great help to me!"    


Shauna listened and nodded. When Tang Yin finished, she thought about it carefully, she still wanted to stay outside the city! She revealed a lonely expression and said, "Can't you let me go with you?"    


Tang Yin said: "With you helping out outside the city, I'll be even more at ease when I move around the city. This is also very important to me."    


Regardless of whether Tang Yin rejected him or not, Shauna still felt that it was a pity. She nodded heavily and said seriously, "I will get there as soon as I can!"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin smiled at her.    


Tang Yin and Cheng Jin brought over twenty Hidden Arrow Crew s and quietly went out of their camp, heading towards the back city of the Ji City.    


As Spirit Cultivator of Dark, stealth was a common occurrence for them. More than twenty people would occasionally appear, occasionally disappear, and occasionally drift about like ghosts. Furthermore, before dawn, when the sky was at its darkest, even if the Peng Army atop the city walls noticed something, they would think that they were seeing things.    


Very quickly, Tang Yin and the rest had already snuck under the city walls. He listened attentively. There was only the sound of snoring on the top of the city wall. There wasn't even the sound of whispering. The heavens are truly helping me! Tang Yin was secretly happy, he turned and looked at Cheng Jin and the others, they understood and all nodded at Tang Yin, indicating that they were ready.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin no longer hesitated and used the Shadow Shift. Following that, a set of Black Fog s flew out and he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already at the top of the city walls. After reaching the top of the city, Tang Yin immediately crouched down, and at the same time silently retreated into the shadows under the arrowheads. He looked up and down the long wall.    


Some Peng Army relied on the arrowhead to hug their spears and napped. Some Peng Army relied on the arrowheads to hold their spears in their arms and naps to rest. Some Peng Army relied on the arrowheads to hold their spears in their arms and naps.    


At this time, Cheng Jin and the rest had also climbed up the city walls, imitating Tang Yin's movements.    


"Mm ?"    


Without waiting for Tang Yin and the others to take the next step, a Peng Soldier near Tang Yin's side that slept by the arrow stack whispered something, and with a tilt of its head, it directly leaned onto Tang Yin's shoulder.    


However, this insignificant action had already caused Cheng Jin and the rest's faces to change. With a light sound, Cheng Jin and the others drew their swords.    


Tang Yin was much calmer than them, he anxiously waved them off, telling them not to worry, and not to fight on top of the city walls.    


At this time, Tang Yin was hidden underneath the dark arrow bridge, and no one could see his expression, but they could see his pair of green eyes. Tang Yin's green eyes were different from People of Bessa City's green eyes. People of Bessa City's eyes were green, while Tang Yin's eyes were black.    


He turned his head to look at the Peng Army that was leaning on his shoulder. Hearing that his breathing was still steady, it was clear that he was still deep in sleep, the corners of his mouth curled up as he stretched out his hand to slowly push the soldier's head away, allowing him to lean towards the person on the other side.    


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