Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing Qiu Zhen's question, Li Wei stepped forward, interfered and bowed, then said: "Master Qiu, this subordinate is willing to go!"    


Although Li Wei was the commander of the Chifeng Army, the only reason he was able to get such a position was because he had followed Tang Yin for a long time, thus gaining Tang Yin's trust. Seeing Li Wei taking the initiative to submit, Qiu Zhen hesitated. Seeing that, Li Wei panicked, he raised his voice and spoke again: "Master Qiu, I am willing to lead everyone to defeat the enemy!"    


Qiu Zhen followed Tang Yin early, so Li Wei wasn't far behind either. He was one of the first group of Captains to follow Tang Yin, although he was still young, he was actually a 'old man' in the Tianyuan Army. Li Wei insisted on going forward, but it was not wise for Qiu Zhen to disagree. He thought for a moment, then nodded: "General Li is more careful, if you encounter any difficulties, you can discuss it with General Peng before making a decision!"    


Li Wei relied on his relationship with Tang Yin to be the general of Chifeng Army, but Peng Haochu was different. He was completely relying on his own ability to receive Tang Yin's appreciation and promotion, becoming a Deputy Commander.    


Qiu Zhen thought very thoroughly, and felt that as long as Li Wei could discuss this with Peng Haochu when he was attacking, he would never suffer a great loss, but he had overlooked one point, and that was human nature. Li Wei was young and vigorous, and he was the commander of one hundred and fifty thousand Chifeng Army. On the surface, Li Wei nodded his head repeatedly, but in his heart, he did not agree with it.    


Li Wei and Peng Haochu were the first ones to attack Tiger-tooth Mountain, after that, Qiu Zhen felt a little worried, and arranged for Gu Yue to control his Directly Subordinate Army to follow suit.    


As for Li Wei and Peng Haochu, they led the great army out from the Xibai City, and arrived at the Tiger-tooth Mountain in three days.    


The Tiger-tooth Mountain was located to the left of the official road. The mountain was precipitous, and only the north side had a gentle slope, where the large camp for Peng Army was already set up. One could see that the walls of the stronghold were abnormally sturdy. Looking inside, there were many red banners, the tents were side by side, and from time to time, groups of soldiers would patrol between the tents. On the mountain top, there was also a large camp, because it was too high up, it was not very clear, but one could vaguely see the high stronghold walls erected on top of the mountain.    


After Peng Haochu finished watching, he secretly took a deep breath and immediately determined that the commander of the Peng Army was not an ordinary general. These two camps, one above and one below, they supported each other, no matter which side the main camp attacked, they would definitely be attacked by the other camp.    


Li Wei didn't think as much as he did. After he finished observing the two Peng Army camps, he sneered and said: "We're camping by mountain again! Looks like Peng Army has not taught me a lesson after suffering a loss. "    


Peng Haochu revealed a puzzled face as he looked at Li Wei blankly.    


Li Wei said complacently: "Back then, Zhong Wen chose to camp by the mountain, and in the end was completely annihilated by our army. Today, this Peng Army will follow in Zhong Wen's footsteps!"    


After hearing this, Peng Haochu shook his head like a rattle drum, and anxiously said: "General, this is not the time, the two cannot be compared." At that time, the rear of the Peng Army Battalion was a dead end, but it was different now. There was a camp at the back of the Peng Army Battalion, and not only was it not a dead end, it was also supported by strong reinforcements.    


Li Wei waved his hand and laughed, then said, "In my opinion, there is no difference. According to the spy's report, there are only a hundred thousand people in the Peng Army, and they are currently spread out between two camps, which just happens to give our troops a chance to break through one by one. Our army can take the Peng Battalion down the mountain first, and then gather our forces and attack the Enemy's Camp on the mountain! This way, our army can easily occupy the Tiger-tooth Mountain! "    


How could the matter be as simple as Li Wei said? Peng Haochu said with a stern expression: "No! The general must not act rashly. Our army should send a small force to attack first to see if the enemy is real. "    


I can't, I can't, am I the commander or is Peng Haochu the commander?    


"Humph!" Li Wei snorted, waved his hand and said: "There's no need!" As he spoke, he raised his head to look at the sun. It was already close to noon, so he ordered the entire army to set up camp on the spot, and after lunch, the entire army would attack the Peng Army camp at the foot of Tiger-tooth Mountain mountain.    


Li Wei was the current commander, so naturally, the Chifeng Army soldiers all followed his orders. After receiving the order, the hundred and fifty thousand people immediately stopped to rest and set up their stoves, starting to cook nearby, as if there was no one around. He was very clear in his heart that if he attacked and defended, it would be detrimental to his own side. Even if he obtained victory in the end, the damage was also huge, so if he could draw out the Peng Army from the main camp, then both sides could fight on the ground, which meant that his side would have the absolute advantage.    


When they saw that the Chifeng Army was resting and eating outside the camp, they thought it was a good opportunity for the entire army to attack. However, when Zi Ying finished watching it from the observation platform in the camp, he scoffed at it.    


He immediately passed down the order that the entire army was to guard the camp. No one was to leave the camp without permission, and those who violated the order were to be executed.    


In fact, there was no need for his orders, the Central Army in the camp saw that many Feng Army s had come from outside, and each of their faces had already turned ashen from fright, the weapons in their hands were trembling. They called them Central Army, but in truth, they were just a bunch of ordinary citizens who put on armor and picked up weapons.    


Chifeng Army was eating and drinking merrily outside of Peng Army's military camp, the sound of laughter unceasing. However, the Peng Army camp was completely silent, as if it was an empty camp, causing the entire scene to seem extremely strange.    


Seeing that the enemy did not budge, Li Wei did not mind, waiting for the soldiers of the three armies to eat their fill, Li Wei did not care about Peng Haochu's strong opposition and passed down the order, they all attacked the Peng Army camp.    


As he gave the order, one hundred and fifty thousand Chifeng Army s formed a neat phalanx. The frontline was led by two wings, and the rear was an offensive formation formed by one hundred and fifty thousand people.    


Although Chifeng Army had the advantage of numbers, Peng Army had the advantage of land and was extremely ferocious in its desperate defense. The two sides engaged in an intense battle inside and outside the Peng Army camp, killing to the point where the sky turned dark and the earth turned dark, and rivers of blood flowed. When the battle reached dusk, the Central Army in the Peng Army Battalion gradually weakened, revealing their fatigue.    


Li Wei who was watching the battle immediately became spirited, waved the order, and ordered the entire army to continue their fierce assault. Very quickly, the Peng Army was unable to stop the ferocious attacks from the Chifeng Army wave after wave. Countless soldiers were forced to retreat towards the mountain camp, and the Chifeng Army took advantage of this momentum to charge into the Peng Army camp.    


At this time, Li Wei was extremely excited, and spoke to Peng Haochu proudly: "How is it? General Peng, no matter how strong and sturdy the Peng Army's camp is, it still won't be able to withstand the assault of my great army! "A trivial hundred thousand enemies, my army can kill them all in one move!"    


Not only was there not a single trace of happiness on Peng Haochu's face, his brows were knitted tightly together. After fighting fiercely for an entire afternoon, his Peng Army had always resisted tenaciously, so how could it not hold on after just a short period of time? Could it be a trap?    


Just as he was pondering, Li Wei who was full of fighting spirit had already sent out another order for the entire army to follow suit. They took advantage of the victory to rush up the mountain and attack the Enemy's Camp, completely annihilating the Peng Army.    


Hearing his order, Peng Haochu's body trembled, he secretly cursed, and anxiously stopped Herald, and said to Li Wei: "General, do not! The enemy's retreat is strange, but there must be some trickery, General should not rashly attack! "    


It was also impossible! When Li Wei mentioned the word 'no', Li Wei felt a headache. When he was launching an attack himself, he said that no, but in the end, their side had already successfully broken through the enemy's camp at the foot of the mountain. Now that they were going to seize the opportunity to kill the enemy, he had to stop them all.    


Li Wei did not respond to Peng Haochu, and did not even give him an extra glance. Looking at the battlefield in front of him, he coldly said. Herald, if you dare break my order again, I want your head! "    


The Herald was so frightened that he shivered. Not daring to delay any longer, he quickly mounted his horse and passed Li Wei's order to the soldiers in front.    


"General ?" Peng Haochu anxiously shouted.    


"General Peng, stop messing up my morale!" While speaking, Li Wei turned his head and glanced at him coldly.    




Peng Haochu was extremely anxious, but he could do nothing about Li Wei at all. Beads of sweat the size of beans were already flowing down his forehead.    


According to Li Wei's orders, after taking over the camp at the foot of the mountain, the Chifeng Army did not stabilize the troops, but instead, directly went through the camp and ran up the mountain, chasing after the defeated Peng Army.    


Just as the Chifeng Army was halfway up the mountain, suddenly, the drums on the mountain top shook, and immediately afterwards, the Peng Army soldiers who were running in front stopped and dodged to the left and right in succession, and before they could even see what was happening, they heard an unceasing rumbling above their heads. The soldiers in front raised their heads and looked, and were completely terrified, and their expressions changed greatly.    


He saw countless cars rushing down from the top of the mountain.    


The body of the car was made of iron, the inside was hollow, and filled with huge rocks. Each car had to weigh at least a few hundred pounds, sliding down from the top of the mountain, and its momentum was great, not just a thousand pounds. One could see the cars gliding down like lightning, the iron wheels rubbing against the rocks, and the sparks flying high.    


The soldiers in front of him were the ones who bore the brunt of the charge. After being pierced by the blades at the front of the car, their entire bodies were nailed to the car. There were still many people who were swept by the blades on both sides of the car, and were immediately sliced into two. Due to the inertia of the car being too big, even if it was used to stab and kill a few people, its strength would not decrease at all, and it continued to carve out a long path of blood in the midst of the Chifeng Army camp.    


The power of a single car was already so great. If several hundred cars were to rush over at the same time, the lethality could be imagined.    


In just an instant, the number of deaths and injuries on the Chifeng Army numbered in the thousands, and corpses scattered across the entire mountain. As far as the eye could see, there was practically a layer of corpses of Chifeng Army warriors laid on the mountain slope.    


After the train had finished, Chifeng Army's nightmare was still far from over. From the top of the mountain, a large amount of stone slabs rolled down, and many of them were as tall as a person, rolling down from the top to the bottom. Several tens of soldiers were crushed into meat patties.    


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