Tomin in The Alien World



0Tang Yin and Zhan Hu's fight was extremely intense. Zhan Hu fiercely smashed forward, with a huge hammer and a wave of wind, he smashed into the ground and created a huge pit, the moment he hit the tree trunk, he broke it, his momentum was astonishing. On the other hand, Tang Yin was known for his strangeness, sometimes in front, sometimes behind. His movements were erratic and unfathomable, and from time to time, he would attack with a blade that was enough to fluster Zhan Hu's mother's hands and feet.    


Zhan Hu was the one who took the initiative to attack, and Tang Yin was the one who fought, but the latter was extremely skilled in the battlefield and did not seem to panic at all.    


It was rare to meet an opponent with such strength, therefore, Tang Yin was also excited, and continued to fight with Zhan Hu nonstop for more than thirty rounds without being able to determine who was stronger. But at this time, Zhan Hu had already started to pant. As the main attacker, he had expended a lot of energy, especially during a battle with an expert like Tang Yin.    


Seeing that the opponent's offense was gradually weakening, Tang Yin laughed in his heart, he gave a cold cut, cutting across Zhan Hu's waist, the latter's heart trembled, he anxiously used his hammer to parry Tang Yin's sickle, but did not know that Tang Yin's feint was just a feint, the real killer was below, taking advantage of the opponent's attention to focus on his blade, he kicked three times, attacking Zhan Hu's knees and lower body.    


Tang Yin's cultivation level was in the Spirit Heaven Stage, so no matter which kick he took, it would be fatal to Zhan Hu. Zhan Hu gasped, he anxiously used all the strength in his body to jump backwards, he was fast, but Tang Yin's speed was even faster, at the same time he retreated, Tang Yin shot forward, straight into Zhan Hu's chest.    


It was another strange move! Zhan Hu was about to be knocked unconscious by Tang Yin's endless of strange moves. With one hand holding the hammer, he raised his other arm and punched out towards Tang Yin who was charging towards him. As if he had already expected that Tang Yin would do this, Tang Yin's figure that was rushing forward suddenly shrank back. Like a giant ball of meat, he swept below Zhan Hu's fist and still hit his chest.    


A cracking sound could be heard from his eardrum, it was the sound of the collision between the spirit armor and the spirit armor, causing Zhan Hu's gigantic body to be sent flying backwards by the force of Tang Yin's strike. But when Tang Yin touched him, the scythe immediately let go of his hand and tightly grabbed onto Zhan Hu's shoulders, as if its entire body was on Zhan Hu's body, and rolled onto him.    


It wasn't easy to stabilize his body, and seeing that Tang Yin was still hanging on top of him, Zhan Hu roared out, raising his hand to grab at's head, wanting to pull him away from his, but Tang Yin's speed was even faster, he twisted his waist with force, causing Zhan Hu and him to fall apart.    




His forehead was pressed right on top of Zhan Hu's face, causing the spirit armor on the latter's face to shatter, revealing a face filled with stubble. Zhan Hu was so shocked that he instinctively cried out. Before he could re-equip his spirit armor, Tang Yin's head came crashing over again. This time, he hit Zhan Hu's chin.    


He had a helmet made of Spirit Armored Materialization on his head, which was extremely hard. If he had really hit Zhan Hu's chin, he would have been able to break his lower jaw bone, but luckily Tang Yin had been merciful and only used thirty percent of his strength. Even so, Zhan Hu had already fallen into a semi-conscious state after the impact, his eyes were still open, but his gaze had already lost focus, and his eyes were unfocused.    


Seeing him behave, Tang Yin stood up from Zhan Hu's body, and said to Blaine and the others who were standing not too far away watching: "Blaine, feed him the Spirit-dispersed Pill!"    


"Yes sir!" Blaine answered instinctively and quickly walked forward. He then took out a Spirit-dispersed Pill from the pouch that he carried around with him and fed it to Zhan Hu. After suppressing Zhan Hu, Tang Yin looked around, only to see that the 400 odd Bandit s had all been killed. There was no need for the guards to do anything. Shangguan Yuan, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan Yuanbiao were not something the Bandit s could withstand.    


He was already used to the chaotic battle between the Chiliarch and the horses in front of the two armies, and dealing with these hundreds of Bandit was child's play for Shangguan Yuan. He did not need to use his Soul Martial Skill, just one Spirit Wave and all the Bandit would fall. At this time, the leader of the Bandit had already died. The strongest Zhan Hu had been captured by them, and the rest of the Bandit no longer had any will to fight.    


They had planned to ride their horses outside the oasis, but they had never thought that entering the oasis's dense forest was equivalent to entering hell.    


Here, had long planned for an ambush. In the dense forest, the Shadow Shift of these thirty odd people were almost unrestricted, sometimes appearing, sometimes disappearing, just like thirty plus demons, ruthlessly slaughtering the Bandit disciples who had escaped.    


There were no battles. This was a one-sided massacre. The only sound that could be heard was the occasional miserable shrieks that came from the forest. Not long after, the forest became deathly silent without any signs of life.    


After a while, with Cheng Jin in the lead, wearing a black armor, they slowly walked out of the forest. Everyone was holding shining Spiritual Knife s in their hands, and fresh blood was dripping down the blade from time to time.    


Cheng Jin was the first to walk in front of Tang Yin, raising his Spiritual Knife, he interposed and bowed as he said softly: "Master, according to your meaning, no one has left!"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin smiled and nodded, and did not reply.    


Seeing that, Cheng Jin was clever enough to not disperse the spirit armor, and waited for Tang Yin's next order.    


Just then, the leader who survived by a fluke ran over to Tang Yin and held onto his chest with one hand. He gave him a deep bow and said: "Thank you for your help, if not ? We're all going to die in the hands of Bandit! "    


Tang Yin's eyes shone as he smiled and said: "There's no need to be polite, it's just a prison for me to raise my hand!" Before he finished speaking, his right hand took out the Scimitar and stabbed towards the caravan leader's neck.    




This slash, could be said to be outside of everyone's expectations. Let alone the fact that the caravan leader did not react at all, even Shauna and the others did not expect that he would make a move against the caravan.    


Without a scream, Tang Yin's quick and ruthless blade pierced the caravan leader's throat. The latter opened his mouth wide, looking at him in disbelief, his body softly falling down.    


Without even looking at the corpses on the ground, Tang Yin turned his head to look at Cheng Jin and the others, and said faintly: "My order just now was to kill everyone, don't you understand?"    


Cheng Jin's body trembled. He thought that Tang Yin only wanted him to kill all of his Bandit, but didn't think that he would have to kill even the people from the merchant caravan as well. They were talking. He quickly waved towards Hidden Arrow Crew and shouted: "Kill! "Leave no one alive!"    


Cheng Jin's order was a devastating disaster to the remaining people of the caravan. Although Bandit was scary, they still had a chance to retaliate in battle. As Hidden Arrow Crew attacked, they did not even have the chance to fight back with their own attacks.    


The Dark Arrow had just finished a massacre in the forest, and now it was engaging in an even more cruel and bloody massacre in the oasis. The Hidden Arrow Crew did not have any mercy at all, they were all like killing machines, only knowing how to follow orders. If their superiors did not give them an order to stop, they would never stop.    


Of course, their cold-bloodedness was also related to their status as Spirit Cultivator of Dark s. Before they sided with Tang Yin, they were always pushed aside, suppressed, and discriminated against. Slowly, they would develop a cynical personality, and in battle, no matter if the opponent was a man or a woman, strong or weak, they would still be able to kill.    


The Dark Arrow started with a group of people, and its cold and cruel style continued.    


Seeing that Hidden Arrow Crew had massacred the caravan, Shauna could not stop her even if she wanted to. She quickly walked in front of Tang Yin and asked with a trembling voice, "Yin, you ? Why did you kill them? "    


Tang Yin looked deeply at Shauna. He did not want to answer, he did not need to explain anything to anyone, but under Shauna's questioning and puzzled gaze, he secretly sighed, and said: "These people already know my identity as a man of the wind, and they are all merchants traveling all over the place. If word of this gets out, our visit to the Dookie will become meaningless!"    


Ah!" Xiao Na, Brian and the others really didn't expect this. After Tang Yin finished speaking, everyone finally understood why he had his men kill them. It was to silence them.    


Blaine nodded in understanding as he looked at the few remaining people in the caravan who were being chased to the point that they had nowhere to go, and slowly said: "For the sake of secrecy, we can only silence them!"    


Shauna frowned: "But you will still be recognized by people once you reach Dookie City, do you think you can kill everyone who has seen you before?"    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "Once we reach Dookie City, who knows if we are people from the wind or people from Ning?"    


Shauna thought about it again, and felt that Tang Yin was right, there were indeed many people who wanted to go to Dookie City.    


While they were talking, the other side of the Hidden Arrow Crew had already killed everyone in the caravan. Looking back at the oasis now, there were corpses everywhere, no one escaped from the Bandit's attacks, and all the Bandit s that attacked the caravan had also been killed, leaving Tang Yin and the rest behind.    


"My lord, there is no one left alive!" Cheng Jin came back to hand over the order to Tang Yin.    


At this time, Tang Yin laughed and said: "Well done!"    


"Thank you, master!" Hearing Tang Yin's praise, Cheng Jin relaxed and returned the Spiritual Knife to its original state. At the same time, he removed the spirit armor from his body. He turned his head to look at the corpses on the ground and asked, "Sir, these corpses ?"    


Tang Yin looked at the sky and faintly said: "We don't have time to handle this anymore. It will be dark before long!"    


"Yes!" "My Lord!" Cheng Jin nodded.    


Tang Yin's bodyguards said, "Pull the corpses out of the water, and drag them all into the forest."    


"Yes sir!" All the guards received their orders in unison.    


It made the rare fresh water in the desert turn into poisonous water. Even if Tang Yin did not care about anyone else, he had to think for his own sake, since he still had to pass by this place on his way back from Dookie, and even used the water here as supplies.    


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