Tomin in The Alien World



0Seeing that, Li Yi frowned, with a few strides, he rushed to the city wall and shouted: "Don't panic, brothers, don't panic, although the Tianyuan Army has broken through the Western City, we can still knock them out!"    


"There are hundreds of thousands of people in Tianyuan Army. How can you force them out of the city?" Tang Yin asked with a cold smile.    


Li Yi clenched his teeth in anger, walked in front of Tang Yin and muttered: "Tang Chu, don't speak nonsense.    


Tang Yin laughed, and said: "Your military law cannot be used on me, I am not called Tang Chu!"    


"What?" Li Yi was shocked, and looked at Tang Yin in disbelief.    


"My name is ?" Tang Yin had not even finished speaking when he suddenly moved closer to his, his knee lifting up high as he hefted Li Yi's lower abdomen. His movements were too fast and too sudden. Li Yi did not even have time to react as his lower abdomen was struck squarely in the middle.    


"Aiya!" At the moment, Li Yi was not even covered by his spirit armor, but he was still in so much pain that his intestines started to turn, and he couldn't help but to retreat several steps. Before he could even catch his breath, Tang Yin had already activated Shadow Shift and appeared behind his back in an instant.    


Instantly, Li Yi's body horizontally flew backwards.    


Right now, they were on top of the city wall, and the city wall wasn't wide. Because of Li Yi's retreat earlier, they had already touched the edge of the city wall, and if they continued to fly backwards, they would directly fall from the city wall.    


"Ah ? ?" Li Yi screamed out, his body was still in the air, and he anxiously covered himself with the spirit armor. Following a dull thumping sound, Li Yi's body was thrown out of the city, and luckily he reacted fast enough to release the spirit armor in time, if not his bones would have been broken from the impact, but even so, the impact of the fall caused him to feel dizzy, and his eyes were shooting stars.    


Without waiting for him to struggle up from the ground, all the Tianyuan Army Warriors attacking the city outside the city swarmed over and started to stab at Li Yi randomly. The spirit armor could block one or ten heavy attacks, but it couldn't block hundreds or thousands of them. Li Yi didn't even have the chance to stand up and make his move before his spirit armor was shattered by the berserk Tianyuan Army around him.    


Knocking Li Yi down from the city wall, Tang Yin did not even look out of the city. Turning his head, he shouted at the surrounding Peng Army soldiers: "I am County Head Tang Yin, brothers who wish to live, immediately put down your weapons and surrender. Otherwise, my Tianyuan Army will kill you all, not a single piece of armor will remain!" While speaking, he quickly put on the spirit armor and picked up a sword from the ground. As he waved his arm, he made the sword spirit, turning it into a sharp spirit weapon.    




This time, the Peng Army was in an even more disarray. Some of the soldiers, seeing that the city guards had been knocked out of the city, completely lost all will to fight, all of them put down their weapons. Some of the soldiers, on the other hand, were filled with righteous indignation.    


Tang Yin's body shook, and from a normal person, he transformed into an incomparably powerful Spirit Cultivator, from an ordinary person to the leader of several hundred thousand Tianyuan Army. The surrounding commoners who were in charge of the army also became abnormally excited, and without Tang Yin's call, they all self-consciously wielded their weapons, as they rushed towards the incoming Peng Army.    


Relying on the fact that the citizens were blocking the Peng Army that would rather die than surrender, Tang Yin jumped from the top of the city gate into the city, at this time, the majority of the Peng Army soldiers inside the city gate were at a loss, for a moment, not knowing whether to fight or to surrender, Tang Yin did not care about them, he strode into the hole of the city gate and continuously brandished the Spirit Sword in his hand, releasing many Spirit Wave s.    


At this time, the Tianyuan Army outside the city gate was using Thunderbolt Car s to rush into the city gate. When there were tens of wooden posts supporting the city gate, the city gate became like a steel plate, and even when the Thunderbolt Car s attacked the city gate, the degree of shaking was not very large.    


Just as Tang Yin was about to turn the latch, suddenly, several General of Peng Country s rushed over from behind him. All of them were clad in spirit armor and holding onto spirit weapons, when they arrived at the entrance, they shouted to the Peng Army s around them: "What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up! "If the enemy were to open the gate, none of you would be able to survive!"    


The shouts from a few General of Peng Country s roused the Peng Army practitioners from their stupor. With a hu la sound, they rushed towards Tang Yin. Tang Yin clenched his fist, then opened his palm. He released Shadow Spell and threw it into the Peng Army camp.    


Boom! *    


A few of the General of Peng Country s, upon seeing this, released their Spirit Pressure at the same time, causing the few soldiers who were affected to be stunned. At this time, the few soldiers were in a miserable state, as the Shadow Spell wreaked havoc in their bodies, causing their bodies to rapidly expand, but the external Spirit Pressure was tightly holding their bodies, with the inner and outer parts of their bodies being affected, while the outer parts of their bodies were being affected by the retraction force. Under the pressure of the inner and outer parts of the body, the few soldiers were bleeding from their seven orifices.    


Seeing how their comrades had died, the surrounding soldiers retreated in fright. A few General of Peng Country s looked at each other, and then moved their heads at the same time. They suddenly dropped a Spirit Pressure and threw a few soldiers who were affected over to Tang Yin's side.    


Bang, bang, bang!    


A few soldiers flew in front of Tang Yin and all of them exploded. The Shadow Spell could not differentiate between the two, even if Tang Yin was released, if the Shadow Spell was in close proximity, it would still be affected.    


The black blood and flesh splattered onto Tang Yin's body, the spirit armor immediately released a thick mist, the Shadow Spell was extremely acid, even the hard and sturdy spirit armor on Tang Yin's body was forcefully melted.    


"Kill ?"    


A few General of Peng Country s shouted at the same time as they ran towards Tang Yin. Three spirit spears and two Spiritual Knife s released their skills at the same time, the Soul-chasing Thorn s, Blood Soul Chase, Wolf Teeth Piercing, Spirit Chaotic Wind and Spirit Slash all blotted out the sky and covered the earth. Not to mention humans, even a god would not be able to defend against them.    


Tang Yin was no exception. Seeing the flying Spirit Blade s, his heart trembled, he anxiously used Shadow Shift, planning to escape the opponent's attack range, while the five General of Peng Country s had already predicted that Tang Yin would use this technique, at the same time using it, they would release Spirit Pressure, planning to use Spirit Pressure to trap Tang Yin.    


This was out of Tang Yin's expectations. The Shadow Shift that he was going to use also paused for a bit, but in that instant, it happened. Wolf Fang was a martial art skill that could instantly attack. Once it was released, it would form several Spirit Thorn around the opponent's body, piercing through them with lightning speed.    


Kacha, kacha ? With a series of crisp sounds, five Spirit Thorn s struck Tang Yin, following that, four other skills also arrived. In an instant, the sounds of clanking could be heard incessantly from the caves, causing the dust on the ground to swirl about, causing sand to fly everywhere, and everything to become hazy.    


Under the attack of such a powerful Spiritual Martial Force Technique, even if the opponent's cultivation was high and profound, he would still be cut into pieces. The five General of Peng Country s stopped and looked at the dusty entrance of the cave, unable to help themselves from breathing heavily. Using the Soul Martial Technique and Spirit Pressure, they had also used up a lot of spirit energy.    


Very quickly, the dust and dirt in the cave entrance dispersed, and the five of them looked again, but they could no longer find Tang Yin. All five of their eyes lit up, and their faces revealed joyous expressions, it seemed that the other party had been destroyed by the skill that they had released, but when they looked down, their expressions changed again, and they could only look at the ground where the Spirit Blade had swept past.    


Where was the enemy? Had they lost the ability they had used at the same time?    


Just as the five of them were puzzled, they suddenly heard a collective gasp from the surroundings. The soldiers on both sides opened their mouths and widened their eyes as they all looked behind the five of them. The five General of Peng Country s first frowned, then all of them reacted as they instinctively turned around to look behind themselves.    


He only saw that Tang Yin, who was initially inside the cave entrance, had unknowingly moved to a place not more than five meters behind them. His body was not protected by his spirit armor and in his chest, lower abdomen and thighs, were five nearly transparent Spirit Thorn s.    


Most of these five wounds were fatal, yet Tang Yin seemed to not have felt anything at all. The corners of his mouth were raised, and his face carried a bloodthirsty and evil smile.    


The few of you are pretty skilled, I believe you are not Geng Qiang's direct subordinates! Tang Yin said in a gentle voice. As he spoke, he grabbed onto a Spirit Thorn on his shoulder and pulled it out fiercely, and with a hissing sound, the Spirit Thorn was forcibly pulled out of his body. As though Tang Yin did not feel anything, his brows did not even twitch.    


To be able to release such a high level skill like Wolf Fang, the opponent's cultivation must be at least at the Spirit Origin Stage. Tang Yin found it hard to believe that such an expert would be willing to be Geng Qiang's subordinate.    


Although these General of Peng Country were inside the Xibai City, they were not under Geng Qiang's jurisdiction, and were directly subordinate to him. The reason he came to Xibai City was to assist Geng Qiang in defending the city, and the reason why Zhong Tian had sent more than just the five of them, was because of the experts under Zhong Tian's command.    


A few of the General of Peng Country s were trembling in fear, was the enemy in front of them a human? He looked just like a monster. The profound cultivation of the Spirit Cultivator of Dark was truly too terrifying! The five of them did not answer Tang Yin's question. They looked at each other, then slowly raised the spirit weapons in their hands and approached Tang Yin carefully. The five of them fanned out and surrounded him.    


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