Tomin in The Alien World



0The next day, in the early hours of the morning, when the sky was just starting to brighten, Tang Yin woke up. He walked to the entrance of the firewood house and stood there quietly, listening to see if there were any movements outside.    


Although it was still early in the morning, there were many people on the streets. At the very least, it was much more crowded than during the day. It was obvious that the people were really afraid of Geng Qiang's ability to catch strong men, which was why he dared to come out of his house in the early hours of the morning when the officials and soldiers were all sleeping, and either buy some food or some daily necessities.    


Tang Yin strolled down a narrow alley. It was a quiet place, but lively. The streets were lined with stalls, food, clothing, and other necessities. Tang Yin rubbed his stomach. He was a bit hungry, so he walked over to a stall that sold buns. He fished out a handful of loose copper coins from his pocket, bought five buns, and began to gobble them down.    


The steamed bun was a vegetable bun, it did not have any meat inside and was dry and astringent. Fortunately, Tang Yin was not picky with his food, as long as he could fill his stomach, it would suffice. He ate and looked at the people on the street. People rarely talked, just came and went as if they were being chased by ghosts. They would just leave right after buying something and paying for it.    


Even so, the morning market was packed. After he finished watching, Tang Yin secretly laughed in his heart. From this, it could be seen how much pressure the common people of Xibai City had received from Geng Qiang. Just as Tang Yin was thinking about it, suddenly, there was a huge disturbance in the south side of the morning market. A large group of commoners ran towards the north from the south, and from time to time they shouted: "The officials are here! The officials are here! "    


As soon as they heard the words' government army ', the entire morning market was thrown into chaos. Even the peddlers at the stalls were frightened to the point that their faces changed drastically. They didn't even want what they were selling anymore. The long alleyway and the huge morning market were emptied in an instant with the arrival of the government.    


Tang Yin squinted his eyes, and was still standing by the side of the road, chewing on a bun. A kind-hearted citizen walked past, and upon seeing this he anxiously shouted: "Stop eating, quickly run, if you don't run now, the officials will take you away!"    


Hearing that, Tang Yin's eyes curved, he put down the steamed bun at the corner of his mouth, revealing two rows of small white teeth as he smiled. The crowd only thought of him as a fool, but it was too late to care about him. They could only shake their heads and sigh, continuing to run.    


It didn't take long for the street to be empty. However the sounds of footsteps were disorderly as they echoed from time to time: "Don't run!" If you run any further, we'll shoot you arrows! "    


There was no need to look, the ones shouting these words were definitely soldiers.    


Tang Yin stood in place without moving, and continued to eat the leftover buns in his hands. However, a dense Black Fog suddenly rose up around him, and after it gathered behind him, it did not disperse. Not enough time, it congealed into a solid state, and then formed someone who was exactly the same as Tang Yin. That's the Shadow Clone.    


Shadow Clone did not even bother to look at the army that was rushing over. He took two steps back, then straightened his body, his toes tapped on the wall of the street, and his figure became like an arrow as he darted to the rooftop, then with a leap, he disappeared without a trace from the house.    


It had run away, but Tang Yin's real body was still in the alley. He had no intention of running away, he just needed to wait for the officials to capture him and send him to the army.    


Not long after, over a hundred soldiers rushed to his side and suddenly saw that there was a young man eating buns by the side of the road. The soldiers were also shocked, wondering if there was something wrong with the young man's head.    


"Hey, kid!" An officer walked towards Tang Yin with quick steps. With a swing of his arm, half of the bun in Tang Yin's hands flew out, and after sizing him up a few times, he asked: "What's your name?"    


"Tang Chu!" Tang Yin casually made up a name.    


"Oh!" "Good, good, good!" The official immediately shouted out three times, not because he felt that Tang Chu's name was good, but because the youth could still answer his own name, even if he was not very smart, he would not have been able to do anything. He placed his hand on Tang Yin's shoulder, and laughed: "Boy, stop eating, I will bring you to a place where you have no money to eat!"    


"Huh?" Tang Yin purposely played the fool, his face filled with bafflement.    


"Don't be so long-winded. Let's go!" While speaking, the official pulled on Tang Yin's clothes and quickly walked out of the alleyway.    


Tang Yin was not the only one caught by the officials, there were more than fifty unlucky fellows among them. There were middle-aged men in their forties, some of them were fat young masters whose faces were oily, and most of them were young poor people with bodies as thin as firewood. They were gathered in an open area by the officers and soldiers, and the leader of the group came out of the soldiers and counted the men like a herd.    


At this time, the captured young master pushed his way through the crowd, walking up to the captain and bowing with a nod. Then, he whispered something in his ear, took out a silver bag from his pocket, and handed it over to the captain. The latter accepted it as if it was none of his business and weighed it in his hand. After feeling its weight, he nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand at the young master impatiently.    


The young master hurriedly thanked him. He didn't dare to delay for even a second. He then turned around and ran away.    


As the saying goes, money makes the difference. No matter when and in which dynasty, money has an unparalleled effect.    


He looked around at the captured soldiers, and said with a loud voice: "Today, the military lord has shown mercy. No matter who it is, as long as they can pay you fifty silver taels, they will immediately let you go. If they don't have money, hehe, then go fight with the military lord!"    


"Officer, Officer, I don't have enough money!" Hearing the captain's words, more than ten citizens took out their money and brought it to the captain, begging for mercy.    


The captain was not polite and took the money as soon as he saw the money. He took all the silver from the dozen or so citizens, but he had no intention of letting them go. Lowering his head to look at the silver and copper coins in his hand, he shrugged and sneered, "This amount of money is nothing? It's not even enough to fill the gaps between the teeth of the Army Lord! " He looked at the people and said, "You guys are lucky today. I am happy. Since you have paid me, I can't not take care of you. I will arrange for you to guard the city wall. Those ?" Saying that, he looked around at the commoners who had no money to pay, including Tang Yin, and continued, "Those who have not paid, if you do not take care of the old man, the old man will not be able to take care of you, all of you go to the city gate!"    


It had to be known that during the siege, the city gate was always the focus of attack, and guarding the city gate was also the most dangerous position. This captain was not courteous at all towards these civilians who did not pay the silver coins and directly arranged for them to go to the city gate. Of course, Tang Yin was the only one secretly rejoicing, as the matter had gone much more smoothly than he had expected.    


Along the way, Tang Yin looked at the commoners around him. All of them were wearing torn clothes, and there were patches on their clothes. The young man on his left was only in his early twenties, and he walked towards the North of City with a long sigh.    


Tang Yin asked: "Brother, who are these soldiers?"    


Hearing that, the young man looked at Tang Yin strangely, and asked: "You don't even know who captured you? They are all the personal guards of the County Head! "    


"Since you are a personal guard of the County Head, why do you dare to openly accept bribes?"    


The young man laughed bitterly and shook his head. If not for the fact that his Xibai City had been surrounded for a few days already, he really would have suspected that Tang Yin had just arrived in the city. He said in a low voice, "It's all wrong here! Ever since County Head came to the Lehu County, we have not lived a good day! "    


These words immediately resonated with the surrounding commoners. The people all sighed, and said, "Rather than suffering like this, we might as well have Tianyuan Army strike us in the city!"    


"That won't do! I heard that once Tianyuan Army takes over a city, they will massacre the entire city! "    


"There is no difference between dying under the hands of Tianyuan Army and dying under the hands of County Head ?"    


From their words, the citizens vented the depression and dissatisfaction in their hearts. It was not hard to tell that although the citizens of the Xibai City loathed Geng Qiang, they were also filled with fear towards the Tianyuan Army. Tang Yin didn't know where they heard about the massacre happening at the Tianyuan Army, but just as he was about to ask, he thought about it and understood what was going on. This must have been done by Geng Qiang to promote the people, and his goal was to make the people afraid of the Tianyuan Army, so that they could help him safeguard the Xibai City.    


He took a deep breath, and said with a determined tone: "Tianyuan Army will not massacre a city, or at least not massacre Feng Country's own people!"    


Everyone looked at him and asked, "How do you know?"    


Tang Yin smiled and said: "Because I have seen Tianyuan Army before! We are people from the wind, and our Tianyuan Army is also people from the wind, how could a person from the wind slaughter people from the wind? "    


"But ?"    


People wanted to say something, but a few soldiers walked over quickly and shouted, "What are you guys talking about? "Don't even think about running, if you dare to run, I'll break your legs!"    


Everyone shrunk their necks in fear and didn't dare to say anything else. They all lowered their heads and walked on in silence.    


North City.    


Tang Yin and more than thirty citizens were brought directly to the North City gate by the soldiers. He raised his head to look, only to see that the city walls were filled with large rocks and rolling logs.    


Looking straight ahead, there were ten catapults in front of the city gate, which could fire boulders, Pyretic Oil s and other items out of the city and posed a great threat to the invading troops outside the city. Even though the city gate was not blocked, it was still blocked by tens of thick wooden stakes, making it impossible for them to break through the city gate from the outside.    


With the city walls that were three and a half meters tall as a barrier, in front of such abundant city guards, it was indeed easy to defend and be unable to attack. It was no wonder their own army had not obtained anything even after four days of fierce attacks.    


Tang Yin slowly clenched his fists as he read. Just then, the leader of the troops ran over to a General of Peng Country in general's armour. He cupped his hands and smiled at him: "General Li, I have brought you 30 more people this time!"    


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