Tomin in The Alien World



0Shao Fang had cut down the two girls, causing the surrounding people to jump in fright. Tang Yin was also surprised, he did not know why he suddenly went crazy. Shao Fang ignored the others and laughed at Tang Yin: "I can't guarantee that my women can keep their mouths shut like my men!"    


After hearing that, Tang Yin finally understood what Shao Fang meant. Tang Yin's eyes lit up, this Shao Fang was not a mediocre person, although he looked unrestrained and unrestrained, his heart was clear like a mirror, his mind was deep and profound. He was both surprised and happy to see Shao Fang like this, and he was also full of admiration.    


"What does it mean to make a blood alliance? "This is to make a blood alliance!" As Shao Fang spoke, he picked up the wine cup and drank half of the wine inside. After that, he squatted down and filled the cup with the blood of the two girls, passing it over to Tang Yin. He looked at him without blinking and said with a smile, "Brother Tang, after you!"    


Shao Fang was crazy enough, but when compared to him, Tang Yin could only be worse. Without even hesitating, he received the wine cup and slightly shook it. He raised his head, drank half of the blood and wine within, and then handed it over to Shao Fang. Your Highness, please! "    


"Haha ?"    


Shao Fang could not help but laugh out loud. Tang Yin admired him, how could he not admire the nimble and free Tang Yin as well? He accepted the wine cup, opened his mouth wide, and drank the blood and wine in one gulp. The two of them drank the blood, wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, then looked at each other and laughed. They ignored the two corpses at their feet, as if the one they were drinking on the ground was not a human and the blood they were drinking wasn't the blood of the two girls.    


With such a blood feud, no one had ever come before, and there probably wouldn't be any more in the future.    


After drinking a cup of blood wine, Tang Yin's relationship with Shao Fang had unwittingly grown closer. The latter walked around the table, reached out to grab Tang Yin's wrist, and laughed: "Brother Tang, don't go tonight, live in my residence. Firstly, this place is much safer than any other place.    


Tang Yin was very interested in Shao Fang, and wanted to get to know him more. He nodded and said, "I have that idea. I'll be troubling you then! "    


"Satisfying!" Shao Fang praised him as he pulled Tang Yin away and said slowly: "Tonight, no matter who it is, who dares to leak out the news, I will drink his blood and pull his tendons out!"    


When the guards on both sides heard this, they shuddered in fear. They looked at the corpses of the two women and lowered their heads, not daring to even breathe.    


Not only did Shao Fang leave Tang Yin behind, he also left behind Brother Shangguan, Zong Yuan, and Zhao Ju, and ordered the servants to arrange a place for them to stay. He led Tang Yin straight to the study room.    


Young Master Mansion's study was also not small. Although there were a lot of books, the vast study space still appeared to be empty.    


The two of them walked to the end of the study and sat on both sides of the table. Shao Fang leaned forward and asked: "Why is Brother Tang so confident in defeating Zhong Tian and the Ning Army in Your Country?"    


Tang Yin laughed, and said faintly: "The one who wins will be the one to rule the world. Zhong Tian might be able to become a good official, but he will never be able to become a good ruler. "    


"The one who wins will rule the world!" Shao Fang muttered these words to himself. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "That's reasonable! If Zhong Tian and Ning Jun Wu Yi were to lose, why would they have to run towards the Mo Country? "    


"The north is the sphere of influence of my Tianyuan Army, the east is a road of death, the Tong Gate of the west has already been occupied by my army, so we can only move towards the south."    


"Tong Gate?" Shao Fang was also not very familiar with the topography of Feng Country, he had only heard of the location of the Tong Gate, but he was not really clear on the exact location or what kind of topography it was. After thinking for a moment, he waved his hand and said, "Men!"    


"Your Highness!"    


Following his shout, a Pageboy walked over quickly. He bent down and waited for his orders.    


"Bring the map."    


"Yes!" Your Highness! "    


Pageboy responded as he quickly walked to the front of the bookshelf and took out a silk cloth from within the scrolls, respectfully handing it over to Shao Fang. The latter took it, opened it, and threw the silk cloth back into Pageboy's face, saying, "What are you going to do with the Mo Country map? I want a map of the Empire! "Pig!"    


Pageboy was so scared that his legs turned to jelly and he almost kneeled on the ground. He quickly rolled up the map and went back to the bookshelf to get a new map.    


Shao Fang opened the map and laid it on the table. His eyes looked around, and while pointing, he said, "This place is the Hedong ? This was Tong Gate! are the two sides of the Tong Gate mountainous? " In the beginning, he was muttering to himself, but in the latter part, he was asking Tang Yin.    


Tang Yin was too familiar with the topography of Tong Gate, he did not need to look at the map. His body tilted backwards as he said in a low voice: "The Tong Gate is in danger. The two mountains and one ditch, and the Tong Gate is located in the middle of the ravine. Once the Tong Gate is blocked, it is equivalent to cutting off the passage between the two nations.    


"So that's how it is!" Shao Fang nodded the Tong Gate on the map, and said: "This is truly the most important point! If I remember correctly, Zhong Tian had already given his Tong Gate to the Ning Country, so how did you take them over? It can't be a direct call, right? "    


"Of course not." Tang Yin smiled and said: "If we go all the way, Ning Country will definitely be on our guard. There will be heavy soldiers installed at the Tong Gate, and with the danger of Tong Gate, no matter how many people we send, it will be hard to get at the danger."    


"Then you are ?"    


"Take a detour!" Lend him a way through the Morfeas Confederacy! " Tang Yin spoke lightly.    


Shao Fang took a deep breath and looked at the map again. This time, he thought for a long while and nodded: "Brilliant! It's really brilliant to take a detour, catch others unawares and attack them unawares! " Now, he could more or less understand why Tang Yin was able to defeat Zhong Tian, who was in control of the entire Feng Country, as well as the four hundred thousand men of the army. Similarly, he was even more determined to ally with Tang Yin.    


Casually pushing the map to the side, Shao Fang smiled and asked: "Taking a detour to sneak attack Tong Gate, are you planning to do that?"    


Tang Yin was not greedy as he shook his head with a smile: "This was Zong Yuan's plan."    


"Zong Yuan?"    


"The gentleman who came with me."    


"Oh!" Shao Fang's eyes lit up, and said: "Since this person is so smart, then don't let him sleep in his room, how about we find him to sit with us?"    


"That's good." Tang Yin squinted his eyes and nodded while smiling.    


Shao Fang sent a servant to invite Zong Yuan, and not long later, Zong Yuan arrived. After entering the study room, he saw Tang Yin and Shao Fang sitting together. He quickly walked forward and bowed respectfully: "Master! Your Highness! "    


"Teacher's name is Zong Yuan?"    




Shao Fang intentionally said: "This name is very unfamiliar, just a nameless nobody!" Saying that, he looked straight at Zong Yuan, to see his reaction.    


Hearing this, Zong Yuan's face did not have the slightest bit of anger, nor was there even the slightest bit of unhappiness. He cupped his hands and said, "I am just one of the many advisers under the lord's command. I am indeed a nobody, and it is difficult for me to enter Your Highness' eyes!" Zong Yuan was no ordinary commoner. He clearly knew in his heart what was heavy and what was light. No matter who looked down on him, it didn't matter. As long as Tang Yin thought highly of him and placed importance on him, then it would be better than everything else.    


Taking Zong Yuan's reaction into consideration, Shao Fang secretly nodded his head, this man could be considered to be a talent. His gaze turned, looked at Tang Yin, and smiled: "Brother Tang, I have always lacked a strategist at my side, would you be willing to part with me, and give Mr. Zong Yuan to me?"    


Tang Yin was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud, and said: "If Mr. Zong Yuan also has the same intention, I will definitely not stop him!"    


Zong Yuan, who was standing by the side, heard his words and was startled, he anxiously said: "Your Highness's position is so high, I have never been able to climb it, furthermore I have served under Master for a long time, so Master has treated me very highly, and have long decided, I will live and die with Master, and share hardships with Master, as long as Master does not abandon me, I will accompany you with my death!"    


In Zong Yuan's opinion, Shao Fang, the second prince of Mo Country, was also a man with great talents. In the future, he might even accomplish great things, but compared to Tang Yin, he still felt that he was missing something. It was just that he might be able to accomplish great things, and Tang Yin gave him the feeling that he would definitely accomplish great things. Therefore, no matter what angle they looked at it from, Zong Yuan would never abandon Tang Yin and vote for Shao Fang.    


After hearing what Zong Yuan had said, Tang Yin could not help but be somewhat moved. The reason why he would trust Zong Yuan so much in the future was also related to what Zong Yuan had said.    


Of course, what Shao Fang said was just a casual question, he did not have the intention of rope Zong Yuan in. He chuckled and waved his hands: "A gentleman does not take away another's love! Mr. Zong Yuan, please take a seat! "    


"Yes sir!"    


Zong Yuan agreed, but he did not dare sit in front of the table, instead he sat in the back.    


When he was seated, Shao Fang changed the topic. With a worried look on his face, he said: "Although I agreed to Brother Tang's advice to stop King Father from sending troops, I do not know what to do. Even though I am the second prince, the ministers of the Imperial Court all stand by Shao Bo's side.    



That was a problem! Tang Yin frowned and thought, then asked: "Could it be, that in Mo Country, there are no ministers that are close to His Highness?"    


Shao Fang laughed bitterly, he sighed at the sky and asked: "How do Brother Tang feel about my mansion guards?"    


Tang Yin said: "Strict!"    


"I dare not to be careless!" Shao Fang said: "As a prince, and a prince who is powerless, I can't even sleep well. I'm afraid that someone would suddenly charge into my house and take my life." These were Shao Fang's heartfelt words. When they reached the point of being moved, his eyes actually shone with tears.    


Just then, Zong Yuan spoke up: "Why didn't Your Highness try to rope in Right Prime Minister Dong Sheng? From what I know, Dong Sheng never expressed his support for Shao Bo! "    


"Humph!" Shao Fang snorted and said: "That old fox! This is Dong Sheng's cleverness, he does not make his stance, all the princes that want to fight for the crown prince are trying their best to please him, he only needs to benefit, why not? "    


"I don't think so!" Zong Yuan thoughtfully shook his head.    


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