Tomin in The Alien World



0Boom ? Spirit Explosion suddenly exploded right in between Tang Yin and Zhui Yunjian. The resulting explosion was so loud that even the ground seemed to tremble.    


Tang Yin was struck and flung out of the city from the city, falling right into the midst of the Directly Subordinate Army soldiers. Now, looking at Tang Yin, the spirit armour on his chest and abdomen was broken along with the spirit armor on his face, his entire body was covered in blood, he was lying on the ground motionlessly, like a dead man.    


Zhui Yunjian, who was also affected by the explosion wasn't much better off, he bounced off and crashed into the wall of the tower. Due to the powerful force of the shock wave, he sank into the depths of the wall, his spirit armour was also shattered into pieces, and fresh blood flowed from his head and body continuously.    


was heavily injured, and fell down from the top of the city. Whether he was dead or alive was unknown, but it frightened the surrounding soldiers, as well as Wu Guang, Zhan Hu and the Brother Shangguan, who were climbing towards the top of the city. "Lord?"    


The people around him shouted anxiously, but Tang Yin did not move, and did not react at all.    


He did not care if Zhui Yunjian lived or died, what he truly cared about was Tang Yin. If Tang Yin died, then Tianyuan Army would lose without even fighting, and his own contributions would be great. He pointed at the unconscious Tang Yin outside the city, and shouted at the soldiers on his left and right, "Release the arrows! Shoot him! Throwing stones, smashing Tang Yin to death! "    


The Peng Army soldiers naturally would not let go of this rare opportunity. Everyone opened their eyes wide, drew their arrows, and madly shot at Tang Yin. There were many other people who raised their battle stones and fiercely smashed down on him.    


Below the city, Zhan Hu was panicking, his eyes were red, he suddenly shouted: "All of you, get out of my way!" As he spoke, he waved his hands, pushing away all of the Directly Subordinate Army soldiers around Tang Yin, and then pushed himself right in front of Tang Yin, using his huge body to protect the unconscious Tang Yin with all his might.    


Ding ding dang dang!    


The arrows that were shot down from the top of the city wall did not hurt Tang Yin, they were all nailed to Zhan Hu's back, the arrows clashing against the spirit armor made a tinkling sound. Fortunately, the Peng Army soldiers had not received proper training in archery and the power of the arrows were limited, otherwise, with such a dense array of arrows, even if Zhan Hu's cultivation was high, he would still be shot like a hedgehog.    


Zhan Hu was able to block the arrows of the Peng Army, but was unable to block the flying stones that were smashing to the ground one by one. Dong! Before he could even react, the second stone had smashed into Tang Yin's back. His body staggered forward, and grinded his teeth as the third and fourth stone smashed into him, causing Zhan Hu to be unable to stand up, and fell to one knee with a thud. However, he did not fall down, and even when he was kneeling on the ground, he still pressed his hands down on the ground, gritting his teeth to support his body, blocking above Tang Yin, so that he would not be affected by the stone's attack.    


But Tang Yin had brought him from the Dookie to the Feng Country, turning him from a slave who could not bear to see the light of day and night, to a grand general who could not stand the sight of tens of thousands of people. Zhan Hu's heart was filled with gratitude, he had long made up his mind to follow Tang Yin, and in this moment of crisis, Zhan Hu protected him with his life, rather than leaving him alive, he would rather use his own life to protect Tang Yin.    


The rain-like rocks and rolling wood continuously smashed onto Zhan Hu's back and the back of his head. Fresh blood flowed out from the gaps of the spirit armor around his neck, which was from his nose and mouth.    


At this time, Wu Guang and Brother Shangguan also rushed over. Looking carefully, the three of them were shocked, only to see Zhan Hu kneeling on Tang Yin's body, surrounded by scattered slabs of rocks, rolling wood and arrows. The spirit armor on his back was already filled with cracks, and could be broken at any time.    


Wu Guang roared, and anxiously said to Brother Shangguan: You two, quickly bring Master and Zhan Hu away! After he finished speaking, he stood in front of Zhan Hu with his blade once again, and used the Crescent Knife that had transformed from his spirit to call the rolling wood and stone slabs that had fallen from the sky above the city.    


Taking advantage of Wu Guang blocking the other party's attack, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao, with their backs facing each other, quickly ran towards the back of their camp.    


When they returned to their own formation, Qiu Zhen and the others saw what Tang Yin looked like and turned pale with fright. Even the calm and mature Qiu Zhen was a little confused, feeling that a great catastrophe was about to befall him. Fortunately, he had calmed down quite quickly. As he had ordered for Tang Yin to be carried back to his own camp, he also ordered for him to look for the military doctor, Su Yelei, to give him first aid. Then, he gave the order for the entire army to temporarily stop their assault on the city and return to camp.    


Qiu Zhen was very clear that he could not hide the fact that Tang Yin was injured. Once the news spread, it would cause a huge blow to Generals And Soldiers of Self Army's morale.    


Under Qiu Zhen's orders, the Tianyuan Army that was fiercely attacking the other party retreated at all, and the bloody battle at the Yan City for almost an entire day could finally be considered to have come to an end.    


The losses sustained by the defending forces during this battle were not small, but Ye Cheng was still extremely excited. He felt that the chances of his being able to hold onto Yan City had greatly increased. Although they did not know whether Tang Yin was dead or alive, but from the situation at that time, even if Tang Yin was able to preserve his life, he was definitely heavily injured, and would not be able to recover in a short period of time. Tianyuan Army was also unable to raise their morale in the near future and launch another large-scale siege.    


As for Zhui Yunjian, who reported that he was going to perish together with Tang Yin, they all died together. The explosion shattered all of his internal organs, and before he even had the chance to receive first aid, he had already died. Regarding Zhui Yunjian's death, Ye Cheng didn't feel sad at all, but he felt that his death was worth it.    


Just as Qiu Zhen had expected, news of Tang Yin's injury quickly spread across the entire army. The Tianyuan Army soldiers were all worried, and everyone was panicking. Under this kind of mentality, the Tianyuan Army was indeed unable to organize an effective attack.    


Tianyuan Army Camp, Tang Yin's Camp.    


The strategists, led by Qiu Zhen, and the Generals s, led by Xiao Muqing all gathered outside of Tang Yin's tent. Everyone was frowning tightly as they paced back and forth at the entrance, anxious and worried. From time to time, they would stop to raise the curtain to take a look at the situation inside, but they were afraid that it would affect Su Yelei and the other military doctors.    


Zhan Hu was also standing in the middle of the crowd. In order to protect Tang Yin, he was also severely injured, but Zhan Hu's physique was sturdy, his skin and flesh thick, and he did not care about any of the internal injuries or injuries. At this moment, his heart was mostly tied to Tang Yin's safety.    


Seeing that everyone was feeling agitated, Zong Yuan licked his dry lips and said softly: "Master's physique is different from ordinary people. Last time you suffered from such a heavy burn, you were still able to recover very quickly. His words were like words of consolation to others, but also words of consolation to himself.    


Everyone's hearts were clear as a mirror. They understood that the situation this time was completely different from the last time. Tang Yin had been burnt, but the spirit armor was still there, and did not harm his body, only his flesh that was choked by thick smoke. This time, they were hit hard by the opponent's spirit weapon and all of the spirit armor on his body had shattered.    


No one answered him. There were so many people gathered outside the tent but the scene was terrifyingly silent. There were only occasional rustling sounds.    




Right at this moment, the tent flap opened and a young guard walked out. In her hand was a basin full of blood. Upon seeing this, everyone's heart tightened. They hurriedly went forward and surrounded the guard. They asked anxiously, "How is Sir?"    


The young guard smiled and shook his head, then said in a low voice: "It's still unclear, the Medical Officer are currently in emergency treatment."    


"This ?"    


The guards' words did not ease the crowd's worries, but instead made them even more worried. Su Yelei and the rest had already gone through emergency treatment for nearly two hours, yet there were still no results.    


The young guard didn't dare to stay any longer. He took the basin and quickly left.    


Just then, Cheng Jin suddenly spoke out: "I have a way to save Master!"    


"What?" Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and all looked at Cheng Jin strangely. Cheng Jin was just a Spirit Cultivator of Dark. He had never learned medicine before, what could he do to save the others?    


Seeing that everyone was frowning at him, Cheng Jin knew that they did not believe his words, and said faintly: "Using the Death Sacrifice can save the Lord!"    


Death Sacrifice was a dark type martial art's unique sacrifice type skill, it could transfer one's life, soul, and spiritual energy to the person receiving the Sacrifice. Tang Yin was able to become the Spirit Cultivator of Dark because he received Yan Lie's Death Sacrifice and became one with it. Now, seeing that Tang Yin's situation was critical, Cheng Jin thought of this skill that could sacrifice himself to save Tang Yin.    


Many people had never heard of the skill called Death Sacrifice, and were at a loss. However, Jiang Mo and the rest of the Hidden Arrow Crew around Cheng Jin's body trembled, and after a moment, several people from the hidden arrows stood up and cupped their hands towards Cheng Jin: "General, I wish for the Sacrifice!"    


In the eyes of the bystanders, Tang Yin was the hope for the extermination of the traitor and the restoration of the Feng Country, but in the eyes of the Hidden Arrow Crew, Tang Yin was still the hope for the Spirit Cultivator of Dark. As long as Tang Yin was still around, there would be great hope for the secret type of spirit martial arts.    


Cheng Jin looked at his subordinates, smiled slightly, and said: "It was I who suggested it, so naturally let me do it!" Saying that, he looked at Jiang Mo, and said with a stern expression: "When I'm not here, the Dark Arrow cannot scatter, you must take care of it on my behalf!" With that, without waiting for Jiang Mo to reply, he lifted up the door curtain and directly walked into Tang Yin's tent.    


"General ?" Seeing Cheng Jin had gone in, the Hidden Arrow Crew s became anxious, and wanted to follow him in. Just then, Qiu Zhen stepped forward and stopped everyone. He looked at his Hidden Arrow Crew and sighed lightly. Sacrificing one person from the General Cheng in exchange for Master's life was also true ? It's worth it! "    


Others may not know what the Death Sacrifice was, but the knowledgeable Qiu Zhen understood. He could not bear to see Cheng Jin die, but, there was no other way, he could only take the risk.    


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