Tomin in The Alien World



0Hearing that Tang Yin wanted to ask for help, the three Shangguan brothers, as well as Lu Fang and the others were stunned. They asked in unison, "Who is Master looking for?"    


Tang Yin laughed: "Whose news did we get about Zhong Tian's rebellion?"    


"Deng Mingyang?"    


"That's right!" Tang Yin faintly said: "Deng Mingyang is my old subordinate, since he's willing to inform me at the first possible moment, which means that he has an objection to Zhong Tian's rebellion, I'll go meet him tonight, and I think he can help us!"    


"Milord, he won't ?" Cheng Jin had always been a suspicious person, and had never seen Deng Mingyang before either.    


"It's fine, don't worry." Tang Yin understood what he meant and shook his head with a smile.    


That night, Tang Yin went to find Deng Mingyang, because he was not going to fight nor force Deng Mingyang to submit. Originally, Tang Yin did not plan to bring people with him, but Shangguan Yuan agreed to follow along.    


The two of them had both changed into the clothes and pants that commoners usually wore, and Tang Yin had even intentionally put on a straw hat that covered most of his face. He had been a regiment commander in the Yan City before, after all, and there were many people who knew him, so he did not wish for the news of him going to the Yan City to spread.    


After exiting Yue Zijie's house, the two of them went straight to Deng Mingyang's residence.    


In the past, Deng Mingyang was a Captain under Tang Yin's command.    


Afraid that something unexpected might happen, Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan let them avoid wandering around in the Yan City and rushed straight to Deng Mingyang's residence.    


Deng Mingyang's family situation was not bad. Within the Yan City, there were independent courtyards. Although it was not considered big, the main house and the rooms in it were considered complete.    


After arriving at his doorstep, Tang Yin stood at the side, indicating for Shangguan Yuan to knock on the door. The latter answered and walked to the door, and knocked several times, but there was no sound coming from the inside. Shangguan Yuan frowned and continued to hit the door a few times, after waiting for a long time, sounds of footsteps came from inside, only then did the door slowly open a crack, and half a face appeared from the inside.    


The one who opened the door was a young man wearing grey clothes, he looked like Deng Mingyang's servant. The young man's face was filled with fear. Seeing that there were only two people outside, he obviously heaved a sigh of relief. He raised his eyes to look at Shangguan Yuan who was knocking on the door and felt that he was unfamiliar. What's the matter? "    


Shangguan Yuan said bluntly, "I'm looking for Chiliarch Deng!"    


The youth's frown deepened as he said with a face full of impatience, "I'm sorry, my master is not here right now." Finished speaking, he took a step back and was about to close the door. At this time, Tang Yin reached out his hand, blocked the door, and waved the straw hat on his head. He asked with a smile: "Wu, is your old master that busy? Not home so late. "    


Hearing this, the impatience on the youth's face deepened as he said angrily, "What does the master of my house being busy or not have to do with you ?" As he spoke, he looked towards Tang Yin, and when he saw Tang Yin's appearance clearly, he was as shocked as a wooden chicken, unable to continue.    


Seeing that, Tang Yin's smile became even wider, and he asked: What's wrong? It's only been a year and you don't recognize me? "    


"Tang..." General Tang? " The young man snapped out of his shock and could not believe his own eyes. Tang Yin had regained her Yan City, and Tang Yin, who had openly resisted Zhong Tian, actually dared to regain her Yan City. This was simply too inconceivable.    


"Is Chiliarch Deng at home?"    


"On... At home! "    


"Then can I go in?"    


"Good, good ?" The young man looked like he had been bewitched, he stared straight at Tang Yin and nodded blankly, then mechanically retreated to the side to let the door open. Tang Yin shook his head towards Shangguan Yuan, then strode into the courtyard.    


When Tang Yin and Shangguan Yuan let them in, the young man shuddered and suddenly reacted. He quickly locked the door, turned around and ran into the main house like a wisp of smoke. Without guessing, he was sure that this was to inform to Deng Mingyang. Sure enough, not long after the young man entered the main house, Deng Mingyang came out.    


When he saw Tang Yin standing in the center of the courtyard, he was both surprised and happy. At the same time, grief arose in his heart as he rushed forward and arrived in front of Tang Yin. His eyes reddened, and he kneeled on one knee as he said with a trembling voice: "This subordinate ? Deng Mingyang greets the general! "    


Tang Yin reached out to help him up, and looked up and down at Deng Mingyang. He felt that had become more haggard compared to when he left, and it seemed like Zhong Tian's usurping of the throne hadn't been a good time for him. He said: "Chiliarch Deng does not need to be so courteous, furthermore, you are no longer my subordinate!"    


's tears almost fell when he heard this. If he had known earlier, today would come. He really should have followed Tang Yin to the Pingyuan County back then.    


Just as Tang Yin had predicted, these days, Deng Mingyang was not living well. After Tang Yin stepped down from his position as Second Regiment Master, he still continued to stay within the regiment as a thousand-man commander. After he took over the position, the Second Regiment that he valued the most would not be let off, and after removing the original commander, he began to suppress the thousand-man commanders as well, so anyone who complained at all would immediately be killed. In these past few days, Deng Mingyang had seen too many of his comrades die by Zhong Tian, and he could not even sleep soundly, afraid that Zhong Tian's big blade would strike his head at any time.    


Now that he saw Tang Yin, his heart was in turmoil, his emotions mixed, and he was filled with regret. He took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "This subordinate was once a general's subordinate, but I am still a general's subordinate now!"    


Tang Yin laughed, then shook his head at the main house and said: "Let's go inside to talk!"    


Deng Mingyang fiercely slapped his head, he immediately turned and extended his hand: "Please, please, please! "General, please come in." While speaking, he looked towards Shangguan Yuan who had arrived with Tang Yin. Deng Mingyang did not recognize him, and sized him up before asking suspiciously, "General, this is ?"    


"We're on our own!"    


Tang Yin replied simply without saying anything else. However, his words made Deng Mingyang feel extremely happy. Tang Yin saying this meant that he considered himself to be one of them.    


After entering the main room, Deng Mingyang invited Tang Yin to sit, then called for the servants to quickly serve tea. Seeing that, Tang Yin smiled and waved his hand, and said: "Ming Yang, no need to be so courteous!"    


"Of course." Deng Mingyang sat obediently on the side and said while nodding his head.    


Tang Yin looked at him deeply, and said: "Do you know the purpose of my return to Yan City?"    


Deng Mingyang took a deep breath, he rolled his eyes and asked: "Could it be that Master is here to save him?"    


"That's right!" Tang Yin said: "I will rescue all those with Liang Family, Wu Family, and Ziyang Family."    


"This ?" Deng Mingyang's expression changed slightly. He had guessed that Tang Yin was here to save them, but he had thought that he was. He did not expect that would need to save so many people.    


Tang Yin said: "The forces controlled by these three families number two hundred thousand, I must bring them to my side, if not, with my current strength, it will be difficult for me to contend against Zhong Tian. Mingyang, I hope that you can help me."    


Cold sweat trickled down Deng Mingyang's forehead, it was easier said than done, to save the people of the three families, Liang, Wu, and Zi Yang were all powerful and wealthy, famous noble families, with too many family members, the three families combined had to be close to a thousand people, how could they be able to save so many people? In addition, they were currently locked up in the Zhong Residence with fifteen squadrons guarding them. That was a total of ten thousand men.    


Seeing Deng Mingyang's troubled face, Tang Yin squinted his eyes and asked casually: "What? Ming Yang, you're not willing to help me? "    


"No, no, no!" Deng Mingyang immediately shook his head, and said: "I will definitely do what the general has asked me to do, and I will definitely help him. It's just that, Liang, Wu, and Zi Yang have too many family members, and close to a thousand people, and also have a group of guards, if the general tries to save me, I will definitely alert them, and even if we leave the Zhong Residence, I am afraid ? I'm afraid it will not be able to produce the Yan City. "    


Tang Yin never thought that the families of the three families would have so many people. After hearing what Deng Mingyang said, he frowned, even if there was a tunnel that led outside of the city, with so many people, it would be unavoidable for them to be old and weak. Even if they went out of the city through the tunnel, it would be difficult for them to escape Zhong Tian's pursuit.    


Therefore, in order to save people, he must not alert them of their presence. He had to do it secretly, but could he save thousands of people in the heavily guarded Zhong Residence without anyone noticing? At this time, even Tang Yin was a little lacking in confidence. After a long silence, his eyes suddenly lit up and he asked, "Who is the captain of the 15th legion?"    


"Zhong Sang." Deng Mingyang replied: "He's Zhong Tian's nephew."    


"Is it really that powerful?" Tang Yin casually asked.    


"Although his cultivation has only reached the Spirit Transformation realm, he is rather shrewd and cunning, and won't be easy to deal with." Deng Mingyang answered carefully and paused for a moment. He then said: "However, this person is extremely lustful, drooling over the two of us. If it wasn't for Zhong Tian pressing on us from above, he probably would have done it already ?"    


A glint flashed across Tang Yin's eyes, and he then asked: "How is your relationship with him?"    


Deng Mingyang shook his head and said: "I've only met you a few times, I don't have a good relationship with you." For a Captain like him, who had no background at all, how could Zhong Sang care about him? Even if he wanted to befriend him, might not even pay attention to him.    


Tang Yin squinted his eyes and muttered: "Since he is such a lustful person, it isn't difficult for me to get him out. I just need to seduce him with my beauties."    



"Beautiful?" Deng Mingyang's eyes widened, he did not understand what Tang Yin wanted to do with Zhong Sang. If he had secretly planned to kill him, then he would have beaten the crap out of him before he could even save him.    


Tang Yin thought for a while, then suddenly laughed, with an evil laugh, he asked: "Can Sister-in-law please come out to have a seat?"    


"Pu!" Deng Mingyang almost choked on his saliva. Of course he knew that Tang Yin was not that lustful, but suddenly mentioning his wife, could it be that he wanted her to seduce Zhong Sang? He dryly smiled and said, "General, this ? "This is ?"    


His guess was right, Tang Yin did indeed have that intention.    


In the past, he had heard that Deng Mingyang's wife was very beautiful, but he had never seen his before. Now, he wanted to see if he was really as beautiful as the rumors said, and if that was true, he could use it.    


He laughed and said, "Mingyang, don't worry. I won't let your wife suffer a loss."    


"But ?" Deng Mingyang had already faintly detected Tang Yin's intentions. No matter what, as a man, no matter who it was, if their wife seduced another man, no one would feel comfortable in their heart.    


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