Tomin in The Alien World



0General of Peng Country who was called General Li glanced at the personal guard captain, nodded, and smiled: "It's been hard on you, Brother Liu! However, right now, the North City Sect is severely lacking in manpower, and the attack from the Tianyuan Army is extremely fierce, so adding a few more people is completely useless! "    


The leader of the personal guard revealed a helpless smile: "General Li, right now, the citizens are very cunning, they have to hide in the daytime and only leave home in the early morning. I had to get up early today to find these people, General Li must understand this subordinate's difficulties well!"    


He was Geng Qiang's personal guard captain, and was not under the jurisdiction of the guards at the city gate. Naturally, the General of Peng Country could not do anything to him. He nodded, forced a smile and said, "Of course I understand Brother Liu's hard work. To increase the number of people, we still need Brother Liu's help!"    


"Good, good! As long as General Li remembers the benefits of being a brother, and can help you out a little when you display your big plans in the future, I will definitely use all of my strength! "    


"Haha!" Then I'll thank Brother Liu first! "    


"Thank you, thank you!" I have already sent the person to you, General Li, and your subordinate will take his leave!    




After the janissary leader led his group of subordinates and left, the General of Peng Country surnamed Li spat in anger, "You are truly despicable!" While speaking, he waved her hand and called a group of soldiers over. She then pointed at Tang Yin and the others and said: "Gather them with weapons, bring them to the city walls!"    


"Yes!" "General!" The soldiers agreed and picked out a few weapons from the pile and distributed them to Tang Yin and the rest. The North of City was the main focus of the Tianyuan Army attacks, so the military equipment reserve was still ample. It was not like the other three walls which did not have enough weapons.    


The spear that Tang Yin received was a lance. Lowering his head, he saw that the lance was bloodstained, and it was unknown how many times he had used it, or how many hands he had passed by. When they were being led up the city wall, General Li had been standing at the side watching. When Tang Yin passed by him, he shouted: "Stop!"    


Tang Yin's heart trembled. Could it be that the opponent saw through his weakness? That would be terrible. It had to be known that Tang Yin had already split up into a Shadow Clone, and did not have his own Spiritual Martial Cultivation. Once his identity was seen through by the enemy, the situation would become extremely dangerous. General Li sized him up and asked, "What's your name?"    


"Tang Chu!" Tang Yin continued to report his impromptu fake name.    


"Tang Chu?" General Li muttered to himself. Then, he stared at Tang Yin without blinking, and said faintly: "Why do you look so familiar?"    


In fact, he had never seen Tang Yin before, nor had he seen Tang Yin's portrait before. However, he had heard too many descriptions of Tang Yin, so when he saw the person in front of him, he naturally felt a sense of familiarity. Tang Yin's ability to react freely was extremely strong, and even though he was nervous, he did not reveal anything on the surface.    


He smiled and said, "Perhaps the General has met with villains in the city before!"    


General Li nodded his head, thinking that it was possible, since he had worked in Xibai City for a long time, and since this youth was handsome, his smile was very pleasing, if he had met him before, it was not impossible for him to leave an impression in his heart. He extended his fist and tapped Tang Yin's shoulder, and laughed: Not bad, this young lad's body is strong, but he has never cultivated the Spirit Force before, what a pity!    


After Tang Yin created the clone, he was no different from an ordinary person. Even if the other party had used the Arts of Clairvoyance, it would be difficult to tell that he was a Spirit Cultivator. General Li waved his hand to a soldier and ordered him to take a sword and hand it over to Tang Yin, saying, "From now on, you will be the captain of these people, they will all be under your control. If there comes a day when you lack people, I will ask you questions!"    


Oh, this General of Peng Country really knows how to arrange people! Tang Yin secretly laughed in his heart, but he did not show it on the surface. He nodded continuously and put on a look of being overwhelmed by the favor, and said: "Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"    




"Yes sir!"    


Ah, that's right, in a while you will get your people to move the rolling wood and slicing stones up to the city. I think today, Tianyuan Army will attack the city again, and those on the city walls might not be able to be used!    


"Understood, General!"    


"Do well! "Well done, I will put you in the regular army!"    


"Thank you, General!"    


Appearance was the equivalent of a person's business card. It could leave the most intuitive of first impressions on others. Tang Yin was born smiling, adding to his handsome appearance, he was very pleasing to the eye. This General of Peng Country very easily noticed his existence from the crowd, and arranged for him to be the leader of the 30 over citizens.    


Being able to take charge of over thirty people could also provide a lot of convenience for his future actions.    


On the other side, Tang Yin's Shadow Clone did not mean that he had nothing to do, he just wandered around the city and quickly found a small group of soldiers on the streets. His clone used the Shadow Shift and immediately appeared in front of the few soldiers, using the Fire of Darkness s to quickly kill them off.    


As Geng Qiang's trusted advisor, Yu Jun could be considered small in the Xibai City's old house. Although it was just an official given by Geng Qiang, the old house was still there, and it was only a little deserted in front of the house.    


Tang Yin looked at the plaque on the door and confirmed that it was the Yu Residence. He then changed back to his original appearance as a soldier.    


Not long after, the door opened, and a young Domestic Servant walked out. He looked at Tang Yin from head to toe, and thought that Tang Yin had an extraordinary bearing, but seeing that he was not ordinary, he politely asked: "May I ask, who are you looking for?"    


"I'm looking for your Master, Mr. Yu Jun!" Tang Yin replied with a smile.    


"You are ?" In Domestic Servant's memories, even if the old master did not have such a relative, he did not have such a friend.    


Tang Yin said: "I am an old friend of your master, my surname is Tang."    


"I'm sorry, but the old master is not seeing guests right now!"    


"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed and said: "But he definitely has to see me! I have a very important matter to discuss with your master. This matter involves the life and death of tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of citizens of the Xibai City.    


Domestic Servant was shocked by Tang Yin's tone. He sized him up a few more times, did not dare to delay, threw down the words, "Sir, please wait a moment", and then hurriedly ran back into the house. Tang Yin had not been waiting for long, when the young Domestic Servant ran out again. She bowed to Tang Yin and said: "My old master invites you! Sir, please follow me! "    


Tang Yin smiled and nodded, then followed the Domestic Servant into the big house.    


He was brought to the main hall of the big house by Domestic Servant. As far as he could tell, the hall was square, the decorations were simple, the place smelled like books and paintings, and the walls were covered with calligraphy and paintings. In the center of the hall sat a middle-aged man who seemed to be between thirty and forty years old. He had a white face, black beard, thin eyes and a tall nose.    


Tang Yin was sizing up the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man was sizing him up as well.    


After looking over Tang Yin a few times, the middle-aged man frowned and said faintly: "I do not know sire, but sire claims to be my friend, what is the use of this? What are your intentions? "    


Tang Yin smiled but did not answer, and asked a question in reply: "I presume you are Mr. Yu Jun?"    


"That's right, it's me!"    


"I have something to discuss with Mister!" While speaking, Tang Yin looked left and right, then looked at the servants on both sides, and said with a heavy tone: "It's a very important matter!"    


Yu Jun was born as a strategist, he was clever, and upon seeing this, he immediately understood what Tang Yin meant, but he did not know Tang Yin's true identity, nor did he know his purpose for coming to find him, so of course he would not recklessly send the servants away. He said slowly, "These are my trusted aides. If Your Excellency has anything to say, you can say it without any defense."    


Tang Yin suddenly took a few steps forward, and directly arrived in front of Yu Jun. The latter was shocked, and looked at him with wide eyes. Tang Yin bent his waist, leaned close to Yu Jun and whispered into his ear: "My name is Tang Ming Yin, right now, does Mr. Yu Jun think it is necessary to kick them out?"    


Hearing that, Yu Jun's head buzzed, and his face changed. He subconsciously stood up and stared at Tang Yin who was just inches away with his mouth agape, and stammered, "You ? "You said that you are ?"    


Tang Yin waved his hand, cutting him off, and said with a smile: "That's right, I am! I am not wrong, and Mr. Yu Jun is not wrong either! "    


Tang Yin? The commander of Tianyuan Army, Tang Yin, had actually appeared in their respective cities. This was simply too inconceivable! When Yu Jun woke up, his first reaction was to retreat in shock and fear, knocking over the chair behind him without realizing it. Seeing this, the servants on the left and right did not understand what happened and were about to step forward. Tang Yin rushed to Yu Jun's side and laughed: "Mr. Yu Jun need not be afraid, I am not here to kill you, but to save you. You are a smart person, so you won't do anything irrational, right! "    


Under Tang Yin's threat of using both force and force, Yu Jun completely recovered from his shock. He stared at Tang Yin for a long time, and in the end, sighed secretly, waved his hands towards the servants on his left and right, saying: "All of you leave first."    


"Old master!"    


All of the servants glanced at Tang Yin worriedly, as if they wanted to say something but hesitated.    



"Cut the crap, all of you get out!" Yu Jun emphasized.    


The servants had no choice but to slowly exit the hall, and under Yu Jun's instructions, they closed the doors and windows.    


Yu Jun was not an idiot, he knew very clearly that if Tang Yin really wanted to take his life, just with the few servants under his command, it would be impossible to stop him. Tang Yin was a profound cultivation Spirit Cultivator of Dark, he could even come and go as he wished in front of the two great formations, let alone a small mansion like himself. In addition, just the fact that Tang Yin was able to infiltrate through the Xibai City was already enough to scare people, which showed just how powerful he was.    


After the servants left, Yu Jun calmed down, and was no longer afraid, he looked at Tang Yin and asked word by word, "May I know the purpose of Master Tang suddenly visiting me?"    


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