Tomin in The Alien World



0Although Tang Yin was suspicious, he was not as narrow-minded as Li Wei. In a battle between two armies, both sides had their own masters, and each side relied on their own abilities, so death or injury was unavoidable.    


He waved his hand at Li Wei and said with a smile: "This Zi Ying is truly not ordinary. If he can really join our army, it would definitely be a good thing.    


Hearing him say that, Li Wei could no longer say anymore, he cupped his hands in reply and retreated back to his original position.    


Tang Yin looked at the crowd and asked: Who is willing to persuade Zi Ying to surrender?    


When he finished asking, no one answered. Peng Army did not follow the principle of not cutting down enemies' bodies in battle. Last time when they attacked Ji City, they sent an envoy to persuade them to surrender, but in the end, they were decapitated by them. Now that Tang Yin wanted to advise Zi Ying to surrender, no one dared to try again.    


Seeing that no one replied, Tang Yin raised his eyebrows, and laughed: What's wrong? There are so many capable men in our army, and yet no one dares to go and dissuade us? "    


Just as he finished speaking, a person walked out from the group of strategists, cupped his hands and bowed to Tang Yin, and said: "Master, I am willing to go!"    


The person who spoke was a young man in his twenties. He had an average stature and a plain appearance. He looked like an ordinary person. No one would take a second glance at him when he was mixed in the crowd.    


This man was called Jiang Lou, one of the strategists for Tianyuan Army, he had joined the army relatively late, and normally he did not have much of an outstanding performance, his entire being was just like a commoner who did not have much to do. If it was any other period, with his performance, he would definitely not stay in the army for long before he was sent away.    


Looking at Jiang Lou, Tang Yin thought for a while before remembering his name. He smiled and asked: Mr. Jiang Lou, are you willing to persuade me to surrender Zi Ying?    


"Yes!" "Milord."    


"Aren't you afraid of being viciously attacked?" Tang Yin asked.    


Jiang Lou's face turned serious, he cupped his hands and said: "I will die for my country, with no regrets."    


Oh? He really did not expect Jiang Lou to say such words, Tang Yin could not help but have a whole new level of respect for him. He restrained his smile and asked: "Does Mr. Jiang Lou have any confidence in persuading Zi Ying to surrender?"    


Jiang Lou shook his head: "No, but I will do my best."    


After thinking for a moment, Tang Yin nodded and said: "Alright! No matter if you can persuade Zi Ying to surrender, when you come back, I will remember your great contribution! "    


"Yes sir!"    


If it was someone like Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, or Zong Yuan who advised him to stop them, Tang Yin would definitely not let them go, but Jiang Lou was just an unknown person, he did not have much Tianyuan Army, he was less of an opponent, and that was him.    


The next day.    


Jiang Lou did not bring a single soldier, he only left the Tianyuan Army's camp and headed up the mountain towards the Peng Army Camp.    


Halfway up the mountain, he was spotted by the hidden guards of the Peng Army. Following a huffing sound, ten over Peng Army holding military blades and spears rushed out from the side, surrounding Jiang Lou in the middle. They sized him up, and the captain coldly asked: "Who are you?"    


"I am an old friend of General Zi Ying, may I trouble you all to report back to the camp?" Jiang Lou was only a scholar, he had never cultivated the spirit martial arts before. Despite being surrounded by so many enemy soldiers, he did not show any fear on his face.    


"An old friend of the general?" The captain of the Peng Soldier frowned, and looked at Jiang Lou a few more times in disbelief. Right now, the road up the mountain had already been blocked by Tianyuan Army, if this person was really the general's old friend, how did he come here? However, the way it looked so relaxed and natural didn't seem like it was lying. The Peng Soldier Captain asked: "What is your name?"    


"My name is Jiang Lou." Jiang Lou laughed, and said softly: "I think General Zi Ying probably doesn't remember me anymore, help me deliver a message, if General Zi Ying is not willing to see me, I will definitely regret it in the future!"    


"Oh ?" The Peng Soldier Captain pondered for a moment, and said: "Wait here for a while!" While speaking, he looked towards the Peng Soldier soldiers on his left and right. With a shake of his head, he signaled them to keep their eyes on Jiang Lou and not let him escape.    


When he returned to the camp, he saw Zi Ying at Central Army Tent and told him about Jiang Lou's request for an audience. The latter immediately frowned. He had never seen such a name, let alone an old friend. He shook his head slowly and said, "I don't know this person."    


"General, he said that the general might not remember him anymore, but if we don't see him now, we might regret it in the future."    


"Eh?" Zi Ying was a highly intelligent person, after hearing this, his heart was moved. He pondered for a moment, rolled his eyes, and said to the captain, "Bring this person into the camp, I want to meet him!"    


"Yes!" "General!" The captain agreed and left quickly.    


Jiang Lou, accompanied by many Peng Soldier, arrived at the summit of the Tiger-tooth Mountain and entered the Peng Army Camp. However, since he had already entered the Enemy's Camp, he could no longer afford to miss this opportunity. After Jiang Lou entered the camp, his eyes were no longer wide open as he stared left and right, memorizing everything that he could see in his mind.    


He looked around as he walked, and unknowingly, he had already entered the Central Army Tent.    


This Central Army Tent was not big, and could even be said to be pitifully small. The top of Tiger-tooth Mountain's peak, after all, had limited space, and with so many troops stationed there, it was already extremely crowded.    


Jiang Lou first looked at the Central Army Tent for a while, then his gaze landed on Zi Ying who was sitting in the middle of the group. He was looking at Zi Ying, and the latter was also paying attention to him. Seeing Jiang Lou, Zi Ying was 100% sure that he did not recognize this person. Then, if there was no surprise, this person had come to see him to persuade him.    


While thinking, he raised her head and slowly asked, "Sir, you claim to be an old friend of mine, but you are not among my old friends. What is your intention?"    


At this time, Jiang Lou was no longer hiding anything. He cupped his hands and bowed to the ground, and said: "I presume you are General Zi Ying?!"    


"That's right!"    


"I claim to be an old friend of the general, just an excuse to meet with him!"    


The moment Jiang Lou finished his words, the guards on both sides of the camp all shouted in unison: "How dare you!" As they spoke, the four guards all walked forward and grabbed Jiang Lou's arms, raising him up as they prepared to walk out.    


Jiang Lou did not even look at the guards on the left and right, his eyes meeting Zi Ying's gaze, and said: "Since the general has already met with me, why don't you allow me to finish speaking? If the general were to kill me now, it would be a great disaster for the general! "    


Zi Ying secretly frowned when he heard this. His eyes shone with a strange light as he sized up Jiang Lou once more. After that, he waved his hand at the guards and said, "You guys can leave first."    


The guards did not dare to disobey the order, so they interfered and saluted before retreating from the tent.    


After they left, Zi Ying asked: "What do you mean by that?"    


Jiang Lou said with a stern expression: "If the General were to kill me, it would be equivalent to cutting off his own path of retreat. In the future, when he is out of options, it would be impossible for him to rely on my Tianyuan Army."    


Zi Ying was stunned for a moment, and then, as if he had heard a funny joke, he couldn't help but laugh. After a while, he stopped laughing and said, "So you are a lobbyist from the Tianyuan Army." Let me be frank with you, I have never had the intention to surrender to the Heavenly Abyss Army. Even if I have to fight to the last man or woman, I will persevere and never surrender.    


"Pa, pa, pa ~ ~"    


Just as Zi Ying finished speaking, Jiang Lou was already clapping his hands with a smile, and said indifferently: "General, you are very ambitious, very generous, but have you thought about the fact that your ambition and spirit are forged with the lives of tens of thousands of people? The general is not afraid of death, are the soldiers not afraid of death as well? "    


"Since we've already joined the army, we must place life and death outside our stomachs!"    


"The general is right!" However, the soldiers under the general's command were not real soldiers. They were all ordinary citizens who had been forced to join the army. They were common people who had never entered the battlefield before. Did the general really have the heart to watch them all die on the battlefield? If that's the case, then this general will be the number one executioner in the history of the Feng Country. Even if his body is smashed into smithereens on the Tiger-tooth Mountain, this general will still be scolded by future generations! "    


Jiang Lou's words were sonorous and forceful, causing Zi Ying's face to flush red and turn white after saying those words, before swallowing a single word for a long time.    


After holding it in for a long while, he tightly clenched his fist, and squeezed out a question from between his teeth: "Do you think that Your Army will definitely be able to defeat my army?"    


"Ha ha!" Jiang Lou laughed and asked in reply: "Does General think that a mere Tiger-tooth Mountain is enough to block my five hundred thousand people's Tianyuan Army?"    



Can you? It was not possible! Even Zi Ying himself knew the answer. Forget about the army camp at the bottom of the mountain being burned down, even if it was still there, it would only be a matter of time before it was breached by Tianyuan Army. The key question was how long he could hold out his Tianyuan Army, and whether he could create more time for the imperial city behind him to prepare.    


"General being loyal to Zhong Tian is simply stupid!" Jiang Lou's voice also unconsciously grew louder.    


Zi Ying frowned as he heard this, and looked at Jiang Lou with an ominous glint in his eyes.    


Jiang Lu said, "I am only a scholar, but I know that Zhong Tian killed the monarch and betrayed the country, causing chaos in my country, and bringing shame to my people. As a great general, do you not even understand this principle?    


Zi Ying's face turned red at what Jiang Lou had said, but the murderous look in his eyes had disappeared, he lowered his head and did not reply.    


Jiang Lou continued to speak: "Sovereign King Zhong Tian, even though you have an unorthodox background and are unscrupulous, selling your country to others for glory and not obtained the approval of the citizens, the general only needs to see, the Tianyuan Army has almost reached the walls of the Spirit Soul Realm, but how many wind people are willing to join the army in the capital, and are willing to lend a hand to Zhong Tian? No. If it wasn't forced, there wouldn't be a single one! If Zhong Tian was really such a good ruler, perhaps one person and two others might have misjudged him. Could it be that all the citizens of the Feng Country had misjudged him? Why would the General still want to protect such a wicked person? Could it be that the General insisted on being Zhong Tian's companion, and ended up being as smelly as this thief? "    


It could be said that Jiang Lou's words were like a river flowing, every word was like a blade, the blades were stabbing into the depths of Zi Ying's heart, causing him to have no choice but to start to re-evaluate his own position.    


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