Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing that the evil wind behind him was not friendly, the student already knew that Tang Yin had used the Shadow Shift to attack him from behind, he was so frightened that he shivered. At this time, he did not care about not losing face anymore, his body laid on the ground, and rolled on the ground, trying to dodge Tang Yin's attack.    


This time, the student was unable to dodge, and his chest was struck by Tang Yin's fist. With a crack, the spirit armor on the student's chest was broken, and he let out a stuffy groan, as he rolled his eyes upwards and fainted. The Spirit Armored Materialization on his body turned into spirit mist, and disappeared, as the spirit sword in his hand also returned to its original state.    


Lowering his head to look at the student's appearance, the corner of Tang Yin's mouth rose as he faintly smiled. It was indeed him, the noble youth whom he met last time at the Ning Army Camp realm.    


Seeing that the young man was knocked out by Tang Yin, the rest of the Spiritual Martial Student s all shouted in surprise and rushed forward to save him. They were fast, but Tang Yin was not slow either, he dodged the sword that was thrusting towards him from the side, following that, he extended his hand forward, and grabbed onto the other party's neck, causing the Spiritual Martial Student to immediately let out a scream. Just as he was about to wave his sword again, Tang Yin released his grip, and the latter raised his hand up, raising it above his head, then channeled all his strength, and smashed it onto the ground.    




This loud sound shook the entire city wall. Then, looking at the Spiritual Martial Student, he broke through several bricks and lost her spirit armor. She laid on the ground motionlessly and fainted as well.    


After knocking another person out, Tang Yin turned his head to let Shangguan Yuan know: "Yuanyu, keep him alive!"    


Shangguan Yuan let him listen, chuckled and replied, "Understood!"    


These Spiritual Martial Student at the Spirit Transformation Realm did not pose a threat to the two of them at all. Under the combined punches and kicks of the two, more than half of them fell to the ground in an instant, leaving behind a few people who were scared out of their wits, not daring to stay any longer, as they screamed and turned to run, but how could their legs move faster than a teleportation Shadow Shift. Tang Yin's figure flashed in front of them in a flash, blocking their path with his scythe scythe.    


"It's easy to survive!" Put down the weapon, scatter the spirit armor, and obediently surrender! Otherwise ? "Saying this, Shangguan Yuan pointed his sabre to the corpse on the ground and sneered," You guys have to be like them!    


A few Spiritual Martial Student s were still making their last struggles. Right now, their only hope was to wait for the Ning Army under the city to rush over and resolve the crisis before them. In reality, the Ning army that was attacking the city had indeed gathered here. They were all setting up ladders and preparing to climb up.    


Hearing the commotion below the city, and seeing the few panicked and persistent Spiritual Martial Student, Tang Yin immediately understood their intentions. He snorted, placed the scythe on his left hand, extended his right hand horizontally, and slowly said: "You want to wait for them to save you, stop dreaming, no one will be able to come up!" As he spoke, a thick Black Fog appeared from the center of his palm and condensed in the center of his palm. The Black Fog became more and more concentrated, and finally condensed into a small black ball that shone with a ghostly light.    


A few students could see it clearly, and they exclaimed at the same time, "Shadow Spell!" Just as they finished shouting, they all shouted in unison towards the city walls, "Out of the way, get out of the way!"    


It was too late for them to dodge, even if they could understand what was being shouted at them. Almost at the same time they shouted, the black ball of light in Tang Yin's hand was thrown below the city walls.    


The black ball smashed onto the head of one of the Ning Bing soldiers, and with a pa sound, the black ball shattered. The thick Black Fog immediately wrapped around the black ball, as if the Black Fog had a life of its own, and drilled into Ning Bing's body through her orifices and pores. Along with the invasion of the Black Fog, Ning Bing's body also started to swell rapidly, and his body became bigger and bigger, rounder and rounder, even the armor on his body cracked, and in the end, his body could no longer bear the expanding force, and exploded with a bang.    


The surrounding Ning soldiers had never seen a Shadow Spell before, and were all dumbstruck by the scene before them. When the Ning soldier's body exploded, they all stood there like wooden stakes, not even dodging at all. Immediately, a circle of Ning soldiers were affected by the Shadow Spell. Once it touched the black flesh, their bodies began to rapidly expand until there was nothing left of them. In the blink of an eye, the Shadow Spell had spread out among the unprepared Ning army. The entire army was affected by it and became a part of the spread of the Shadow Spell.    


The Ning Army Camp below the city was in chaos, people had never seen such a vicious and cruel Spirit Martial Technique, crying and fleeing in all directions. Escape was the best choice to avoid the Shadow Spell. As the large number of Ning Army scattered in all directions, the Shadow Spell lost its target of attack. In the end, it calmed down amidst the black flesh and blood that filled the ground.    


Looking down from the city walls, there was not even a complete corpse, not even the original color of the ground could be seen. All that one could see was a pitch-black pool of blood and flesh, and more than two hundred living beings had instantly perished. The Shadow Spell was indeed one of the most malicious techniques, but it had its advantages and disadvantages. Although it had a strong killing power, it was not an instantaneous attack like the Light Spirit Martial Skill, which was a slow spreading attack, and in this way, it would easily give the opponent time and space to dodge, and once the opponent got familiar with it, the damage produced would be very limited. Also, a high level Spirit Cultivator could release Spirit Pressure to counter the Shadow Spell, so even though it was called the Shadow Shift and the Shadow Clone, it was not like the previous two skills.    


At this time, even if the effects of the Shadow Spell were to dissipate, the fleeing Ning soldiers did not dare to pull back immediately. Looking at the black blood on the ground, they did not even dare to step on it, as they were afraid of it like snakes and scorpions. Ning Jun's army below the city was temporarily blocked by the Shadow Spell. This had completely broken the last hope of the Spiritual Martial Student trapped at the top of the city walls.    


These Spiritual Martial Student who were originally arrogant and haughty, had no choice but to put down their weapons in order to preserve their lives. They dispelled the spirit armor on their bodies and surrendered to Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan. Seeing that they had submitted, the smile on Tang Yin's face widened, and he threw his head towards Shangguan Yuan. The latter understood, and after dispersing the spirit armor on his body, he took out the Spirit-dispersed Pill, and forced all the Spiritual Martial Student to consume it, then he called for the Feng Soldier to tie them up and place them under the city gates.    


The group of Spiritual Martial Student that Zhan Wudi had gathered, had a total of around fifty people. In the end, more than half of them died, and only six or seven escaped, while the rest became prisoners of Feng Army.    


At the very least, they had attracted Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan away from the two main generals, which had created an empty space for the attacking army. The Ning Army seized the opportunity under Zhan Wudi's direct command, using their human sea tactics to resist the Feng Army's defense, they rushed up the city wall once again, and the fierce battle once again developed into a close combat fight.    


When facing on a narrow path, the brave win! In a direct battle of attrition, it was no longer a matter of pure combat strength and equipment, but more of a contest of willpower. As the chaotic battle between the two sides began, the two sides' eyes became bloodshot. Looking up, the entire city wall was engaged in a fierce battle to the death. From time to time, soldiers would scream miserably as they fell into a pool of blood, while from time to time, some people would cry out in fear and fall off the city wall.    


When Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan retreated back to the main battlefield, the chaotic battle between the two sides had already started for a long time. With tens of thousands of soldiers of the Ning Army charging up to the city walls and controlling a 20 metre area of the city walls, they were able to stabilize their formation. Tang Yin was not a schemer, but in a battle where short soldiers clashed, his reaction and reaction speed were both extremely strong.    


He quickly observed the situation on the battlefield, and while his mind raced, he also analyzed the situation. He said to Shangguan Yuan urgently, "Yuanyu, you take on this side, I'll go to the other side. We'll split up and defend on one side, no matter what, we have to resist the impact of the Ning Army and think of a way to send them back into the city!"    


"Understood!" Shangguan Yuan let the spirit armor cover him again and bluntly answered.    


Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan had allowed Ning Jun, who was rushing towards them with all his might, the former didn't stop at all, and directly dragged his scythe and flashed into the crowd of Ning Army, passing through the Ning Army Camp and arriving at the other side of their group. Just as he was about to use his Shadow Shift, tens of Ning Army's members died under his scythe.    


Tang Yin led the group to the left side of the city wall, while Shangguan Yuan moved to the right side of the city wall. The two of them held the army in the center, preventing the area under their control from expanding any further.    


What followed was a bloody battle between the two sides.    


The fighting between the soldiers on both sides had reached its climax. The Feng Soldier s thrusted their spears forward crazily. Under the continuous clashing of Steel Armor s, the originally sharp spear tips were grinded flat. When the spears became dull, the soldiers pulled out their swords and continued to attack crazily.    


At this time, the valiant and combative side of the Windman was fully displayed. Many of the exhausted soldiers who had been killed, in order to lighten their burdens, simply took off their armor and went to battle bare-handed. Their sabers were all wrapped in cloth, and even if they were injured and cut down by the enemy, they would not let their weapons slip.    


Ning Jun's soldiers fell in large groups, while the Feng Army's soldiers fell in rows after rows. The corpses of the people from both sides piled up, and layer after layer of them were laid down.    


The battlefield was like a giant meat grinder, revolving, swallowing up all life on the battlefield.    


Due to the fact that there were too many casualties, and the soldiers had already been used to the limit, without any spare personnel, the injured Feng Army was simply unable to carry on, and no one had the time to carry the injured comrades away. The army doctors in the Feng Army had already run up to the top of the city walls, and as long as the soldiers in front of them were injured and evacuated, they could treat and bandage them on the spot.    


As the battle continued, it was unknown how many people had died in the twenty thousand Feng Army s. Even the surviving soldiers were all injured and covered in blood, so it was unclear how many were their own and those were all the enemies'.    


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