Tomin in The Alien World



0Wu Guang and the Brother Shangguan's night siege attracted the attention of the Xibai City guards. A large number of soldiers and commoners were placed on the three walls of the city: the North of City, the west side of the city, and the East of City. What Tang Yin wanted was precisely this kind of effect.    


When he arrived at the South of City Camp, he changed into the common attire prepared by the Subordinate, then covered his spirit armor.    


When they were just fifty steps away from the city walls, Tang Yin and Le Tian stopped. The two of them were hiding in a depression. They raised their eyes to observe the situation at the top of the city.    


As an archer, Le Tian's vision was already extremely strong. However, with such a long distance and the darkness of the night, he could only vaguely make out the outline of the enemy troops. As for who were the soldiers and who were the generals, he was unable to discern them. On this point, Tang Yin was much stronger than Le Tian. Not only was his eyesight strong, he also had a pair of Night-vision Eye. In the middle of the night, his eyes shone with a strange green light. He squinted slightly as he stared at the city walls without blinking.    


After observing for a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Le Tian, have you seen the enemy's military flag?"    


"Which flag?" There were a lot of Peng flags on the city wall, Le Tian didn't know which side Tang Yin was referring to.    


"Right in front of us, the thickest and tallest side."    


Hearing Tang Yin's description, Le Tianming took a closer look, and after looking at it for a while, he nodded and said: "I see it."    


"There is a person wearing a general's helmet under my command. He must be one of their guards!"    


Le Tian looked around for a long time, he secretly shook his head, he could only see that there was someone under his banner, but as for what the person was wearing, he was truly unable to see clearly, and could not help but exclaim in his heart, at how powerful Tang Yin's eyes were, to the extent that it was astonishing. He replied, "There is, but this subordinate does not know if that person is a General of Peng Country or not!"    


"That's right!" Tang Yin asked in a low voice: "At such a distance, can you kill the opponent?"    


"No problem!" Le Tian agreed straightforwardly, but at the same time, he said with some hesitation, "However, because the distance is too far, I'm worried that you might not be able to enter the city in time."    


Tang Yin smiled and said: "Don't worry about me, I have my ways!"    


"Alright!" Yue Tian nodded his head and retrieved the Longbow on his back. He took out three steel arrows, and when he waved his hands, the three arrows were turned into barbed wolf teeth arrows, and he nodded towards Tang Yin. Then, he squatted down, with the three Spirit Arrow s in his fingers, he nocked an arrow and aimed at the figure of the Flag at the top of the city.    


Tang Yin took a deep breath and concentrated. When he felt himself at his peak state, he shouted: "Release the arrows!"    


Just as he finished speaking, Le Tian stretched out his five fingers, and the bowstring that he raised immediately shot back. Three Spirit Arrow s shot out like three streaks of silver lightning, straight towards the General of Ning Country on top of the city walls. At the same time, Tang Yin unleashed his Shadow Shift. His speed was so fast that he was not much slower than the flying Spirit Arrow, and in a blink of an eye, he had already moved from the fifty steps outside of the city to within twenty steps.    


As he got closer, the General of Peng Country who was releasing the Arts of Clairvoyance on the city wall immediately noticed the movement of the Spirit Pressure. It was the Spirit Pressure that the Spirit Cultivator had naturally revealed herself. His body trembled. Just as he was about to speak to remind the guards at the top of the city walls, three Spirit Arrow s had already arrived.    


The General of Peng Country wasn't wearing any spirit armor, so before he could even react, she was shot by the three Spirit Arrow. With three muffled sounds of "pounce", "pounce", the three Spirit Arrow s accurately hit three vital points on the General of Peng Country's forehead, throat and chest. Of these three fatal spots, one would be fatal, let alone three that would hit at the same time.    


General of Peng Country's mouth was wide open, but before he could even make a sound, his body swayed a few times. Then, like a deflated ball, he weakly fell down. Just as he fell, Tang Yin consecutively activated Shadow Shift like a ghost. First he flashed to the bottom of the city, then he flashed to the top of the city wall, and without stopping for a moment, he entered the city.    


This series of movements was too fast. It was done in one go and had even exceeded the eyesight of an ordinary person.    


When he flashed by, General of Peng Country's body also fell to the ground, the surrounding Peng Army were suddenly awakened, and all of them rushed forward, seeing that General of Peng Country had been shot by three arrows, she had already died, the Peng Army s were all startled, and shouted continuously. At the same time, an alarm bell sounded, and everyone grabbed their bows, shooting blindly outside the city.    


Le Tian was quite far away from the city wall, and was not affected by the enemy arrows. Seeing that Tang Yin had successfully entered the city, he heaved a sigh of relief, kept his bow, and quickly retreated back to his own camp.    


As for Tang Yin, even though they had successfully entered the city, he did not dare be careless. He did not even dare reveal himself as he continued to execute his Shadow Shift, flashing all the way until he reached the back of a living quarters. Only then did he stop and squat in the shadows behind the living quarters, breathing softly.    


To use Shadow Shift would also consume a lot of spirit energy, especially for him who was continuously using it just now, not only did it require a high cultivation, it also required a huge consumption of spirit energy. Forget about Jiang Mo, even Cheng Jin and the rest of his Hidden Arrow Crew, wouldn't be able to do this.    


Tang Yin was currently wearing a Spirit Armor, so he couldn't see anything, but he knew that in that short period of time, his clothes under the Spirit Armor were almost completely drenched in sweat. He hid in the shadows and rested. From his ears, he could hear the shouts of the horses outside. The sound of intense footsteps could be heard continuously. The fact that Le Tian killed a General of Peng Country was like poking a hornet's nest. The defending troops of South City were almost all mobilized.    


This was all thanks to Tang Yin's quick reaction, otherwise, even after entering the city, he would have been trapped by the awakened guards, unable to do anything.    


The South of City guards shouted loudly, and many people rushed in for two whole hours. Even when they discovered the traces of the enemy, they did not notice that the Tianyuan Army was about to attack from the front, causing the chaotic sounds to gradually quieten down, but after suffering such a setback, the guards still learned their lesson, and the General of Peng Country who were in charge of releasing the Insight hid behind their arrows, not daring to stand on top of the city walls brazenly.    


Tang Yin's infiltration progress was successful. No matter what happened, the defending army did not realise that someone had snuck into the city the moment General of Peng Country was killed.    


After the Peng Army s gradually calmed down, Tang Yin finally stuck his head out and observed the surrounding situation. The camp he was hiding in was at the edge of the city wall. Looking around, he could see many camps under the city wall. He roughly estimated that there were at least twenty thousand garrison troops stationed there, and if he continued to look inside, he would find that it was the inner city. There were no tents there, only rows of houses.    


After roughly understanding the surrounding area, Tang Yin was able to make sense of it. Right at this moment, a commotion came from the camp he was hiding in.    


At the same time, a voice filled with dissatisfaction came out from inside: "God dammit, it's the middle of the night, the Tianyuan Army still doesn't allow us to calm down. If they don't sleep, I'll still be sleeping!"    


"Be contented!" Our South City is pretty good, we just came to harass them, but if we stay on the other three sides, we would really be out of luck, it is said that our Tianyuan Army is not a feint, but a real fight, and we have lost a lot of brothers! "    


"Looks like Tianyuan Army is really in a rush, attacking the city even at night!" Another person sighed.    


"Hehe!" It's a good thing that the Lord is smart and caught so many strong men to help us defend the city. If it's just us, we definitely won't be able to hold onto such a large Xibai City! "    


"This is not called smart, it's really smart to surrender after opening the city! What was the use of capturing those strong men? Before they could fight, their legs had already turned soft. Was he counting on them to defend the city? Hmph, it would have been better to expect the Tianyuan Army to pull out its troops on its own accord! If County Head had not been stubborn back then, we would have listened to Mr. Yu Jun's words.    


"Don't spout nonsense. Are you tired of living?"    


"Hehe, let's grumble in private. Sleep, sleep. Tomorrow, we might have another day of hard work to do!"    




Listening to the conversation of the Peng Army Soldiers, Tang Yin's heart moved. It seemed that Geng Qiang's subordinates were not made of steel, the Yu Jun that the soldiers were talking about seemed to be the leader and he could use this person. Thinking of this, Tang Yin's eyes flashed with a glimmer.    


He hid behind the barracks without moving, sat down slowly, closed his eyes, and waited. All the soldiers in the barracks were asleep.    


Not long after, snores could be heard coming from the living quarters.    


After waiting for another quarter of an hour, snoring sounds came from all four sides of the living room, and Tang Yin, who was seated cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes. He stood up straight, and like a ghost in the dark night, he slipped out from behind the barracks. Gently opening the door, he walked in sideways.    


There were no lights in the barracks. It was dark and the air stank of sweat. Tang Yin saw the darkness as bright as day, and looked around. Just as he had predicted, there were ten soldiers lying on the long straw mats in the living quarters, fast asleep.    


His mouth was the uppermost as he walked to the soldier that was near the door. With Fire of Darkness ignited in his palm, he pressed his hand on the soldier's head.    




In an instant, the Fire of Darkness burnt all over the soldier's body, the latter did not even make a sound as he blurrily died in his dreams.    


After absorbing all the spirit energy that was floating in the air, Tang Yin closed his eyes and looked up, searching through the soldier's memories for any useful information.    


Very quickly, he understood from the soldiers' memories that Yu Jun's failure to persuade Geng Qiang would lead to his downfall. He secretly nodded his head, regardless of whether this Yu Jun was on his side or not, since he was the leader, he had to rope him in. He turned the of the Fire of Darkness into a deathly flame and burned the corpse of the soldier. Then, without touching anyone else, he quickly left the living quarters and headed towards the inner city.    


Even in the inner city, Peng Army were heavily guarded, and groups of soldiers could be seen patrolling the streets from time to time.    


After Tang Yin entered the inner city, he did not go in too deep either. He found a house with a courtyard in it, jumped inside, hid in the woodshed and scattered his spirit armor to sleep. He first needed to replenish his strength and recuperate his spirit.    


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