Tomin in The Alien World



0If the commander of Feng Country, Tang Yin, wasn't in the midst of battle with Zhong Tian, why did he suddenly run over to the Mo Country? Forget about Mo Country, why did he come to find me? The youth felt incredulous about this.    


Tang Yin laughed and said, "That's right! I am the commander of Tianyuan Army, Tang Yin! "    


Receiving Tang Yin's confirmation, the surrounding guards became even more anxious. Why did Tang Yin run over to the Young Master Mansion? Could it be that he wanted to assassinate His Highness? Thinking of this, the guards continued to release Spirit Pressure as they pulled out their swords from under their ribs, staring at Tang Yin with extreme hostility.    


The young man was not as nervous as the guards under him. He looked at Tang Yin, and suddenly laughed out loud as he shook his head and said: "Tang Yin, there is truly a path to heaven that you refuse to take. If I capture you and give you to King Father, I will gain a great merit! " As he spoke, he stood up as well.    


This young man was obviously the dignified second prince of Mo Country, Shao Fang. He looked left and right, then pointed at Tang Yin and shouted: "Take him down!"    


After receiving his order, the 20 odd armored guards no longer hesitated, they all started to use Spirit Armored Materialization s and Spirit Materialization of Weapon s, the 20 over people instantly turned into a shield of spirit armor, holding onto a spirit weapon, they surrounded Tang Yin.    


Seeing that, Zhao Ju was immediately scared stiff, his face completely bloodless, he was tongue-tied, he could not say anything, while the Shangguan brothers frowned, they both walked forward and prepared to save Tang Yin with their bare hands.    


Just as the battle was about to break out, Tang Yin laughed and said: "Your Highness may be able to capture me, and gift me to the King Mo, and Your Highness might be able to accomplish a great deed for us, but this way, Your Highness will never be able to become the Crown Prince, and the throne of Mo Country will fall into the hands of the people around us!"    


This sentence was considered to be Shao Fang's fatal point. He raised his eyebrows, raised his hand, called his subordinate armored guards, who were about to step forward to attack, and then gathered all the guards at the main entrance, and ordered. After that, he looked straight at Tang Yin and slowly asked: "Tang Yin, what do you mean by this?"    


Tang Yin said in a serious tone: "If I am captured, there will be no longer any power in the entire Feng Country that can resist Zhong Tian. Zhong Tian, the Roc King, will do it to the point where he will be as stable as a mountain, and the Ning Country supporting him from behind will also become much more powerful. At that time, Third Prince Shao Bo, who has always been highly regarded and supported by the Ning Country, will successfully win a place in the Crown Prince under the support of the Ning Country. As for you, second prince, no matter how great your contributions are, you will end up with nothing! "    


Hearing that, Shao Fang's face changed, but he quickly recovered from it. He laughed and said: "I am not interested in King Mo ? ?"    


"Those are words of self-deception!" Tang Yin interrupted Shao Fang as his eyes flashed like lightning, as if he could directly see into the depths of his heart. "Let alone Your Highness, even if it's a normal person dream of one day becoming the ruler of a nation, could it be that Your Highness isn't interested in the king?"    


"This ?" As a member of the royal family, Shao Fang naturally understood the extent of the king's authority, and could understand the benefits brought by his authority. He had only said that he wasn't interested in the king because he wasn't interested in the king's position. He faced Tang Yin's gaze for a long time, and his aura gradually softened. He coldly snorted and said: "So what if my Ning Country supports Shao Bo? Is it certain that he will become king? "    


Seeing that Shao Fang revealed his thoughts, Tang Yin laughed secretly in his heart, and said: "Shao Bo has Ning Country and Your Country s support, and Second Prince, who do you have to support this? Your backer is nowhere to be found inside or outside the Mo Country. If you want to fight for the throne, that would be like ascending to the heavens. "    


Shao Fang was not an idiot, he naturally knew how much of a disadvantage he was in compared to Shao Bo in the current situation. There were too many ministers within the Imperial Court who were inclined to using Ning Country, and almost all of these ministers supported Shao Bo.    


Seeing his complexion fluctuating, Tang Yin smiled and said: "If Your Highness thinks that I'm bluffing, then, you can capture me now and send me to the palace to ask for's merits!"    


After hearing what he said, Shao Fang started to hesitate. After a moment of silence, he waved his hand at the guards on his left and right, saying, "All of you, step down!"    


"Your Highness, he ?"    


"Step down!"    


"Yes sir!"    


The guards kept their Spirit Pressure and retreated back to their original positions. However, none of them dropped their spirit armor, their hands were still holding onto their spirit weapons. If anything happened to Tang Yin, they would immediately rush forward.    


Shao Fang gazed at the Tang Yin close to him and said: "Could it be that you have a way to make me become a Crown Prince?"    


Without the suppression from the Spirit Pressure, Tang Yin secretly heaved a sigh of relief, his entire body feeling extremely relaxed. He chuckled and said, "As long as Your Highness can cooperate with me, both of us can accomplish great things!"    


"Oh?" Shao Fang's interest was piqued. He raised his hand and played with the girl's hair on the left side. His eyes were looking at Tang Yin as he asked with a smile: "How do we cooperate?"    


From the outside, Shao Fang did not have the dignity of a prince, he gave others a feeling of frivolity and sloppiness, but in reality, it was only a cover for him. He used the opportunity to play with the woman beside him, his mind working even faster.    


Tang Yin was not a righteous man in the first place, so he did not mind Shao Fang's actions at all. He laughed and straightforwardly said, "If you kill Zhong Tian, I will become the Feng King and at that time, I will support you in taking the throne!"    






If Feng Country were to use troops, then Ning Country would be too busy to take care of itself and the strength of those who support Shao Bo would be greatly reduced. But in Shao Fang's opinion, it was still far from enough.    


He said slowly, "Just using troops against Ning is not enough to change the general situation!"    


"What if I have the confidence to destroy Ning?" Tang Yin continued.    


Shao Fang's body trembled as he looked at Tang Yin in disbelief. He burst out laughing and asked: "Why?"    


Tang Yin said: "Just by being able to fight against Zhong Tian who is in control of a country and the four hundred thousand soldiers of the Ning Army, do you still think that is not enough?"    


Tang Yin who only had the control of a county was able to defeat Zhong Tian and Ning Jun, then what about Tang Yin who had the control of the entire country?    


Shao Fang remained silent.    


Tang Yin said as his eyes lit up, "Your Highness, you should be clear about this. Your enemy, the biggest obstacle for you to reach the throne is not the ministers of the Your Country, nor is it me. If your Ning Country does not perish, you will never be able to become the Crown Prince, and even more so, become the Sovereign King of your Mo Country. "    


Shao Fang's face sank, he stared at Tang Yin and asked: How can I believe your words?    


"What do you mean?"    


"After you defeat Zhong Tian, you will become a Feng King and support me to fight for the throne." After you defeat Zhong Tian, you will support me to fight for the throne.    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "The Feng Country Royal Family have already been exterminated by Zhong Tian. After was eradicated, if I am not king, who can be king? As for Ning Country, it is not only Your Highness' enemy, it is also my enemy. With Ning Country, my Feng Country will not be at peace for a single day, so regardless of whether or not Your Highness and I cooperate, I will still choose to use troops. Supporting Your Highness to become a king was also to pull over an ally named Mo Country to remove the worries in my Feng Country. Since I travelled all the way to the Mo Country and took the risk of coming here to see Your Highness, I believe that Your Highness can see through my sincerity! "    


Shao Fang secretly nodded. It was true that Tang Yin was not his enemy, nor could he be considered to be one of his enemies. However, his Ning Country was definitely an enemy of. Just as Tang Yin had said, capturing him was of no benefit to himself. Instead, he had made the Ning Country lose a huge threat, made the power of the Ning Country grow even stronger, and supported Tang Yin. Even if he did not support him in the opposite direction to get the throne, as long as he could use troops on Ning and make the Ning Country care for itself, it was still a good thing.    


After considering the pros and cons, and considering the stakes and cons, Shao Fang had already made a decision in his heart.    


He grinned, picked up the wine cup, and drank all the wine in the cup with a gulu sound. After that, he filled the cup with wine and pushed it in front of Tang Yin, waving his hand as he said, "Please!"    


On the other hand, Tang Yin did not mind, and without even thinking, he picked up his wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.    


After watching, Shao Fang laughed out loud, but very quickly he stopped laughing. He stared at Tang Yin and said: "Speak, what do you want me to help you with? Since you're here to cooperate, it's definitely you who's going to help me. I'll help you then! "    


He thought to himself, Clever! Tang Yin sat cross-legged at the table and said: "Regardless of the Feng Country, prevent the Your Country from sending out troops."    


"Oh?" Shao Fang asked: "Are you saying that my Mo Country will use troops on you? From what I know, King Father doesn't have any plans to attack your Feng Country! "    


"Not now, but that doesn't mean there won't be in the future." Tang Yin said. "After Zhong Tian and Ning Jun have lost the war, they would definitely flee to Your Country, and their Ning Country would definitely send envoys to Your Country to request for reinforcements. At that time, Your Highness only needed to stop the Your Country from sending troops."    


Shao Fang listened as he shook his head. Tang Yin was really thinking far ahead, and now that Zhong Tian and his reinforcements were still staying at the Feng Country, Tang Yin had actually thought of the countermeasures that Zhong Tian and Ning Jun had taken when they were escaping. He was annoyed but also found it funny as he asked, "Are you that sure that you can knock down the Yan City?"    


Tang Yin extended two of his fingers.    


Shao Fang did not understand what he meant and raised his eyebrows doubtfully.    



Tang Yin said, "Breaking Yan City will take at most two months!"    


Shao Fang was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud with his head held high. Tang Yin's heroic spirit and confidence caused him to be a little distracted. For such a person, becoming friends was much better than becoming enemies.    


"Good!" I will cooperate with you! " Shao Fang said straightforwardly: "If Ning Country comes for help, I will do everything I can to stop the King Father from sending out troops."    


"It's a deal!"    


"Hm!" "It's a deal!" Shao Fang blinked his eyes and said: "The ancients have sworn brotherhood with each other, why don't the two of us follow the ancients' example?"    


Tang Yin laughed: Why not?! As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and revealed his wrist.    


Shao Fang waved his hand towards him, and after pouring the wine in the wine cup, he stood up and pulled out the swords that he carried with him, and just when the surrounding people did not know what he was doing, Shao Fang's arm that did not have any forewarning swung to his left and right, with two 'pu pu' sounds, the two girls who were seated beside him fell to the ground, with the swords at their backs cutting through them.    


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