Tomin in The Alien World



0Towards the Shadow Spell, the two hanger-ons did not dare to be careless. Although they had the spirit armor protecting them, they still needed to use spirit energy to cancel it out. When the black blood clots hit their bodies, the two hanger-ons had no choice but to stop, secretly releasing their spirit energy, strengthening the spirit armor on their bodies, and resisting the corrosion of the Shadow Spell.    


Very quickly, the effects of the Shadow Spell had worked, and the spirit armor on both of their bodies were also corroded. After the two of them released their spirit energy and covered their spirit armor, they raised their heads to look for Tang Yin, not a single trace of him could be seen.    


What a cunning assassin! The two doors jumped up and down politely, but they could only continue chasing.    


The two of them were chasing towards the north, but Tang Yin was chasing towards the west. Now that he didn't have two hanger-ons chasing him, he felt much less pressured. Now that he had to deal with the palace guards, he wasn't as nervous as before. If he could avoid them, he would try his best to avoid them.    


The situation was no longer as critical as before, so Wu Mei was slightly relieved. Looking at the palace maid Tang Yin, he asked: "Who exactly are you? Was it a human or a monster? Where are you taking me? "    


"I'm human, you can rest assured about this. Right now, I have to rescue you so that you can reunite with your family. As for who I am, you will naturally know in the future." Tang Yin answered each and every one of them, but he did not say his name. He was still in the palace and in a dangerous place, so this was not the time to officially meet with Wu Mei.    


He said that she was a human, but Wu Mei was suspicious, if it was a human, how could it be possible for her chest to be blasted with a hole that had not even bled a drop of blood, and be healed so quickly? Furthermore, he was running very fast with herself under the cover, but he did not have any breathing space when he spoke.    


"He's already been saved. If nothing goes wrong, he should be outside the city soon."    


"Huh?" Wu Mei was shocked when she heard it, she could not believe her own ears, her family had all been saved? How was this possible? She hesitated for a moment before asking, "Were you the one who saved him?"    


"I'm not the only one."    


"Why? Why are you helping us? I've never seen you before! "    


Wu Mei's questions were endless, how could she have the mood to answer her in detail? He shushed her lightly and said in a low voice: "Don't speak, enemies are coming again!"    


These words were extremely effective, but upon hearing him speak, Wu Mei immediately shut her mouth nervously.    


There were indeed more enemies in front of him, and there were more than one of them. The guards were standing in a tight formation, their bows nocked and their swords drawn, ready to be used at any moment. Seeing that the arrow formation was right in front of him, Tang Yin was secretly shocked, but if he wanted to retreat, he had no way, so he could only grit his teeth and charge forward.    


"Release the arrows!"    


Following the shout, the guards in front of them released arrows at the same time. The arrows flew like a dense rain of rain towards Tang Yin. Seeing that, Wu Mei shut her eyes in shock, not only was she unable to condense Profound Spirit Qi after eating the Spirit-dispersed Pill, even at her peak condition, with her cultivation, she was unable to stop the dense arrows.    


Tang Yin said in a deep voice: "Hold my neck tight!" With that, he carried Wu Mei on his back, bent down, and rushed towards the Arrow Rain.    


Ding dang dang dang ~ The arrow shot into his body, releasing a crisp sound of an iron weapon striking against each other. Tang Yin was struck by the arrow and involuntarily took a few steps back.    


He could not continue like this. He would not be able to pass through the enemy's arrow formation. His arms grew longer, his legs shortened, the clothes on his body disappeared, revealing wrinkled and pale white skin. Looking at his face, which only had two slits left, with his nose turned into two black holes, and his mouth opened so wide that it almost reached his ears, revealing his fangs, his appearance was extremely frightening. Wu Mei, who was behind him, was so frightened by the sudden change that her face lost color.    


Feeling her hands showing signs of loosening around his neck, Tang Yin said coldly: "Hug me tightly!"    


As he spoke, he dashed forward, and when he ran, his speed was even faster, like a cheetah pouncing on its prey. The guards had never seen such a monster in their lives, the entire square formation was scared out of their wits, the arrows shot by people were not as accurate as before, and the power of the arrow formation was greatly reduced.    


Using this rare opportunity, Tang Yin took the opportunity to rush to the front of the square formation with Wu Mei on his back. He leaped into the air, and just happened to pounce onto one of the guards as he landed.    


As his speed was too fast, the resulting impact was too great. He stepped on the guard's chest, and pushed him five or six meters away, causing all of the palace guards to be knocked to the side. By the time Tang Yin jumped away from the guard, the latter had already been squashed into a meat patty, and he could not even distinguish his human form, only leaving behind a lump of indistinct flesh and blood.    


Both of his hands had turned into hand blades with the Soul Combustion s of Fire of Darkness attached to them. The leather armour on the guards couldn't stop the hacking of the blades on his hands at all, and in a short moment, thirty over people were cut by the blades on his hands and died.    


Tang Yin took this opportunity to absorb spirit energy, to make up for the spirit energy that he lost when he was hit by the Spirit Explosion.    


The guards were thoroughly frightened by this monster that was half human, half ghost. The formation of several hundred people had turned into a pot of porridge. Suddenly, someone shouted, "Sir, we're here!"    


Following the voice, Cheng Jin led the twenty hidden arrow brothers who rushed out from behind the guards.    


Seeing them, Tang Yin was first overjoyed, and then he asked in a low voice: "Why have you come recently?"    


Cheng Jin said: "We will lend Master a hand!" In truth, they could not wait any longer. At this time, the news of an assassin appearing in the palace had already reached outside the palace, and a large number of troops rushed over, surrounding the palace. If Cheng Jin and the rest were not near, they would be blocked outside.    


Master, leave quickly. There are Zhong Tian's lackeys everywhere outside, it will be too late if we delay any longer!    


Tang Yin's heart tensed up, he nodded at Cheng Jin and said: "Let's go!" With these words, he no longer bothered with the guards and continued to run towards the west wall of the palace.    


The group of guards in front of them were scattered by Tang Yin and the others, but there were even more that quickly gathered.    


Seeing that more and more guards were rushing over, Cheng Jin shouted, Stay ten men and block them!    


Following his order, Hidden Arrow Crew immediately withdrew ten people, and spread out to block the enemies that were coming from all directions.    


10 people, compared to the sea of guards, were simply too insignificant. In just a moment, they were submerged within a sea of people. The sounds of fighting could be heard from the crowd, but the 10 figures were nowhere to be seen.    


At the same time as he cut down the large amount of guards, Hidden Arrow Crew suffered heavy blows from time to time as well, and wave after wave of attacks from all directions landed on their bodies. Every time they were struck, black smoke would come out, and the spirit energy of the clone would weaken a little.    


After that, seeing that they were really brave, the guards stopped fighting to the death and charged forward, but instead sent their halberd hands, using the long Battle Halberd to firmly hold them in place, making it hard for them to move. Afterwards, the guards around released their arrows together, following the Arrow Rain's sweep, the Shadow Clone was pierced to a thousand holes, becoming a hornet's nest.    


However, the life and death struggle of the ten of them had indeed won Tang Yin and the rest a lot of time. In one breath, they rushed to the bottom of the Western Palace wall, and at the moment, the wall was already filled with palace guards. Because Tang Yin was not able to use Shadow Shift on his back, he shouted to Cheng Jin: "Charge over there and open a gap!"    


"Yes sir!"    


"Yes!" Cheng Jin replied, he shook his head towards the Hidden Arrow Crew, and everyone activated Shadow Shift, in the blink of an eye they were already on the wall, fighting with the guards there.    


With them rushing and killing him, the guards on the wall were thrown into a mess, and the arrows could no longer be released. Tang Yin took this chance and rushed towards the wall, his ten fingers bent like a Spiritual Knife's, holding onto the wall as he quickly climbed up.    


At this time, he had already reverted back to his original appearance, and the voice that he spoke had become normal, so the Wu Mei behind him sounded more and more familiar, just that she could not see Tang Yin's face, and was unable to confirm.    


Taking advantage of the time while he was climbing the wall, she suspiciously asked, "You ?" You are Tang Yin? "    


"That's right, that's right, that's right! I'm just a clone!" Tang Yin replied casually. As he said that, he had already scuttled to the top of the city wall, and the ten fingers that formed into Spiritual Knife closed in on him. They then turned into two long blades, and together with Cheng Jin, he killed the guards on the wall.    


Wu Mei held him tightly by the neck, her body pressing even tighter as she leaned on his back slowly. Even though she couldn't hear his heartbeat, and even though he was formed from the Shadow Clone, she could still feel a strong sense of sweetness.    


It was indeed him, the man that he had been yearning for day and night.    


Ever since Zhong Tian had announced that he wanted to marry her, she had thought that he would never see Tang Yin again in his entire life. He never thought that he would actually meet him again, and even be so close to him, lying on his back and hugging him tightly.    


"These days, I often dream that you will come to save me and take me far away!" Wu Mei whispered into his ear, as tears unknowingly rolled down her face.    


Tang Yin did not reply, he was still slashing and killing the surrounding guards.    


"Even if I die right now, I won't complain ?"    


"I won't let you die!" Tang Yin replied straightforwardly as he lowered his head to look outside the palace. The crowd below was made up of horseman squads, he turned around and shouted at Cheng Jin: "Stop fighting, quickly retreat!"    



"Yes sir!" Cheng Jin agreed, then shouted at the other ten Hidden Arrow Crew s: "Withdraw!"    


"Captain, protect the lord and leave first. We will stay behind!" Out of the ten Hidden Arrow Crew s, none of them took half a step back after hearing Cheng Jin's order. If they had all left, the guards would have gathered on the wall and set up their formations. They, as well as Tang Yin, would probably not be able to escape.    


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