Tomin in The Alien World



0"Oh? What do you mean? " Shao Fang looked at Zong Yuan suspiciously.    


Zong Yuan said in a serious tone: "Preserving resources is no small matter, especially for the Minister of Imperial Court s, it not only concerns their own future prospects, it also concerns their own lives and family, if Dong Sheng is really as Your Highness has said, then no matter who becomes the King Mo in the future, he will not benefit. I think that since Dong Sheng is able to become the Right Prime Minister, he definitely isn't short-sighted, he will only covet that small profit in front of him."    


"Oh ?" Hearing that, Shao Fang nodded his head thoughtfully, thinking that what Zong Yuan said was not unreasonable, could it be that he was wrong? Thinking up to here, he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Zong Yuan, in your opinion, what is the reason for Dong Sheng not expressing his stance?"    


"There might be two reasons. Firstly, Dong Sheng has not favored the candidate to become the Crown Prince, and secondly, he might be waiting for someone. When a certain prince takes the initiative to rope him in, the person who defends himself is completely different from the one who is bewitched. Zong Yuan said methodically.    


Shao Fang carefully mulled over Zong Yuan's words. After thinking for a long while, he shook his head and said: "First point seems to be very unlikely. Now that so many ministers were optimistic about Shao Bo, would Dong Sheng have any other candidates? So who is he waiting for? "    


Tang Yin casually replied: "Perhaps the one waiting is you, Your Highness."    


Shao Fang smiled and said: "There's no relationship between Dong Sheng and I, and there's even less of a relationship between us. I'm not in a position to do anything now, so how could he possibly support me?"    


Tang Yin shrugged his shoulders and said: "No matter how much we say, it's just a guess, why doesn't Your Highness personally pay a visit to Dong Sheng? Not only will it increase our friendship, it will also be able to scout out Dong Sheng's rumors. There will be no harm in doing so anyway. "    


"Yes!" Shao Fang nodded his head, and said: "Brother Tang is right, tomorrow, I will go to Right Prime Minister Palace!"    


Tang Yin answered: "I'll go with Your Highness."    


Shao Fang was startled, and asked: "Why is Brother Tang following me?"    


Tang Yin laughed: "Your Highness wants to probe out Dong Sheng's intentions, I also have this intention, to see whether this Your Country will support Ning Country, or not!"    


Shao Fang thought for a while, then said: "Alright! However, I have to advise Brother Tang, when you see Dong Sheng, don't rashly reveal your identity! "    


Tang Yin said: "Your Highness, don't worry, I know what to do."    


, Shao Fang, and Zong Yuan basically did not sleep that night, and had been discussing the matters of Feng, Ning, and Mo. Just as Shao Fang had said, he was a prince who did not have any ambitions, he did not have many trusted officials, so he did not know who to confide in. It was rare for him to meet Tang Yin who supported him, so he opened up a conversation with Tang Yin and Zong Yuan.    


Right now, Shao Fang and Tang Yin had not acted rashly, and since the two of them were compatible and had many things to cooperate with, Shao Fang could also treat Tang Yin as his trusted aide, opening his heart and talking about everything. Another thing that made Shao Fang extremely excited was that Tang Yin had agreed to give him financial support.    


To win over ministers, status and status were not enough. One needed money. The reason why Shao Bo was able to win over so many ministers was not only because of the power of his Ning Country, but also because the Ning Country had provided him with a large amount of gold and silver jewelry, which gave him the capital to win over the middle school. Shao Fang had long seen this point, it was just that he was bitter and had no capital. How could Shao Fang not be happy?    


Tang Yin winning over Shao Fang was easier than he thought. The two of them had their own difficulties now and were able to find what they needed from the other party. It was just like dry wood encountering fire, it could be said to be perfect.    


By the time dawn arrived, the three of them were a little tired. However, they did not return to their respective rooms to rest. Instead, they lay on the hard bed in the study and slept with their clothes on.    


It was noon when the three of them woke up. Shao Fang stood up and walked to the window, stretching his waist, then turned around and saw Tang Yin smiling at him. Shao Fang sighed: "To be honest, Brother Tang, I haven't slept so comfortably for a long time!"    


The hard collapse of the study room was naturally incomparable to the soft bed in his room, but this sleep truly made Shao Fang feel very comfortable.    


As a prince, Shao Fang was temperamental. To the bystanders, he was just a person who was hard to approach, but Tang Yin's eyes were different from normal people. Looking at the smiling Shao Fang, he suddenly felt pain in his heart. As a prince, he seemed to be high and mighty, but how many people could experience the difficulties and sorrows within?    


Tang Yin straightened his body and walked to Shao Fang's side. He did not look at him, but raised his eyes to look at the garden outside the window and said faintly: "You will definitely become a King Mo. No matter how big the resistance is, or how strong the opponent is, I will still help you become a King Mo! "    


His words moved Shao Fang, the latter's smile froze on his face, and he clenched his fists as though he was promising them, and said word by word: "I will help you become a Feng King!"    


Tang Yin turned and looked at Shao Fang, his mouth raised in a smile.    


Shao Fang also laughed, and said softly: "Last night, you and I were sworn brothers!"    


Tang Yin did not respond. Instead, he raised his eyes and looked at the blue sky that was thousands of kilometers high in the sky, and was in a daze. Today's brothers, who knew if they would be tomorrow's enemies? He had experienced too many such things and witnessed too many of them.    


After eating lunch, Shao Fang brought Tang Yin, Zong Yuan, his personal armored guards, and his subordinates out of the Young Master Mansion and rushed back to the Right Prime Minister Palace.    


Initially, Brother Shangguan had also wanted to follow them, but Tang Yin felt that this trip was mainly to scout out Dong Sheng, and with Shao Fang present, it was not dangerous, so he did not bring the two of them along.    


Although the scale of the Right Prime Minister Palace differed greatly from the Young Master Mansion, it could still be considered a luxurious mansion.    


Hearing that the servant had told the Second Prince to come visit, Dong Sheng personally went to welcome him outside the residence. Upon seeing Shao Fang, he bent down to the ground and said: "I do not know that Your Highness has come with us, if you are at a loss, I hope that Your Highness will forgive us!" As a court official, no matter how big the official position was, he was still an official. He had to respect the etiquette when meeting a prince.    


"Right Prime Minister is too polite, quickly rise!" Shao Fang was extremely polite to Dong Sheng and extended his hand to help his up.    


Tang Yin looked at Dong Sheng and muttered to himself, So this was the Right Prime Minister of Mo Country, one of the two people with the most true authority in Mo Country that Qiu Zhen had mentioned.    


Dong Sheng was around fifty years old, tall and sturdy, with already white hair, with a beard below his cheeks that was combed neatly and neatly. Currently, he was not wearing the Official Robe s, but was wearing a clean and simple green plain clothes, which might have been worn over the years, and had been washed in many places to the point of becoming white. Just from looking at his appearance, he looked no different from a normal person.    


This person was hard to deal with! This was Tang Yin's first impression of Dong Sheng.    


Dong Sheng invited Shao Fang into the residence. Tang Yin and Zong Yuan followed his guards inside, while the other guards guarded the door.    


Entering the main hall of the residence, Dong Sheng moved Shao Fang to the upright position. He sat next to his hand, then raised his head and looked at Tang Yin and Zong Yuan who were dressed as servants behind Shao Fang.    


He ordered the servants to prepare tea and snacks to entertain Shao Fang.    


After the tea and snacks were served, the armored guard at the side quickly stepped forward and used a silver needle to check if there was any poison in the tea and the pastries, even without Shao Fang's indication. If someone else were to do this, it would be extremely disrespectful, and would be equivalent to slapping their master's face. But Shao Fang was a prince, so this action was simply a formality.    


After confirming that there were no problems with the tea and snacks, the armored guard bowed to Shao Fang and left.    


Shao Fang looked at the dim sum on the table as his face broke into a smile, but his heart was stifled to the extreme. These snacks were all very ordinary, he could easily buy them from any stall on the street.    


He did not even move the dessert on the table. Instead, he picked up the teacup and casually took a sip. The taste of the tea was bitter, but very quickly, it released a fragrance that caused one's mind to shake, the aftertaste was endless, and even if the tea water were to flow into their stomach, it would release a fragrance. Shao Fang could not help but praise: "Good tea!"    


"Ha ha!" Dong Sheng laughed, holding the teacup in front of his table, he said: "This tea is only produced in snow mountains, it is extremely valuable and hard to buy with a thousand gold, this official normally would not be willing to drink it, only when Your Highness comes today will I have the chance to enjoy myself."    


This time, Shao Fang was a little confused. Dong Sheng had taken the worst snacks and even used the best tea to entertain him. What was the meaning of this?    


Seeing Shao Fang's doubt, Dong Sheng secretly sighed, and explained with a smile: "This official is not picky with the food, so there are no delicious or unique foods in the palace, if there are places that neglect your highness, I hope that Your Highness does not take offense!"    


So that's how it was. Shao Fang sighed in relief, he had misunderstood Dong Sheng just now. As he thought about it, he smiled and looked at the furnishings in the hall again. The main hall of the house was exactly the same as the clothes Dong Sheng was wearing. It was ordinary, clear and light, without any extravagant or luxurious decorations, but the tables used were all made from precious wood.    


The more Shao Fang looked, the more he could not understand Dong Sheng's character, and Tang Yin was the same. Amongst the people present, the only one who could truly understand Dong Sheng was Zong Yuan.    


From the food and decorations of the residence, Zong Yuan judged that Dong Sheng should be an extremely clean and honest person. As the Prime Minister, he obviously had many Salary, but it was not to the extent of being comparable to those nobles and royalty. It seemed that Dong Sheng was normally only interested in things that he was willing to spend large amounts of money on, and was not interested in things that he didn't care about.    


This kind of prime minister was definitely a good one, but unfortunately, he was someone from the Mo Clan, a Right Prime Minister with Mo Country. Zong Yuan lowered his eyes, his eyeballs turned, as he silently pondered in his heart.    


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