Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing the Hidden Arrow Crew's report, Tang Yin frowned slightly, and asked: "Who is that person? the cavalry of the Dookie? "    


"The other party's attire is extremely messy, and I don't think he's from the army. As for his identity, I'm not too sure!"    


"Alright, I understand." Tang Yin nodded, allowing the Hidden Arrow Crew to continue probing. At this time, Shangguan Yuan, Cheng Jin, Shauna, Blaine and the rest also heard the sound of the horses' hooves, and came to Tang Yin's side, saying, "Another person is coming!"    


"Yes!" Tang Yin smiled indifferently, waved his hand at them and said: "Everyone sit down, continue resting, no matter who it is, it's none of our business!"    


Everyone nodded and sat down as well. Although they were silent on one side, the caravan was in chaos. People started shouting at each other, and many of the members of the caravan already took out their swords. Shangguan Yuan, who could not understand the language, asked Tang Yin curiously, "Master, what are they shouting about?"    


Tang Yin laughed and said: "It seems that the group of people outside are Bandit!"    


"Bandit?" Shangguan Yuan raised his eyebrows blankly.    


"Bandits in the desert!" Tang Yin explained.    


Just then, Gray Treadwell ran in from the outside and arrived in front of Tang Yin and the others. He shouted anxiously, "There are a lot of people outside, there are about four or five hundred of them.    


Tang Yin waved his hand at him, smiled slightly, and said: "Don't worry, someone will help us block the Bandit!" As he spoke, he directed the crossbow towards the caravan.    


Everyone turned to look and saw that the caravan, which had been in a state of disarray, was now in a state of battle. More than two hundred people had entered the forest, some with sabers, some with swords, and others with bows drawn and arrows aimed at the people outside.    


After a short while, the team of riders arrived at the oasis. Looking carefully, the riders on the horses were dressed in messy clothes, some of them were wearing broken armor, and some were only wearing cloth clothing. Most of them wore light Scimitar, with bows and arrows in their hands. The team of horses suddenly arrived, but they didn't make a sound when they attacked.    


They didn't care about the people in the oasis at all. When they got near, the horse team started to circle around the oasis. Nobody dismounted from their horse to talk.    


Arrows flew in from outside the oasis, some nailed themselves onto the poplar trees, and some even passed through the trees, directly shooting into the oasis. This batch of Bandit arrows was fast, quick, continuous and did not have a single gap between them, Tang Yin and the rest who were sitting inside the oasis were not spared either, being hit by the arrows from time to time.    


To prevent himself from being hurt by the arrows, the three Shangguan Brothers, Cheng Jin, Shauna and the others had already donned their spirit armor. The guards below were all gathered together, carrying their luggage, and blocked the arrows. Amongst everyone present, Tang Yin was the calmest. He sat leaning against a tree and did not even release his spirit armor.    


After all, they were inside the oasis, and were shot by arrows to a much lesser degree. The members of the caravan had reached the edge of the oasis, and were the first to be struck by arrows, many of them falling to the ground. Although they also had retaliation, their manpower was limited, and their archery skills were average, so they were not a big threat to the extremely agile horse team.    


The team of horses circled the oasis five times, and each of them shot at least twenty arrows. Only at this time did the team of horses stop, and the four hundred men got off their horses, put down their bows and arrows, and pulled out their Scimitar, howling like wild beasts as they charged towards the caravans in the forest.    


After all, the caravan was a merchant caravan, and even though there were some escorts inside, they were not experts. Seeing so many Bandit s pouncing towards them, everyone panicked, and many of them held their weapons with trembling hands. The caravan was definitely not a match for the Bandit, Shauna said to Tang Yin: "We need to help them, if not, they will all be killed by the Bandit!"    


Tang Yin said indifferently: "This is none of our business, do not interfere!"    


"But ?" Shauna could not understand, what did she mean by it was none of our business. If the people from the caravan were all killed, with the Bandit charging in, how could they still let go of our side? At this moment, she really did not understand what Tang Yin was thinking.    


The people of the caravan fought with the Bandit that was rushing towards them. The two leaders of the caravan, the two middle-aged people called out from behind the crowd, occasionally commanding the guards to go forward and block the Bandit that was rushing towards them. However, how could the guards of the merchant caravan withstand the Bandit of over four hundred people?    


The two sides had not been fighting for long, and more than twenty of the guards had already been cut down. More than ten of them were also severely injured, and under the sharp attacks of the Bandit, the people of the caravan were forced to retreat, and in the end, all of them were pushed back to the center of the oasis.    


Seeing that their guards could not stop the other party, one of the two middle-aged Dookie merchants shouted: "Stop! Stop! Stop fighting for now! Who is your leader? Let him come out and talk! "    


"What do you have to say?" As the voice rang out, a robust young man walked out from the Bandit crowd. He was over 1.90 meters tall, had reddish-brown hair, two faintly green eyes that flickered, and his facial features were ferocious. Looking at his body, he was bare-chested, and his lower body was covered in cloth boots.    


The man squinted at the middle-aged merchant, sneered and said, "We have been keeping an eye on you for a long time. If you want to live, then leave all your goods, camels, and horses behind. Otherwise, don't even think about living!" As he spoke, he raised his hand and deliberately waved the long blade in his hand in front of the middle-aged merchant.    


The middle-aged merchant shivered. It didn't matter if they kept all the goods, but if they kept all the horses and camels, how could they leave the desert? They would have to die of exhaustion, thirst, and starvation in the desert. He took two steps forward, walked up to the sturdy man and said, "You just need money, we'll give you the goods, but you have to leave the camels and horses for us, otherwise ?"    


"Or what?" The muscular man squinted at the middle-aged merchant, then asked with a sneer.    


"Otherwise, we will fight you to the death! "I don't think you'll get any advantage by doing this!" The middle-aged businessman said with a tough tone.    


"Haha ? ?" The sturdy man laughed out loud. Without warning, he suddenly hacked out the Spiritual Knife in his hand with all his strength and shouted, "I will take your life first!" This strike was too sudden and too fast. Not to mention that the middle-aged merchant didn't know any fighting techniques, even if he had learned it, he might not be able to dodge this strike.    


With a cracking sound, the middle-aged merchant's head was chopped off by the Spiritual Knife, blood immediately spurted out from his severed neck, his headless body still shook twice on the ground, and then fell.    


Ah!" Shangguan Yuan, Cheng Jin and the others who were watching from the sidelines could see clearly and drew in a deep breath in unison. The sand bandits may not have a high cultivation base, but their methods were ruthless enough to kill without blinking.    


"Kill them all, don't leave a single one alive!" The sturdy man turned his head and shouted out to the Bandit s around him.    


"Kill ?"    


The Bandit s were all cruel, in the desert, it was normal to kill and rob people. Now that they had heard the robust man's orders, they all shouted loudly and rushed towards the people from the caravan once again. As the caravan had retreated to the center of the oasis, many of the Bandit saw Tang Yin and the rest, they were still unfamiliar with the people with the faces of the people, two of them rushed to the front of the sturdy man, while pointing at Tang Yin: "Leader, there is still another group of people there, but they do not seem to be from Dookie!"    


"Oh?" The sturdy man turned his head towards the direction Bandit was pointed towards. On the other side of the oasis, there was a large group of people, and more than half of them were black haired, black eyed people with strange clothes. The other half were similar to them, tall and sturdy with golden hair and blue eyes.    


"Humph!" After he finished looking, the sturdy man let out a cold snort and waved to the surrounding people. He brought out hundreds of Bandit s and walked straight towards Tang Yin.    


Seeing that the opponent was coming towards his direction, Tang Yin's mouth slowly rose, with a smile that was barely discernible on his face. He waved at Cheng Jin, and the latter anxiously went over to him, crouching down to listen to his orders. Tang Yin muttered a few sentences beside Cheng Jin's ear, and the latter listened while nodding. When Tang Yin finished speaking, he straightened his body and swung his head towards the Hidden Arrow Crew, then led everyone to quietly retreat into the oasis forest.    


At the same time, Blaine and Gray, the five young nobles, welcomed them with their Bandit, and when there was still a distance of about five meters between the two of them, Blaine and the rest stood still, nodding to the sturdy man who was leading them: "We are not part of the caravan, and do not wish to cause trouble. You all can do what you want, and we can pretend as if nothing happened."    


This was because Tang Yin had already indicated beforehand, so his tone could still be considered calm. Furthermore, the attacked caravan did not have anything to do with them, nor was it about the People of Bessa City. There was no need to make a move for the sake of this caravan and so many Bandit.    


"People of Bessa City?" Hearing Blaine's accent, the sturdy man immediately recognized his identity.    


"Yes!" Blaine did not hide the truth and nodded his head with a smile.    


"Why have all of you come to Dookie?" The sturdy man asked as he sized Blaine and the others up. At the same time, he would glance behind them from time to time, looking for goods.    


Blaine casually replied: "I have something to do."    


"What is it?" The sturdy man had the intention to beat the crap out of him. Just then, without waiting for Blaine to speak, Shauna could no longer hold back and stood up, shouting at the sturdy man: "What do we need to do, have anything to do with you? Why do you ask so much? "    


The sturdy man was first scolded by her, but after seeing Shauna's appearance clearly, his eyes lit up, and the anger on his face was also swept away, at the same time, he praised in his heart: What a beautiful woman!    


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