Tomin in The Alien World



0At this time, Tang Yin still did not know that Liang Qi and Shangguan Yuan had succeeded in ambushing them, with four hundred thousand Tianyuan Army s reaching the Provincial Capital of the Lehu County of the west.    


The four hundred thousand strong army surrounded the huge Xibai City and set up a encampment in the city. Looking over, one could see tents after another, and one could not even see the end of them. Within the camp, flags were raised, and embroidered lines were fluttering.    


When the Tianyuan Army had yet to reach the Xibai City, Geng Qiang did not feel anything, but now that there were so many people, and Geng Qiang stood on the city walls and watched the battle from the outside, he could not help but be secretly apprehensive. He felt a chill behind his back, and now he was regretting that he did not care about face back then, and stubbornly wanted to stay in the Lehu County to defend against Tang Yin's army.    


Seeing Geng Qiang's unsightly expression, looking straight at the Enemy's Camp, his fists clenched tightly, his nervous emotions flowing out, a advisor named Qu Jean advised: "Master, do not worry, my Xibai City City's high walls are thick, the city's defenses are strong, even if the enemy has an army of a million strong, there is nothing to be afraid of!"    


Qu Yue was one of the main fighting sects under Geng Qiang's command. Back then, when Geng Qiang wanted to stay in the Xibai City to defend against the Tianyuan Army, it had coincided with his intentions. The other advisor, Yu Jun, shook his head and said faintly, "The Tianyuan Army is known as the five hundred thousand. Our army has only reached eighty thousand.    


Humph! Crooked Soul sneered in his heart upon hearing this. On the surface, he pretended to be calm and composed and asked, "Mr. Yu Jun, do you mean ?"    


"Back then, Second Highness had teamed up with four hundred thousand Ning Army to attack the Tianyuan County, but before even reaching the Heaven Pass, they were defeated greatly by the Tianyuan Army. Second Highness had died in battle, and four hundred thousand Ning Army troops had been reduced by more than half. Yu Jun said with a serious expression.    


"What arrangements?" Geng Qiang looked at Yu Jun.    


"Since both sides have not fought yet, if Master takes the initiative to present the city, submit to the Tianyuan Army, turn hostility into friendship, and it will be the fortune of the citizens of the city with hundreds of thousands of people, it will be the fortune of our army and soldiers. Tang Yin will definitely place Master in high importance, if both sides were to fight, there will be no leeway for it, when that time comes, Master will surrender even if Master."    


Without waiting for Yu Jun to finish speaking, Qu Yi was so angry that his face had turned red, and he shouted: "How dare you! Before the two armies, you actually advised your lordship to surrender to the enemy. Saying that, he turned and bowed towards Geng Qiang, and said in a deep voice: "Master, Yu Jun's lies have shaken the hearts of the people, Master should judge him by his military laws!"    


Geng Qiang looked at Qu Rou, then looked at Yu Jun and sighed to himself. These two strategists were both his trusted aides, and one of them was fighting against the other leading the charge, which sounded reasonable, but deep down, Geng Qiang still hoped to fight them.    


He was silent for a moment, then waved his hand: "I have been deeply indebted to Your Majesty. Even if I were to die on the battlefield, I will never do something like betraying your majesty. No matter who it is, you cannot lightly talk about surrender, or else, don't blame me for being merciless!" After he finished speaking, he fiercely glared at Yu Jun, swung his sleeves, and walked towards the city entrance.    


"Hehe, Mr. Yu Jun, did you hear what the lord said?!" Qu Ci glanced at Yu Jun complacently and quickly followed Geng Qiang.    


Qu Lian and Yu Jun were both Geng Qiang's trusted advisors, but the two of them had never been on good terms with each other, and their opinions were always at odds.    


Yu Jun looked at Geng Qiang's departing figure, sighed towards the sky and muttered: "The praying mantis will block the chariot, bringing about its own destruction, the main general will lose himself, and tens of thousands will suffer!"    


Hearing this, all the surrounding guards shrank back in fear. Some of them came forward and advised softly, "Sir, please don't say it again. If it spreads to my lord's ears..."    


Yu Jun waved his hand, sighed, and slowly walked down the city.    


Geng Qiang did not listen to Yu Jun's advice, and stood firm in his stance.    


At the same time, Tang Yin was also discussing the strategy of attacking the city with his subordinates.    


Although Tianyuan Army was approaching aggressively and with a grandiose aura, there were still hidden dangers. The lack of food was a big problem.    


Using the power of three countries to support an army of five hundred thousand, the food supply was only barely enough for them. Liang Qi and Shangguan Yuan had their commander of the army attack the Tong Gate with a hundred thousand, and took away a large amount of food supply, which caused Tianyuan Army to be extremely nervous, and then burned down by Mao An in a batch. The problem of insufficient food supply was immediately exposed, now, Tianyuan County, Guannan County, and even though the food supply was already delivered to the army, the army only needed one month's worth of food, which meant that the war had to end within a month.    


Within the Central Army Tent, the Generals, led by Xiao Muqing, suggested that they must immediately attack the Xibai City, in order to take down Xi Bai within three days, and then attack the Yan City with all their strength.    


Tang Yin felt that the words of the generals were reasonable, and immediately issued the order for the entire army to attack the city.    


Before the attack, Tianyuan Army had also sent out a messenger holding a white flag to the walls of the city to have a talk with Geng Qiang. When Geng Qiang got to the top of the city wall, the emissary was moved, willed, and advised Geng Qiang to surrender. Geng Qiang's battle intent was already set, how could he listen to the words of the Tianyuan Army envoy.    


The pitiful messenger became the living target of the Peng Army and was shot like a hedgehog along with his horse. Geng Qiang had shot and killed the envoy from Tianyuan Army, causing both sides to completely lose the possibility of negotiating. Tang Yin passed down the order, Pingyuan Army attacked the Eastern City door, Chifeng Army attacked the Western City door, Directly Subordinate Army attacked the North City door, and small forces of Tianyuan Army harassed the Western City door, attacking from all directions.    


After Tang Yin's generals passed down their message, the long journey of Tianyuan Army did not have any rest, and they immediately returned to the fierce battle that was about to take place.    


This battle had been arduous for both sides. It was in itself a Provincial Capital, and the city walls were tall and thick, they were exceptionally sturdy. Furthermore, ever since the start of the Tianyuan Army, Geng Qiang had been strengthening the city walls' defenses, causing the original foundation of the city walls to increase by more than half a year. It was easy to defend, but hard to attack, for the eighty thousand soldiers to command allegiance.    


And now, the siege attacking equipment from the Tianyuan Army had all arrived in the army, such as catapults, City-breaking Crossbow s, Army-broking Crossbow s, movable arrow towers, etc. These large siege weapons all posed a great threat to the defending troops on the city walls, and the vehicles used to break through city walls and the Thunderbolt Car s used to break through city gates also brought a lot of pressure to the city.    


Countless numbers of soldiers were smashed into meat pancakes by the huge boulders that flew over. Battle cries and screams resounded throughout the battlefield as flames rose from all directions and smoke billowed into the air. Everywhere was a fight to the death. Not to mention the people below the city walls, just the piles of corpses in the moat were all covered by a layer of red blood, turning the river into a river of blood.    


This was a battle where the enemy had suffered a thousand losses, and I had lost eight hundred.    


The Tianyuan Army had been attacking the city from morning all the way until late at night. The armies attacking the city had been swapped over and over again, many of them had already fought three rounds, and the soldiers and soldiers had all been exhausted to the extreme.    


How could eighty thousand soldiers withstand the combined attack of four hundred thousand Tianyuan Army? Under the situation where they were lacking in manpower, Geng Qiang immediately ordered the Personal Guard beside him to go to the city and capture them. As long as they were strong, they were brought to the top of the city without any armor, and with just a single spear for each person to use, they would immediately participate in the defense of the city.    


Under Geng Qiang's nearly crazed defense, the Tianyuan Army retreated first. Tang Yin accepted Zhang Zhe's suggestion and temporarily stopped his attack to rest. The retreat of the Tianyuan Army caused the warriors of both sides on the battlefield to heave a sigh of relief.    


After only one battle, the eighty thousand soldiers of the Xibai City had only left behind fifty thousand, while the number of warriors who died in battle were countless, and the number of casualties of the Tianyuan Army s was also above fifty thousand. Looking at the battlefield from top to bottom, there were only corpses and weapons everywhere, as well as arrows that were stuck into the ground like straw. Such a gruesome battle was truly rare.    


The toughness of the Xibai City had exceeded the expectations of Tang Yin and the Generals s under his command. With such a sturdy defense and such a tenacious defense, let alone three days, even if it was ten days or even a month, it could still be considered fast.    


"F * ck!"    


Inside the Central Army Tent, Shangguan Yuanbiao shouted with all his might: "If Geng Qiang did not care about the lives of all the citizens and brought over a large number of people to defend against our army, we would have already invaded the city!"    


Geng Qiang using forced people to participate in the defense of the city was truly something no one expected. Just the citizens alone numbered over five hundred thousand, and after eliminating half of the women, and another half of the old and young being sick, there were still over a hundred thousand strong men. If they were all captured by Geng Qiang to participate in the defense of the city, it was equivalent to more than doubling the defensive strength of the Xibai City.    


At this time, even Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Zong Yuan and the other extremely intelligent strategists had worried looks on their faces, thinking that it would be difficult to finish this battle in a short amount of time, and it might even become a prolonged war of attrition. Of course, this was the war that the current Tianyuan Army could not accept.    


Tang Yin paced back and forth in front of the handsome desk. After walking for a while, he stopped and looked at the people in the tent, then said faintly: "No matter how strong your defense is, it will have a weakness. Even an iron plate will have a weakness.    


Hearing this, everyone lowered their heads. No one replied.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin's chest became heavy, when he said that he was attacking the city, everyone spoke at the same time, but now that his attack was blocked, they all became mute. He took a deep breath and said: "The Xibai City is strong, if our army does not succeed within a long time, then we will have to lose food and not fight to the death. Since no one has a good plan for destroying the city, let's withdraw our troops and return to Jinguang County."    


"Lord, you can't!" Hearing this, everyone raised their heads and shouted in unison to stop him.    


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