Tomin in The Alien World



0Following a burst of hurried footsteps, the commander in charge of guarding the North City Sect, Li Yi, arrived. Seeing one of the officers face off against a civilian on his side, he did not understand what was going on. He frowned and shouted, "Who can tell me what is going on here? What are you all doing? "    


Upon seeing Li Yi, the high-ranking officer's anger immediately dissipated by half. Although Li Yi and him were not from the same legion, Li Yi was still one level higher than him, so he did not dare to be too presumptuous in front of him. At this time, the surrounding Peng Army Soldiers ran over to Li Yi one by one, and told him everything that had happened at once.    


Hearing that Tang Yin had defeated the leader, Li Yi was shocked, Tang Chu did not know how to use a spirit martial skill to defeat a general who was in the Transcending Mortality Stage, even if the opponent was not expecting it, it was still unbelievable. As he thought about it, he unconsciously released the Arts of Clairvoyance to size up Tang Yin. That's right, this person did not have any spiritual energy cultivation, he was just an extremely normal person. After he finished reading, Li Yi could not help but shake his head and laugh.    


Tang Yin walked over to Li Yi and bowed, then said: "General Li, this general is too unreasonable. He came to our North of City to pull our people, and didn't even get permission from the General Li, when I rejected him, he wanted to kill us. General Li, could it be that I have done wrong? "    


After hearing that, Li Yi straightened his back and spoke sternly: "Tang Chu, you did not do anything wrong! No matter who it is, anyone who wishes to use my North City would have to obtain my, Li Yi's permission. "    


One of his subordinates was able to defeat a general from the East of City, Li Yi also felt that his face was full of pride, and Tang Yin had given him face by asking this question, under the eyes of everyone, how could his aura soften.    


Then, he cupped his hands and bowed towards Li Yi and said: "General Li, I am not a person who forcefully pulled your North City Sect. Right now, my East of City have suffered a fierce attack from the Tianyuan Army, and my strength is seriously lacking, I had no choice but to look for reinforcements, and I hope General Li can understand!"    


"Humph!" Li Yi snorted and laughed, then said: "Back then, when our North City suffered a barrage of Tianyuan Army attacks for several days in a row, did your East of City send a soldier over to reinforce us? Right now, our North City has finally calmed down, and now that you have come to pull people, if there are any deaths or injuries, who will it be? "If you don't have someone, you can find them wherever you like. Don't come to me!"    


The high-ranking officer's expression changed slightly as he said seriously: "General Li's words are too weightless, aren't they?! Right now, we are fighting against the Tianyuan Army together, so what's the difference between you and me? "    


Hearing that his words contained the intention to reprimand himself, and even in front of his own subordinates, how could Li Yi endure it? His eyes were wide open, and he said coldly: "I said it once again, if you don't have anything to complain about, you can go and report to the County Head about it, but I have to remind you, if Tianyuan Army is used in the wrong way, and if it is used in the east or west, because of lack of manpower, my North City door would have a mistake, you have to take responsibility!"    


The leader blinked his eyes. He was rendered speechless by Li Yi's righteous words. After being stunned for a moment, he nodded at Li Yi, and cupped his hands with a smile that did not reach his eyes and said: "Good, good, good! I've been taught a lesson! "Farewell!" After he finished speaking, he turned around and glared at Tang Yin. He pointed at him again, and then left with large strides.    


"Humph!" "What is it?!" Looking at the back of the high-ranking officer, Li Yi snorted with laughter. He then looked at Tang Yin, laughed, raised his thumb, and said: "Tang Chu, you did well this time.    


Tang Yin grinned and said: "I do my duty, and do not seek any rewards!"    


Generals liked subordinates who did not have any requests the most. Li Yi laughed, and said: "You deserve the rewards for your meritorious service, but now is not the time to reward me. In the future, when the Tianyuan Army returns, I will promote you to become captain in the army!"    


"This lowly one thanks the general first!" Tang Yin secretly laughed in his heart. Wait until tomorrow, whether or not Li Yi can keep his life is a question!    


Tang Yin did not become timid because of his status as a general. Instead, he had pleaded with his own citizens and even caused them to fall head over heels for him, which not only won the respect and love of the citizens, but also made the other Peng Army soldiers to look at him in a new light.    


Tang Yin was also overjoyed. He took the time to rest and replenish his energy to replenish his energy for tomorrow's battle.    


During the night, Tang Yin still went to the top of the city to assist the Peng Army guards. Originally, the soldiers did not look for him, but he took the initiative to come here. When it was the latter half of the night, when the Peng Army soldiers were feeling tired, Tang Yin took out the written strip of cloth and tied it to the arrow, looking left and right, no one paying attention to him, he picked up the torch and swayed it back and forth on the city wall.    


He had the Night-vision Eye, even though the city was pitch black, he could still see most of it clearly. He could vaguely make out figures moving in the darkness outside the city, Tang Yin understood, the Hidden Arrow Crew hidden outside the city had already detected his signal, he immediately put down the torch and arrows, aimed at the outside of the city and shot out with all his power.    


The arrows whistled through the air, and all the Peng Army soldiers heard it, and turned to look at him. Because of what happened the night before, the soldiers were not surprised at all, and one of them even joked, "Tang Chu, you saw someone outside again?"    


"That's right!" I don't know if I'm seeing things again this time! " Saying that, Tang Yin stuck his head out of the city and looked around.    


The Peng Army Soldiers shook their heads and laughed, and did not pay any more attention to him. Tang Yin squinted his eyes, seeing that the black figure outside the city had already moved away from his arrows, he calmed down and threw away the bow in his hand, then sat down on the ground and closed his eyes, waiting for the next day.    


He had already planned for this beforehand, and tomorrow, he would attack from all directions, but the focus of the attack would be on the west side of the city and North of City. On the west side of the city, Du Qing would naturally help them, and on the side of the North of City, he would personally provide support.    


It was just like what he had planned on the cloth strip; Tianyuan Army were striking from all directions this time, and the North City that had just calmed down for the entire day was suffering from an intense attack from the Tianyuan Army. Countless arrows, boulders and crossbow bolts were flying in from all directions outside the city, and under the violent impact of the Thunderbolt Car and the charging car, the entire North City wall was trembling as though it could collapse at any time.    


On the other side, the attacks on the Western City were just as fierce. A large number of garrison troops and citizens stood on top of the city walls, defending against the surging Tianyuan Army.    


Below the city, Du Qing's face was gloomy, he looked at the situation above the city, his heart jumping to his throat.    


At this moment, two deputy generals walked up to him and looked around. When they saw no one around, they whispered, "General, the brothers are ready. As long as you give the order, we'll immediately attack!"    


These two deputy Generals were Du Qing's loyal trusted aides, one of them was called Liu Yuan and the other was called Zhang Qing. The two of them had no doubt that Du Qing's plan to turn the tables on them before the battle, but instead felt that it was alright to just do it, if he continued to force his way through, breaking the city would happen sooner or later. Rather than getting killed by Tianyuan Army, it would be better to just fight to the death and switch to Tianyuan Army.    


After hearing the two people's words, Du Qing nodded his head, but he did not give the order, instead he looked at the city walls and did not say a word.    


Liu Yuan and Zhang Qing were afraid that Du Qing would go back on his words and advised him in a low voice: "General, don't wait any longer, the Tianyuan Army's attack is already on, quickly make your move!"    


"NO!" "Don't worry!" Du Qing waved his hand and said: "Let the others push the wall again!"    


He was also worried that there would be too many soldiers left under the city, which would create a huge obstacle in opening up the city gates. Either he didn't make a move, or he had to be completely confident to make a move.    


Liu and Zhang swallowed their saliva quietly and looked at each other. Then, they shouted at the surrounding guards: "What are you standing there for? Hurry and push it up! Didn't you see that our brothers on the city wall can't hold on any longer? "    


The many Peng Army soldiers were cursing in their hearts. Now that the enemy's attack is so fierce, why don't you go to the city wall? However, Liu Yuan and Zhang Qing were both Du Qing's trusted generals, so the soldiers did not dare to disobey them and could only brace themselves and charge towards the city.    


Very quickly, the battle turned into a stalemate, and from time to time, Tianyuan Army would rush towards the city walls, but they were immediately beaten down by the city guards.    


Liu and Zhang were not in a hurry, they wanted to persuade Du Qing to make his move again, but before they could say anything, Du Qing had already taken out a black cloth from his armor, covered himself with it and tied the black cloth to his arm. Seeing this, Liu Yuan and Zhang Qing immediately understood that they were going to make a move. They both turned around and waved to their thousand-odd subordinates.    


The two thousand soldiers didn't move at all. After seeing the two wave their hands, the soldiers took out the black scarves that they had prepared earlier and wrapped them around their arms. Then, each of them wielded a weapon as they prepared to charge forward. Liu Yuan and Zhang Qing looked towards Du Qing at the same time they covered their spirit armor. The latter widened her eyes and raised her arm. With a sudden wave of her hand, she shouted, "Attack!"    


Following his order, Liu and Zhang seemed to have been struck by a hormone. They cried out in a strange voice. While rushing towards the city gate, they loudly shouted: "Kill!"    


The main general had already taken the lead, so how could the soldiers below still be polite? Over two thousand Peng Army s surged forward.    


They never would have thought that an enemy would suddenly appear behind them, and that these enemies were actually 'their own people'.    


Liu Yuan and Zhang Qing were the fastest as they were the first to reach the entrance. Both of them wielded their spirit spears, madly stabbing at the soldiers blocking the city gates.    


Along with the muffled sound of the spear piercing through flesh, more than a dozen soldiers died in the blink of an eye. The other soldiers were so scared that their faces changed greatly, and they all cried out in horror: "General Liu, General Zhang, we're all on the same side! How did you guys kill one of our people ?"    


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